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Writers UNITE!
Link | by baldy on 2005-06-22 18:10:19
Well, since we've got music, animes, mangas, and games all in one place, it's time to close the artistic circle with the inclusion of a writer's thread. So...who's a writer? Whacha writin'? Genres? Any ideas you'd like to see written but don't have the time/energy/motivation/laser guns for? C'mon, let's hear it.

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by Homunculus on 2005-06-22 18:55:43
Oh, well, that sounds familiar... I've got a ton of ideas (most of which I really, REALLY wish I'd written down long ago) that I have absolutely no time/energy/motivation for. My laser gun supply is also running a litle low... I'll needa go shopping later.

What about the rest of us? *looks around cheerily* ^__^;;

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by miko on 2005-06-22 21:11:08
i hate to sound escapist but...heh

what type of writing? fiction, poetry...i'm a realist in a sense but i am also experimental. As a result my characters are almost always totally unconventional and my story arc resembles that of a heart monitor.

That said, what now?


Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by baldy on 2005-06-22 21:34:23
Splendid, Miko! Actually, I was hoping someone would bring up characters, because mine are pretty bland and stereotypical. I can get pretty original with the rest of it, but characters...I dunno. They aren't, like, horribly old-school'd or ridiculously hackneyed, but they aren't revolutionary either. Without giving too much away (I hate seeing people's ideas stolen), what exactly are some of these unconventional characters like?

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by miko on 2005-06-22 22:48:03

Well baldy, I must admit I'm a bit reluctant in sharing my characters...Then again all ideas are influenced by others. I shouldn't be a hog - but please take care of their identities. They are very close to my heart and my copyright :) I meant that in a friendly way.

I could get carried away in a tangent when it comes to characters. Sometimes (and I'm a bit ashamed) my character sketches are abnormaly longer than the actual stories...They are just fun to write although I have to do ALOT of cutting down on the sketches.

Names are specific - one name I treasure is Konrad (without the "C" of course). Characteristics may include details that are either irrelevant to the story or completely overblown (sometimes I can't tell when that happens). One such detail: "He spoke in third person but wrote in first" - I don't remember how relevant that really was. It must've been :)

Oh and Konrad brings a plastic lightsaber to school (but it isn't any concievable futuristic setting - that rarely happens in my fiction). This is one character and he is one of my favorites.

Care to share any specifics? I don't quite get your meaning about old-school to tell the truth.


Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by baldy on 2005-06-23 14:34:22
Hrm, specifics.

Well, I'm working on a story called "Take a Shot at Destiny" right now, in which the main character (name Tear Irida) is...well, it's complicated, but basically he's a bounty hunter. Without giving away his origin or purpose (like you, I'm very reluctant to share ideas), he's a very logical person, who uses his mind and nothing else to get him through life. Like Cloud or Squall from FFVII/FFVIII.

He meets a young girl who, for lack of a better description, is a mix between Riona from FFVIII and my girlfriend: naive, goofy, determined, and loving.

That's kinda what I mean by old-school; an often used, stand-by personality. His origin, his 2 lives (yes, he has 2 CONSECUTIVE lives), and his story are all entirely my own, unique creations, but his personality is kinda...hackneyed.

Hey, actually, I'm almost done with that story. If you're interested, I'll send it to ya when it's done (or before, if you want). If you like Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, or other such animes, you'll probably like this story.

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by miko on 2005-06-24 08:59:38
sure, why not? (you can find my e-mail adress in my profile) :)


Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-24 10:59:05 (edited 2005-06-24 10:59:57)
I'm currently working on a novel called "Declaration of Insanity" and it tells about a man named Sam Stynes who spends his whole life helping people, but he never was helped in return. Since his childhood, he suffered from a nightmare about the world being destroyed by one man and his soldiers. He then discovers that a group of British scouts were looking for him. The leader was secretly his twin brother that he never knew. I'm thinking of other ideas right now like the writing of the Declaration. Sam cuts his arms and writes the Declaration in his own blood, which may later result in the revolution shown in his dream. I had another idea that Sam and his army called the Order of the Declaration, which consist of soldiers called Grease Apes because they wear heavy black clothes with heavy kevlar body armor, march in the streets of Detroit as a symbol of a possible human revolution. A girl named Hikari Greene is the only person that can help Sam stop becoming his violent brother. If theres any ideas you would like, would you please e-mail me at Thanks at lot!

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by Joshua on 2005-06-24 15:44:52
Oh man. Where were you guys when i started my forum RPG. I desperately need some new characters and a group of writers may be just the ticket. I love to write but i cant get to creative in the RPG. I have to keep the story together and so sadly its up to the others around me to keep the story alive. Im currently in the very beggining of a fantasy book. Im a little lazy so Im not too far into it yet but I do intened ot see it through.

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by miko on 2005-06-24 19:16:09
josh - an RPG? where? fantasy is a good way to get the juices flowing - just don't be afraid with what you come up with. Try freewriting for awhile - it helps because it clears all the junk out AND details for what you want to write about get written on the page (the trick is to find those details amongst the junk). Just a suggestion of course but my teacher encourages this method and it has worked out for me so far.


Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by on 2005-06-24 20:28:15

Right there. :)

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by miko on 2005-06-25 10:08:06
danke sehr Polski :)


Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-06-27 00:41:56
Thats cool how you guys have characters and stories you've developed. Pretty original stuff, even if some of your ideas are combinations of other ideas (which is fine, nothing is truly original). Are any of you guys planning on publishing anything sometime in the future?

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by riezawa on 2005-06-28 05:11:16
I have been writing stories for a while now, and I started with some odd poetry not too long ago... Mainly my stories are like fantasy and a bit influenced by anime... I write a bunch of stories at a time, until I sort of hit a dead end, then just go on with the others.

Let's dance!





Shameless plug alert

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by Aria on 2005-06-28 17:38:32
I also like writing story...but i never get to finish it because I'm too lazy to finish it...and because my mind comes out of different situation everytime i write it...what i mean is my story constantly changes everytime i think about stories are definitely influenced by animé...and it's actually an animé type of story and of course fantasy and myths...actually I started a six episode story....It's called "Forbidden Destiny"

it's all about... Gods and mystical creatures, forbidden love, cruelty of fate, lots of mystical powers...oh and there's also one episode that's all about blackmails and deceptions..

here's an overview of the first episode...

Forbidden Destiny: Eternal Wars
(War of the Ultimate)

1000 years of war waging the world of Fahlren. A young goddess descends in the land of man in search for the Eternal Tear, an ancient relic that grants wishes. With the help of an apprentice sorceress, a rare hunter, a ninja and a bounty hunter they search for the relic as they uncover the reason behind the 1000 years War.

hahaha...kinda Star Wars cause it's has 6 episode...but don't worry it's not Star Wars...

i'd appreciate if you give me a comment!^_^

all right, LATER!


Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by darkchi on 2005-06-28 21:55:39
i write fanfiction, based on the "Saiyuki" series. My most read fics are the comedy types. You can find me at My penname is dArK cHi.


"If you want to make sense, SHUT UP!!!"

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-06-30 15:51:20
Well... I write fiction, poetry, comtemporary, but what really gets me the kick is writing fantasy! And I have to agree that fantasy is one of the best sources of creative juices. ^^

Anyway, I've been writing ever since I've been doing manga, which was when I was in grade 5, so that amounts to... a lot of years. I'm currently working on two stories (mangas), which were based on my previous novels. One is in Filipino so I'll skip that. The other one is a trilogy... it's so complex, but the title is The Vampire Project. It delves around vampires, succubi, lycans, witches, angels, technology and spiritualism. I'm so caught up with it that it's giving me a headache...

About characters, I had one friend of me once say, "There's no such thing as "ordinary person", no individual is ordinary; that's why he/she's called an individual!" Or something like that. And I think I believe that and try to integrate that with my characters as much as possible (I've got one vampire who's a vegetarian... weirdness).

Speaking about characters, do you guys put a little of yourselves into some of the characters you do? I do that sometimes.

I also write fanfiction, mostly to keep me from dulling my edge (if I have one). I have an account on ^^

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by baldy on 2005-06-30 18:42:24
Revolution: Your neutral character preference reminds me a lot of Shadow from FFVI. Personally, I don't prefer specific character types as much as I do adding random hints about the history of the world/galaxy/wherever they are. It's difficult to describe, but I have characters randomly drop hints about a war that might've happened hear or a crisis that might've happened there. IMO, it makes the characters' universe seem more...alive, I guess.

Humblemonkey: Yes, most definitely. I intend to have Take a Shot at Destiny published as soon as I possibly can, and hopefully follow it up with two sequels.

RuJz: Your story sounds a lot like a DnD scenario gone anime. ;)

sadame-chan: Vampires rock. I mean, vampires totally rock. I'd love to read what you're working on. As for your vegetarian vampire, I definitely approve of the originality (and your friend's theory; I had a friend try to tell me once that nobody is an individual. Man did I chew him out for that). And yeah, I definitely put a large part of myself into my characters. At least, I do into Tear. Not his original personality, but who he becomes after he meets that girl. I like to think of Tear as a cooler and badass-er version of myself. ^^;

Also, where were all of you fanfiction writers back when actually still had a fanfiction section? We had to shut it down because we never got any submissions. :(

Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by Aria on 2005-06-30 23:46:58
baldy, what's DnD?O_o I have no idea???

sadame-chan, a vegetarian vamp! wow, that's a new one^_^. i definitely put a large part of my character...well eventhough that they're quite scattered to all my characters...each my character has some traits that i have.^_^

right now, my brain's in hibernation...and i can't think of anything for the story and i think my muse went on vacation that's why i'm taking on a break...need to find an inspiration!^_^


Re: Writers UNITE!
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-07-01 09:10:11
Baldy-san: I guess I was still scribbling down on notebooks back then... can't you still up your website now? I still have my account on, though. ^_^

I'll try to type the first part of the trilogy for you, if you'd like... and thanks for all the comments and answers! ^^

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

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