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Fairy Tail Manga [Spoilers!]
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-20 09:34:14
Im making this thread to discuss the Fairy Tail manga with spoilers of course. The
other FT thread says it's about the anime, and since no one has discussed the manga
or has avoided spoilers there, I wanted to make a thread to discuss up-to-date
events with no fear of spoiling anything for anyone.

How did everyone like last weeks chapter? It looks like this week we finally get
to see the connection with 'Zeref' and Natsu, since you see a young 'Zeref' who
is dressed in similar attire to Natsu.

I'm also pumped that the reinforcements have been arriving. Fried was owning, which
I didn't think he could do at such a level. Between the Battle of FT Arc and now,
his skills and powers either greatly improved or he is now using his full potential.

ALSO, Did you guys check out the RavexFairy Tail crossover chapter from a few weeks
ago? Talk about living a dream! It was amazing to see the two stories coming together
with what I think was an amazing chapter and addition to both series.

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