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Your Nickname
Link | by Guitar! on 2011-03-21 21:00:16 (edited 2011-03-21 21:51:37)
Guess what? Yes yes... I have nothing better to do, and I've thought of this idea.
Its somewhat a game. I'm not sure if you guys have done it before.

Rules :
1. No vulgarities.
2. Respect other people's Nickname.
3. Naturally, no rude/offensive remarks.
4. Forum rules applies.

I'll startout to show you an example.
After that, its your turn.


C aring for others,
H elping those in need
I ncredibly bored,
N ever stops to look for games
Y awns when fails to find any.

Its somewhat a description of yourself, using your nickname.

Have fun.

<--Some Basic Help-->
< b>Bold< /b> to Bold
< u>Underline< /u> to Underline
< i>Italic< /i> for Italic

Mio is Awesome!

Re: Your Nickname
Link | by kei on 2011-03-22 03:33:18 (edited 2011-03-22 03:34:33)
My friend use to call me FA (as its sound) and the meaning behind it :

F - Forbidden
A - Anime

=_=" I know it's weird but kinda clicked with my name.. huhu..

Re: Your Nickname
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2011-03-23 11:53:42 (edited 2011-03-23 17:11:52)
R Roning Ookami
O Open to worship
N Never dies
I Instant ladys man/wolf/lucario/pikachu/riolu/scyther
N Never leaves chat

O Oh my god its ronin Ookami!
O Obsessed with anime
K keeps lots of Coca Cola
A Appears in tall grass
M May be poisonious
I Instantly Lovable

Re: Your Nickname
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2011-11-21 22:42:45
D Dreams of future
R Rascal (A force for good)
A Attention giver
K Kind-Hearted
E Empath (Naturally born one)

T Time manager
H Hits his target
E Emotional (I'm a natural born Empath, whatchu expect?!)

D Darkness (my centralized core element)
E Evolved since I was a kid
M Monster (I hurt people in the past and I wish not to anymore)
O Obedient to his heart (I do what I feel is right)
N Nothing stands in the way of my heart's TRUE desire!

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: Your Nickname
Link | by ichiyumi on 2011-11-22 10:27:24
I Innocent (Blurred actually)
C Caring (Too caring I guess)
H Healthy (My appetite is good)
I Irreplaceable (Love making jokes)
Y Youthful(Despite on my age)
U Unknown (Some part of me is a mystery..hehe)
M Mental problems (Too crazy..haha)
I Indecisive (I'll buy this anime. Wait! Maybe that one. No, maybe this one.)


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