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First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by on 2011-04-15 12:43:18
i havent seen a forum for FPS games yet so i thought i might start one.

im into alot of FPS games just wondered what FPS you think is better

in my opinion my favorite FPS in terms of originality would be Portal

the idea for this game was genius where you had to escape using nothing but a portal gun

with Portal 2 on the way im really interested to see what the co-op will be like

in terms of Multi-Player value, Call of Duty: Black Ops. (i play on PC not console)
i really enjoy the multi-player in this its fun, competitive, and when your playing with all your friends, team work always prevails. i know this game has its flaws, it has a bad hit-box rating, but i rather have a bad hit rating than having tubes kill me each time like in Modern Warfare 2

Re: First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by Guitar! on 2011-04-15 12:53:16
Oh yeah, portal.
Black Ops, it was interesting, and creepy in a way. (If you play alone late at night, damn.)
I really like the COD series. Fun and challenging.

Does CS still count? xD
Then therse lost planet (I think.) Epic boss battles. Really.
L4D2 :P

Still many, but I don't rmb them. (Primarily psp games.)

Mio is Awesome!

Re: First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-04-15 13:15:25
First person: Battlefield3 will utterly rape any war game/shooter AROUND! Period.
Hell I even thought BC2 was better than MW2 when I played both of those.

COD is heavily overated and Killzone 3 got too repetitive (but still fun to a point). I traded that in.
I also beat Bulletstorm and Crysis2 and they were okay (rented them via GameFly).
I think Crysis2 tried too much, I wasn't a huge fan of the campaign and didn't even try online (due to issues).
Just tried MOH (PS3) lately and honestly it's pretty decent.
Not outstanding like your modern popular beasts but not horrific either. Definitely worth a try.

Third person: Hands down, Uncharted is the best, thus far. SOCOM is garbage compared to it, but that's my opinion.

You're getting Portal 2, too? I also pre-ordered it from AMAZING amazon!! It's gonna be interesting.
I probably won't have any GF games by then since I mailed them just today so we'll see.

Not sure if it has online co-op, I keep forgetting if it does or not. You can add my PSN if you wanna try? xakxDA I hope more people get it. ^_^


Re: First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by on 2011-04-15 13:23:02 (edited 2011-04-15 13:23:32)
BF3 i have a feeling is all hype, apparently Activision are working on MW3 as well but who knows it hasent been announced yet
Crysis 2 is all just graphics thats all the crysis series ever was
apparently Portal 2 might be released earlier on steam portal 2 count down timer
Achievement Hunter video explaining portal 2 early release theory

Re: First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-04-15 13:48:19
It may look like it for maybe those who aren't familiar with the series, but BF3 is definitely going to be insane.
The footage alone looks incredibly and the Frostbite 2 engine will rape. Can't imagine what online will be.
It was rumored PC will have 64 players online (!!) but I heard they cut it short cause... that'd be a bit of a hassle.
I read the storyline from Battlefield 2 or the previous one was something different, not the new one is in Afghanistan? Weird.
And who knows when they'll finish the story in BF: BC2 but whatever, lol, war games never "end"...

I can care less about Activision, but they have a court case with IW first.
IW, the guys who pretty much made Black Ops and then got their work stolen from Activision and Treyarch.
If they win their court case they won't have rights to the MW series or their engine (which was used in Black Ops I believe).

It would make sense if Portal 2 would release earlier for PC.
Maybe that's why they bundled it with a free copy of Portal 1 for consoles?
I don't think I read about that on amazon I have to re-check but regardless it doesn't matter.
I think you'd need Steam to play it anyways and I don't remember my old steam account nor would I make a new one.

I saw more footage for Portal 2, it seems difficult, more so than the first.
Hopefully it's not "crazy" difficult, but still makes it possible for people to beat.
Steam on PSN is just amazing, the future's really bright for Sony in that department at least.


Re: First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by on 2011-04-15 14:25:58
64 players? thats a bit much
when you have things like that they have to take into account PC's that arnt capable of handling that much graphical lag input

consoles are understandable the games for console are made so suit their standard but for PC means they would have to dim down the graphics quite a bit

as for that many players in a single FPS match is kind of insane the map would have to be massive, imagine that many players on nuketown @_@

yeah i got portal 2 on steam, tbh i think i play too many games you be the judge

xMiroku Steam Page

Re: First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-04-15 18:39:56
That's a lot for a title like Battlefield online (PC) but I've seen games with 128 or so before, too, so it's possible.
Maybe not counting MMORPGs since there's so much of those huge party-giant boss deals.

The maps in BF:BC2 were pretty big since you had to set charges and whatnot, but the squad deathmatch mode made the maps even larger.
You do a lot of running, well not "a lot" but more than your COD or KZ maps.

As for graphics, anti-Mac PC nerds usually boost their desktops anyways.
The recent new footage of B3 was the alpha mode footage for the PC version, which looked amazing already.

I'm using GF to play as many games for the next few months, too, before hopefully going back into school.
Though GF pisses me off when they don't go in order of my GameQ and send me an almost random title.


Re: First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by on 2011-04-16 01:24:09
i guess, i remember 1 MMO FPS i forgot what its called but i think it was on consoles

i dont mind large area maps but it would be annoying to find someone

lets say it was like CS where when you die you respawn next round

what happens when theres only 2 players left? (as you can tell i dont know the BF game modes im just guessing here)
it would take ages for them to find and kill one another

as far as those anti-MAC people, im one of them, i dont mind MAC's for some FPS games as long as it can handle it

and also dont forget the massive complaints treyarch got from PC gamers since they never beta tested on the PC the graphics of it, alot of PC's could not handle it

Re: First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-04-16 18:24:50
BF consists of large game modes (squad based of at least 4).
I've been in small games where it was almost squad vs. squad but there's never 1 vs. 1 or you get like booted into new game or something.

KZ had that though, where you can play a match (e.g. Warzone) all by yourself and get free points if you last 7 rounds.

lol, Treyarch must've thought IW did that for them, but they didn't... XD

What I meant about the anti-Mac comment though, is that people who hate Macs always complain about the "cost" of a Mac/Macbook.
Where as they pimp out their desktops which cost more than almost 2 iMacs together, which contradicts their judgment.

I saw one Desktop on AOTS where it had like 3 fans and crazy power, the thing cost friggin' 6K$!

I only have a default settings Macbook right now, but I hope to upgrade in the future with more RAM at least. I don't Mac game though.


Re: First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by angel_of_stone on 2011-04-18 13:58:36 (edited 2011-04-18 14:00:56)
If you want an FPS with huge games, go for MAG on PS3. It has 4 games modes, one each that supports 32, 64, 128, and 256 players. Unfortunately you have to pay for extra DL content to get the 128 player mode unlocked. The 256 player mode has 3 levels of command so there are tactics involved (I'm always afraid to apply for command positions since I might screw my team over...)

Only issue I have with it is the lack of diverse weaponry, otherwise it is a great game in my opinion.

I think there is a full game demo available on PSN with a low level cap.

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Re: First/Third Person Shooter games
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-04-19 03:09:32
lol, game demo, what would it include? Time limit?
Cause the entire MAG game is online based, there's no storymode or anything.
I forgot MAG had large lobbies as well, and yeah it was pretty fun when I played though I prefer others.
I've seen people plat it, must be nuts cause three trophies are getting to level 60 or something on each class.

On another note, Portal 2 should be here later today! :)
I also complained to GF about my games not arriving yet, they checked, it was on there way so they sent out two games yesterday.
Hopefully I get everything today cause I might not whore out Portal 2 right away.
Plus I'm hoping to find people who have it so we can play online co-op!!


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