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Link | by misanouta on 2010-05-07 19:58:26 (edited 2010-05-24 16:23:05)
...I will never forget the day...

o u r..d a y s..u n d e r..t h e..s k y

...I saw 'love' scripted in clouds...



AveoLife Corporation is very widely known for human experimentation, and very widely hated for it as well. Protests began six months ago against the company's methods of scientific experimentation for the miracle cure to the Seven Syndrome, so named because only seven people were known to have originally been born with the virus — the rest have contracted it from the experiments in the labs at AveoLife. Six months ago, the Seven were brought into the labs, taken from their homes, their schools, friends, families. The scientists said that the Seven Syndrome was deadly and a cure needed to be discovered immediately, for the safety of those Seven.
So, the Seven's families let AveoLife take their children away.
However, the families were unaware of the true intentions of AveoLife — to bring the Seven together and create a new generation of the Seven Syndrome.



So, we're all one of two things: one the Seven, or a scientist.

The Seven are all infected with something publically known as the 'Seven Syndrome'. The Seven Syndrome can be identified by three or more of these seven symptoms:

  • unusual eye colour (usually gold, red, black, or seafoam green)
  • unusual skin markings
  • unusual height (or lack thereof)
  • manipulatable body parts (such as healing of flesh [varies in speed from Seven to Seven], changing eye colors, etc.)
  • sensitivity to one or more of main elements
  • extended physical capabilities
  • increased intelligence

    Scientists all study one particular area of the symptoms, or on of the Sevens seperately.



    -No power-playing or God-modelling-
    -You MAY NOT play other peoples' characters-
    -You must post at least THREE sentences per post-
    -No chatspeak-
    -Posts must be in novel format-
    -I ask for proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization at least most of the time-
    -You may play up to three characters-
    -Your character must be between 17 and 21 for a Seven, and 21 and 29 for a scientist-
    -You may kill characters, but only with the player's permission-
    -Keep the love PG-13, please-
    -PM me with questions and concerns! I don't bite-
    -Have fun!-



  • TWO — Rhiennah Aeon [M, 19]
  • Dr. Shelke Crescent [M, 24]
  • THREE — Novera Altair [FM, 17]

  • FIVE — Kura Sikua [FM, 17]

  • ONE — Avian Aria Azure [M, 17]

  • FOUR — Kenji Yamoto [M, 20]

  • SEVEN — Christopher Lucas [M, 18]
  • Dr. Maria Schulding [FM, 26]

  • SIX — Brandon Decker [M, 17]



    [First Name]
    [Last Name]
    [Seven or Scientist]
    [SEVENS ONLY: Infection Number]
    [SEVENS ONLY: Symptoms]
    [SCIENTISTS ONLY: Area of Study]


    ..r h i e n n a h..a e o n..

    [Unusual Skin Markings — wing markings on his back
    Sensitivity to Light
    Unusual Eye Color — gold]

    [Living in a small home with four older brothers and two younger sisters, Rhiennah was from a very tight-knit family; lower-classed and lacking in money, but happy. When he was taken away, three of his brothers were away at university and didn't have a chance to say good-bye. His twin brother, Rhovaniah, doesn't completely understand why Rhienna was diagnosed and he wasn't — he doesn't understand how it could've affected one twin at birth and not the other. Neither of them have accepted the fact.]

    [The Second recorded victim of Seven Syndrome. Mysteriously, his twin was not affected.]


    ..s h e l k e..c r e s c e n t..

    [Studies FIVE]

    [His father was AveoLife's top scientist for twenty years until he was offered a job with a rival company. When his father left AveoLife, Shelke felt as if he had betrayed the company he had grown up faithful to and became a scientist to do research with AveoLife as his father's rival. He is now one of few scientists exclusively allowed to work on the Seven Syndrome case.]

    [A very well-repected scientist. Has been working at AveoLife for three years.]


    ..n o v e r a..a l t a i r..

    [Increased Physical Capabitlies: Speed and Stamina
    Sensitivity to Dark, causing what was originally diagnosed as insomnia
    Changing eye colours: From Violet to Emerald to Grey with emotions]

    [Novera was born to a large, wealthy family; with four older brothers and two older sisters, Novera is the fourth youngest. Below her are two brothers and one sister. When finally given the correct diagnosis for all her unusual problems, her family sent her straight away to AveoLife without a second thought. Decidedly, they had mistook the explanation of Seven — it made her a mutant in their eyes.]

    [Played tennis, ran marathons, ect. Was very athletic.]


    ...I will always regret...

    o u r..d a y s..u n d e r..t h e..s k y

    ...forgetting my camera....

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    Link | by xianna on 2010-05-07 21:04:01 (edited 2010-05-14 05:25:38)
    [Unusual eye color-Pink
    Unusual markings- blue crooked line marking under eye
    Sensitivity to dark]
    [She lived in a house with her parents and three older brothers. When she left her family got in a car accident and her parents died,but her brothers were still alive. Thier death all over news since her parents were very succesful doctors. She doesn't know that her parents are dead yet. ]
    [fith recorded victim of Seven]
    [5'3,black hair that goes past her waist,pink eyes. Usually wears pants,shirts,and shorts. ]

    dot hack// forever~<3

    Link | by on 2010-05-09 12:48:11 (edited 2010-05-09 12:49:26)
    [ My character ]

    [ Name ] : Avian Aria Azure
    [ Age ] : 17
    [ Gender ] : Male
    [ Species ] : Seven
    [ Number ] : One


    [ height ] : 5"6
    [ Skin Markings ] : A Swallow Holding a grim reapers scythe on his heart.
    [ Healing Speed ] : Very fast
    [ Sensitivity ] : To Sunlight
    [ Abilities] : Extended Physical Abilities , Philosophical Intelligence
    [ Unique eye Colour ] : Red and yellow

    [__bio and profile__]

    Avian was the First Person to be Diagnosed with the Seven Syndrome. before he found out about his illness he was a fun and outgoing person who loved to hang out with his friends. He loved reading and doing social things but after he found out about his syndrome his body started to react different and he started to feel dizzy and weak whenever it was sunny outside. He started to hate his body and he became withdrawn . Although he still acted nice and polite outwardly he was dying inside and he hated himself for being so different . He Agreed to leave his family against their will because he thought that this new company could help him find a cure for his syndrome he missed the sun and he wished he could return to normal . he hated his life as it was and he wanted to return to normal .

    moses blood%252b Pictures, Images and Photos

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    Link | by Ryu on 2010-05-11 19:33:23
    [First Name]:Kenji
    [Last Name]: Yamato
    [ Increased speed fighting ability and strength. his eye color changes from Black to gold to red when he is angered. sensitive to wind ]

    [" im a seven... so does that make me evil? does it make me... inhuman?" Kenji was orphaned from a very young age his parents were murdered in cold blood by his uncle because of the fact that when Kenji was born he had the Kanji for evil writen on his back in the form of a marking... making him a seven. his uncle was killed by the police a few days later cursing Kenji as he died. his other family members who didnt want to have anything to do with him sent him to AveoLife-calling him the demon seed of the family. since then Kenji hasnt known love or affection.... only the tests that those damn scientists put him through ]
    [ Kenji finds joy in singing. and writing poetry ]
    [ill post a picture later if i can figure out how ]

    we all learn form pain... the lone wolf walks again. pull the trigger in my soul

    Link | by misanouta on 2010-05-12 07:54:04
    [[Thanks for joining everyone! We still need more scientists, but I think we'll be okay to start with only five Sevens. If everyone wants, though, we can finish of the other two Sevens among ourselves, and create some more scientists. I'm putting the number of characters any one player is allowed to have up to five. Thanks!]]


    ..r h i e n n a h..

    Six months, huh? Just how long are they planning to keep us here...?

    I lay alone in the dark, waiting in the AveoLife Seven Test Facility. I was waiting for results, which I usually overheard by accident. Everything here was meant to kept as quiet as possible. So basically, all I had to do was wait until they had use of me again, in which case, two scientists would usually discuss my information behind my back. As if I couldn't hear them.

    Patience was virtue, apparently, and around here if you didn't learn to be patient, you didn't learn anything. I had nothing better to do than to wait. I waited to be called on for tests. I waited for sleep. Sometimes, I couldn't sleep, and waited for the end of the day, and the end — therefore — of unbearable discomfort. Mostly, I waited for the end. I waited until I could see my family again.... My brother.

    "Rhovaniah, if you could see me now...." I muttered to the ceiling, which lay dormant only feet above me. A few of the scientists passed by my room, their voices and footsteps echoed loudly. My door was left open slightly, allowing a thin filament of light into the room. I rolled onto my side, facing the wall to avoid making eye contact with the evil strip of brightness.

    And all I could do now was wait.


    ..s h e l k e..

    I sat in my office, pouring over the results of Five's last test. Pushing her to all her limits, and then a little beyond, and I could finally understand what was wrong with her. Nothing, physically. Nothing, mentally. Nothing, emotionally. A normal seventeen-year-old girl with a few deviations, namely eye colour, unusual skin markings, sensitivity of darkness.... Nothing too out of the ordinary. I was comparing her results to those of a few others.... Nothing seemed to be too wrong with the others, either. Normal teenagers and young adults — one of them only a few years younger than me. All from different areas, with different histories and backgrounds....

    So it made me wonder: are these cases really related? The fact that they were all coming out within the same time period with a few of the same recorded symptoms made me wonder. One would usually assume same symtoms same syndrome; but not here. Different areas, different lives.... And then.... It would be easy; this part would be over already if it weren't for that Rhiennah Aeon and his twin brother. Shouldn't the twin have been infected as well? Luckily, it wasn't my job to look into that; Rhiennah's doctor specialized in twins, and I frankly didn't give a damn. Twins were twins. Well, until now, anyway.

    I sighed, throwing the papers down on the desk and leaning back in my chair. What I wouldn't give for a coffee right now....


    ..n o v e r a..

    The tennis court was just outside the training facility, bathed in bright afternoon sunlight. I was allowed to use it, though it was meant for off-duty employees, but only on the condition that I let them watch me. I was playing the scientists, beating them down one-by-one as they entered the court. We were playing best of five sets, and so far I was wiping the court with AveoLife. I was playing an animal scientist — and being anti-animal testing this is understandable — where the score for the first four sets was forty-love for me. That's three points for me, none for him. Now, on the fourth match, I was about to wipe the court with him again.

    Stupid rat scientist....

    It was my serve. So far, the score was thirty-love. One more point and I would have demolished him. I decided not to take any chances, hitting a kick serve (also known as a twist, from the way the ball rotates). I aimed directly for him, giving him no chance to defend when the ball bounced up toward him. Before any of us knew what was going on, he was on the ground, a large red spot (which would later form a huge bruise) appearing on his face along with a bloody nose. Whoops.... That's tennis. The umpire had to call it an ace — I had made a legal service, and he hadn't been able to hit it back. I won again for the tenth time already, and I hadn't even broken a sweat. Wouldn't anyone here give me a challenge?

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    Link | by Ryu on 2010-05-12 10:42:25
    " damn it to hell... i need some fresh air."
    i hated being in that stuffy ass lab fighting against oponents that those damn scientists gave me. they were never any good anyways some scientists they are if they wanna gage my power why not give me some one to fight thats actually a challenge not some piss poor sick old human. damn it all.

    i walked out onto the roof. my safe haven my escape from tests untill the morning.

    man i dont understand this at all why do they need some one like me forsaken by the world. is it just for my " gift" as those damn lab jockies called it
    damn this gift straight to hell... thats all that matters to the world im not worth anything with out this power...and i will never find anyone who thinks otherwise.

    " its just a part of life"

    we all learn form pain... the lone wolf walks again. pull the trigger in my soul

    Link | by on 2010-05-13 18:37:42
    OOC : I am packing now just letting everyone know i wont be able to post untill sunday because im flying from the US on early this morning . Hopefully this is ok , Kyosuke feel free to use my character until then.

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    Link | by xianna on 2010-05-14 05:24:27

    I sat outside in the sunlight by the testing facility. It's always quiet here. I love the sunlight,because when it's dark I feel like I'm about to feint or I just do.

    Somehow I wondered how my family was doing,since I haven't seen them in a long time. Mom and Dad are alive and well I bet and my brothers are propably doing good too.

    I never talked to the others here yet.Maybe today would be the day I could meet one of them. I got up with that thought still in my head and walked into the testing facility.

    dot hack// forever~<3

    Link | by Icarael on 2010-05-14 06:40:53 (edited 2010-05-14 06:41:21)
    [I'll take one out of the two last Sevens and a scientist.]

    [Subject's First Name] Christopher
    [Subject's Middle Name] Lucas
    [Subject's Last Name] Walsen
    [Subject's Nickname/s] Chris, Tory (he prefers the second)
    [Subject's Age] 18
    [Subject's Gender] Male
    [Subject's Faction] Seven
    [Infection Number] SSPA-07 (Seven Syndrome Patient Seven)
    [Subject's Symptoms]

    [Markings] The sole mark of his "illness" is a series of jagged black marks that appear on Tory's body whenever he uses his abilities.

    [Body Part Manipulation] His abilities are mostly concentrated around using his extremely hard bones as weapons, such as extendable claws or razor-sharp tendrils of bone. His body has evolved to feel no pain as the skin opens up to reveal the bone inside.

    [Healing Factor] Tory has a healing factor, but it's slow and takes ten minutes or more to really kick in. If his body is damaged faster than the healing process can handle, the healing factor will be thrown off balance. Also, his body seems to respond poorly to cold, and injuries sustained from cold are the only form of injury that Tory's healing factor cannot cope with; see below for more detail.

    [Increased Physical Abilities] He is more flexible and agile than a normal human.

    [Above-Average Intellect] Tests have revealed that Tory has an IQ of 141.

    [Weakness to Cold] Tory is much more vulnerable to cold than normal humans, and thus prefers to wear thick clothes. Temperatures that would be enough to cause frostbite in a normal human give Tory hypothermia.

    [Subject's Bio] The last Seven identified as such, Christopher Lucas "Tory" Walsen contracted the Seven Syndrome during his mother's pregnancy via a mysterious blue-and-red capsule given to his mother. The reason he was the last Seven to be found was because he moved to a different city during the height of the Seven Syndrome hysteria. However, he was eventually found when an AveoLife officer recognized his parents, who were scientists at AveoLife, and reported to the local branch of AveoLife. Since then, Tory has been separated from his parents, with another scientist keeping watch over him.

    As for now, all Sevens has been put on 24-hour surveillance due to suspicions about their psychological stability. Tory is no exception to this.

    [Other- Subject's Personality] Despite everything that has happened to him, Tory is highly cheerful and friendly, and views his powers as, in his words, "pretty f***ing metal". However, some of AveoLife's leaders think he hides a deep-seated desire to escape. As such, all Sevens have been placed on 24-hour surveillance until they can be certain of the Sevens' cooperation.

    Initial observation has also revealed that Tory enjoys rock music, Western comic books and manga, and is highly interested in the field of aeronautics.

    [Subject's Appearance]
    Anime boy with Red Hair Pictures, Images and Photos

    [Employee's First Name] Maria
    [Employee's Last Name] Schulding
    [Employee's Age] 26
    [Employee's Gender] Female
    [Employee's Faction] AveoLife Corporation
    [Employee's Area of Study] Studies Patient Seven
    [Employee's Bio] Maria Schulding is one of AveoLife's top virologists, with a Doctor of Medicine all the way from the University of Hamburg. She has recently been assigned to the case of the Sevens, and is one of the twenty scientists with complete and exclusive access to the Seven Syndrome case. She has written several papers on the use of viruses as tools for genetic modification and the treatment of hereditary illnesses.

    [Other- Employee's Personality] Maria takes great pride in doing what she does as one of the leading scientific minds of AveoLife, always trying to do things "for science". She always tries to deal fairly with everyone, be they low-level personnel or the executives controlling AveoLife. Unfortunately, she does not have the slightest idea that the inner circle of AveoLife has been using her and everyone around them for years now...

    [Employee's Appearance]
    Nadeshiko Benibara Pictures, Images and Photos
    (Source: Nadeshiko Benibara from Shuffle)

    Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

    Link | by otaku on 2010-05-15 22:05:25
    May I join?

    [First Name] Brandon
    [Last Name] Decker
    [Age] 17
    [Gender] Male
    [Seven or Scientist] Seven
    [SEVENS ONLY: Infection Number] 6
    [SEVENS ONLY: Symptoms]
    -Increased Physical Abilities: Speed, Dynamic Visual Acuity (tracks moving things well with his eyes)
    -Increased Intelligence
    -Vulnerability to Cold
    [Bio] Brandon was an only child, born to parents who were unmarried at his time of conception. It was a shock to him and his parents (who married somewhere along the line) when he was diagnosed with Seven Syndrome, and an even greater shock when he was "appropriated" for research and quarantine. It was a tearful day, and Brandon doesn't relive it, but it's all he ever dreams about.
    -Personality: Very deadpan, except on the subject of AveoLife and/or the employees thereof. On that topic, he is opinionated, sarcastic, and most of all, jaded and unwilling to make the slightest attempt at trusting them except in the direst circumstances.
    [Appearance] Black hair, short. Hazel eyes, hard. Body is fit but not outstanding. Skin tone is pasty white, and voice is monotone.

    There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

    Link | by misanouta on 2010-05-17 18:30:00
    [[Thanks for joining, everyone!]]


    ..s h e l k e..

    After almost five hours straight keeping myself holed up in my office, I finally released myself from the holds of what I called an 'intense study period'. I was heading down to the staff room in the southern end of the Seven Test Facility when I was forced to stop in the hallway where a glass wall allowed a wonderful view of AveoLife's whole campus. One of the Sevens was playing on the tennis courts against two of our best players.... She had been playing since early that morning, and no one could stop her. Novera was her name... wasn't it?

    I continued on down to the staff room, a clean and simple room with a Japanese theme down to the table on the floor. I shut the door behind me, admiring the darker coloured sceme of the room as I poured myself a coffee, proceding to drink it black. It was perfect, like always, and I took my seat at the table. For a moment, I scanned the room, making sure it was empty before I laid my head down to try and rest for a minute. Before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.


    ..r h i e n n a h..

    It had been awhile, and I was beginning to get hungry. I threw on a hooded sweater, escaping the darkness of my bedroom into the hall. I was able to keep my hood down inside — amazingly, artificial light didn't affect me too much — and I rushed down toward the cafeteria for something to eat. The cafeteria always served the test subjects high quality foods — the Sevens needed to stay healthy in order to produce accurate test results — and today's lunch special included several different exotic dishes, all served as they would be tradtionally. I didn't really care... all I wanted was a cheeseburger and a Dr. Pepper, and I was happy. However, the cafeteria was a very open space, three out of four walls and the ceiling were all glass, and I had to eat with my hood up.


    ..n o v e r a..

    They were pushing me now, trying to expose my furthest limits with a two-on-one match, which I was smoking easily. It was over quickly, but I could feel myself beginning to slow down, exponentially. All at once, I was cramping up, short of breath, weak, dizzy.... I laid down on the court, having not noticed this before; one of the scientists brought me over a bottle of water and a towel, which I accepted gratefully. They let me cool down a little before they began to push me to get up again. I complied, sighing heavily. "I wish I had someone who was more of a challenge," I told them before beginning to walk out my cramped legs.

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    Link | by xianna on 2010-05-23 19:06:29

    I walked around the whole building and decided to go get something to eat. I walked into the sweet,warm sunshine and then quickly went inside the cafeteria. I took a plate of..I don't really know what and soon I saw a tall boy.

    dot hack// forever~<3

    Link | by misanouta on 2010-05-24 16:49:04
    ..r h i e n n a h..

    As I finished off the last of my lunch, someone entered the cafeteria. I looked up at her from under my hood, and it took me a moment to recognize her. I had never actually learned her name; I only knew her as FIVE, and that was good enough for me. I picked up my tray and stood up, tossing my can in the recycling. When I tossed the tray down on the stack, I stopped to stare at FIVE for a moment. My doctor had once told me that each of the SEVENs was different in every way. So, I wondered, what exactly might her story be?

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    Link | by xianna on 2010-05-24 17:33:11

    Soon the boy was staring at me. I wondered if I should go talk to him and soon my answer to myself was yes. I got rid of my lunch and went up to him.


    Stupidest thing I've ever said to a person in my life.

    dot hack// forever~<3

    Link | by otaku on 2010-05-26 18:55:43
    Brandon idly walked the corridors of the residential section of the facility. Not that there was much to walk, just a few short passages (a few meaning exactly ten, short meaning maybe twelve rooms each) and three common rooms that served as lounges. He was bored, and wasn't in the mood for more "testing". (Testing? Ha! More like something to do besides stew over prison life!) He also wasn't hungry, thirsty, tired, or even starved for company, which is why he didn't just go to the cafeteria or to bed.

    There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

    Link | by Icarael on 2010-05-27 09:51:22 (edited 2010-05-28 07:56:07)
    Tory Walsen
    [AveoLife Lab Complex | Testing Area: Combat Arena]

    Tory Walsen disliked the way the residential compound was designed.

    To him, there was something inherently screwed up about the endless blocks of concrete that formed his temporary home. It was something about the sanitized off-white paint job, the aseptic, hospital-like scent, the endless assortment of machines beeping away in the background that turned Tory off.

    Unfortunately, he was stuck with it.

    And he had never hated the compound more than today, when he was scheduled for a full physical test.

    Muttering a long string of complaints under his breath, Tory walked the winding corridors to the examination room. The silhouette of a woman looked down on him from a one-way window above as she directed the shadows of several scientists and facility personnel.

    The only person aside from him was a slim nurse, busy setting up the apparatus for the test. Tory sighed as another nurse entered, handing him a small, folded-up object before directing him to a changing room. He grimaced in disgust as he unfolded a blue-and-white leather skin suit.

    TORY: "Man... do they get some sort of sick satisfaction from watching me dressed up like this?"

    After several minutes of struggling into the suit, Tory took a look at himself in the mirror. The suit exposed every detail of his physique, the leather shimmering in the fluorescent light. There were several small ports in the suit; Tory guessed they were some sort of motion trackers.

    NURSE: "Alright, if you're done changing, please come out of there."

    Tory walked out, painfully aware of the way the leather wrapped around his limbs and some other parts of his in a way that made him uncomfortable. He stepped into the cylindrical arena, watching as the spotlights came alive, highlighting the sets of training dummies. Blank-faced and armed with padded fists and feet, they stood in several groups.

    FEMALE SCIENTIST: "Alright, we're going to begin the test now. Get ready."

    The dummies moved into position, surrounding him. Tory flexed his fingers, waiting for them to make a move.

    A dummy charged forward. Tory dodged its punch, then struck the machine's head. Whirling away from the crippled machine, he kneed the stomach of another, vaulting over it into another dummy, parrying its strikes and following with a elbow to the chest, grabbing a leg and lifting another machine to bring it crashing into the ground. Yet another dummy came close; Tory blocked both its strikes, chopping its neck and throwing it into another drone.

    Maria Schulding
    [AveoLife Lab Complex | Testing Area: Combat Arena- Observation Deck]

    From her spot at the controls, Maria Schulding controlled the test machines, switching her attention from dummy to dummy. Sweat beaded across her forehead as she punched in commands.

    MARIA: "Unit 6, left then attack: Unit 3, stall and distract. Unit 8, pull back- oh dammit, he got that one."

    The small screen to her left showed the boy weaving in and out of a horde of humanoid drones. Maria's eyes darted back and forth between her console and the screen, ignoring the drone of comments from the observers behind her.

    PROFESSOR CORWOOD: "Magnificent reflexes. Watch that takedown over there- ooh, that had to hurt!"
    MS. ANDERSON: "Looks like you'll have to pay me that five dollars, Mister Thrushcross- look at the way he's going through them!"
    MR. THRUSHCROSS: "Oh dammit- wait, that one's sneaking up on him- dammit, he got that one too!"
    PROFESSOR CORWOOD: "Look at that agility, Miss Anderson! Look at that flexibility!"

    Gritting her teeth, Maria set her attention on the boy, sizing him up, feeling the pressure as though she was in the ring with him. Her grip on the joystick tightened, her fingers tapping rapidly into the keyboard beside her. She watched as the boy took yet another member of the dwindling army down, feeling a strange sense of pity for the child who was down there.

    MARIA: What are we doing this for? Do we really need to see if this boy can fight? Do we-

    Maria had lost track of the action long enough for Tory to take down the last dummy. The observers stood up, clapping and cheering.

    PROFESSOR CORWOOD: "Marvelous! Marvelous! Just marvelous!"
    MS. ANDERSON: "I must say, that is impressive."
    MR. THRUSHCROSS: "Yes. An impressive performance indeed."

    The portly Mr. Thrushcross strode over, tapping Maria on the shoulder.

    MARIA: "Yes, Mister Thrushcross?"
    MR. THRUSHCROSS: "Maria, you have done an excellent job managing this boy. I can clearly see the results of your tutelage."
    MARIA: "Thank you, sir."
    MR. THRUSHCROSS: "Now, all we need is the data on Mr. Walsen's performance. How about you meet us at dinner... say, six o'clock this evening?"
    MARIA: "Six o'clock is fine, sir."

    Thrushcross strutted away, as the other observers made their exit.

    MR. THRUSHCROSS: "Good. We'll see you and Mister Crescent at the dining hall."

    Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

    Link | by misanouta on 2010-05-28 07:24:58
    ..r h i e n n a h..

    I stared at her for a moment before answered. "Hey. FIVE, aren't you?" I asked, shifting my weight slighty. I reached up to pull my hood a little farther over my face; the brightness was bothering my eyes, forcing my to make a mental note — ask for sunglasses. "I'm TWO.... I mean.... Rhiennah." With the scientists refering to me as a number in stead of a name was really beginning to wear on me. Now I was calling myself TWO in stead of Rhiennah, as much as I hated it. There had to be something wrong with this, and these people....

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    Link | by Icarael on 2010-05-28 09:21:36
    Tory Walsen
    [AveoLife Complex | Tory's Room]

    Tory stood in the shower, feeling his muscles relax as cool water poured over him. This was the third time he'd been called upon to demonstrate his combat skills. Idly, as he began soaping himself, he wondered what they'd make him do next. Two weeks ago, it was a series of IQ tests; then there was the speed and flexibilty tests they'd made him do the previous week. Now, it was strength and reflexes.

    TORY: "What is this, some sort of sinister government project?"

    No one answered. Tory sighed, leaning against the wall as he stared up. He thanked his lucky stars there were no bugging devices or hidden cameras anywhere. The shower continued drenching his hair until it hung in a wet mess over his eyes.

    TORY: "Well, no point in moping. May as well get myself lunch."

    Quickly finishing his bath with a vigorous shampooing, Tory walked out, towel wrapped around his waist. On his bed lay a fresh set of clothes, including his favorite vest.

    TORY: "Like a hotel. Jeez, they really are trying to make us feel at home here."

    After dressing, he made his way down two flights of stairs and walked through a shaded garden, ending up at a white double door. The smell of food wafted from within, making Tory's stomach growl.

    He walked in, and was immediately greeted by yet another sterile white room, filled with plastic benches molded into the floor. Over by the counter, a white-shirted man was silently watching the deep dishes filled with food in front of him.

    Tory immediately walked over to the counter. To his joy, he found a few cheeseburgers stacked in one of the dishes.

    TORY: "Right on."

    With a burger and a can of cola in hand, Tory took a seat at one of the many tables. As he began to eat, he saw a young man next to his seat stand up, pulling the hood of his sweater over his head. He seemed to be looking in the general direction of a black-haired girl by the entrance.

    RHIENNAH: "I'm TWO.... I mean.... Rhiennah."

    So the kid was one of the Seven, just like him. Tory nearly spilled his drink over himself as he got to his feet and approached him.

    TORY: "Uh..."

    He paused, working up the courage to speak. Then he decided to go ahead.

    TORY: "Hey, Rhiennah. Fancy meeting another one of 'us' here. Name's Tory. Tory Walsen."

    Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

    Link | by xianna on 2010-05-28 15:15:35

    I looked at Rheinnah,after I heard his reply I couldn't help myself, I let out a small giggle. "Hi Rheinnah, I'm FIVE,oh and my name is Kura." I felt happy meeting someone today. Then I heard another voice apparently his name is Tory, Tory Walson.

    "Hi Tory,my name is Kura."

    dot hack// forever~<3

    Link | by Ryu on 2010-05-30 18:16:12

    I decided that i was hungry after thinking about life on that beautiful spot that i found on the roof.

    i remembered that the cafe was serving some food so i went inside to go find something to satisfy my physical hunger because nothing was satisfying my emotional hunger.

    i went and got a sloppy joe in the cafe with a soda and hummed a song to my self as i sat there all by my self

    " i hate being this number 4... why cant i be kenji" i Mumbled to my self as i ate my food and listened to my mp3 player

    we all learn form pain... the lone wolf walks again. pull the trigger in my soul

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