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sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by sailorkagome654 on 2005-06-21 11:22:49 (edited 2005-06-21 13:58:57)
what if u had the sexy sesshoumaru 4 a week! what would
u do with him???
I would get him 2 make me his "one and only"!
Scerw the others huh? ^-^*

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by sailorkagome654 on 2005-06-21 14:11:01
i sure wished he was real.....{sigh}
Heck...i wished i was an anime girl! ^-~* lol

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by on 2005-06-21 15:23:58
Don't we all...?

But anyways, if I somehow had Sesshoumaru for a week, I'd probably die the first day because of a heart attack.

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by sailorkagome654 on 2005-06-21 16:42:47
LOLOLOLOLOLOL (rolls over laugfhing)
heak i probly do the same thing! ^o^ -sigh-

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-06-22 05:46:46
Well im a guy so i wont see him the way u ppl do but if I had him for 4 weeks id make him turn over his tokijin swrd to me so i can have some power and whenever i would get shot by the police id tell him to revive me with tenseiga so id be immortal !! yay! o and make Sessho turn into his doggy form so id have the strongest and most biggest dog in the world!! hahaha!

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by hOnxx on 2005-06-22 06:50:48
hohoho..if i had sesshoumaru for weeks..
i hope i wun die frm hid toukijin...
he hates human also..
other than rin

i dun have a siggy so sue mi xD ~!

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by kei on 2005-06-22 07:11:57
dunno...probably run away from him...cuz he might kill me? -__-

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by sui on 2005-06-23 04:21:29
someone mentioned being an anime character???draw yourself and make it as beautiful as it can be!!that's how I will meet Tasuki face to face...anyway...sesshoumaru? 1 week??hm...let's see...tame him!!!ahahahah give him the "Rin look" always!!letsee if he's gonna kill me!ofcourse not so clumsy he might get pissed off....I would change his clothes!!!I'll accompany him in buying clothes that'll make him so cute!!!then I'll take those paint on his face off...if its permanently there I'll just leave the time he leaves...I'll get his autograph!!!what do you think will happen to the pen??maybe it'll melt...eheheheh

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by Homunculus on 2005-06-23 09:00:16
*thinks* Um... I'd probably faint and be out for the first day or so... then, of course, play with his hair. For about three days. Then... make him my personal dress-up doll. That'd take a day or so, don'cha think? Then, we'd probably go out to all the places I could think of for a day... then, probably, world domination.

Yep... my dream week, right there. *smiles and melts*

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by sailorkagome654 on 2005-06-26 13:16:35
world domination!
HA! I take him and me and "WE" would not take over "this World",
but "take " over "Another world"!
SHOOT! maybe even "TWO" more while were at it!
o god i would love 2 c him dress up like A DOLL! ! !
( falls over chair laufhing her head off with an sesshy doll pictured in her mind! crying with tears too!)

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by Shindou Hikaru on 2005-06-26 22:09:22
"Sesshoumaru eh?"

*Beats the crap out of him for the entire 4 weeks*

Fujiwara No Sai

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by Nanashi on 2005-06-27 19:54:19
For a week huh? Drag show time!!! <3

Where in the nine hells did you ever find the notion that I would fight fair?

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by sailorkagome654 on 2005-07-06 16:18:31
O my god! -sigh- -___- *sweetdrop*
you people! @

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by Shrilala on 2005-07-14 23:15:20 (edited 2005-07-14 23:15:46)
Sesshoumaru for a week? Well....heh heh heh....If I saw him in real life I would absolutly die on the spot. Then cry "Real Bishie!!" at the top of my lungs for all my friends to here. They would help me decide what to do with him. Lol The very idea gives me goosebumps. In all honesty i'd scream or faint or something. =^-^=

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by Homunculus on 2005-07-17 17:54:58
Huh... I wonder if it would be going over the line to tie him to a [chair/pole/...cage] with something sturdy, so even if/when I didn't win his affections, he STILL couldn't ever leave me...?

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by Mrs Asakura Hao on 2005-07-30 23:44:49 (edited 2005-08-01 04:15:14)
Sess! Pls let me b ur wife!!! I luv u so much!!! Pls dun turn me away pls! PLS!!!!!!


Sank you!!! MUAKS!!!

A weeks later

Ok! I had enuf fun wif u.


But b4 i go, (smack on the head) B GD TO UR BROTHER! He is so Kawaii n all. Dun u dare to mistreat him again or else u have me to answer 4!!!
BB, Darlin! I'll miss ya!!!!!

Nakamura Ayumi ^_^ HAO ROX 4EVA!!!!!!!!!

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by nekolita2 on 2006-02-08 16:29:46
Ahhhh Sesshy [drools] ....... oh sorry i was in a fantasy. lol

nekolita2 i'm a lzy neko

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by Madi-chan on 2006-02-20 21:12:49
Inuyasha is the cuter one! ^-^

Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2006-02-20 21:30:59
Haha, what a good things to ponder about...

First, I would travel with him around the world within seven days...make use of his Tenseiga to avoid ppl from dying, silly may sounds...while doing so, i loved to piss him off, tease him and love him...ah...i'm also in a dreamland now...teehee...hee...demo ne, nanto ka...shiawase no kanji desu ne...

ja mata ne,
mi-chan yori~


Re: sexy sesshoumaru!!!! ^-~* (what if ? )
Link | by Hotaru on 2006-02-21 11:51:47
Gahh!!! i Love Sesshomaru!! i would adore pissing him off!

kisu kisu

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