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Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by OkitaKun on 2004-07-06 18:56:53
When people know nothing about anime but talk like they do. it just pisses me off such as if you are an otaku, people that only seen a couple animes a.k.a Dbz should not talk. They ask stupid questiun like are you watching DBZ ? Of course not I replied them. They think anime runs around only on DBZ. I tell you they know nothing.

"Lay down your swords"
"NO we won't"
"Then you DIE"
from Rk

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by Latias_girl on 2004-07-04 20:45:29
And that is the truth. *gives you a cookie*

"Well, I'm not sure. A little voice in my head is saying 'this is a bad idea' but I can barly hear that little voice because an even louder little voice is yelling "LET THE 12-YEAR OLD DRIVE!'" - from The Cat in the Hat

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by Marbles on 2004-07-05 07:55:12
I think it's not so much that some people only watch DBZ but that some people only watch DBZ and then dub themselves "Otaku" and "anime fans". I was chatting to someone in our anime society and they said "You havent shown any DBZ! You call yourselves an anime society!" when I asked what else they had sene and maybe we could cater to another interest as we had no access to DBZ at the time he replied with "God, I wouldn't watch anytinhg else, it's all crap!"
It's not the liking DBZ thats really the problem is those people who slam the rest of anime. I'm not a fan of DBZ but I would never knock anyone who liked it but in return I don't want my own anime tastes slammed.

"Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?"

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by Larinon Larinon on 2004-07-05 08:48:34
I think that's a good attitude to have there, Marbles. Live and let live, ne?
I would point out that if they watch only DbZ and not any other anime, then they're not really anime fans or otaku, they're just DbZ fans. Until they are ready to experience all that anime has to offer and not limit themselves to one type then they're not truly anime fans yet.
(jealous that you have an anime society to be a part of ^_-)

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by Kami on 2004-07-05 09:14:22
The reason that DBZ is so popular is becuase of its mass production on tv.. alot of people dont wait for adult swim they just watch what was the best thing on toonami.. free anime.. dbz.. its not really the awsome anime, you know? Some animes get me really happy and exited. Dbz is sorta somthing you watch. GTO or somthing else can get you addicted. But they dont air all the good stuff at 5:00 pm ... I mean ask any of those "Dbz Fans" lol and i dare say that they dont own a single dbz dvd or vhs. I mean whats the point when they show it everywhere. Dbz is like the dust on the gold. Anime goes way deeper.

Darkness is simply the absense of light

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by Window on 2004-07-05 10:02:45
As long as they don't insult other anime without reason, there's no problem in people only liking DBZ or any other mainstream anime.

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by Momo on 2004-08-26 16:29:06
Well I know I used to like DBZ and I know most of the story to it because i used to watch it and it was good when i did but now that I've discovered this big ole heap of different anime I only watch it when i'm bored.But as for this question i do hate it when people talk big about anime and they know squat.I have this friend who spent the night w/ me on the day the last episode of Trigun came on(again) and I had been talking alot about Trigun so she knew the story plot and charters so i thought i could watch it in peace but like every 2 seconds she would ask "is Wolfwood dead yet?"and i would always reply w/ a hes been dead for three episode now shut up.It took her till the end of the show for it to sink in and by that time I had already given up.

It's all fun and games untill Snape ends up in a banna suit....

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by OkitaKun on 2004-07-06 18:47:59
People that's not the issue. I was impling that when I watch anime like GTO or any else in public places, when people walk by and ask that's DBZ isn't it. People like that should die. Die I tell you. Die

"Lay down your swords"
"NO we won't"
"Then you DIE"
from Rk

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by Kami on 2004-07-07 06:35:44
jeez I have never seen somone say, "thats Dbz isn't it" to a completely different show. Who do you know who thinks that ALL anime is DBZ...?

Darkness is simply the absense of light

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by OkitaKun on 2004-07-07 15:06:08
I don't know them. But of course I go to school in Florida. Dumb people that don't Know anime. I think that they think it is "Just cartoon".

"Lay down your swords"
"NO we won't"
"Then you DIE"
from Rk

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by Kem on 2004-07-07 23:44:45
I haven't really noticed people lumping all anime as DBZ. I get a lot more "Is that Pokemon?" or "That's Yu-Gi-Oh, isn't it?" and when people ask, I try to politely correct them, but they usually just walk away mutter about how they're all the same. It's a shame they don't watch some different anime shows to see how different they all really are.

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-09 19:35:30
hate to break it to you, but anime IS just a cartoon. thats what the word means ANIME is the japanese shortening of ANIMation. japanese people are not nearly as obsessed with anime as foreigners are. they are obsessed instead with mickey mouse etc. anime movies like the ones by studio ghibli are high quality, and true art. however anime like "idol project" are just discusting, equally as discusting and unoriginal as any american animation.
there is a lot more to japanese culture than just anime.

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by OkitaKun on 2004-07-09 20:05:52
But also in anime you learn some of the customs which are shown. You get to learn cultural Values which are express in anime. But then again, Gendou do they actually have stacks of Manga in their rooms as they depict in anime.

"Lay down your swords"
"NO we won't"
"Then you DIE"
from Rk

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-10 00:38:23
no self respecting japanese person over the age of 13 has stacks of manga in their room. thats what i learned when i was over there.

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by panegryst on 2004-07-10 07:21:05
Quote: "You get to learn cultural Values which are express in anime."
yeah, cultural values like 'all women should wear short skirts so their panties are readily visible' and 'it is proper to yell the name of your attack as loudly as possible while fighting'.

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by OkitaKun on 2004-07-10 09:55:56
I really was thinking along the lines of respect and morals. Not that close minded ideas of panties theif and preverts. an example of what i am talking about is NARUTO its main theme in my opinion is about the Hardships of kids growing up and being idenitified by their accomplishments in life. More or less along the lines of Psychology.

"Lay down your swords"
"NO we won't"
"Then you DIE"
from Rk

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by panegryst on 2004-07-10 15:05:16
i was joking.
ps: Japan's cultural values kick america's values' ass.

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by dark_fire6 on 2004-07-16 13:43:03
I am a somewhat beginning anime watcher. I maybe have started two years ago, yet I never have, and never will, watch DBZ cuz of its lame-ness. I mean, how many series of the fricken thing do you need. Nevertheless, I am completely addicted to anime and manga. Just this year, some friends of mine started the ACAC (Asian Cultural Awareness Club) more commonly known as the Anime Club, and that is where I get the most exposure to various animes, seeing as I don't have digital cable or anime on demand, which completely sux!

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by miroku on 2004-07-17 11:04:37
yes when people say that they are all the same like pokemon it annoys me but i just recently forced exposer of anime to three friends that said it is all like yu-gi-oh and now two of them are hooked and the other thinks its decent, and also ill watch any show/cartoon no matter where it was made....... i mean if its good then its good thats all there is to it

Re: Don't you hate it WHEN people call any anime DBZ
Link | by Wererat42 on 2004-07-18 00:01:40
What I personally hate is when people base all anime around kiddy shows like the -mon series or really ecchi ones, and simply ignore all the true art out there. My cousin saw one late on Adult Swim and made fun of it because of the voice acting, then he wouldn't listen to me when I told him American companies apparently hire people to make all characters sound like retards.
I haven't seen DBZ and don't really plan on it because I don't like the animation style. But I have to admit it is responsible for getting a lot of americans into anime.

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