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a few questions and a whole lot of recognition ^ ^
Link | by Grav on 2004-07-03 10:34:12
Hey Gendou! I'm a hella big fan of japanese manga as well as anime and so far I've spent just about a whole week downloading songs as well as buying goodies from tokyopop. Just to let you know I'm a newly registered member and frankly I'm surprised about your site. It's the first time I've ever seen one that offers free downloadable mp3 music, especially anime << hard to get good ones or even find simply off the net. It's good to see someone actually doing something like this >> makes life easier for people like me ^^ Anyways I'll be donating some cash for ya soon as soon as I get cash in my stash, lol. Just wondering, do you actually earn some money from this thing? cuz I know a lot of people are just out there for the goods without acknowledging the distributor and/ or artist. And when did you start doing something like this? How long has this site been on? How about your nationality? Anyways just like to say thanks. And by the way, it's a good thing you placed the name of the artists who made the songs. Really hard to get the artist name these days. ^^ GodSpeed and keep it up!


Re: a few questions and a whole lot of recognition ^ ^
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-03 13:44:51
do i earn $? a little. its enough to pay the electric bill, so that i can keep doing it. i spend many hours working on the site that i could be spending in a regular job... so i need a donation here and there just to be able to get by.
i have had the same website for over 4 years, but it has only been as snazzy as it is now for a year or so, when i learned PHP/Oracle.
im white. my parents are from croatia and germany. my grandparents on my fathers side fled germany during ww2.
thanks a lot for your support and im glad you enjoy the site!

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