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Nami Tamaki Songs
Link | by Itachi Uchiha's Wrath on 2005-06-21 20:39:22
Why is it that all of Nami Tamaki's songs listed under Gundam SEED & Gundam SEED Destiny when only 3 of her songs have to do with Gundam? It's getting kinda aggrivating.

Re: Nami Tamaki Songs
Link | by gendou on 2005-06-22 11:22:00
if there are songs listed that are not from an anime, please list them and they will be removed. thank you.

Re: Nami Tamaki Songs
Link | by Itachi Uchiha's Wrath on 2005-06-22 23:06:39
I'll make it easy for you by telling you that all the Nami Tamaki songs except Believe, Realize, & Reason are not from anime & Fortune is from a video game.

Re: Nami Tamaki Songs
Link | by gendou on 2005-06-23 00:29:49
go to and you will soon find that you are mistaken.

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