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Around the World??
Link | by night_link on 2005-06-23 11:13:07 (edited 2005-06-23 11:13:43)
Okay! Where would you go first priority if you had the chance? I know because anyone would go EVERYWHERE, but where first? It doesn't even have to be on Earth! Take your pick of who goes with you, what you'll go by (plane, hot air balloon, Gundam or Orbital Frame from Zone of the Enders or Son Goku's Teleport... whatever!!) and what you'll do... ANYTHING!! Are you going to see the Leaning Tower? Are you going to sample frog legs (no really, the meat's just like chicken only it doesnt have too much flavor)? And of course... SHOPPING!!! So express yourself! I know I'd go back to Asia and Europe where I spent a lot of my life and hang out with buddies!!

Re: Around the World??
Link | by Aria on 2005-06-23 11:51:03 (edited 2005-06-23 11:52:41)
I would probably go to Europe. To be more specific i'm going to Paris and see the Eiffel TOWER! The best thing for my transportation is Son Goku's Teleportaion and his flying ability.^_^ (Reminds me when I'm dreaming and you feel like you're as light as a feather.) I'll probably just go little souvenirs...I don't have money to shop...-_- besides I don't like shopping very much especially if i don't have money...i also don't like to use credit cards...i don't like debts...well if it's all about animé i'll be glad to shop all the way! LOL!^_^

and after that I'll go to New York! then back to Asia. Then I'll go to Japan and buy lots of Animé and Cool Electronic gadget...and back where ever my dearest friends and family are...

haha i think i went overboard again...i talk (i mean write) too much...


Re: Around the World??
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-23 17:01:07
I'd go to a private island with an endless supply of ramen and boiling water... and do nothing ever... a boat would work in getting there


Re: Around the World??
Link | by Funsch on 2005-06-23 20:48:24
I'll go to England, every weekend with Goku's Instant Transmission ability, more specifically to North London to watch the English Premier League(Soccer/Football) matches with team "Arsenal" in it.

Re: Around the World??
Link | by Rui on 2005-06-24 01:12:26
Denmark. Perhaps I'll fly there through a shuttle - like the ones in Gundam Wing - with my best friend. Shopping there will be fun, but a little pilgrimage of undiscovered places in there will be great.

Re: Around the World??
Link | by Homunculus on 2005-06-24 09:09:06
The Makai (the Demon World from Yu Yu Hakusho.) Of course, my first priority would be to head back to the birthplace of Kurama... buahahaha...

Re: Around the World??
Link | by Jad [Alt] Kaizer on 2005-06-25 10:30:57
Wander around Oriental Asia, North America and Europe via Skyship, and I'll travel around the whole country via train and a motorcycle, sampling out all the best food in those regions...

Behold the possibilities ! The end is merely the start of a new history !

Re: Around the World??
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-06-26 23:17:39
If I ever get rich I'll go to Rome, see all it has to offer, then tour Italy and see my distant cousins. Planes would be nice, though Goku's instant transmission would be pretty awesome too lol.
I'd only buy stuff I can only get there though, and nothing from one of those cheap tourist trap places. If I ever got really rich I'd tour the world looking at mueseums and artworks. :D

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