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Explain what a dream is and how it is caused

Re: Dreams
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-21 17:05:06
there are two major basic thoeries.. one is like fruedian thoery in that dreams are a way of your subconcious to release hidden desires that you otherwise surppress.. theis release allows to relieve stress and keep a person sane

there is the other extreme that during REM sleep the brain releases stored memory fragments that pilled up im your brain and your brain reads the release as actual events and tries to piece it all together, even though you can look at how your brain pieces them together as insight to how you view the world

there are millions of thoeries those are the two major ones,


Re: Dreams
Link | by REVOLUTION on 2005-07-02 02:08:27
Dream is a movie with free tickets... If the cashier says we run out of tickets, you have to shoot your head to wake up a moment then sleep again...

The dream exists because I myself is the dream...


Re: Dreams
Link | by Hana on 2005-07-02 09:10:49
lol, but who DOESN'T daydream in class?

Re: Dreams
Link | by Tessa on 2005-09-14 05:03:03 (edited 2005-09-14 05:04:02)
i do like the wording... dream is a movie with free ticket, is pretty suitable description... actually what dream is... nobody can give a proper explanation... at least i haven't heard one... this is a abstruse knowledge... but talking about dream, remind me about two things... one, murder. i do dream a lot about murder recently and i really wonder why... two, the god of dream and sleep, morpheus... is cool... anyway, for me, dream is a key, for a fascinating mystery.

Re: Dreams
Link | by adana on 2005-09-14 05:15:22
dreams is where our desires came true.

smile smile...

Re: Dreams
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-14 06:29:43 (edited 2005-09-14 06:31:03)
"A dream is a wish your heart makes". - Cinderella

I day dream in class sometimes. Usually when it's quiet and everbody is in their books.

Nobody said anything about nightmares. I live with that. Rangers nightmares are so bad that the first time we were in bed together and he had one it frightened me. He still has them, mostly about the Vietnam War, after Sept 11 I started having his nightmares. I know what lies behind them and have seen photos of actuall incidents so now they invade my dreams.

Re: Dreams
Link | by chizuru_chan on 2005-09-17 04:22:40
Dream is something you experiemce when you sleep, or bored , or out of things to do ...I think...
sometimes its related to your outmost desires...but sometimes it doesn't...(for doesn't)
I enjoy daydreaming , and picturing myself as who , or inside a movie , or a story , or a fanfic , or an anime , or whatever , when I'm bored.Just to keep my brain occupied.
What could've caused it?Your imagination of course!

Life starts simply , why change them?

Re: Dreams
Link | by Dudeman on 2005-09-17 06:52:50
I don't know about dreams being your desires. Some people have horrific dreams that would never want them to happen in real life. I think a dream happens when you start to think about things. What is on your mind at the moment. Supposedly(this is from Frued and is one the bottom), each dream has a meaning. For example, if you dream you die a lot, you're supposed to live longer(don't ask, but that's actually one of his examples). Another is if you're running a lot or look a little frightened while moving, it's most likely you're avoiding something or trying to escape something. Then if you're having a nightmare and a person is chasing you, it means you're afraid of something and if you run away from this person you're afraid to confront it. This is also one of the theories, and it's nice to think of it as symbolism. A lot of people like this theory better, because they don't want to imagine that dreams are just things we thought about recently. People don't want to think about dreams as "our mind dumping information." This is just my opinion though, and to tell the truth, I don't know which to believe. I like both theories and both of them make sense to me.

Re: Dreams
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-17 07:21:15
Dreams and nightmares can also be based on incidents in your past. I have nightmares about my 12th and 14th B-days. Ranger has nightmares abotu the AF and missions gone wrong or watching his friends being killed.

I also dream about my wedding, Ranger finding me, the pleasant things in life. After 22 years of marriage I also find myslef, as I said earlier sharing some of what Ranger dreams about.

Re: Dreams
Link | by Dudeman on 2005-09-17 07:35:34
That is true, a lot of dreams are exact copies or close enough to incidents in our pasts. Unfortunately, I have a dream that haunts me to this day. Every time I wake up from it though I can never recall it, but I know it happened, because of how in depth the dream was, that and the same exact dream for years makes you wonder. No one can really know what dreams are and why dreams exist. All we can do is think. Heh, most of the time I just think they are there to be there. Just things in our mind floating around and while they move around and shift through our head we view them as a dream. This is the theory I like the most, I just cannot recall what it's name is. It mainly talks about we only dream of what is in our mind. There is no symbolism, it's just images that are already inputted in our mind some way or another. If you view something you have never seen before, it was created in your subconscious or before and you just cannot recall the exact moment this happened. This was my favorite theory because it makes sense when we dream about the past, I just cannot recall the name. That's why I didn't put it on my post earlier.

Re: Dreams
Link | by Seki on 2005-09-17 08:06:47
Most dreams are said to be the leftover of unfinished thoughts that one has during waking hours. When one sleeps, the brain finishes that 'thought cycle'. Kinda like reboot the comp to regain RAM memory, though i think it's a bad example of saying it.
I've read a book which Seki gave me, some thing called "Celestine..." something something. Said that some dreams are messages from the higher self to our consciousness, telling us how we r suppose to solve our current problems.

Re: Dreams
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-09-17 13:01:17
My dreams are completely random, have no meaning, skip to other dreams instantly, has pauses in them, and never seem to end until I wake up. I like the theory dudeman gave.

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