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Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by nyunyuelf on 2011-02-26 15:27:48
This will probably be a lame thread, BUT I wonder if anyone shares the same opinion. My favorite would have to be A1 sauce (the original). Love it on fries, burgers, steaks, hashbrowns w/ cheese, etc. What's yours?


Re: Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by misanouta on 2011-02-26 15:48:07
I personally love Caesar salad dressing, mostly only the Renee's stuff, but it really doesn't matter too much. It goes on chicken wings, chicken strips, chicken breasts, hot dogs/sausages, burgers, salads (obviously), bacon, lasagna, ribs, beef.... And I put it in marinades.... I don't even think that's half of it....

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Re: Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by nyunyuelf on 2011-02-26 15:54:29
That's awesome! Subway used to carry A1, and I'd put it on my steak/cheese sandwich *drool


Re: Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by pokkoro on 2011-02-26 16:39:33

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Re: Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2011-02-26 18:14:54
Depends on what I'm having. If I'm at a fast food restaurant, I'll grab the chili sauce, ketchup, mayo, tartar sauce, curry sauce, bbq sauce, sweet and sour sauce, salad dressing...and dump it all onto my burger patty and fries :p. I like putting all kinds of sauce on my food...

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Re: Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by on 2011-02-26 18:37:08
I love to put BBQ sauce on a ton of things. It goes on all of my sandwiches, and I have it with almost every meat. I'm also a big fan of ketchup too.

Re: Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-02-26 20:12:57
I could probably have marinara sauce on a lot of things but I don't have it on everything (or a lot).

Basically I don't have a favorite sauce that goes on everything. It all varies. :)


Re: Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by on 2011-02-26 22:46:09
Chili sauce for any food like Fries...

Re: Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by misanouta on 2011-02-27 21:31:25
Yeah. Caesar dressing is my best friend. I just put it on a taco tonight. I'm not a big fan of ketchup, but I do love BBQ sauce. And Honey Garlic sauce. Oh my God, I eat that stuff out of the jar....

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Re: Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by on 2011-03-09 16:59:40
soy sauce for certain food i eat and chilli sauce for hot dogs and cheese fries
yum, sweet and sour sauce on other those spicy food that is like hot hot

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Re: Sauce you put on nearly everything AKA fav. sauce
Link | by stash on 2011-03-09 17:06:54
Honey BBQ sauce and Ketchup I put it on everything, french fries, hamburgers, spaghetti

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