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Helloodle ^_^
Link | by Lena on 2005-06-23 17:32:03
Wondering if anyonr can help: I sing and I've just discovered a song called Ensei, by Yuki Kajiura (or the other way around ^_^ Whichever we prefer!) I was wondering if anybody had the lyrics, since I can pretty much figure out the chords... If anyone could help, that would be great!!!
And, yup, I'm a newbie *waves* I hope this isn't against the rules! *glances down* Since I'm not requesting music or anything!
Thank you all!

Re: Helloodle ^_^
Link | by Jad [Alt] Kaizer on 2005-06-25 02:51:51
I don't think it's possible to find the lyrics for this song ( and Mezame as well, which was the remix for Ensei).

Read here.

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