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Which would you choose?
Link | by Kageboshi on 2010-08-07 05:20:22
Okay, which of these four anime would you people choose?

2.)Code Geass [Both part: R1 and R2]
3.)Clannad [Includes After Story]

P.S.: Please choose 1 but less than 3. I mean maximum of 2 anime, no exceeding. And also, please tell why you chose that/those anime.

Re: Which would you choose?
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-08-07 10:45:55
Choose for what? Better anime? Prefer to watch?

Never saw D.Grayman yet, so that option is out.
Best anime out of these three overall would be Clannad series, then Code Geass, then Bleach.

Who doesn't know about Clannad/After Story? The storyline is great, beautiful OST/music, wonderful set of characters,
although a popular harem among fans, overall, Clannad is a dramatic love story that is definitely worth a see.
The only people that wouldn't like it, are fans that aren't fans of the genre (mainly harem).

Code Geass season 1 was okay, season 2 had really mixed reactions,
but if you saw the ending, everything made sense.
The fact they're making a third season is SO stupid, but the second season has one of the best endings for anime, EVER,
even if a lot of fans didn't agree with it, and still contemplate about a certain someone still being alive. ^_~`

Bleach, meh, although I'm reading the manga and watching the anime, doesn't mean I can't give my honest opinions about it.
I think it's overrated, compared to Naruto, it's lacking in a lot of things.
Naruto's manga and anime beats it, especially the manga, by a long shot. The anime, meh, so and so I guess,
but Bleach is starting to drag things on and on now, which is almost as annoying as seeing fillers...

But yeah, Bleach fans definitely make this overrated, and I think it's very overrated,
but it's a Shonen tight for teens, so who really cares about a straight opinion about it?


Re: Which would you choose?
Link | by on 2010-08-09 00:36:12
my guess is that you have a limited supply of money/time to watch those animes
so you decided to ask people which is more preferable to watch first, then again, it's just one of my conceivable guess.

As for me, I'd go for Code Geass and Clannad, because those are the only ones I fully watched on your list.
I haven't watched D.Grayman but what i know is that the episodes is > 100.
and as for Bleach, I don't watch the anime anymore, only read its mangas, because I need to catch up from where I left off and... a long journey is to be expected lol

btw nice Lord of Flames, your font is burning XD

Re: Which would you choose?
Link | by powerbook on 2010-08-09 14:52:01
These four are quite different by contents
u may want to specify a bit more on what we are choosing for, but personally I found code geass and clannad more worth watching.
IF you are one of those shounen manga fan you may find DGM n bleach quite interesting n if u just want to kill some time bleach is actually a pretty good one to o after

Re: Which would you choose?
Link | by Haruka on 2010-08-09 20:40:21
I have never seen DGM so... no.

Clannad would be my first choice because it is one of the few animes that has brought me to tears. It's very emotional and I love it :D

The ending for Code Geass is incredible, definitely a must see.

I wouldn't start watching Bleach now, there are way too many episodes to catch up and by the time you get through with the fillers, you'll hate it.

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Re: Which would you choose?
Link | by Boring... Toyama on 2011-06-26 08:57:05
Seen most anime u say except for cg, Bleach and Dgm are good but i would choose clannad since its a funny,interesting and nice

Re: Which would you choose?
Link | by aisakaharuno on 2011-12-18 00:21:49
Clannad beacause it's romance-comedy anime. Hahaha.

Re: Which would you choose?
Link | by on 2011-12-18 08:50:20
Clannad is good for romantic and humorous, and Code Geass is for mecha or action lovers.

Photobucket Thanks to liweny for this lovely Mystia claim icon! <3

Re: Which would you choose?
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2011-12-19 21:19:28
Clannad, then Code Geass, yeah. Bleach sucks on my opinion. D was nice, before they started introducing cool characters and killing them almost right away (Like football exorcist or a demon maid). Clannad's afterstory had too little of Sunohara, but it was still nice. Especially playing the game was great.

Re: Which would you choose?
Link | by mukabodo on 2011-12-20 06:58:58 (edited 2011-12-20 07:00:27)
D.Gray-man and Code Geass
I kinda like those two
I love D.Gray-man's Dark fantasy
And for Code Geass
Ahhh I wonder Lelouch is alive or not...

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