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c y c l e : r o n d o
Link | by misanouta on 2010-07-22 16:39:47 (edited 2010-07-28 19:05:08)

.the guilty one is not he who commits the sin.

c y c l e : r o n d o

.but the one that causes darkness.


"Two Worlds Collide and Become as One; No Thanks to You, Rikku Maine."

I heard these words from my older brother, Aramir, who stood above me, glaring down from the right side of the iron bars. I was very young then for my kind; and being as stupid as I was, I had been contemplating the most taboo thing for my race: I wanted to mate a human.

Heather McAllister was a lovely creature, and during one of my infamous romps around the Human World, or the Middle, I fell in love with her. Before I met Heather in a small marketplace, Humans had been disgustingly facinating creatures, all hideous and grotesque, only used for feeding. And somehow... out of all that, I found an Angel. Within a month of secret meetings, we planned to marry traditionally in a few years time. It took my brother a breath of time to figure it out.

And before I knew it, I was behind bars, stripped of Rank and Aura, no longer able to consider myself a Vampire. I was scheduled to be executed the following morning. By some streak of luck, I was rescued by a warden who sympathized with me, and he released me into the Middle. There, I travelled far from Heather, for her safety, and was taken into an orphanage in a country whose language I didn't speak, and whose customs I was unfamiliar with.

They knew right away that something was different about the boy they had taken in. He was branded with strange markings, strange scars on his body. These people, they talked about me like I wasn't in the room. Whispers went around about me.... At the human age of twelve, I was avoided like the plague... and it hurt. Stripped of Vampiric Aura, my markings began to fade over time, but I retained a few certain qualities, which kept the Humans at bay....

Except for one. Venus Valentine, a new boy who arrived at the orphanage a few months after I did, was the most idiotic thing I had ever met in my life. Given the choice, I would have babysat my older sister, Persephone's little brats — all seven of them. Venus was so much of a handful, that I could barely stand him. He was annoyingly out-going, and pestered me non-stop about the marks I tried to cover, and why my eyes changed colour around him so often, from grey to red. He asked me where I was from, and upon realizing that I didn't speak his language, he very forcefully taught me. I learned with him, if not only because I needed to and he was the only one who offered the service.

And we grew up together like that. No one wanted us. We were misfits, unplaced in a world that moved around us. Eventually, we turned fourteen, and the option came up to go to school or move out. We decided together that we'd go to school and learn by the special instructors to become Slayers. The training period in the classroom was one year, before we were broken off into individual mentors. I was paired with the only Level A Liscenced Slayer in the country, and sadly, Venus was paired with someone else.

Jasper Harlen was a tough man, tall and unforgiving; but he treated me like a son.... And I grew to love him as a father... no matter how unwilling I was to admit it. I hated him in the most passionate way that it just couldn't be helped. Venus ended up with Vesta Crescent, a man who used Venus's young, feminine face to pick up girls most of the time. Despite this, Venus soon became liscenced at Level B in the Top Five of this rank. Just below the lecher he called Master.

Recently, Venus and I reunited. He moved into the Vampire Slayers' Headquarters with me. And things have been great ever since. In fact, recently, there's been a lot of drama, people coming in and out.... Love, Death, Hatred, Passion....

I swear Venus is cursed.

"Because of You, Relations Between These Two Worlds Will Never Be the Same."


So, basically this RPG is about Humans, Vampires, and — above all — Assassins. Rikku Maine, a Vampire, was to be executed for interacting with Humans. He escaped, met Venus, and the rest goes on. Now, while the demand for Slayers is slow, there's more chance for relationships and drama. However, there's an evil lurking behind all that. Aramir is searching for Rikku, and there's quite a chance that he wants his brother dead.


Now, we're going to need a few roles filled before we can begin anything.

Lord Aramir Maine. [M, Age Unknown, Vampire]
Rikku's older brother; Lord of the Vampires. Wants to kill Rikku.

Jasper Harlen. [M, 25, Human]
Rikku's Master; one of only two Level A Assassins in Levistus. Tends to pick on Rikku. Is currently staying with his student.

Vesta Crescent. [M, 25, Human]
An old friend and rival of Jasper's. Venus's Master; the Number Three Level B Assassin in Levistus. Known to be a womanizer.

First come, first serve.


Also, the ranks for Liscenced Slayers are as follows:

Level A: The Highest Liscence Level. There are currently only two liscenced slayers with this rank. The absolute top slayers of Levistus.

Level B: The ideal Slayer when you want someone dead. They are quick and efficient, and don't charge as much as a Level A.

Level C: A Common-level Slayer. Probably part-timers, either that or not very reliable.

Level D: Slayer-in-Training. Just out of the Academy.

Level R: Restricted Slayer. These have had their liscences revolked.


r u l e s

-NO playing other peoples' characters at all. Let other people do what they want with their characters-

-Up to FIVE characters per person-

-Novel-style posts would be appreciated, but are not neccessary-

-All characters (exception to those with special permission, given by me via message. If you want a character that has an age above or below the specified below, please message me the form for approval before putting it up) must be between the following ages:
Humans: 16 and 25.
Vampires: 480 and 750. That's thirty years to every Human Year-

-Keep genders and races somewhat even-

-Ask questions if you need help; I don't bite. Likewise, if you need to get a hold of me desperately, send me a message. I check my messages whenever one comes up; it's the first thing I do when I log on-

-While killing IS allowed, don't kill anyone's characters without their permission-

-Post time of day and location with every post-

-Have fun!-


p l a y e r s
[There are currently only twelve slots, other than my own, six for each race. This is subject to change according to number of players, and characters they play.]

v a m p i r e s
  • Rikku Maine [Male, 635]
  • Venus Valentine [Male, 631]
  • Katsura Kuran [Male, 210]

  • Zenobia L'enfant [Female, 510]

  • Rain Marten [Male, ] (Half-Vampire)

  • h u m a n s
  • Astraia McAllistar [Female, 20]

  • -----------------------------------------------------------------

    f o r m s

    [First Name]
    [Last Name]
    [Nickname/Assassin Handle]
    [Vampire Age]
    [Human Age]
    [Abilities (Vampires Only)]
    [Level (Assassins Only)]
    [Master (Assassins Only)]
    [Favoured Weapon/Style (Assasins Only)]


    m e

    r i k k u : m a i n e
    c y c l e : r o n d o

    [Six hundred Thirty-five]
    [Rikku has a personality spectrum like a rainbow, though he usually stays on the quiet, dark side.]

    [Blood Whip]

    [Level A]
    [Jasper Harlen]
    [Favours Close Combat, though he is adept at most styles.]

    Anime vampire guy Pictures, Images and Photos


    v e n u s : v a l e n t i n e
    s a b l e : n y m p h

    [Six Hundred Thirty-one]
    [Usually quite upbeat and energetic.]

    [Left by his parents at an orphanage when he was a young child, Venus had no idea until recently that he was a Pureblooded Vampire. He had been shifted from orphanage to orphanage until he was twelve, where he met Rikku and slowly befriended him. The rest is history.]

    [Level B]
    [Vesta Crescent]
    [Favours Sniper. Venus's close combat skills are less than satisfactory.]

    Zelos Wilder Pictures, Images and Photos


    k a t s u r a : k u r a n
    k a t s u - r i n

    [Two hundred Ten]
    [Upbeat, curious, but rather oblivious. Intelligent underneath it all.]

    [Unknown As of Yet]
    [His father was a Pureblood Lord before his birth, a great and powerful ruler. However, he was deemed mentally unstable, and because of the law against killing Purebloods, he was locked away with his Aura stripped. Only a few months later, Katsura's mother fell dangerously ill and died after an emergency cesarian to save her child. Since he had no capable or living relatives, Katsura was brought up in the Vampire Slayers' Headquarters and taught the values of Pacifism. At the Human Age of seven, he's very intelligent and often surprizes people with it; so he mostly pretends to be a naive child.]

    Kuran Katsura

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    Re: c y c l e : r o n d o
    Link | by on 2010-07-22 23:22:01
    z e n o b i a: l' e n f a n t
    The Bloody Rose

    [five hundred ten]
    [sarcastic but caring]

    [A pure blood from a family that was destroyed in a fire. She was lucky to escape with her life because she just so happened to be out of the house for the day. Her family perished and she was taken in by the Vampire Slayer headquarters. Since her history is very similar to Katsura she tends to see him as a younger brother.]

    [Not Yet Known]

    Anime Girl Pictures, Images and Photos


    a s t r a i a: m c a l l i s t e r

    [charismatic and kind.]

    [She grew up as a normal human might. She is related to Heather and it is rather obvious. Her charm and charisma helped her win the hearts of countless people and she is now a famous singer.]

    anime girl Pictures, Images and Photos

    Re: c y c l e : r o n d o
    Link | by misanouta on 2010-07-28 17:06:53
    [[Thanks for joining!]]

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    Re: c y c l e : r o n d o
    Link | by hanabusa01 on 2010-07-28 18:43:05 (edited 2010-08-30 17:08:07)
    Rain: Marten
    [fourhundred and ninety]
    [doesn't like to talk]
    [halfling (half vamp)]
    [ Born to a vampire father and a mortal mother, Rain spent his first few years of child hood with them until humans burned his parents down right in front of him and then beat him.]
    [he likes cakes]

    Lorcan Pictures, Images and Photos

    I hope you don't mind me joining

    Re: c y c l e : r o n d o
    Link | by misanouta on 2010-07-28 19:03:24
    [[@Hana: Nope, no problem! Thank you! But, please put his age up to match the rules. For a Vampire, it must between 480 and 750, unless permission is given.]]

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