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Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-01-22 08:36:15
Here's the thread for the second season anime.
I saw all three or so episodes so far and it's started off nicely.
The first episode (00) was just a recap to lure you back into what happened near the end of S1.

I'm glad they used a similar OST with maybe some new music,
but I do have to say, S1 had a good OP/ED, S2 has another good OP and an amazing ED!

Some screen caps (I love taking them from this anime):

Btw, there's also a live-action and the trailer is on youtube so check it out!

Bump this thread for the live-action.


Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by on 2011-01-22 10:05:38
Season 2 did start off very well. I especially loved the latest episode (It was so cute!). And the opening is good, it's better than the first opening (Not to say that one wasn't good, just that this one was better). Although the ending really is amazing! It was a lot better than the first season's ending (Again, not to say that one wasn't good either). I had it stuck in my head for two days after the last episode. Although that's not a bad thing, considering how amazing it is.

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-01-22 10:14:42
The ED is really amazing, I can see a bunch of people making covers of it already.

It seems we're going to see a love triangle this season.
I liked it when the new guy started poking at Sadako's forehead, that part was funny.

lol, I wonder if she still has those chocolates... XD


Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by on 2011-01-26 13:11:08
Yes, I loved it when Kento started poking at her forehead! Something similar to that happened towards the beginning of the latest episode, with him teaching her how to say good morning. XD

Oh, and Sawako's medicine herbs... Well, she's only trying to help with them, but the signs for them were kind of vague about whether they help with that symptom or cause it... XD

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-01-30 11:21:26
I wonder if there's going to be a love triangle? Possibly, though Kento knows they like each other.
I wonder if he's here now, to try to get them together. They're obviously nervous again around each other,
but the look in their eyes is much brighter than ever. Sawako looks so cute when she's blushing.


Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by dsursion1109 on 2011-01-30 12:47:55
I love how much Sawako has grown.
And when she smiles, I mean SMILES, it is like… my heart is happy!

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by on 2011-02-01 21:49:41
^ I know what you mean :O

Seriously though, this show is sooo heart-warming!

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by on 2011-02-18 18:57:36
I was thinking that there might be a love triangle at the end of episode 5, but with what happened in the last episode I doubt it now. Although I really did love the last episode (Well, I love pretty much every episode, but this one was more so), even though it was kind of depressing. I really hope that we'll see Sawako become even more amazing because of what happened.

One thing I do have to say is that Yano is really growing on me. Ever since the end of the first season when she broke up with her boyfriend, she's just always been there for Sawako. Well, even before she broke up with him she was like that, but now it's more pronounced (Or at least, it is to me). She knows exactly what to say to cheer Sawako up, and she makes me wish that I had a friend exactly like her.

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-02-27 06:16:58
I just saw episode 4, 5, 6, and 7 after one another, and I must say very dramatic!

So they finally confessed to each other, but I honestly didn't see how it turned out.
It appears things are awkward again like before they met, and rumors are just a thread away from slipping away.

I don't think Kent likes her, I think he's just trying to help them get together though it's misunderstood.

I took a lot of screen caps between the episodes:

Sawako's true beauty (even when crying) and Yano-chin's rare cuteness. ^_^


Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by Larkie on 2011-03-03 01:53:43
first season I didnt think Yano was that pretty, however she is in the running for my favorite character now, she has brains lol

and this last episode was such a cliffhanger lol I raged when the ending theme came on

Toyumi I am so jealous you claimed Sawako btw ;)

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by lightangell on 2011-03-05 04:01:45
interesting. season 2 recaptured interest in the show.

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by 五四三二一 on 2011-03-06 08:27:20
Dammit! I love this show, first season was awesome, this one is really good too, but I hate watching good shows as they're airing because you have to wait a week for the next episode...grrr.


Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by on 2011-03-09 19:18:10
Episode 9 made me cry, after Sawako said her true feelings to Kazehaya. And damn, I wanna kill Joe right now!

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by 五四三二一 on 2011-03-09 21:02:39
The characters make this show. It's a shame that this season is only twelve episodes because I think it could continue now focusing on more of the side characters while at the same time developing Kuronuma and Kazehaya's relationship more and it would still be very enjoyable.

I am VERY glad, though, that they didn't put the confession at the very last minute of the final episode like so many shows. I hope, beyond all hope, that they have an episode where she introduces Kazehaya to her parents. Kuronuma's father is HILARIOUS and I'd really love to see that episode.


Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-03-11 17:40:27
I liked the part when Kazehaya walked to the door and grabbed her and closed the door.
In more ecchi-related anime, like... Kanokon, they would've probably did something more.

Although at that point, maybe they were about to kiss (or at least Kazehaya was probably thinking about it).

lol Joe's such an idiot and it was funny when Ryu was knocked out at the end. His facial expression was funny.

I also like Pin's =_= face. XD


Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by 五四三二一 on 2011-03-30 10:27:17
Dammit... I was really hoping for a "Meet the Parents" episode... Great show though.


Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by Guitar! on 2011-03-30 11:24:39

Oh yeah!

Mio is Awesome!

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by on 2011-03-30 13:20:06
I cried during the last four episodes. All of them. ;w;

Sawako is just too cute. I loved when she told him her feelings, and her reaction when Kazehaya said they were going out at the after party. Well, pretty much everything romantic they did in the entire series was really cute, not just the last four episodes.

I especially loved when Kurumi told off those girls who were being mean to Sawako, and then when she told Sawako that she was the reason she could tell her feelings to Kazehaya. It really seemed to tie things up between them.

@ DA- To answer your question from awhile ago, apparently she still had the chocolates. XD

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by richwiggles on 2011-03-30 17:53:03
Lol, I just assumed she had the chocolates the whole time. I kind of lost track of how much time passed after Valentines Day. I wonder if she kept those chocolates refridgerated the entire time... Wait... she took back the hat her dad had? When did this happen?! These are the things that make me lose sleep at night. xD

All in all, one hell of a 2nd season. So sad that my only "clean" anime of the season has to end now.

Re: Kimi ni Todoke 2
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2011-04-02 08:21:10
LOL Komaro

I thought the ending kinda a turn off...
Looking forward to the live action 8D

And agreed with 五四三二一, I wanted more Yoshida... she is so funny XD

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