Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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![]() Welcome to the world of Extalia! This is a world where magic is a rare gift bestowed on only a few. Extalia's uniqueness come from its large variety of races. Elves, Dwarfs, Vampires, Werewolves, Naga, Dragons, many many more and of course....HUMANS! Despite the large demographics of species, absolutely none of them get along at all. Each of the many many races tend to stay in only their own cities and lands ignoring and avoiding each other at all costs. However, there are times that they inevitably mingle and sometimes even fall in love. However, any offspring born from a mixed parentage is almost immediately shunned by both of its parents races. They live a life of struggle and often pain as they just try to survive. Few towns allow those of mixed blood to reside there and often the 'half-bloods' are forced to act as drifters due to not being welcomed at all. These poor wretches seemed doomed to forever suffer unfairly for the simple sin of just being born...until now. Mavis Vermilion was just six years old when her human father passed away. Her human mother remarried and elf and soon her sister was born. Mavis loved her sister dearly and as they grew up, was dismayed to see the heavy prejudice forced on her. This was also dangerous due to the fact that her sister was one of the few people who could use magic, a bugging mage. However, no one, human or elf wanted to take her as an apprentice leading her to have little control over her powers. One day, when Mavis was 15 they were attacked. Her sister lost her life in a burst of magic trying to defend the both of them. Now, 25 years later Mavis has seen enough of the suffering on half-bloods like her sister and has finally come up with a solution. She calls it, the Fairy Tale Plan. With a large fortune acquired through the years, Mavis is now attempting to found a completely new town. A home for all half-bloods where they can call their own. A place where no bigotry can survive. She has already begun construction on the town but what it needs now is residences. She has chosen to name the town after her beloved sister: Magnolia And now comes step two of the plan. She has sent out invitations of some of the most prominent half-bloods in Extalia inviting them to the town. Her plan is to have them form a team whose sole mission is to travel to all of the known residences around the known to find those like minded. They would find those who would be willing to join the town and help to convince those whose skills would be beneficial to the town. Mavis has issued that ALL races ignoring if they are not half blooded are invited to join the town. The only condition: To live in peace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Races of Extalia 1)Humans ![]() Highest Ranking Leader: King Simonedeas Wrym Known Cities: Stormwind (Capital), Theramore Isle (Port), Loderon, Araluan, Wyruin, Gadula, Hardeon (Port), Dalaran -Humans have a reputation of being both among the most bigoted and also the most accepting of all of the races. -The humans main advantage is versatility. They are adapt to any condition and as such their towns and cities are found all over Extalia. Humans can also undertake ANY job known. They specialize in becoming priests, monks and paladins to a high religious faith. -The main disadvantage of humans are their physical conditions. Humans are not as physically special as most of the other races and posses absolutely no advantage from their normal bodies. Humans are also not very well liked by the other races and are only on friendly terms with high elves and dwarfs. -The majority of human cities are under the rule of King Simonedeas Wrym of Stormwind. They pay tribute to him in exchange for protection. There are several human settlements that do not answer to him like the port of Hardeon and the Island-nation of Araluen. 2)High Elves ![]() Highest Ranking Leader: Queen Sylvanas Windrunner Known Cities: Hala (Capital), Rivendell, Silvermoon, Quel'Thalas, Shire (Port) -High Elves are one of the most oldest and as such most knowledgeable of all races. They are also quite arrogant and often see many of the other races as below them. The high elf main advantage is longevity. They are able to live over a thousand years easily and often only die in combat. They are also very attuned with magic and often have more mages then all the other races. Their mages are also amongst the most powerful in Extalia. Elves also produce the most scouts of all races due to their naturally high agility. -The main disadvantage of high elves are their frailty. Their bodies are often less durable then even humans causing them to have very, very few physical type fighters. High elves also can suffer from a syndrome called magic withdrawal. It occurs when they spend a lot of magic at once leaving them weak and with a possibility of dying unless their magic is replenished. -All high elf cities are under the rule of Queen Sylvanas Windrunner with each city having leaders of their own. 3)Nathrezim (Vampires) ![]() Highest Ranking Leader: High Count Vlad Tepes IV Known Cities: Transylvania (Capital), Rozenkruz, Yorukaze, Bantheor, Stockholm (Port) -Nathrezim like high elves also posses a long longevity and also an equally large amount of arrogance. Their society is amongst the most set in old ways with different classes performing different jobs under the servitude of the aristocrats. Most vampires specialize in becoming assassins, summoners and scouts. 50% of the Nathrezim above 500 years of age grow a pair of bat-like wings which can be used to fly. -The Nathrezim's main advantage is their ability to channel their unrivaled reserves of energy directly into their unique musculature, generating an unrivaled level of physical strength, often referred to as "pure power." This means that their muscles are powered directly and continuously by their energy, which allows them to generate incredible amounts of physical force in their physical blows and techniques. They also posses a very high durability. They also attain more special abilities with age. -The main disadvantage of the Nathrezim is that the whole race suffers from an affliction called bloodlust. For nourishment they require the blood of any other species daily. Without this, they suffer syndromes similar to starvation and will enter in a state of madness to seek blood. Nathrezim also are less attuned to magic due to the large variety of their own natural abilities. As a result, they produce amongst the fewest mages amongst all of Extalia's races. -All Nathrezim cities are independently ruled by a Count who in turn pays taxes to High Count Vlad Tepes IV of Transylvania. 4)Dwarfs ![]() Highest Ranking Leader: King Gimli Bronzebeard Known Cities: Ironforge (Capital), Helms Deep, Hallaslom, Blue Mountain -Dwarfs are short and stout creatures mostly inhabiting underground areas in which most of their cities are located. They are master inventors and blacksmiths as well as the ONLY class that is specialized in training gunners. They are master architects who can build almost anything one needs. -The dwarfs main advantage is their incredible durability. They are one of the hardiest of races and posses surprising strength. They also posses high levels of intelligence and often are the master inventors of Extalia. Dwarfs specialize in warriors and gunners. -The physical build of the dwarf makes them the least agile of all races. They are also similar to vampires in that they are not very magically attuned. Dwarfs have amongst the fewest mages and scouts in Extalia. -All dwarf cities are under the rule of King Gimli Bronzebeard 5)Naga ![]() Highest Ranking Leader: High Priestess Lady Vashj Known Cities: Nespirah (Capital/Port), Sar'theris Strand, Zin-Azshari, Bloodcurse Island, Ruuzel's Isle -Naga are ophidian humanoids that dwell beneath the ocean. Their homes are often found near lakes, river and beaches. In addition to their natural longevity, a number of Naga develop mutations that increase their life spans even further. The most striking aspect of Naga culture is the role that gender plays in their lives. Due to the ancient curse that transformed them into Naga, males and females are physically and mentally different, and this difference affects their culture. The men are thickly built, with humanoid torsos merging into a serpent hind section. Their scales are large and thick, and their heads are reminiscent of dragons. Naga society is matriarchal. Naga see women as superior to men. Naga men don't chafe under these conditions; rather, they are happy to serve their beautiful (for naga) mistresses. -The race has developed an array of genetic variations and defenses, such as ink jets, tentacles, razor fins, venomous fangs, hardened barnacle carapaces and spined fists. Naga men are bestial and considered less intelligent than females, but are remarkably strong and tough, able to withstand a great deal of bodily injury. Naga women are natural spellcasters and rely on magic and poison to defeat their enemies. Their mages specialize in wind, lightning and water magic. They have access to a unique class called the Naga Sea Witch which is a combination of an archer and mage. -Due to their strange race and society, the class a naga can become is very limited. They are unable to become monks, priests, paladins, druids and shamans. Naga are also generally disliked by almost all of the races of Extalia and viewed with extreme suspicion (more then usual) when entering a town. -All Naga cities are under the rule of High Priestess Lady Vashj. 6)Wolfen (werewolves) ![]() Highest Ranking Leader: King Genn Greymane Known Cities: Gilneas (Capital), Raven Hill, Tal'doren, Brightwood Grove, Sinwich, Fenris Isle (Port) -Resembling a cross between human and dire wolf, the hunched over creature is roughly humanoid. Its body is covered in coarse, grayish-black fur with twitching claws and snarling teeth. -They are so strong, in fact, that they are the only species that is powerful enough to readily engage and even rival Nathrezim in battle. They possess tremendous physical strength and demonic power, which allows them to easily strike their opponents and the environment with pulverizing, cratering force. Though not in possession of the Nathrezim's unique energy-to-strength conversion/augmentation process, the Wolfen nevertheless has combat abilities that considerably compensate for that inherent disadvantage. A Wolfen's signature ability is its incredible speed and agility, which no other is capable of matching when the moon is at its full capacity. -Their combat abilities are lowered by 70% during the day due to being a primarily nocturnal race. They also have a large weakness against silver which is similar to poison to their bodies. They are also not liked by most races. They can only become warriors, druids, shamans, and scouts. Wolfen are unable to use magic at all. -King Genn Greymane is the ruler of the Wolfen but allows the cities under his rule to run independently 7)Night Elves ![]() Highest Ranking Leader: High Druid Malfurion Stormrage and High Priestess of the Moon Tyrande Whisperwind Known Cities: Teldrassil (Capital), New Thalanaar, Ashenvale Forrest, Valor's Rest, Darnassus, Shalandis Isle (Port) -Night elves are similar to their high elf cousins except for their greater height, longer longevity, purplish skin and whitish eyes. All female night elves posses an ability called Shadowmeld which allows them to become invisible at night. -Their main specialty is their strong bond with nature. Male night elves often become druids, monks and shamans and rarely direct combat warriors. Female night elves chose either the paths of the warrior or priestesshood. Female night elf scouts are among the best in woodland areas.Also, all night elves are born with the ability: Shadowmeld. This allows them to become invisible at night or in darkness as long as they are not attacking a target. -The night elf disadvantage is their stubbornness. Rarely do night elves become mages and such due to their set ways. Their bodies are stronger then their high cousins but still weaker then most races. -High Druid Malfurion Stormrage and High Priestess of the Moon Tyrande Whisperwind rule the Night Elves with assistance and guidance from the Council of Darnassus. 8)Orcs ![]() Highest Ranking Leader: Warchief Go'el Known Cities: Orgrimmar (Capital), Kargathia Keep, Shadowmoon Village, Dustwind Cove (Port), Bloodgulch, Warsong Gulch, Valormold (Port) -Orcs are large humanoid beings with green skin and tusks. -Like humans, orcs also have a very large variety of jobs they can become. They produce the best shamans for all the races on Extalia. Their bodies are also naturally durable and strong. -Their greatest weakness is their stubbornness. Orcs are very very resistant to change and do not like most of the other races but can tolerate some of them. They especially despise humans and find it hard to trust them. Orcs also suffer from blattlelust. In the middle of battle, they suffer a red haze and become beserkers making it hard to control and command them. -All orcs are under the rule of Warcheif Go'el 9)Dragonkin Highest Ranking Leader: The Wyrm Council - Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, Ysera the Dreamer, Nozdormu the Timeless One, Sintharia the Earth-Warder and Malygos the Spell-Weaver. Known Cities: Twilight Grove (Capital), Wyrmbog, Wyrmscar Island (Port), Serathar, Blackrock Mountain -These beings resemble humans but with minor reptilian qualities like scale-like skin and such. -Dragon kin are master warriors and poses incredible physical strength. All of this race also can specialize in a single element such as fire that can be used in combat. This races produces some of the best monks in Extalia. -Dragonkin are unable to use magic but compensate thanks to their natural elemental gifts. -The Dragonkin are ruled by The Wyrm Council consisting of the 5 most wise and powerful dragonkin. 10)Youkai ![]() Highest Ranking Leader: The Lord of Pandemonium Nura Rikou Known Cities: Ukyo Town (Capital), Tokyo, Kyoto (Port), Shikoku, Osaka (Port), Hokkaido, Aki -The Youkai race consists of several minor races all gathered under a single banner. They are a relatively new race. They consist of several species such as yuki-onna, kitsunes, raiju, and such. They are almost always led by a Nurarihyon. -Their greatest advantage is unity. The youkai race hold very little enmities with the other races and are well liked by all. A youkai will have no problems going from town to town. As there are so many species under their banner, they also hae a lot of variety and can take on almost any class. -Each youkai has their own weakness which can lead to troublesome situations. They are also naturally very private beings and do not like to even mention if wounded. -The Youkai are commanded by The Lord of Pandemonium but are allowed to run their own cities independently with taxes being paid. The current lord is Nura Rikou 11)Half-Bloods -Half-blood is a term for any being with parents of two different ancestries. They are often discriminated against by their more 'pure' family members and suffer harsh lives. They are often referred by the bigotry term 'half-breed' which is an insult to their parents. -Many bigots often prolong the notion that being a half-blood weakens both of the parents bloods and as such are useless. In reality, this is false. Half-bloods have the strength of both parents and almost none of their weaknesses. Any genetic weakness that they inherit (such as bloodlust) is often diluted heavily. -A surprising number of half-bloods are related to many noble and aristocratic families due to being children of mistresses or having become a production of rape. -Some half-bloods have managed to earn fame via great deeds. Most half-bloods have a surprisingly cheery disposition but like others some also have dark and brooding natures. -For their physical traits, half-bloods normally resemble one of their parents more then the other whit the other parent's traits appearing in minor ways (ears, scales, etc.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jobs 1)Warrior - Warriors are melee fighters highly trained in the arts of weaponry. They are strong and quick on the battlefield. As such they can deal large amounts of damage; they are also capable of withstanding large amounts of damage to protect other party members. The warrior is no mere sword-swinger; they are skilled combatants, combining strength of arm, knowledge of weaponry and practiced maneuvers to slice or bludgeon their foes into little red bits. The warrior is the most versatile of the combat classes, and they supplement their fighting prowess with the ability to rally their allies and spur them to victory, but not only can they rally their allies into victory; they can themselves charge into the heart of the battle, take several lives and live to tell the tale. They are able to most weapons but normally specialize in a single one. -Each race has their own elite ranks for warriors such as knights(human), barbarian(Orc) and so on. 2)Mage -Magic is a volatile and inebriating drug, pure power distilled and channeled through the body to create arcane effects. Many races wield arcane power carelessly, disregarding the lessons of the past. The mage class encompasses all users of arcane magic — those who seek power without regard for consequences, and those who think arcane can be handled responsibly; each arcane spellcaster chooses a distinct path. This is the rarest class in all of Extalia. -Those who wish to manipulate arcane magic often choose between the way of the arcanist, necromancer, or summoner. Arcanists are the most varied of spellcasters, necromancers specialize in death magic and summoners specialize in summoning other beings to fight for them. 3)Paladin -As "warriors of the Holy Light", paladins uphold all that is good and true in the world and revile all that is evil and sinister — especially undead and the demons. They offer assistance to the beleaguered and smite their enemies with holy fervor. Found in almost every corner of Extalia fighting the forces of evil, these stalwart warriors of faith ceaselessly uphold their vigil against demonic forces. Paladins are the embodiment of good and selfless dedication to the protection of their peoples. They help the innocent and punish the wicked. -A paladin must be good and will lose all Light-given abilities if he ever willingly commits an evil act. Additionally, the paladin's code requires that he respect legitimate authority, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison and so forth), help those in need (provided they do not use their help for evil or chaotic ends), and punish those who harm or threaten innocents. While he may adventure with others from different organizations, a paladin will never knowingly associate with evil persons, nor will he continue an association with someone who consistently offends his moral code. A paladin may accept only henchmen, followers or cohorts whose intentions are good. 4)Druids -Druids are keepers of the world who walk the path of nature, following the wisdom of the Ancients, healing and nurturing the world. To a druid, nature is a delicate balance of actions, in which even the smallest imbalance can create storming turmoil from peaceful skies. Druids draw their power from this wild energy, using it to change their shapes and command the forces of nature. -Through their deep connection to life and nature, druids are able to take on an unusually large variety of roles. Probably a druid's best-known role is that of a healer. Druids are justly famed for their ability to restore life, cure poisonous wounds, and remove curses. Indeed, restoring and protecting the planet is one of the top priorities for all druids. Still, to regard a druid as merely a healer is a dangerously simplistic assumption that has led to the defeat of many an unwary foe. A druid's empathy with the creatures of the wild also allows him to shapeshift into the forms of other animals. For example, a wounded druid whose magical energies are running low might abruptly take on the form of a bear in order to better withstand further injury. Alternatively, the druid might shift into the form of some large cat, sneak up behind an enemy, then pounce and deliver a fierce flurry of melee attacks. Even the deepest oceans can be explored by a druid, who can simply shift into an aquatic creature, allowing him to stay underwater as long as needed. 5)Priest -The priest is the master of healing and preservation, restoring his wounded allies, shielding them in battle and even resurrecting his fallen comrades from death. While he has a variety of protective and enhancement spells to bolster his allies, the priest can also wreak terrible vengeance on his enemies, using the grand powers of the Holy Light to smite and purge them or the devastating powers of the shadow to decimate their minds. The priest is a diverse and powerful class, highly desirable in any group and capable of fulfilling multiple roles. -Priests practice a complex, organized form of spirituality built around moral philosophy, the worship of a particular deity (such as Elune) in some cases, and/or idol worship, rather than around the reverence of the elements that shamans practice, or the close divine connection with animals and the wilderness that druids maintain. Priests serve not only as influential religious figures in their respective societies, but also as powerful practitioners of divine magic, which they use to heal and protect, or harm and weaken. -There are also racial restrictions to some titles, such as witch doctor for orcs and Priestess of the Moon for night elf females. 6)Shaman -Shamans are spiritual visionaries of tribes and clans. These gifted warriors can see into the world of spirits and communicate with creatures invisible to eyes of normal beings. They are beset by visions of the future and use their sight to guide their people through troubled times. Although the shaman may seem wise and serene at first glance, he is a formidable foe; when angered, his wrath is as fierce as those who have a connection to Eternals or nature. Shamans are spiritual visionaries of tribes and clans. These gifted warriors can see into the world of spirits and communicate with creatures invisible to eyes of normal beings. They are beset by visions of the future and use their sight to guide their people through troubled times. Although the shaman may seem wise and serene at first glance, he is a formidable foe; when angered, his wrath is as fierce as those who have a connection to Eternals or nature -The shaman is a hybrid class. Thus, depending on how they choose to customize their talents, they can specialize in offensive spellcasting, melee damage dealing, or healing. As such, the class is considered one of the most adaptable and versatile in Extalia. Also, shamans can provide support to a group in the form of stationary totems, which when placed on the ground by the shaman, either provide various benefits to party members, or deal damage to enemies, the range of which is determined by the totem placed. 7)Scout -The scout is a stalker in the wilds, living on his knowledge of survival and skill with a bow or rifle. He is deeply in tune with nature, and some of its mightiest beasts are his allies. They are incredibly agile and master of stealth and tracking. -The scout class performs pulling, threat redirection, crowd control, and primarily ranged damage. -One of the best known elite scouts are from the human city of Araluan which produces Rangers. The rangers are master of countless arts and some of the best scouts in existence. 8)Assassin -These are Extalia's legerdemain's. They possess a wide range of skills that allow them to accomplish feats from disarming traps to finding secret doors to smacking a magic item until it works. They are decent in a fight, and if they can strike quickly or unseen — or are flanking an enemy with the help of a thoughtful ally — they can be truly deadly. Of course, they also excel at stealth -The assassins of Extalia are the masters of subterfuge, skilled and cunning adversaries of those who dare not look into the shadows to see what lurks there. It is a profession for those who seek the adventures of stalking and silent forests, dimly lit halls and heavily guarded strongholds. Using trickery in combat and able to vanish at the slightest distraction, the assassin is a welcome addition to any group of adventurers. Ideal spies, deadly to those they can catch unaware, assassins have no problem finding a place in the world. Deadly masters of stealth, assassins are the whispers in shadowy corners and the hooded figures crossing dark fields. Skilled with daggers and the art of silent death, these vagabonds and bandits skulk about Extalia seeking targets and profit. A member of almost any race can learn the tricks necessary to become a skilled assassin. -The diverse aspects of their trade requires rogues to be well versed in lockpicking, toxicology, rudimentary alchemy and brawling. In combat, rogues rely on the element of surprise, and tactics which are regarded by most as vile and cowardly. They are rarely seen entering a fight without weapons laced in poisons and ample supplies of everything from bombs to elixirs in their backpacks. Their attacks concentrate on weak points in the body in an attempt to finish fights brutally and quickly. 9)Monk -The monk is typically portrayed as a master of martial arts. They specializes in unarmed combat, with no use of armor and only special "monk weapons", such as kama or nunchaku. They utilizes a spiritual element, Ki, that augments their fighting through the use of special abilities gained with experience. -They although rarely, provide secondary support in the absence of a priest or other healer. -Monks have normally very high magic resistance and are very durable. 10)Death Knight -The exact opposite of a paladin, death knights come from all races and are also disliked by all races. -A death knight could be more accurately described as a horseback-mounted lich rather than the traditional undead warrior -Their powers have a focus on death and necromantic abilities. 11)Others -Each race also posses several 'elite' jobs that are often more advanced version of the basic classes. Examples include: Naga Sea Witch, Orc Beserker, Araluan Rangers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RP RULES 1.) All normal City rules apply. 2.) No God-modding or power-playing. Imbalanced PCs and Mary Sues will be shot: survivors will be shot again. 3.) Avoid one-line or unintelligible posts. I'm not strict on the use of language so long as everyone can understand your writing. 4.) No killing characters without my permission (and the permission of the killee). 5.) Up to two characters per player only. 6.) If you're going to quit or take an extended leave of absence, please PM me. 7.) If you have any ideas for the plot or have any questions, please PM me. I also accept criticism and any violent reactions you may have. 8.) Rule of Cool: If it's awesome and it makes the story even better, it's allowed. This means that you can dual-wield chainsaw swords while surfing on the hood of a Lamborghini Diablo as you fight a giant kraken in the lost city of Atlantis, so long as it moves the story forward and isn't outright power-playing bullcrap. 9.) Romance, whether it's hetero, yaoi or yuri is perfectly allowed; however, keep it to a PG-13 level. Please. 10.) Have fun! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOUR CHARACTER NAME: (First/Last) NICKNAME/TITLE: GENDER: AGE: BLOOD STATUS: (All characters are half-blood, this segment is to describe what is your blood: e.g. Half Human-Half Night-Elf) JOB/CLASS: (Mage, Warrior, etc.) ORIGINAL HOMETOWN: (Where your character originated from) HOBBIES: POWER/S: (Up to three. Base them on your class.) PERSONALITY: BIO: (Be creative here. Mysterious/dark and tragic pasts are fine) APPEARANCE: (Picture/written description of your character.) EXTRA: (Optional: anything else about your character, like weapons, possessions, etc.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAYER LIST Mavis Vermilion - ROXAS Will Treaty - ROXAS Medellin Nightkiss - ROXAS Thorgath Doomhammer - LnDn Malik Elthadoun - LnDn Marina Goldwood - LnDn Miyako - Nethar TragÅidia Sirrush - Kurai Hi Yenearsira - Zourato Madoka - Zourato Akumu Ryuko - Moggle Blackspirit Helion - Moggle Greenspirit Halion - Moggle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROXAS'S NOTES Hello everyone, Roxas here and with a new RP. It's been a while since someone made one and the idea just came to me. To keep things simple, use your first post to have your character arrive at Magnolia Town and straight head towards Mavis's home. To know which is his home, look at the main photo at the top and at the large building with a red roof. Mavis will then explain what is the role of Magnolia Town and what she needs the team to do. She will then send them out on missions mostly to help find new townspeople and especially half-bloods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: Mavis Vermilion NICKNAME/TITLE: Queen of the Fairies GENDER: Female AGE: 40 BLOOD STATUS: Human (Pure-Blood) JOB/CLASS: Mage, Mayor of Magnolia Town ORIGINAL HOMETOWN: Theramore Isle HOBBIES: Drinking Tea, Taking care of orphaned children. POWER/S: a)Fairy Law - When activated, a bright light envelops the area and inflicts heavy damage on whoever the Caster perceives from their heart as an enemy, leaving friends and bystanders completely unharmed. The choice between friend or foe is decided by the user's spirit, and he can not lie to this Magic. It is considered a very powerful Magic and is one of the rare legendary spells, and also one of the three great Fairy Magics. According to Mavis, Fairy Law is deterrent Magic and is meant to discourage further action from enemies, and is not something that should be released whenever the Caster feels like it. b)Fairy Glitter - A Magic that rivals Fairy Law and is a radiance of merciless light that rejects the presence of any foes. It is also an exceedingly complex and unfathomably intricate spell that collects and concentrates the light of the sun, the moon and the stars c)Light Magic: This Magic utilizes the Light Element. Users of this Magic can release light from their bodies and manipulate it into a shield or blast. Like other elemental Magics, some users can also transform their bodies to light. PERSONALITY: BIO: Mavis Vermilion was just six years old when her human father passed away. Her human mother remarried and elf and soon her sister was born. Mavis loved her sister dearly and as they grew up, was dismayed to see the heavy prejudice forced on her. This was also dangerous due to the fact that her sister was one of the few people who could use magic, a budding mage. However, no one, human or elf wanted to take her as an apprentice leading her to have little control over her powers. One day, when Mavis was 15 they were attacked. Her sister lost her life in a burst of magic trying to defend the both of them. Now, 25 years later Mavis has seen enough of the suffering on half-bloods like her sister and has finally come up with a solution. She calls it, the Fairy Tale Plan. Over the years, Mavis developed her own naturally high magical power and became renown over a 25 year carrier as one of the premier mages in Extalia. With a large fortune acquired through the years, Mavis is now attempting to found a completely new town. A home for all half-bloods where they can call their own. A place where no bigotry can survive. She has already begun construction on the town but what it needs now is residences. She has chosen to name the town after her beloved sister: Magnolia. And now comes step two of the plan. She has sent out invitations of some of the most prominent half-bloods in Extalia inviting them to the town. Her plan is to have them form a team whose sole mission is to travel to all of the known residences around the known to find those like minded. They would find those who would be willing to join the town and help to convince those whose skills would be beneficial to the town. Mavis has issued that ALL races ignoring if they are not half blooded are invited to join the town. The only condition: To live in peace. APPEARANCE: ![]() EXTRA: Watch out for her 'Hanya' aura if she is pissed off! Mavis ranks in the top 5 most powerful mages in Extalia so messing with her is not a smart idea. She also has an adopted son named Laxus who is assisting her in the construction of Magnolia. NAME: Will Treaty NICKNAME/TITLE: Dovahkiin (Translated as 'Dragonborn' in the Dragon tongue) GENDER: Male AGE: 19 BLOOD STATUS: Half Human-Half, Half-Dragonkind JOB/CLASS: Araluan Ranger ORIGINAL HOMETOWN: Araluan (Town of Redmont) HOBBIES: Playing a lute, Talking with his pet dog and horse, Fishing. POWER/S: a)Expert of Many Specializations - Being an Araluan Ranger is absolutely no joke. Even at the tender age of 19, Will has mastered at least a total of 32 different skills ranging from tactics, academia, espionage, assassination, sailing, Subversive Activities and others. b)Nameless Forest - As a gift for helping a sorcerer named Makevelian, he gave Will a special orb on a necklace called a Reality Marble. A reality marble allows its user to materialize and project onto reality their own inner world. The created worlds are completely cut off from normal reality, projecting their internal landscape and sealing off the regular World. Each world has its own set of patterns and rules, which can be said to be an invasion of reality by the diagram inscribed on the soul, and they cannot be freely manipulated by the caster. Nameless Forest is Will's Reality Marble in which a forest is manifested, causing an opponent to slowly forget their identity. Within this forest he reigns supreme as a mater of forest combat. The field effect may be broken by uttering one's own name. c)Word of the Voice - As part of his dragonkin half, Will has gained the lost ability to use Dragon Shouts. The 'Shouts' are in actuality ancient words of the dragons which grant powerful effects when used. Each shout is performed by the vocalization of specific words of power. Will can learn new shouts by finding world walls scattered all over Extalia by the ancient dragons. Each Shout consists of three words of power, and each word of power requires one Dragon Soul to be unlocked. Hence, each shout requires three words of power and 3 Dragon Souls to be used at full power. A Dragon Soul is an artifact containing a portion of an ancients dragon's soul. Normally they are located close to word walls but at times this is rare. The true way to acquire a Dragon Soul is to slay a dragon and absorb its soul. These shouts have powerful effects and provide the user with a variety of abilities. For instance, one shout sends foes hurling away from you, another shout instantly teleports you from one spot to another. With only a partly unlocked shout (only one or two words unlocked) he can use it, but the shout grows stronger by every word. The second and third words will also usually increase the recharge time of the shout, limiting the use of the shout. PERSONALITY: Generally speaking Will is a good-natured person, with a friendly attitude. He and Halt have a relationship which is father-son like. Will has an open-faced friendly look and attitude which makes people find it easy to talk with. He is a quick-thinker and a good strategist. Despite his young age he copes well with the responsibility of being a Ranger. He can be sharp when the time calls for it. He absolutely loves teasing people. BIO: Will is a ward (another name for an orphan) in Castle Redmont in the human island area of Araluan. Each year, Wards turning fifteen could apply to be apprenticed to the various craftmasters. Will is chosen by Halt to become a Ranger Apprentice. Rangers are the intelligence/espionage force of the nation; they specialize in unseen movement and the use of weaponry such as the saxe knife, throwing knive and longbows. After being an apprentice for a few days, Halt takes Will to see his horse Tug, With Tug, Will trains in the skills needed to pass his assessment at the annual Ranger gathering. Originally Will never knew his parents until he was informed by Halt about them. Will's father was a mother was a dragonkin named Miria who saved Halt's life in a battle against a traitor's army in Araluan. She was badly injured but in her dying moments she asked Halt to help inform her husband who worked in the fief of Redmond of her passing. However, when Halt arrived in Redmont, he discovered that her husband was a human named Davin who was being attacked by a pair of thieves at their home. He was too late to save Davin but managed to kill the thieves and rescued Will. He brought Will to Castle Redmont and the lord of the fief, Baron Arald. Halt then watched over as the ranger of Redmond until it was time to take him in as an apprentice. After many missions and adventures with Halt, Will eventually earned the graduate Ranger's Silver Oakleaf and was put in charge of Seacliff Fief. Over his years, Will had helped to save Araluan from a coup by a sorceror named Morgorath, protected the princess of Araluan named Cassandra when they were captured by raiders from Skandia, helped save Skandia from attack by another group and forged a friendship between Skandia, Araluan, Arradi and Nihon Ja. His efforts have made him as legendary in Araluan as his master, Halt. Because of this, the amount of abuse he suffered after become an apprentice was quite low. Pre-apprenticeship, he was treated badly by the normal people and other wards of Redmont due to being a half blood. He learned of his ability to use Dragon Shouts by learning a word of power in the Ruins of Gorlan where he saved Halts life once. As the moment, Will only knows only 1 'Shout' but he has completely mastered all three words of that shout. The Shout is: Fus-Ro-Dah(Unrelenting Force). The first and second words of Unrelenting Force will stagger enemies caught in its wake for a short amount of time. When the third word is used, the target is thrown backward, inflicting additional environmental damage upon impact. Large creatures such as dragons will not be thrown, but will be staggered for a longer period of time. Recently, with Mavis Vermilion's construction of Magnolia town, King Duncan has seen the writing on the wall. Without bothering to ask permission from King Simonedeas Wrym, as Araluan is not under his jurisdiction, Duncan has made contact with Mavis in a gesture of friendship and cooperation. Over tea, she explained to him her 'Fairy Tale Plan' which gained his attention and respect. He has decided to send Will as a representative of Araluen to Magnolia Town to assist in the towns construction and Mavis's plans. Will of course has no idea what he is in for as he arrives in the area of the town with Tug and Ebony in tow... APPEARANCE: ![]() EXTRA: Will uses a long bow as his main weapon and a sax-knife (a special axe-knife hybrid weapon) as his melee weapon. His dragonkin blood is seen in his slitted blue eyes when his body pumps adrenaline. Will is currently the main ranger of Redmont fief after his master, Halt is now semi-retired in marriage. Will's pony is Tug who he normally rides and talks to. He also has a black and white border shepherd dog named Ebony who is very hyper active but skilled in stealth and detection. Will also has a Yew Bow taken from a Nathrezim assassin after a failed attempt on Princess Cassandra's life on her wedding day. The bow shoots poisoned arrows that amplify and surge out the impurities in the target's stomach. If the target is repeatedly poisoned, it will make that poison explode like gunpowder. Araluen Rangers: The Araluen Rangers are part of the mysterious Ranger Corps, all trained to be the eyes and the ears of King Duncan for each fief. They are very feared and respected by any and all theives, assassins and such in Extalia. They were formed 150 years ago. Rangers are highly trained in the skill of knifework(throwing and double knife defence.), archery (older Rangers use Longbows whilst early apprentices use a Recurve bow), moving unseen through the use of a molted cloak (which gives them the mysterious reputation of being able to become invisible), tracking.They carry three types of weapons with them at all times; a double sheath containing a saxe knife and a throwing knife, a longbow (recurve bow for the apprentices),strikers, and a quiver of 24 arrows. People say that Rangers carry the lives of 24 men in their quiver, due to the fact of their uncanny accuracy. The quivers a blessed to constantly reload but only hold 24 arrows at a time. Each Ranger has a horse which are specially trained and respond to a wide variety of commands. Their equine partners are generally shaggy and a little on the short side sometimes, but they can easily outlast any battlehorse. There are 50 active Rangers, one for each fief in Araluen, but there are also retired Rangers who commonly work at the Ranger Archives in Castle Araluen, any newly made Rangers who are waiting to be sent to their first fief stay at Castle Araluen until one is in need of a Ranger. The apprentices get a bronze oakleaf. The full-fledged rangers a silver. The retired rangers get a gold oakleaf. Annually, Rangers meet at the Ranger Gathering to report to their commandant, currently Crowley. It seems nearly all Rangers have the same love of Coffee, though some condemn Will and Halt's lacing it with honey. NAME: Medellin Nightkiss NICKNAME/TITLE: Medea, Elune's Chosen. GENDER: Female AGE: 31 (However looks 19) BLOOD STATUS: Half Nathrezim, Half Night-elf JOB/CLASS: Priestess of the Moon ORIGINAL HOMETOWN: Originally from Ashenvale Forrest but now resides in Teldrassil. HOBBIES: Knitting, learning under Lady Tyrande, Cooking POWER/S: a)Starfall - An extremely powerful spell, it turns starlight into devastating missiles. The caster calls down starlight that solidifies into a destructive missile of matter and energy. The missiles appear as searing stars from the air above the targets, rocketing down into them with devastating explosive power. A caster is able to concentrate, and target specific targets. b)Elune's Arrow - Her unique an personal ability formed from a combination of her devotion to the goddesses Elune and her Nathrezim heritage ability to manipulate energy with ease. When this ability is invoked, her arrows gain Elune's blessings dramatically increasing their firepower. She can also charge the arrows by absorbing and amplifying surrounding magical energy. When charged, her arrow posses so much destructive power that she is forbidden from using this ability in Teldrassil unless given permission by a superior in rank. She can only maintain this ability for 10 minutes a day or for 5 shots of a charged arrow. c)Crimson Pact - Whenever she kills something/someone, she passively absorbs a portion of their life energy. This ability heals her wounds and increases her endurance by 1% per kill. If she kills a sentient being, there is a 4% chance of her acquiring one of the deceased's abilities. PERSONALITY: A Goof. She is goofy to the max which also leads to minor clumsiness. She is sometimes comic relief, goofy, silly, and cheerful to a fault making her surprisingly popular with many others and despised by the rest. Due to the Night Elf aging abilities, eventhough she is 31 years old, her mentality is that of a 17-19 year old girl in accordance with her appearance. She is friendly, humorous in her own way, sensitive, caring, and kind. She comes off as naive and rather clueless, which is at odds with her exceptionally powerful combat ability. BIO: Medellin Nightkiss was born to a Night Elf mother and Nathrezim father. Her Nathrezim blood in more prominent in her appearance with her Night Elf roots appearing in her pointed ears and purple eyes and hair. Although her mother, Silvia does not talk about it, it rumored that she was a product of rape. Medea as she prefers to be called grew up in a hard environment where her very existence was considered a sin by the extremely traditional night elves. The other children her age would tease and taunt her and occasionally beat her while the adults looked on with sneers and scorn. Her only light in the darkness was her mother and her companion, a frostsaber cub named Gwen. The two of them found each other when the cub had been injured by a furbog. Medea saved Gwen earning her the cubs eternal loyalty and companionship. However, no matter what life threw at her, Medea remained cheerful and defiant of those who scorned her. Days after her 15th birthday, the time of choosing at arrived in the Night Elf community. It was a week where masters of crafts and other arts would travel through the night elf lands to find suitable candidates to take in as students. Medea had been desperately hoping to be picked to become an archer but was ridiculed to the point of tears by her yearmates about never being picked for being a 'filthy half-blood'. As she was left in tears, Ashenvale Forrest was visited by none other then High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind herself. During the presentation ceremony, the town was attacked by rouge furblogs. Medea herself had witnessed the incoming army and managed to reach the town to warn them. She was forced to gatecrash the ceremony and nearly killed for her actions but Tyrande's compassion allowed her to listen to and believe Medea's tale. When the attack came, the night elves won resoundingly but Medea was badly wounded when she saved Tyrande from the chieftain of the furbog's sneak attack. As the poor girl laid dying, and with the crowd calling out to leave her be as she was not worth saving, Tyrande received a vision from the goddess, Elune. Elune ordered that Medea's life be saved and proceeded to assist Tyrande in doing so. At first, a semi-conscious Medea beseeched Tyrande not to waste her healing on her, a useless half-blood and save it for the others. Tyrande was astounded with the sheer compassion that radiated from the girl in her arms and proceeded to obey her goddesses orders. When the dust was settled, Tyrande asked the girl what she would like as a reward for her actions. Medea shyly requested if she could become an archer but was met with laughter. Tyrande informed her that she could not become an archer as Tyrande herself has decided to take her in as a Priestess of the Moon and as her personal apprentice no less! Medea proceed to faint in shock and exhaustion leaving Tyrande chucking at the girl's antics. Within the week she followed Tyrande to the capital city of Teldrassil while her mother was appointed as the new governess of Ashenvale Forrest. Training in Teldrassil was hard, with plenty of prejudice as well but she overcame every negative opinion and became the youngest ever Priestess of the Moon in Night Elf history. Tyrande was also astounded at the sheer power she commanded in her new role. AT first, many of the more conservative people protested teaching night elf secrets to a half-blood, but Medea's actions have won over the people of Teldrassil. Her bloodlust was kept in control by Tyrande's husband, High Druid Malfurion Stormrage who developed a fruit that could simulate the enzymes in blood thereby sating her bloodlust. As she became more and more renown, it was not long that Mavis Vermilion sent a letter to Teldrassil's leaders. Malfurion and Tyrande after reading Mavis's letter immediately sent for Medea and have now sent her on a mission to Mavis's new and upcoming town. When questioned on the reason, both leaders merely smile and pat her on the head telling her she will know when she arrives. APPEARANCE: ![]() EXTRA: Like other night-elves, she can also shadowmeld. Unlike other Nathrezim, her bloodlust is diluted so that she only need a little blood every 5 days instead of every day. She will be on the way to Magnolia with her frostsaber, Gwen and her owl companion, Hedwig. She also has several weeks worth of Hemomato (a fruit designed by Malfurion Stormrage to act as a substitute for blood) to sustain her. However she is lucky that Mavis as already acquired several of the plant from Malfurion and planted them in Magnolia as preparations for any others who have bloodlust problems. Priestess of the Moon - Night Elf life is focused on the worship of Elune, the merciful of goddesses of the moon. The Sisterhood of Elune are an order of priestesses dedicated to the worship of said goddess. The Sisters are the major active night elf political faction, and fulfill the roles of magistrates, officials, and the like for the night elf government. The highest-ranking of the Sisters are privy to the government's most major secrets. A Priestess of the Moon epitomize the power and grace of their race's ancient moon goddess. The priestesses of the moon is equipped with silvery, glowing armor and rides the fearless Winterspring Frostsabers into battle. Charged with the safekeeping of the night elf lands and armed with magical energy bows — the priestesses of the moon will stop at nothing to rid their ancient land of evil. Valuable as healers during wartime, priestesses of the moon can also use their divine magic spells to hinder or harm the enemy. They are also inspirational leaders and excellent archers. Priestesses of the moon often keep to the rear, protecting the wounded with ranged weapons. Guided by Elune, priestesses of the moon serve as a morale boost for troops, assuring them that they will be healed, protected for or, at worst, blessed during their final journey. As this is the second highest possible rank for a Sister of Elune, there are very few who hold it. Often those of at least 300 years would be CONSIDERED for the role. They hold a lot of power and often are in high positions but are NEVER corrupt. The highest ranking Priestess is given the title: High Priestess of Elune which is often reserved for the most senior and blessed of Elune. The current High Priestess of Elune is Tyrande Whisperwind. Medea is the youngest EVER ranked Priestess of the Moon due to her own uncanny talents and by virtue of being favored by Elune herself. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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Name : Thorgath Doomhammer Nickname/Title : The Exiled Hero Gender : Male Age : 36 Blood Status : Human - Orc Hometown : Orgrimmar Hobbies : Sparring, Spending time with the animals Class/Job : Beastmaster, Gladiator Powers: 1. Aspect of the Wild Thorgath applies an aspect of the beasts that he have encountered to himself to enhance his fighting capabilities, like monkey's agility, hawk's precision, turtle's defense, or tiger's ferocity. 2. Primal Roar A technique that was made by Rexxar, now passed to Thorgath, he haven't perfected this technique yet, he roared to an enemy, any obstacle that stands between him and his enemy will be pushed back, giving a clear room for Thorgath to approach the enemy 3. Summon Gervais the Spirit Wolf Thorgath once have a trusted wolf companion named Gervais, he was killed 6 years prior to the start of the story, now his spirit is roaming around the spirit plane, Rexxar then teaches Thorgath how to summon the wolf from the spirit plane. Now a spirit, it couldn't be killed, yet it have a time limit of 5 minute on the materialized world. Personality: Laid back, Wise, Usually acts on instinct Bio : Thorgath was born in an exiled family, his parents were an exiled member of their society, they both commits suicide when he was 10. He was then found by Rexxar, a half blooded human orc, the first known Beastmaster in Extalia. Thorgath then lived with Rexxar, the wilderness sharpens his strength. He got his trusted wolf companion, Gervais 5 years later. He started his travel after he got his companion. Many good deeds were done in his travel, mostly related to preserving the nature's beauty. But, when Gervais was killed, he stopped his travels and lived with Rexxar once more. Rexxar then teaches Thorgath his knowledge of the wild, making Thorgath the second Beastmaster known. During his stay with Rexxar, he decided to use his abilities in the Arena as a Gladiator. He then received an invitation to Magnolia Town. Curious on why he was invited, he checked it out. Appearance : With Gervais ![]() Extra : He is a dual wielded axe fighter, he had a scar on his left leg. His skin tone is more human-like (About Beastmaster) The Beastmasters are known for their closeness to the wilderness, most of the Beastmasters comes from tribes or clans exiles. These warriors allied themselves with the creatures of the wild. The Beastmasters usually walks with a creature as their companion, like hawks, tigers, wolves, bears, and many more. Their abilities are similar to Warriors's and Scouts's. With some of their own unique abilities of course. Most of their abilities comes from taking an example of a creature's actions. So far there are only two Beastmasters known to the world of Extalia. Thorgath and Rexxar. ----- 2nd char ----- Name : Malik Elthadoun Nickname/Title : The Faceless One Gender : Male Age : 42 Blood Status : High Elf - Human Hometown : Gadula Hobbies : None Class/Job : Warrior, Drifter Powers : 1. War Stomp Stomps the earth, shaking the land around Malik, makes his opponents stunned for some seconds. 2. Fervor For every continous strike on his foe, Malik gains speed on his attacks. He could get to 3 times the speed of his original attack speed, but as it gets faster, he tires faster 3. Spellblade Malik's innate ability, he could surge a magic element to his or his allies weapons, adding magical damage to the weapon. It could last for 2 minutes. He could only surge the basic form of the elements. This is done so that the ability didn't require much of his mana Personality : Shy, Kind, often go alone Bio : 22 years ago, Malik's home were burned by the angry humans who doesn't like him being a half blood, though Elias survived the fire. His face were burned out, he decided to go travel to find a place where he belongs, during his travel he learned things that were the exact opposite that those humans believe, that the half blood weakens the parent's blood. Though he learns that is false, he didn't hold any grudge towards the people. He often wonders why the half bloods were treated different from those pure bloods. One day, he receives an invitation letter to Magnolia Town. He decided to check it out. Appearance : ![]() Extra : Minus the headband. He wields an axe. He covered his face with a wooden mask. Had a permanent burn mark which (conveniently) covered nearly all of his face. ------- 3rd char ------ NAME: Marina Goldwood NICKNAME/TITLE: Mari, Tainted Gold GENDER: Female AGE: 30 (looks 22) BLOOD STATUS: Nathrezim - High Elf JOB/CLASS: Death Knight ORIGINAL HOMETOWN: Bantheor HOBBIES: Singing POWER/S: Her powers are based with presences, she could swap presences during fights. 1. Frost Presence - A cold wind flows around her, it then freezes around her body, forming an armor around her, increasing her defense 2. Unholy Presence - The evil spirits were shown around her, helping her in fights, enhances her movement and attack speed 3. Blood Presence - Marina's favorite presence, her blade absorbs the blood it shreds, healing and relieving her needs for blood PERSONALITY: Calm, Not too sociable BIO: Marina was born from a Nathrezim father and a High Elf mother, she grew as a beautiful woman. Though she always become a subject of harassement due to her being a half blood. Until finally she got herself killed at the age of 22. She then reincarnate as a Death Knight. She had a grudge on whoever that harass her during her living days. She currently resides at a small island. Honing her skills without anyone noticing. Though she was a Death Knight, she shows little to no negative attitude. She knows of Magnolia during one of her odd jobs. Interested with it, she then travels to Magnolia APPEARANCE: ![]() EXTRA: She wields two swords named Ice and Frost. ![]() |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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Name: Miyako Nickname: Protector of the Sky's Gender: Female Age: 26 Blood Status: High Elf - Dragonkin Class/Job: Death Knight/Blacksmith Hometown: Twilight Grove Hobbies: Weapon Forging Powers: 1. Blood Grasp Miyako's blood flows through the ground and grabs hold of enemies nearby her body or her weapons holding them in place and tying them down making it impossible for them to move. However very little of the blood returns. The more enemies, the more blood lost. 2: Blood Enchance By speeding up the process of blood being pumped round the body, Miyako becomes faster and a stronger. The ability can be withstood for 5 minutes. Over use will maker her exhausted and will slow her down when deactivated. Can be used every half hour. If over used, the cool down time is doubled. 3: Summon Hemoplague Before her death and reincarnation, Miyako was taught how to summon a dragon. When she did, the dragon died along with her and after being re-born the dragon was able to be summoned again but not in full flesh and bones. The dragon can assist Miyako by draining blood of enemies and passing it on to her for her abilities as well as being used as a mount. Also the dragon has an ability Blood Breath which can infect all enemies in the radius with a disease which slowly rots the body from the inside that causes damage over time, the ability is cured when a holly spell is used on the infected, The dragon can remained summon for 5 minutes. Personality: Calm, Persistent Bio: Before she became a Death Knight, Miyako was shunned by the her people and always left alone. The only person that stuck by her was her mother. Her mother was killed protecting her from people who would try to kill and so she ran away. Ever since being reborn as a death knight, she disliked the person who did so and chose to never follow their orders. She escaped and decided to protect the people of the world even if they choose to hate and ignore her. She remains on mountains and volcanoes where she cant be found by others, mining for Diamond whenever shes not busy to be able to have enough diamond to form a diamond blade that she can infuse her own blood into. Until then she has used weapons of Adamant which she has crafted on her own as well as her own armour.. One day and invite to magnolia was left on her forge in the mountains and she decides to have a look. Appearance: ![]() Extra: With her skills of forging, she was able to create a vast arsenal of weapons which she spends day to day practising with. Her favourite is usually her twinned Adamant blades and her chain Scythe which she throws at enemies from a distance to constrict them with blood Grasp. Pendant of power: The pendant was made for Miyako to seal parts of her dragonkin side. Because of this, some of her power was contained for her own sake, she can break the pendant whenever she feels and release the power but she falls unconscious afterwards being unable to fully control the power. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
NAME: TragÅidia Sirrush NICKNAME: Dia GENDER: Female AGE: 17 BLOOD STATUS: 1/4 human, 1/4 High elf, 1/2 Dragonkin JOB/CLASS: Assasin ORIGINAL HOMETOWN: Wyrmscar Island (remote village) HOBBIES: Eating, Cooking, Camping, Ice sculpting POWER/S: 1: She can freely control water and change the properties of this element. 2: Competitive instinct( this ability grants her speed and power that exceed her enemies, while it greatly reduces her own accuracy.) 3: Cold reflection( Dia uses water and ice in combination with speed to reflect light and conceal her position.) PERSONALITY: cheerfull, curious she likes to help out where she can and even tough she wants to help people it remains difficult for her because of her Anthropophobia (Fear of people and/or society) Bio: Dia grew up in a small fisherman's village. She has never met her mother due to the fact that she died after giving birth to her. At the age of 6 her father took her with him on a business trip to the port. After she was told to stay near the fountain on the townsquare she was harassed by a group of young men, who didnt like the fact that a non-pureblood was in their town. At that moment her powers awakened. It was a brutal massacre. The young girl fled into the forest with an angry mob chasing her. Her father was nowhere to be found. Eventually the mob caught up with the girl that was crying on the forest floor. It had been decided that she was to be executed. The young girl paralyzed with fear suddenly felt a strong force pulling her away from the townspeople and deeper into the forest. She had been saved by a young woman named Rose Viper. After spending some time with Rose Dia decided to stay with her, for she had no other place to return to. The young girl became the aprentice of Rose and they lived together for several years. At the age of 15 Dia returned to her home and she discovered that rose had disappeared. Al that was left was a vague letter and a ring that belonged to Rose. Dia decided to set out on a journey to search for Rose and explore the world. 2 years later in a local tavern Dia finds an invitation on her personal request board. She read the invitation while having a meal and she tought to herself: "This might be interesting." The young assasin ventures out to the place called Magnolia, to see for herself what this "Fairy Tale plan" is all about. APPEARANCE: ![]() EXTRA: Weapons: Wields two daggers, whose form can be modified by adding water and ice ![]() A small crossbow that can be attached to the forearm. Utilizes arrows( poisoned, burning, explosive etc.) and shards of ice. Possessions: A old doll that belonged to her mother, Rose Viper's ring, A notebook containing recipies collected from around the world She is very skilled in close combat and she tends to lure her enemies into small or shady spaces. Can wield all kinds of weapons but excels in combat with daggers. Bonus: Detailed background story coming soon.
It's not like i'm here for u >.>
I'm here because i want to...
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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NAME: Yenearsira NICKNAME/TITLE: Yene GENDER: Female AGE: 20 BLOOD STATUS: Half High Elf, Half Youkai CLASS: Assassin ORIGINAL HOMETOWN: Silvermoon HOBBIES: star gazing, humming POWER/S: 1. Snow Summon - With the use the powers that is hidden in the staff's, she can summon snow if she doesn't have any access to snow anywhere. 2.Snow manipulation: A move that pushes and levitates snow for attack, shielding and defense. 3. Snow bullets - She uses her staff as if it were a gun. The bullets are just like regular bullets, except they are called snow bullets. PERSONALITY: Distant, Cold BIO: She was born on a winter solstice (that's what her name means in Elf). Her father was Monk and her mother was an bounty hunter and an assassin for Extalia. Her father had taught her the ways of the martial arts and how to unlock her elemental ki, which was Snow. As for her mother had taught her the ways of an assassin, teaching her in ways of shurikenjutsu. Both parents also have taught her on how to speak the Elvish Language. Coming to a decision on what she wants to be, she had decide to follow in her mother's footsteps in become an assassin with an addition of become an assassin for Extalia after her parents were killed off by Orcs. She was then given an assignment to travel to a place called,"Magnolia". It was unknown reason why they wanted her to go there in the first place. but, she wasn't the one to question any of the assignments given to her and so, she decide to set her adventure. APPEARANCE: EXTRA: Weapons: The Staff of Winter: It was given to her by her father. He felt like he had the need to ever use it much. So, it was passed down to her before he went off to rescue a remote village as it was being raided by Orc Bandits. She was able to bond with it and master its ability throughout her youth but, she still needs work on it. Job as an Assassin: She is paid to take out a specific target (sometimes in a specific manner) at all costs. She often doesn't care about collateral damage as long as she gets the job done. Language: Elvish The song that she likes to hum (in Elvish): Character #2: NAME: Madoka NICKNAME/TITLE: Madoka of Death GENDER: Male AGE: 26 BLOOD STATUS: Youkai JOB/CLASS: Rogue Assassin ORIGINAL HOMETOWN: The streets HOBBIES: Ice Skating, torturing his targets POWER/S: No powers, just fighting moves. Fighting Moves: 1. Gut 'em and slice 'em - This is one his fighting styles. Design to kill. The victim will die with a gruesome death. 2. Scratch Spin - This is a move where he spins like an figure ice skater. The victim will get his face all scratched up if he doesn't move out of the way. 3. Acrobatics (we all know what Acrobatics are) PERSONALITY: Sadisticly evil, merciless killer, enjoys the trill of chaos upon the world BIO: Upon growing up, he was a murderer at a young age. Meaningless to say that he kill off his own parents with his own bare hands. He enjoys killing others and doesn't care if he does get paid or not. He was even seen killing off his own contractors that hired him. This man is known to be feared. Despite being a rogue assassin, he met with a person (that was a black cloaked messenger) threw him an invitational letter and a picture of Yene. The picture of Yene was the reason to draw his interest on traveling to place called Magnolia. APPEARANCE: ![]() EXTRA: Weapons: Tekagi-Shuko (Tiger hook claws) Language: Elvish ![]() ![]() |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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(Guess I'll join. Though, Roxas, Y U NO visit other RP anymore? I'll stick with my usual character, in a way) Name: Akumu Ryuko Nickname: Maou/Makai no Hime Gender: Female Age: 22(Actual age over 2000 years, as her race does not age) Blood Status: Dragonkin Class: Fallen Paladin Original Hometown: Unknown, when asked, answers Drakonia, but there's no such town on a map. Hobbies: Battle Tournaments, Arenas Powers: 1)Darkness Imbue - An ability to use various different dark-property skills with weapons or without them. Most of those skills inflict heavy mental and physical strain on Ryuko. 2)Iai - A katana quick-draw style. 3)Primal Fear - An ability call an aura of unexplained fear, that affects those of low willpower. Ryuko does that by revealing the darkness she absorbed. Using this ability affects herself too, but due to strong willpower, she can resist it, resulting in the same strain that appears in Darkness Imbue. Personality: Ryuko is a simple-minded cheerful girl, following knight's code of valor. She talks in an old, refined style of Japanese (Which doesn't show here, as we're using English) Bio: A dragonkin wanderer, who travels the world, saving people, fighting bandits and doing other small heroic actions. (For those who know my character, this is a female form of Ryuu. As his body is mostly formed of darkness, he doesn't have a defined gender, though he was BORN as a male. As his form change, his mentality and way of talking changes to a female one, with Ryuko speaking as an old-fashioned japanese princess, refering to herself as "Ware" or "Warawa") Appearance: ![]() Extra: Weapon - A katana, named "Fear". Ryuko can use most any weapon, if she picks it up, but she carries around only "Fear" (My character also has halberd "Destiny" and giant shield "Requiem", but I won't use them here. Or actually, they are restricted to male form only) Fallen Paladin - An EX paladin, who aquired powers of darkness instead of powers of light. This is pretty much a Warrior class with Darkness Imbue powers. Name: Blackspirit Helion Title: Eternal/Helion of Despair Gender: Female Age: 17(Over 80, but she stopped aging after meeting Ryuko) Blood: Human Class: Warrior Original Hometown: Unknown, when asked, answers Rakios, but there's no such town on a map. Hobbies: Cooking, playing with kids Powers: 1)Iai - A katana quick-draw style. 2)Wing Halo - Helion can fly, though for a short period, mostly similar to a long jump. When she does, she has two white feathered wings. 3)Iron Maiden - A fast attack magic that hits distant enemy with a spear of darkness. Barely does any real damage, but weakens opponent for several minutes, similar to a poison. Personality: Timid, polite Bio: She's a retainer of Ryuko, recruited at one of her travels. She seems to have gone through something similar to discrimination against half-bloods, so she fully supports them. (Anyone who knows Eien no Aselia, can guess where that travel was. Ryuu managed to hire her and Halion and bring them to Eternal class. They have a cafe at Ryuu's world with Helion cooking and Halion making sweets, but sometimes they accompany him in his travels) Appearance: ![]() Extra: Weapon - Katana, named "Despair" (This sword had its own will in past, but now it's just a katana) Name: Greenspirit Halion Title: Eternal/Halion of Oak Gender: Female Age: 20(Over 80, but she stopped aging after meeting Ryuko) Blood: Human Class: Paladin Original Hometown: Unknown, when asked, answers Rakios, but there's no such town on a map. Hobbies: Pastry-making Powers: 1)Spear - Sonic Strike - Series of quick thrusts with a spear. 2)Shield Halo - Devoted Block - Halion can cover herself and up to two of her allies with a protective barrier. While she does, all attacks to her allies exaust Halion, but do no damage to allies. However, while she does, she cannot use any other skills. Also, as this skill is effective against physical attacks, it's extremely weak against magic. 3)Shield Halo - Cure - Halion can heal herself and up to two allies at once. Her healing can recover non-fatal wounds to nothing and reduce fatal wounds to non-fatal ones. However, after she uses it, she cannot use Shield Halo skills before she rests. (Around 1 hour of non-battle) Also, whenever she uses Shield Halo, she has white wings, similar to Helion's. Personality: Air-headed(She speaks in a bit slow, but mature voice), polite, accepting. Bio: Same as Helion. As they are the only surviving minor Spirits, they are sworn sisters, so Helion calls her Onee-chan. Appearance: ![]() Extra: Weapon - A broad spear (Something that looks like a double-sided glaive, or reminds a sharpened oar), named "Oak" (Same as "Despair", this spear had will in past, but not anymore.) |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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Wow! Just wow! I went AWOL and suddenly I have people who joined in! Thanks a lot everyone! Now lets get down to business. @LnDn - I recognize Udyr's influence anywhere! and a bit of DOTA I see as well. Your 1st character is just fine except please use the "Extra:" section to explain what exactly the Beastmater Job does/is. For your second character, the Fervor ability increases his attack speed up to how much %? Also please detail a bit more on spellblade. Other then that, you are good to go! @Nethar - Your class job does not really match your abilities, you seem to be more of a hemomancer (spellcaster who uses blood as their weapon). For the Summon Blood Dragon ability, can you elaborate more on the effects of "Blood Breath"? Also I think the name Hemoplague sounds as a cooler choice xP. Elaborate your characters Bio a bit more please. For the hometown, look at the race descriptions carefully. I already named some cities for the races. You can created another smaller one if you want but let me know about it. What happened to her before she became a death knight? other then those issues, APPROVED! @Kuran Hi - Welcome! You and I have never worked together so lets get started! For the Competitive instinct ability, can you elaborate a bit more? And for your water manipulation ability, can you also elaborate a bit more? Other then that, I have absolutely no problems. @Zourato - Long time since we worked together eh? Elaborate the limits of Ice Summon. How to counter that ability and Frozen Touch. How does Illusion of the Snow exactly? Is it a mental influence, eye to eye contact, etc? Also, rather then taking a job "Bounty Hunter/Assassin" you can create one yourself and explain in the Extra Section what kind of job it is. For your second character, explain more on "Gut 'em and slice 'em". It is a combat style? How does it work? Also finish his profile. @Moggle - Been busy mate. The year end season at work is evill. But now I am back! Elaborate your character's bio......the type of job you are can be explained in the Extra Section....Why is a pureblood dragon kin interested in Magnolia town....Other then that your bio is fine. For Blackspirit Helion, please explain how and why a pureblood human can stop aging so suddenly? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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@roxas i referred the death knight class towards WoW and there abilities are verrrry similar sorry ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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@Roxas: I've placed Fallen Paladin info into extra for Ryuko. Ryuko is sorta just travelling and getting involved with various events for no real reason, sometimes for fun, sometimes in search of new retainers. As for Helion, anyone who decide to travel with Ryuko/Ryuu become some kind of beings that exist outside time and in all worlds at once, though normally at immaterial form (So getting killed in one world just forbids from returning to that world). Helion's real race is Spirit btw, which is pretty similar to humans, though that race still aged. All that shouldn't have any real effect on the RP, as I doubt even if this thread will be active we'll progress more than a year there. Btw, in the source she is from, Spirit could become Eternal, which is pretty much what Ryuu is - unaging strong being not tied to any world. The only difference is that when Ryuu's retainers leave their old worlds, they are not erased from that world's history (As they still technically exist there). By the way, even though Ryuko looks like a human and doesn't have wings or anything dragonic, she still has dragonic presence, so she is instantly recognized as a dragon. (Btw, I've noticed it before, but having two characters makes it way easier to write posts than with one, because they can talk with each other.) |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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@Roxas Yes, it has been a long time. As for my first character, I think I'm going to change her powers into something else because I don't find anything catchy on her abilities. I think i'm going to change her into an water/ice bender instead of her being a ice magic user because the stuff i already have for her having magic, I don't think I like it because it doesn't sound like winter to me As for my second character, have you played the gamed called, Dynasty Warriors? If you have then, I'm trying to make him a bit like Zhang He but, he isn't going to be as feminine like him (edit) Now she snows like winter ![]() ![]() |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
@Roxas the competitive instinct ability is a copycat/berserk ability that allows the user to copy the enemies power and speed. after this happens the skill is fueled with rage and the desire to win, thus enhancing the copied stats while going into a berserk state. the water manipulation is kinda like the stuff that waterbenders do in "The last airbender"(Avatar) anime. Think about a fight in a tavern, there is a bucket of water and Dia guides the water towards one of her daggers and enlarges her blade with water that turns into ice. Or think about her sitting in a tree while watching a target, she is using her crossbow but she doesn't want to leave a trace. In this situation she can draw water out of the air or a plant and she can make this into an arrow. Other than that: Water balls, whips, anything that fits in with the situation just remember that she cant do this all the time due to the fact that its not realy magic. basic combatstyle still = hand to hand combat + daggers I hope that this gives u a litle bit more info.
It's not like i'm here for u >.>
I'm here because i want to...
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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Done editing, see if its okay now ![]() |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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@LnDn - Approved and ready to see you rage beyond my understanding. @Nethar - Hmm, *shrugs* Why not. Just let me know of any immunities to Blood Breath and any cures. other then that, Approved! @Kuran Hi - Aright then, Approved but waiting to see detailed background story as stated in your "Extra" section. @Zourato - I read the "Assassin" part but that does not really sound like an assassin. AN assassin kills ANYONE regard of who it is. Some assassins (very, very rare) have a few limits on what they are willing to kill (Etc. no pregnant women). That's why it is strange that you are a bounty hunter and an assassin in one. Never played Dynasty Warriors before but youtube showed me what you mean. Only the bio for that dude is pending I guess. Semi-approved. BTW, your weapons are not called 'bear-claws', their real name is Tekagi-shuko (Tiger hook hands) just giving you a heads up. @Moggle - Approved. @All - I plan to start this RP preferably before Christmas. So those who are still pending, please try to finish up by then. Also, invite those who might be interested. Finally, I am also opening up a their character for everyone. Those who want a 3rd character, just give me a heads up. Finally for those who are making a 3rd character, do me a favour and use some of the other races. Almost no one is using naga, dwarfs, nathrezim, night elves and wolfen. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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@ Roxas Well, my character will just kill anyone with a bounty. Killing for a bounty makes her an assassin? ![]() ![]() |
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@Roxas: I want the third character. Taking only Helion with me was a bit sad, I wanted to take both Helion and Halion. Though Halion would also be Spirit, or Human in this RP. I don't like playing Dwarves. Not to mention, I can't see Naga very playable. Also don't have elf(Senritsu can be one, as she has pointed ears, but technically she's a demon) or werewolf characters. And finally, now that I've already taken Helion, third character, if any, is decided, so can't use my vampire characters (I have a couple of them). |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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@ roxas sorted now ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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@Roxas: Okay, I've added third character higher. She is a tank-healer character, so I placed her in a Paladin class. Hope we can start soon. |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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Added third character, a hybrid tank/damager, lets get it started soon ![]() |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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@Starting on Saturday guys. The pace will be fast to keep everyone's interest. Use your first posts to get to magnolia where you somehow try to find Mavis (messenger meets you, ask for directions etc.). my 2nd post will be Mavis telling you about the plan and the 3rd post will be us setting out for our first job. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Limbo on The Borderline - Ch 1:Hope (STARTED)
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@Roxas you realise everyones gonna be busy on saturday and sunday yeah? ![]() ![]() ![]() |