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Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by ocean on 2010-08-03 20:12:57 (edited 2010-08-19 15:42:10)

plot from wiki:
"The story takes place in a particularly hot summer in the nineties, in a small quiet village called Sotoba. A series of mysterious deaths begin to spread in the village, at the same time when a strange family moves into the long abandoned Kanemasa mansion. Ozaki Toshio, dean of the only hospital in Sotoba, initially suspects an epidemic. But as investigations continue and the
deaths begin to pile up, he becomes convinced that they are the work of the undead plaguing the village. A young man named Yuuki Natsuno, who hates living in the village, begins to be pursued and surrounded by death."

The anime (on ep 4 when thread was made) is shaping out to be really good so far. The art's really well done and the seiyuu do a good job ^.^

anyways i was wondering if anyone else is watching the anime? Any theories/predictions?
*note those who have read the manga (or the novel somehow), please hide spoilers for the anime using this:
Spolier:<span style="color:#222222;">Spoiler goes here</span>


Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by flownangel12 on 2010-08-04 07:57:26
Watched the first 2 episodes and I'm not really into it that much. I'll stick with it though since it's one of Ono Fuyumi's works (I'm a fan of her).
Anyhow, I'm thinking the people in the western mansion are vampires but that's just my own speculation... haven't read the manga or watched the future episodes yet so there.

Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by ocean on 2010-08-04 08:38:44
i don't think many people are getting into it because the story is really slow paced >_> I personally don't mind that though(after Sarai-ya Goyou i think i can take anything XD). The tension and horror is really awesome though...i got shivers at the end of the last epie =P

Also i think theres no doubt about them being vampires now (after 4th episode). I'm wondering why Shimizu is still walking around. She may have become a vampire but they buried her! that would mean she had to dig her way out of the coffin...


Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by flownangel12 on 2010-08-04 09:27:15
Now it all makes sense and its finally getting interesting!

I feel sorry for Natsuno being hunted by a creepy stalker and losing sleep over it and nuoooo! D: I hope his friend (forgot his name T... something won't die! T_T)

Or maybe those people from Kanemasa dig her out and freed her?

Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by ASSAD on 2010-08-05 05:50:28

Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by ocean on 2010-08-05 10:48:09
lol ASSAD, true that XD

AHH i know!! i keep feeling sorry for natsuno T_T at the end of the last episode i kept yelling at natsuno to get up XP If his friend dies i will probably yell at the screen agian >_>
Hmm they could have dug her out O_o that would be hard to do without attracting any attention though... then again they already look plenty weird enough =P


Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by flownangel12 on 2010-08-06 03:52:41
ah well... he kicked the bucket :(

But isn't the cemetery far away from the village? It doesn't have any keeper too and if they'll do it at night then they would be inconspicuous! Anyway, I was thinking if Shimizu is alive then maybe everyone who died are alive too? (It would be creepy if they all clawed their way out of their graves tho... :/)

I agree! lol

Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by powerbook on 2010-08-06 22:18:16
I have read the original novel ages ago and also the manga just recently before the anime I guess I shouldnt make any *prediction as I am just gonna end up spoiling fun but personally I found it really good, some parts tend to be changed from the original to make the manga/anime more eye-catching
also I have to say that the anime really made the story more vivid and creepy
esp. when Shimizu crawled out from underneath the bed :D

Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by ocean on 2010-08-19 15:24:12
Ahh you read the original novel? I'm probably going to hunt them down after the anime is finished =P I really dont want to spoil myself for this one XD

Hmm ep 7 showed the whole dead -> vampire thing =O Flown, it seems you were right that the kirishiki's were digging the people out... or at least the people who revived XP
Urrr why the heck did that prick have to come back instead of natsuno's awesome friend? >.< Well i'm really liking how the story is starting to come together and more people are figuring out what going on =)

Also am i weird for liking the kirishikis? i know they are evil and all vampire-y but their characters are just so interesting and cool! =D


Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by flownangel12 on 2010-09-16 15:04:35
Just watched episode 10 and I'm miffed! I hope Natsuno recovers... :(

Although, I'm a bit happy coz Toru is back! :D

Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by Uryuu on 2010-10-16 14:46:20
The anime follows closely to the manga. The suspense is played out very well too.

" I live so that my feelings will reach you.."

Re: Shiki ~ Corpse Demon ~
Link | by himura777 Tony on 2010-10-18 19:33:08
The anime is awesome, mystery and suspense wise, I've enjoyed it so far, I hope it doesn't let down its audience for upcoming episodes x__x I haven't read the manga but I don't want to ruin or spoil myself by reading it! I like watching anime that I don't accurately know what is going to happen next, suspense is the best for these kinds of anime.

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