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Link | by Koushoku-jin on 2011-11-22 17:45:24 (edited 2011-11-22 18:08:36)
Something random -- Of course, you get to see a lot of these in supermarkets, groceries, your pantry, your buddy's secret stash... yup, canned goods -- from meats, fish and sorts...

Though, what else would you expect to be canned? What would you want to be canned? What should be canned?

Simple rule: just state the item you want "Canned" =D

** Well -- describing the product contents or adding an action is optional and up to the poster... anything goes, as long the Admins allow ( no suggestive or inappropriate remarks )

a) Canned Kagome
b) Canned Tachikoma ( Tanks on the go )
c) Canned Plu, now 50% off

"I think animation is something that needs the pencil, needs man's drawing hand, and that is why I decided to do this work in this way" ( Hayao Miyazaki )

Re: Canned...
Link | by on 2011-11-23 10:09:36
Canned Jin Kisaragi
Canned Computer
Canned French Fries
Canned Homework.


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