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New member. Just joined.
Link | by on 2011-09-09 06:06:05
Hey peeps.
I've been downloading songs from gendou for quite some time. Happened to discover a forum on this website so I decided to join.
Anw, any idea where should I start?
I've posted 2 random posts so far.

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Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by hello on 2011-09-09 07:01:09
just post whatever you think about the post? idk. i just go with the flow.

anhyways, welcome.

a rather half hearted welcome i give you, cause im sure someone will welcome you with open hands, and its not my job to do it.


Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by on 2011-09-09 09:39:34

Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by on 2011-09-09 12:52:13
Nice to meet you! Well, if you want to start posting around here, you started in the right place by coming to the Introduce Yourself section. Just poke around the other sections and post in whatever threads interest you there.

Also, I just happened to notice your sig there. By any chance, are you a Kimi ni Todoke fan too? (Just wondering since I love Kimi ni Todoke ♥)

Anyway, I hope to see you around and have fun!

Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by TalesLover777 on 2011-09-09 15:16:32
*smiles* Hello there, new person~ It's very nice to meet you. ^^

I'm sure you'll like it here. Everyone here is very nice in helping out!

Well, I hope you enjoy yourself~

Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by on 2011-09-10 07:19:00
Thanks for the welcomes! :D I visit this website really often to check on the music updates, but I don't go to the forum section. So far nothing in particular has sparked my interest. I think the Gendou forum has a really nice and friendly community, so that is what make me visit the forum. I would really like to try the R.P.s in Gendou City. But there are like so many and I am really indecisive on which one to start on. Any recommendations?

@Toyumi YES I AM A KIMI NI TODOKE FAN! It is the best romance/school life anime I've watched so far, and it is really AWESOME. I like how they change Sawako from a loner to someone who opens up to other people in the class and the school. I think i can relate myself to her character so that's why I love this anime. I've tried other romance anime like Honey and Clover, Clannad, but nothing could match up to KIMI NI TODOKE.

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Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by click or die on 2011-09-10 07:26:46 (edited 2011-09-10 07:47:59)
kazu here *waves*

I know the days and music brimming out the sound of lifetime言葉が嫌い

Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by on 2011-09-10 08:08:46
@ xLOVESCAKE- Yes! It is the best romance/school life anime! And if you read manga then I recommend that you read the Kimi ni Todoke manga as well, since it's just as awesome as the anime. I've tried some other anime in the school life/romance genre as well, but all of what I've seen so far pales in comparison to Kimi ni Todoke.

Anyway, this isn't the place to go on and on about how amazing Kimi ni Todoke is, since there's already a Kimi ni Todoke thread for that sort of thing. XD

Kimi ni Todoke Thread

And if you want to try RPing, I suggest trying an RP that started recently or is still casting (Such as Ugo's FeaRed: Chaos Upheaval , or Kyousuke's Bullet for Prisoner), although most RP's will still accept players even after they've started. Just make sure the RP is one that's on the first page of the Gendou City section, and that it hasn't died off yet (Any RP that, as of now, has had a post since 8/30 is one that I think is still alive).

I suggest reading the RP Master's Guide to RPing to see how we RP on Gendou, and post any questions that you have about RPing on Gendou there or in Gendou RPer's United. Also, before you join any RP, you should PM the creator about it and make sure it's still open for casting.

Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by red_13 on 2011-09-10 12:39:24
Welcome, I guess.

Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by eunie on 2011-09-10 19:43:59


Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by on 2011-09-10 23:36:23
YOO to more people ! :D

Back @Toyumi Thanks alot for the tips on RPing!
For now I guess I'll look for threads to post on.

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Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by koy+ on 2011-09-11 05:00:15
Welcome! i hope the forums revive with more people :D

Re: New member. Just joined.
Link | by vampireyari on 2011-09-11 20:12:29
welcome :O)

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