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Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by carlosagarcia on 2011-01-02 13:09:25
Some people have compared the anime One Piece and Fairy Tail ...

But why do you think gives this comparison?

* Characters
* History
* Thematic
* Soundtrack
* Drawing Style / Style Animation


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Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by on 2011-01-02 14:15:26
I moved this to the anime section. When talking about anime this is where it should be right?

Anyway the only thing that is similar to me is the drawing style of the characters.


Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by carlosagarcia on 2011-01-02 17:06:50
thanks ray, then also I think something similar is the drawing style, yet each has its environment ... and the comparison is more hehe

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Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by on 2011-01-05 03:21:35
I think it's more or less like Rave seeing as the one who made Fairytail is the same guy.Heck you can see alot of references that came from rave.

Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-01-06 03:40:24
The art style is definitely similar but it's not animated by the same guy or studio. I thought that was weird.

They're both serialized by Shonen Jump anyways. There's a similarity.


Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by on 2011-01-09 16:50:36
definitely drawing style

Seitokai no Ichizon - 01 - Large 37 Photobucket

Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by raven9543 on 2011-01-09 20:57:45
Yes , i think so . The art is similiar when i first saw fairy tail manga . And i feel it similiar with the law of ueki (i guess) . Hahaha

Raven was here

Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-01-11 11:15:28 (edited 2011-01-11 11:16:04)
- Stretch. -

The entire reason that you can find similarities between FT, One Piece, and even
Rave Master from characters, art style, etc, is simple. Both Oda [OP's Mangaka] and
Hiro [Rave and FT's Mangaka] drew inspiration and studied the style of Akira Toriyama [Dragon Ball's Mangaka].

Seeing as they both studied the same style and draw inspiration from the same source,
of course their styles will be similar. OP fans, or at least some, love to mention
how FT and Rave are ripping Oda -- it's just they have similar styles.

I also believe I read somewhere Oda and Hiro are friends, but I don't remember.
Either way, neither is ripping the other, and the style similarities are because
they draw inspiration from the same source -- Akira Toriyama and Dragon Ball.

Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by Guitar! on 2011-03-27 00:14:22
Yeah. Definitely the way they draw have similarities... and some of the random humours ^^

Mio is Awesome!

Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by arashi3 on 2011-03-27 00:46:39
Just the drawing style is similar to me. Other than that, nothing else. I mean, this is comparing magic and pirates.


Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by Raichi on 2011-05-11 07:37:37
so not just me who notice the similiar between fairy tail and one piece huh??
yeah i agree with carlos all of the character from fairy tail almost like one piece for example:
natsu - luufy
gray - ace
lucy - nami
happy - chopper (even they're diferent kind animal)

Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-16 04:35:14
Like I mentioned in my last post, it's no question they're similar; but it's because
they draw inspiration from the same source. Also, Hiro and Oda are friends I believe,
and Fairy Tail itself started out somewhat similar to One Piece with art style. It
has of course become it's own however, and while similar to OP is because of the
same inspiration they draw from.

Also, characters in FT are more like characters from Hiro's previous work, Rave [which
is also my favorite series all-time that I just reread in full a couple weeks ago].

Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by ravearcher on 2011-05-23 05:17:34
Raichi: Well, I still think Fairy Tail is just like Rave. The characters look more similar and are somewhat similar in their personality.
Natsu - Haru
Gray - Musica
Lucy - Elie
Mystogan/Jellal - Sieghart (even their tattoo/marking on their face is similar)
Plue, well is still Plue and Erza Knightwalker's 10 commandments are just like Haru's 10 commandments.

Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-05-25 12:47:27
Mist Gun/Gerard was openly made to look like Sieg Hart, and was said by Hiro to
be a homage and fac service to honor Sieg from Rave. As for Natsu and Haru, as well
as Gray and Musica and then Lucy and Elie; the artist's style if of course going
to be similar, like most all mangaka that do more than one series.

However while similar, all of the characters are unique in their own way, and can
easily be distinguished both by their looks and their personality, but of course
they are similar.

Also, Plue, like the Gerard/Sieg connection, is suppose to be a homage and fan
service to Rave. Knightwalker's weapon was ALSO made in order to honor Rave. There's
a big difference in making something the same and paying homage or respect to
something, and Fairy Tail does the latter for the previous series of Rave.

Got my fanboy hat on and FanSword ready to slice and dice. >_>;

Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by riemahalim on 2011-06-02 11:38:35
I think Fairy Tail most like Rave Master but actually the Characters look same..


Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by nadiashapley on 2011-06-10 18:57:19
the art of Fairy Tail and One Piece looks same.. I was so surprised at first when I saw Fairy Tail.. I thought that the creator of Fairy Tail is Eiichiro Oda,but it wasn't him..

for me, maybe from the artwork look same, but from the story, I guess it's totally different

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Re: Fairy Tail Is like One Piece? O_O
Link | by Boring... Toyama on 2011-06-22 10:58:49
The Art are similar and from what i think the character is like
Natsu=Luffy Gildarts=Shanks

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