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Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by kyohibiki on 2010-04-06 06:58:13 (edited 2010-05-09 02:20:11)
I created this RP, and this RP credited to Spell War and EX-istence, especially Aetheria Story (sorry due to some circumstance i can’t continue that one...). And also mostly inspired and taken from basic story of To Aru Kagaku no Railgun.


2020, after an unknown phenomenon occurred 20 years ago, when a moon and sun eclipse occur at the same time all over the world, a mysterious existence called Error appeared. No one knows what they’re, where they came from and why they appeared. Error consume human’s mind, they take over human body and make their victim to fall into their own delusion while the Error gradually consume their mind and make them trapped forever inside their dream. More an Error consume human’s minds, it’ll become stronger and more dangerous to human both mentally and physically.

But, Error is not the only one appeared after the unknown phenomenon which called Dual Eclipse, some human recently realizes that they get another existence within them. An Error like existence called Phantasm. But different from Error, Phantasm attached to human and hypothetically born from human’s imagination. They shaped variously and have various unique ability one for each. And those who have Phantasm within them called Fantasia.

The number of Fantasia is recently increased although most of them were just in level 1 or 2. A few of those who reach level 4 or more gathered and formed a special squad to counter Error’s attack and misuse of Phantasm ability. There’re two kind of department formed, REAL and IMAGE. REAL, which consist of some strong and professional Fantasia and a special trained force which allowed using firearms, military equipment and weapon to encounter Error which caused a huge damage or too dangerous, And IMAGE, which consist of some strictly selected Fantasia volunteers which handle a small case of Error, misuse of Phantasm ability and help police department to handle other crime cases.

And now the story take place at Ikebukuro, Japan, where Error and misuse of ability case increased drastically recently. Coincidentally, a case of Error increased every year in Japan. And in order to suppress it, the government forced REAL and IMAGE to be more active and citizen to be more careful at night.


Fantasias are those who has Phantasm within them. No one know exactly how they got their Phantasm or why. Fantasia shares a very small percentage of their Phantasm’s ability. Each of them has a certain symbol on their body.

It’s a mysterious existence which exits inside Fantasia. They have their own personality and trait also a certain ability and weapon. Phantasm also gave their Fantasia a slight of their ability while not summoned and will grow stronger when they’re summoned. There still a lot of mystery about Phantasm and Fantasia, Phantasm has their own way to communicate with their Fantasia but can’t speak directly. They don’t have knowledge of their origins, their memory begin when they’re born along with their Fantasia.

Rules :
- Fantasia has a symbol on their body for their Phantasm.
- Fantasia classed by 6 levels. 1 is the weakest and 6 is the strongest. And they can increase their level by training and triggered by some factor such as emotional factor.

- Phantasm has a specific ability. You can’t make your Phantasm has an ability to control fire, but you can make your Phantasm has an ability to produce fire from their body in certain way and use it to attack by shooting fire or throwing fire balls. And in this case the Fantasia which got a slight ability may has ability to flick a fire or produce a small amount of fire or produce heat.
- Phantasm and Fantasia were connected. If The Phantasm was hurt, The Fantasia will feel it too.
- When Phantasm is die, they’ll come back into their Fantasia’s body. And need some time till it fully recovered. If its damage were too critical, it may need couple of days, weeks or even months or years to recover.

A mysterious monster shaped like a black slime with white plain mask. No one knows where they’re come from, how and why. They firstly look like a black slime, but they’ll eventually take shape of the first image they got from human’s imagination or mind. And grow stronger as they eat more. They rarely appear at day light and always appear after the sunset or at a dark place. There’re 6 level of Error at level 1 Shaped like a liquid things, usually take form of black slime with white plain mask, weak power. They tend to hide from human and wait for their victim to accidentally cross near them. Their shape will grow and mix with each of their victim’s imagination they ate.

From left to right.
Eiki - Zanki - Shuki - Jaki - Banki

Eiki : Travel through space using a dimension gap created by ripping empty air creating an opening
between dimension and create another opening as the exit. example, punch forward but the hand
appear behind the target. and able to grow a lot of extra hands which looks like tentacle (with
sharp claws) from his back.

Zanki : Able to grow a sword likes spikes from all over his body and sword. Also able to absorb
energy created by Phantasm and Error with his sword, including ability to absorb energy from the
things hit by his sword.

Shuki : Ability to cause force. She's able to hit, choke, crush something from distances.
The 'force' will appear as a blue transparent aura. Also able to create various form like blade,
shield, etc from that aura.

Jaki : Able to control other people's mind, make a doll from shadow and control all of them as he
want (he use no string). Also ability to become invisible.

Banki : He's absurdly strong. His skin as strong as diamond and he know no pain.

Note :
These are not all of their ability. Each of them has some other ability still
not yet shown. Further information and detail about them, PM me.


- Normal Gendou Rules.
- No god-mode or power-playing. We're all talented writers here. please consider when you can win and when you have to lose.
- Quality posts, be creative, which means avoid one-liners. I'm not too strict with language use, as long as everyone can understand your writing that's enough
- No killing other player's character without their permission and my permission.
- Be realistic and use your imagination, you need to know how to react in your role, and you’re not a perfect being.
- You can take more than 1 character, and feel free to create any number of minor characters. But, take your own risk and be responsible to your own character.
- Submit me any ideas you have or PM me about anything you want to ask. I also accept any critic and comment or even a protest.
- Tell us if you can’t post for some period or want to quit.
- Romance always welcome, but consider your condition and don’t ignoring other player (unless they caused some trouble).
- Have fun. That's RP all about right!

you can be Fantasia or normal human.

Name : (first - last)
Title / Nickname :
Gender :
Age : (be reasonable)
Job : (choose any normal works for your character)
Ability : (describe an ability obtained from your Phantasm, must be similar but much weaker)
Hobbies :
Personality :
Bio : (be creative, unclear or mysterious bio is ok, but be reasonable)

(for Fantasia)
Phantasm Name :
Level : (1 – 6)
Ability : (be specific and not too overkill. Follow the rules and use logic)
Extra : (add any extra information about your Phantasm)

Symbol Location : (where your symbol located)
Appearance and Symbol : (add your character, Phantasm and other extra pic like your weapon if needed)

Minami Ikebukuro :
- Hoshigami Aya
- Hirayuki Airi
- Aozaki Isara

- Kurogane Yoshio
- Misaki Ryou
Higashi Ikebukuro :
- Kuzumi Eiji
- Hinokawa Izanami
- Eikichi Ryuu
Kami Ikebukuro :
- Hoshino Rei
- Hoshino Jun

- Fenris Khan
Unstated :
- Sawada ieyasu
- Michael Roxbrough-Jones

- Fujiwara Miyako
- Hibiki Natsumi
- Fujimoto Akira

- Katou Hatsuharu
- Takahashi Chiyo
- Azure Ignis Kyrie
- Takayu Sayuri
- Kurayami Kenji
- Konayuki Yuu
- Amano Shinji
- Carlos

Name : Aya Hoshigami
Title / Nickname : Man-Eater Fairy / Chibi
Gender : Female
Age : 15
Job :second grader High school student of Minami Gakuen, IMAGE member of Minami Ikebukuro branch.
Ability : she can eat enormous amount of food without gaining any weight.
Hobbies : eat sweets, cakes, and other food. Drawing, cooking and hanging around with Airi.
Personality : cheerful, childish, princess-type, hyper-active.
Bio :
Aya born and grow in Ikebukuro. She’s been with Airi since they’re in kindergarten. At age of 12, she finds out that her weight has never been increased although she eat a lot. And one day when she almost hit by car when crossing street, a chubby dragon appeared in front of her and transform into a giant pancake (her breakfast) and block that car away. Since then, she named him Muchi (refer to a sound of soft thing getting squished). She constantly and unconsciously increases Muchi’s ability by eating and eating a lot kind of food. And suddenly Muchi reach level 3 in instant. She joined IMAGE because she said she want to do something useful for society (since she has never done such a thing before…) and manage to become its member because of her unique ability. After joined IMAGE she trained Aikido at Airi’s dojo. And although Muchi is still in level 3, his flexible ability feared and Airi well-known as Man-Eater Fairy (although some people doubt whether Muchi really had been eaten a man or not but some people Muchi may had accidentally swallow a man). And because of her lack of height, she’s been famous as ‘Chibi’ among the criminals. She’s the president of Cooking club.

Phantasm Name : Muchi
Gender : Male
Level : 3
Ability : Swallow anything nearby, transform into it and use it as a weapon.
Extra :
One of Muchi’s ability is enhancement. He can transform whole or part of his body into things he ate and enhanced it, means it can be bigger, stronger and tougher than the real things. But the differences is not too far especially about the tougher part.

Symbol Location : on her left ankle
Appearance and Symbol :

Name : Airi Hirayuki
Title / Nickname : Magnetic Princess
Gender : Female
Age : 16
Job :Senior High school student of Minami Gakuen, IMAGE member of Minami Ikebukuro branch.
Hobbies : Cooking, reading, hanging around Aya.
Personality : Sharp, serious and quite girl, but she loves cute things especially animals.
Ability : produce a very small amount of light electric current through her body (enough to turn on a light bulb by touching it)
Bio :
Airi is Aya’s childhood friend. Since a long time ago she always protects Aya like her own sister because of Aya’s clumsiness and innocent trait. She realized that she has Tama inside her when she’s 7 years old. That time she touch a light bulb and that things lighted up. Eventually she’s able to call Tama. She named her based on her shape. Airi joined IMAGE when someone from Ikebukuro branch asked her to join with them because of her useful ability and since she’s been popular as Magnetic Princess. She’s famous because she often use her ability to protect Aya from harm. Her family run a Aikido dojo and she’s been forced to learn it as a successor although she doesn’t like it very much. But since Aya joined in her dojo, she got some motivation to train harder. She’s a vice president of Minami Gakuen student council and also a member of Cooking club.She's popular among boys at Minami Gakuen as 'Frozen Princess' with her genius, beautiful looking but cold behaviour.

Phantasm Name : Tama
Gender : Female
Level : 4
Ability : Conduct a strong electromagnetic force to form a golem like body using nearby metallic material.
Extra :
Tama ability is basically creating electromagnetic force, but she mainly using it to create a golem like body to fight or throwing metallic material at her target.
Symbol Location : inner side of her right thigh
Appearance and Symbol :

Character design for Hoshigami Aya dan Hirayuki Airi :
Line art by : Kokuhane
Colored by : Kyoshiro a.k.a sinlaire

Name : Isara Aozaki
Title / Nickname : Red Witch (called Nigi-Mitama)
Gender : Female
Age : 27
Job :Young teacher at Tokyo Gakuen and IMAGE Leader of Minami Ikebukuro branch.
Hobbies : Reading, hacking through various system, working with computer
Personality : Sharp, strict and kharismatic woman. She's feared as well admired not only by Minami Ikebukuro branch member but also other branch and some REAL member.
Ability : ?
Bio :
A Leader of Minami Ikebukuro Branch IMAGE. The one called 'Red Witch' by some reason when she still just a member. She's feared not only by criminals but also REAL and other IMAGE member. She's seldom show her phantasm and ability and tend to do 'administrator' job from her office. But she has a very wide connection not only with government, REAL, and IMAGE, but also some community and underground world. She's one of few level 6 Fantasia in Ikebukuro. also known as Nigi-Mitama from 4 Mitama.

Phantasm Name : Tsukuyomi
Gender : Female
Level : 6
Ability : ?
Extra : ?
Symbol Location : ?
Appearance and Symbol :
Appearance : Dark brown short hair, light brown sharp eyes, around 170 cm height, slim and has a good body curve, athletic, tend to wear red jacket when going outside or red scraft when not working.
Symbol : ?

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by kyokubane on 2010-04-06 07:19:06 (edited 2010-04-20 01:29:23)
@Kyo : Can't believe you still got the time to post this tonight~ =___=a

Anyway, here's my character:

Name : Yoshio Kurogane
Title / Nickname : Minami Meltdown
Gender : Male
Age : 17
Job : High School Student in Minami Gakuen, *forced* member of the Cooking Club, IMAGE member of Minami Ikebukuro branch.
Ability : Produce small, weak laser from his fingertips. Mainly for
pointing purposes, heating his breakfast or lighting his favorite cigarettes.
Hobbies : Cigarettes, making pastries, cutting classes.
Personality : Laid back, carefree and never likes being told what to do.
Bio :
Born and raised in Shibuya until the age of 7. He and his family moved to
Ikebukuro after his father quits from his position as one of the lieutenants of
REAL for an early retirement. His father opens a large pastry shop from a part
of his retirement fund, which is the start of Yoshio’s love for pastries and
cooking in general. Later, he became a primary member of the Cooking Club in
Minami Gakuen just because he’s the only one who can make Aya Hoshigami’s favorite
Blueberry Crème brûlée.

He first realizes he has Gou and Kou (earlier, he named him 'Gouki' because he
only got one head) inside him when he ‘accidentally’ let them out and destroyed
half of the street in front of his family’s restaurant when he was playing war
game with his friends by using toy guns. He was 10 at that time, and that
incident scares off his friends away to the point of him being the semi-
delinquent like now due to the lack of childhood playmates. His father told him
to join IMAGE soon after that incident so he can find plenty of other Fantasias
that might have the same experiences with the first outcoming of their
Phantasms. And so he did.

Gains quite a name in Minami Gakuen due being one and only stereotype-looking
delinquent in the highschool who can pass all of the school subjects with
straight A's.

Phantasm Name : Gou (Left Head) Kou (Right Head)
Gender : Male
Level : 4
Ability : Fires laser cannons from their mouths, and laser beams from the optics on their head.
Extra :
Gou and Kou is a two-headed Phantasm. Yoshio originally named them ‘Gouki’,
since the first time they appeared, they only got one head. A terrible event on
Yoshio's life forced Gouki gained levels to the point of growing a second head.

After seeing how their two heads often barks violently at each other (complete
with unnerving metallic grinding noise) every time he tried to call them, Yoshio
decided to rename them differently for each heads. They never barked at each
other ever since.

Gou and Kou also loves to play fetch.

Symbol Location : Right shoulder
Appearance and Symbol :
(He's around 192 cm in height)

Height Comparison:

Lineart by Kyokubane a.k.a. Kokuhane
Colors by Kyoshiro a.k.a Sinlaire

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by karuzo on 2010-04-06 07:22:14 (edited 2010-04-28 09:08:33)
Name : Kyuuga, Kuzumi Eiji
Title / Nickname : Boogiepop Does not Laugh: Midnight's Dream/ Aegis [a pun on his name]
Gender : Male
Age : 17
Job : : High School Student in Higashi Gakuen, IMAGE member of Higashi Ikebukuro branch, however he assist REAL when needed. [through a formal request and order of his superiors]

Ability : Beat Distruptis- Restoring people's mind from their uncontrolled desires

Hobbies :

- Reads novels of any kind,newspaper, psychological and philosophical books
- Internet Surfing, Chatting, Texting, and Mailing of any kind
- Travels a lot
- He loves to eat that to the extent he can nearly drain his daily allowance

Personality : Silent but Outspoken, calm and gentle, vulnerable looking but can beat much crap out from a person

Bio : A student that kills time in reading, but he was sought after because of his different perception of everything that forces him to disguise everyday when he goes to school

Being chased by three clubs on his school that really makes his day more interesting [or makes him run for his life]: Computer Club, Literature Club, and the Debate Club

He always visit the Minami Gakuen Cooking Club because of its exotic and traditional dishes and since he is known as the Delivery Man between Minami Gakuen and Higashi Gakuen's cooking club that he really makes a profit [he does not know it, the school decided for it because of his reputation in traveling and since he excels in his studies that he can skip his classes]

In the past he is one of those individuals who misuse their ability, he was known to be the most elusive and the most unpredictable until he was caught by them however because of a certain girl, both REAL and IMAGE agreed on her proposal that he refuses frequently until such time the said girl was in grave danger

After that he gained his freedom and he started to have a new life

Phantasm Name : Boogiepop
Level : 5
Ability : "Death" Perception/Soul Crusher- originally dubbed as Mystic Eyes, Mind Crusher, Death's Tears, Soul Eater, Life Drain and Delusional Heartbeat by REAL and IMAGE thanks for the description of his past victims

When Boogiepop conjures her ability, she can "see" the heartbeat or a person's uncontrolled desires that made him/her insane, she can strike it so that the heartbeat will be stabilized, in effect the person will be knocked- out or fall asleep

Extra : When Phantasm was summoned his body was used as a vessel, his physical body will change into a girl

In using Boogiepop's ability, the enemies wont die but they could feel pain from it, the key factor is Boogiepop's emotions [which is actually Kyuuga's emitions], if Boogiepop fails to control those emotions it would kill an individual [not as a 1 hit OTK] and the "borrowed" body will feel intense pain for a week

Boogiepop's main weaponry was a set of strings dubbed as Kandata Strings by REAL and IMAGE however these strings are not proven if it is physical or magical weapon due to the fact that Boogiepop use it once, most of the time Boogiepop uses her fingers to do her ability

Symbol Location : right shoulder blade
Appearance and Symbol :
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Name : Akiha Satsushiki
Title / Nickname : Mother, Teacher, Nee-san, Drifter [sometimes she sleeps in her class], Trickster [she can do some stunts that is hard or no one could do]
Gender : Female
Age : 16
Job : Barrister, Student, IMAGE member of Higashi Ikebukuro branch
Ability : Her senses were enhanced and summon a two feet sword [embedded, she uses it as her sculpture tool or her practice sword]

Hobbies :

- A barrister who can create different kinds of drinks in her arsenals
- Dancing to the point that she brings the emotion to it
- An artist that has vast knowledge of emotion within the color harmony and the artwork itself
- A student that loves to sleep during and outside her class and create scripts for theater workshop

Personality : Serious looking but Charming, silent happy-go-lucky, protective that one can under estimate her but she is highly dangerous when she needs to

Bio :

A girl from Satsushiki family, an influential family, however she mingles with the people around her with generosity, at first once can say that she is hard to talk with but the truth is she is friendly and sociable and she does not want to be treated as a hime-sama much

She wanted to learn more about the outside world, she decided that she will live within the area of the ordinary people in which that her parents was impressed and they gave her their blessing, for they believe that it is the time that their daughter to learn to fend for herself

President of the Cultural Club in Higashi Gakuen which she took the responsibility either seriously or not, however she never fails her members that they strive hard so that they would not fail her

She discovered her Phantasm when she was eleven years old, when she save a girl from drowning, a powerful surge that washed her away from the shoreline, her phantasm appeared and grabbed her hand and flew to the surface with haste

She unconsciously increases level because she frequently using her Phantasm not as a weapon but as her family and friend that made it to reached its powerful level [and a bit knowledgeable] but since she treated it as a family, it became more human and willing to give up its life for a cause

When she decided that to join IMAGE she encountered a problem, when they witnessed her Phantasm, she was referred to be a REAL member since her Phantasm is quite dangerous and risky but since she knows to handle it well [so well that no incident or any worst case scenario happened during her probationary level], her IMAGE membership was approved and asked on what Branch she wanted to assign

Currently, she is serving in Higashi Branch under Higashi Gakuen jurisdiction and she became fond to it, but the only thing she cannot tolerate is being compared with Airi of the Minami Ikebukuro Branch due to their slight similarities

(for Fantasia)
Phantasm Name : Angela Lutecia Luna
Level : 6
Ability : Releases missiles on her wings, her both arms transform into a a weaponry, gatlling gun on the right arm and a sword on the left arm

Extra : When she summons her Phantasm, it greets her and embraces her while she is floating, sometimes she "asks" what is around her

Her Phantasm is actually a cyborg in which that reminds her of her will to protect and do her best to fulfill her wish and reminds her of living despite of sadness and hardships that she will face

When she is busy and needs someone inside the Club, Akiha ask Angela to take care of the room in which that the room was well organized and well appreciated

Symbol Location : left shoulder blade
Appearance and Symbol :

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by Photobucket on 2010-04-06 07:23:33 (edited 2010-04-26 18:54:08)
Wow....another interesting RP ^___^

I'm still busy right now, so i'll just reserve a space for my character bio ^___^

God ! After i read some pages, i think this is really interesting. Time to join ^____^

Name : Isono Norihey
Title / Nickname : Four-Eyed Beast, Super Hentai, Slasher
Gender : Male
Age : 25
Job : REAL Elite Agent
Ability : Enhance the cutting ability of Isono's katana or harden the blade (only one ability can be used in one time).
Hobbies : Teasing people (especially, girls), killing Errors
Personality : Looks like a nice guy, but he actually pretty wicked.
Bio : A really famous REAL agent from Higashi Ikebukuro, particularly because of his annoying habit of teasing girls. He is one of high rank agent in REAL HQ and nicknamed Slasher because of his Phantasm ability. Isono didn't like fighting one by one and usually avoiding any fight with Error. Not because he didn't enjoy the fight, but he will always try to use other people to do all his dirty jobs. When no one is usable, he will gladly finish the target.
Isono was born in Tokyo and obtained his phantasm in a brawl. The result is obvious, all of his opponents were sent to the hospital with cut wounds all over their body and he was arrested. But later, he proved innocent when police can't find the weapon he used to injured his opponents. He was released and quickly recruited by REAL to become an agent. His rank raised in a very short of time and gained Elite status in REAL. Somehow, he had a very good relationship wiith the Red Witch of Minami Ikebukuro Branch IMAGE.

Phantasm Name : Mayu
Level : 5
Gender : female
Ability :
- Pierce or cut through any material with the katana, including any armor that protect other Phantasm with lower level.
Extra : A phantasm in a form of female samurai with one eye. Mayu didn't speak a lot. And will do all Isono's order without questioning.

Symbol Location : At the back of his right hand
Appearance and Symbol :
(Isono Norihey)




Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by on 2010-04-06 08:42:24 (edited 2010-04-11 12:25:49)
Kesempaxxx.. |P
Siyal.. Ngga bilang2 ada RP baru.. >___<
@Kyosh : Whops.. New RP eh~
I'm reserve this space for my character bio... ^^

Edited.. ^^
@Kyosh : Gambarnya ditunggu.. ^^
Name : Miyako Fujiwara
Title / Nickname : Miya-Miya
Gender : Female
Age : 16
Job : Second grader High school student of Minami Gakuen, member of the track and field club, REAL member of Ikebukuro branch
Ability : Miyako can lift any objects that the weight is twice as much of the weight of objects that can be lifted by a girl at her age
Hobbies : Sport, singing, hanging with her friends
Personality : Clumsy, cheerful, childish, hyper-active
Bio :
Miyako born and raised by her parents in Shibuya until the age of 8 years old when her parent was killed in the car accident. At that time, Miyako, and her parent is inside a car together when a truck suddenly hurled out and hit Miyako's car. Miyako can't remember anything at that time except a small creature suddenly appears in front of her and everything become dark. When she was opening her eyes, she saw the car downtrodden by truck, burned. No one survived except her.
After the incident, Miyako raised by a local orphanage. Accompanied by her phantasm -the one who saved her- and with her friend in the orphanage, she grew with happiness there. When she at age 11, her orphanage was attacked by ERRORs. Suddenly, that area became the battlefield between ERRORs and REAL, causing the orphanage destroyed. After the end of the war, Akira Fujimoto, member of REAL, took Miyako and offered to become her guardian. She accepted it and move to Ikebukuro.
One year ago, with Akira's recommendation, Miyako joined REAL and become the member of Ikebukuro branch. Her phantasm ability useful to become a moving storage for REAL's equipments and weapons. And Miyako herself got a special mission, watching Akira and preventing him berserk and become a warmonger.
In the school, she becomes ace of the athletic subject, especially running. She is also the president of the track and field club.

Phantasm Name : Piya
Gender : Female
Level : 4
Ability : Swallow anything nearby, and store it into her dimensional-stomach. The thing that she swallowed can be taken out from her stomach.
Extra :
Piya's ability is sucking an object and keep it in her dimensional-stomach. She can swallow any object that bigger and heavier than her, a vending machine for the example.

Symbol Location : on her left arm
Appearance and Symbol : -Coming soon-

Name : Hatsuharu Katou
Title / Nickname : Haru
Gender : Male
Age : 17
Job : Third grader High school student of Minami Gakuen, member of the Cooking Club
Ability : Haru can perform simple telekinesis to lift light object such as card, feather, etc.
Hobbies : Working, cocking, listening music n song, reading, playing with his ability
Personality : Calm, rarely speak, but caring with everyone especially toward Miyako
Bio :
Hatsuharu Katou, Miyako Fujiwara's childhood friend in the same orphanage. He can't remember anything about his past since ERRORs attacked his orphanage in Shibuya. It's suspected because his got amnesia.
According to Miyako, Haru has already stayed in that orphanage since 5 years old. When ERRORs attacked the orphanage, he tried to protect Miyako. However, it seemed he failed and knocked out instead. Luckily, Akira Fujimoto, one of the REAL soldiers, rescue him and Miyako in no time. After the orphanage destroyed, he and Miyako got Akira's care and moved to Ikebukuro.
In Ikebukuro, he was starting a new life. He got a job become a baker in small bakery, and become a paperboy in the morning before going to school. He is doing it to lighten Akira's dependents living.
About his ability, no one know what exactly it is. He realizes that he can perform telekinesis when he was playing with cards after school time in first year high school. Some people believe that he maybe has a phantasm but not yet been summoned, another one gives an opinion that it's just a rare esp power. Even so, Haru didn't care about that. He is just enjoying his ability to play around.

Appearance : -Coming soon-

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2010-04-06 09:47:58 (edited 2010-04-12 09:54:22)
Name: Fenris Khan

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Job: Electrician, logistician/handyman for IMAGE Kami Ikebukuro Branch

Ability: His physical strenght is somewhat enhanced and he can either enhance his strenght or
manifest an armor that covers his hands and forearms.

Hobbies: Videogames, playing with his "dog"

Personality: Laid pack person who enjoys life as it comes

Bio: Fenris was orphaned at the age of 7 when Errors attacked his family, he only survived
because he manifested his Phantasm and it helped him to escape the Errors long enough for
people from the IMAGE to arrive, they dealt with the Errors before they caused any more

Fenris was adopted by one of the IMAGE members who realised what he was. She helped him
to train his abilities and she also paid for his education. Fenris learned multiple languages, he
studied himself to be an electrician, he was also taught martial arts and marksmanship he was
also taught some less conformed skills such as moving silently and unseen and lockpicking.

Fenris stayed with her until she died of old age, Fenris was 20 then. She left him a house and
small sum of money. After her death Fenris wandered around a while, but finally settled on the
house he had inherited. He then joined IMAGE wishing to help others as she had helped him.

Despite all the hardships he has gone through he enjoys life and lives it to it's fullest
whenever it's possible.

He isn't regocnised as a Fantasia because his ability is almost untraceable and he has told
only a select few that he is one. When asked about the mark on his hand he usually
claims that it is a tattoo. As he is not regocnised as Fantasia he isn't an acting member
of IMAGE, but he is often in charge of getting the various members where they need to be.

Phantasm Name: Kratos

Level: 3

Gender: Male

Ability: Can enhance his already considerable strenght to completely new level, he can also
manifest an armor made from steel like substance around him protecting himself from attacks.
These abilities draw power from the same source meaning that when his strenght grows the
armor weakens and vice versa.

Extra: Very playful and cheery, spends most of the time around Fenris, playing with him or
others, but never wanders too far away from Fenris. His physical strenght is far greater than you
would expect. Most people don't regocnise him as a Phantasm, but rather think him as an
ordinary dog.

Symbol Location: Back of his hand




ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by on 2010-04-06 13:25:59 (edited 2010-04-07 07:13:26)
Name : Chiyo Takahashi
Title / Nickname : The Nightmare Geisha
Gender : Female
Age : 17
Job : Maiko Geisha

Ability : Can create short illusions aimed at confusing her opponent. (then she rushes in with razor tipped fans and.... well the rest is up to the opponent.)

Hobbies :
- Shopping
- Dancing
- Hanging out with her sisters (from the Okia)

Personality :
She is a sweet person who is kind to all she meets. She is witty and humerus, she loves to laugh and make people happy. Though she often takes things personally and may get a little upset when people say mean things, she is quick to forgive and forget.

Bio :
Her father dies when she was seven leaving her and her mother to live in relative poverty. When she graduated from middle school she signed a contract with a Geisha house, and has been studying with her Onee-san ever since. She debued as a Maiko when she turned fifteen and is now one of the most famous Maiko in the Hanamachi. During the day she leads a normal life, at night she entertains wealthy men, and she will kill you if you call her anything dirty.

(for Fantasia)
Phantasm Name : Dori-mu
Level : 5
Ability : Can use people's nightmares to create illusions.
Extra :

Symbol Location : The Small of her Back

Appearance and Symbol :




I changed my ability so it's a bit more offensive... I guess... thats what you were aiming for :3

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by henrietta on 2010-04-06 16:48:47 (edited 2010-04-08 18:03:10)
hi, kyo, long time no see. and everytime you come back, you always bring something as delicious as this, yummy! :p
anyway, i'm in! and... wonderful pic, it seems different from your usual style but i like this!

Name : Izanami Hinokawa
Title / Nickname : Snow White
Gender : Female
Age : 17
Job :Seniors High school student of Minami Gakuen, IMAGE member of Higashi Ikebukuro branch.
Ability : freezing a small amount water or liquid things (around size of her palm)
Hobbies :
Personality : High pride, stubborn, arrogant, but kind and love cute things (although she always hide it). Hold justice principal very high.
Bio :
Born from Hinokawa family, a super rich traditional family which it’s family member always become an ‘ally of justice’. Her father is a veteran from Japan defend force, her mother is a lawyer, and her brother is REAL member. In order to follow her family tradition, she joined IMAGE and she easily accepted since she has her proud and strong partner, Mashiro, and also has a very good background as a law enforcer. Although some doubt she really pass the personality test. She doesn’t really like her family old style, but she’s proud with it. She has a great influence in her school and she's the tea club president which always has disputes with the cooking club president, Aya. Not only at school but also at work since their branch always consider each other as rivals, most problems caused by a jurisdictional problem and... pride.

Phantasm Name : Mashiro
Gender : Male
Level : 4
Ability : Has a liquid like body and able to froze it into a very hard material (like a concrete)
Extra :
Mashiro can only froze liquid which come from his body. Mashiro’s size can be vary depend on Izanami’s will and stamina. And although his body is completely liquid, receiving attack also causing damage to him (even though she muffle most damage with his liquid body)

Symbol Location : back of her neck
Appearance and Symbol :

Hinokawa IzanamiIzanami Symbol

anyway, thanks to kyokubane and kyoshiro >___<
lineart by Kyokubane
colored by kyoshiro a.k.a sinlaire


Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by on 2010-04-06 17:18:25 (edited 2010-04-17 08:26:00)
Name : Azure Ignis Kyrie
Gender : Male
Age : 19
Job/occupation : Pianist / Conductor

Ability :
- Vibrato : Azure can Increase or decrease the sound/pitch/vibrations slightly in anything he focuses on for a few seconds.

Hobbies :
-Playing piano
-Playing in orcheastra
-Writing music
-Drinking wine

Personality :
Azure is very Quiet most of the time , he has a very quick temper but he knows how to be responsible with it. he comes of as elegent and kind but deep inside he is confused and searchign for something.

Bio :
Azure Was born into a rich family of musicians. Sent to the best music school for conducting and piano from a young age it was his fate to become a musician. Azure had a problem though. he wanted to play and hear music the way he wanted it too not the way his instructors forced him too. After gaining his New found ability the usic sounded just the way he wanted it too. and he quickly became the One of the most famous Conductors in the music world. A celebrity in classical music at 19 he is claimed as a young prodigy . As long as he has his sound he is fine.

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[ Fantasia ]

Name : Milfee ( Mi-Ru-Fe )
Level : Level 5

Ability : Can shift in and out of an area of absolute sound at will and Drag objects and people into a area of absolute sound control.. Can Freely manipulate sound waves. The area of the Absolute sound is 5 metres of within range of Azure and 15 metres around of Milfee ( together 20 )

Extra : A tainted Fantasia that has never made a sound . only Azure xan hear its howl.

[ Symbol loaction : Back of his hand ]

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

[ Milfee ]
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Photobucket Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by on 2010-04-06 19:07:57 (edited 2010-04-14 08:17:45)
reserve, post later


Name: Ieyasu(Giotto) Sawada
Title: Primo Fiamma(Flame)
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Job: Mafia Boss(retire);Waiter at a Italian restaurant; IMAGE member of Minami
Ability: Produce flames and eject a large quantity of flame at the direction he faced.
Hobbies: Likes to sleep under a tree, Training, likes to look up at the sky during his freetime

Personality: Serious, Calm, Carefree sometimes, kind at times
Bio: Ieyasu or better known as Giotto, is a first boss of his mafia family, he train himself to the limit to protect the people he care for, but after awhile he decided to retire from being a mafia boss at age 20, and flew to Japan hoping to live a normal daily life. Though he had retired, he always keeps his guards up in case his former family member try to track him and bring him back to mafia world.

Appearance: Photobucket

Phantasm Name: Nuts
Gender: Male
Ability: Ejects Flame when it roars
Extra: Can transform himself into a cape, protecting Ieyatsu from any all-range attacks. As it gets stronger, it can transform itself into a giant gauntlet attaching to Ieyatsu. If hit by the gauntlet, bones will break or shatter.

Symbol location: On his left hand

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by on 2010-04-06 19:41:02 (edited 2010-04-12 15:23:02)
Sounds very, very intersting. Think I'll hoin up. Save a spot for me please?

Name : Ryou Misaki
Title / Nickname : The Reaper
Gender : Male
Age : 21
Job : IMAGE & Waiter
Ability : Fires a weak in power drain shot out of his left hand. It drains 1/800 of the target' power for a small relief of fatigue.
Hobbies : Sitting in trees, watching the passerbys, sleeping
Personality : Somewhat lazy, cheerful, jokeful
Bio : A college drop-out whom was able to carry on with the work, but just didn't have the motivation. he decided to make his part time job, full time, and has been working in the same diner ever since. He was just barely 1 year old when the Dual Eclipse occured, and his parents say he was crying nonsotp when it happened. After he was done crying, a mark was branded into his neck, and part of his shoulder. Whenever someone asks, he jst tells them it's a tattoo. He learned at the Phantasm and Errors two years ago, when someone from IMAGE noticed the mark on his shoulder. His is called "The Reaper" because of his Phatnasm, since it resembles the Grim reaper. Since then, he's been working double jobs as a waiter, and a volunteer for IMAGE.

(for Fantasia)
Phantasm Name : Skeith
Level : 2
Ability : Can form a cannon around it's arm and fire at the enemy, and drain part of their power.

Symbol Location : Neck and part of left shoulder
Appearance and Symbol :

[Ref: Orihara Izaya from Durarara!!]

[ref: Skeith 2nd Form from .hack//G.U. Vol. 2 & 3; Reminisence & Redemption]


Tales of FC

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by on 2010-04-06 20:24:56 (edited 2010-04-07 19:07:54)
Save me a spot please.

→ Name: Sayuri Takayu
→ Title / Nickname: Kaze Hime
→ Gender: Female
→ Age: 15
→ Job: First year high schooler at Minami Gakuen
→ Ability: Can control small amounts of the wind to fit her needs
→ Hobbies: Reading, exploring, and playing around with her ability.
→ Personality: Playful, sweet, stubborn, serious when needed
→ Bio: Born into a rich and traditional family, Sayuri is the sole
heir to the Takayu family. However, Sayuri doesn't like to go with
her family's tradition and refuses to join IMAGE at her school,
causing trouble within her family. Even though she doesn't look like
it, she's really powerful and including her partner and best friend
Akuma. She doesn't get along with any of the members of IMAGE who
keep on insisting her to join them.
→ Symbol Location: On the front of her neck, but she covers it with
a ribbon

→ Phantasm Name: Akuma
→ Level: 5
→ Ability: Can create an air barrier around itself and those near it
→ Extra: Even though Akuma looks small, she really isn't. She normally
states in a small dog form because Sayuri loves it the most.

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by on 2010-04-06 20:31:14 (edited 2010-04-10 21:23:19)
Reserve spot. Posting profile between after today's maint or tomorrow.

EDIT : Done on profile, let me know if there's some flaws..

Name : Natsumi Hibiki
Title / Nickname : Winter Blade
Gender : Female
Age : 20
Job : REAL member, Special Squad Section.
Ability : Ice Blade - Produce knife from ice.
Hobbies : Reading Manga, hearing J-Music.
Personality : Cold hearted & show no mercy during mission. But, she's a cheerfu & helpful when off-mission.
Bio : Natsumi was being an orphan since she's born. Until she sees a spirit inside her body. A ice dragon spirit named Hoyuki who saved her from danger on the day she was trapped in between fight of REAL againts Errors when she was 10. Since then, she determined to protect herself. It takes few years of training. At the age of 17, she graduated school and applies into REAL & taking entry test... After few times of failures, she has been accepted. She got on brutal training for 3 months. 3 years later, she's a brutal Error killer... The only hope she was think of is this Error thing is ending soon.

Phantasm Name : Hoyuki
Level : 3
Ability : Ice Dragon Queen Shield - Create a icy shield to protect Natsumi from danger. The shield resembles an Ice Dragon Queen.
Extra : Hoyuki is a small Ice Dragon spirit who lives inside Natsumi's body.

Symbol Location : At her back.
Appearance :
Note : The Phantasm is the small one. The large dragon resembles as Hyouki's Shield.

Symbol :

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by on 2010-04-06 20:41:24 (edited 2010-04-12 06:09:38)

Fantasia Appearance:

Phantasm Appearance:

Name : Rei Hoshino
Title / Nickname : Shiro no Nisou "White's Priestess"
Gender : Female
Age : 18
Job : 2nd High School Student of Minami Gakuen / Shrine Presitest / IMAGE
Member of Kami Ikebukuro Branch
Ability : Can throw a few ling needles at targets, this will mostly just stun the prey.
Hobbies : Eating sweets, Praying and Sometimes Making Talismans, and
Needle Works and Throwing.
Personality : Always sees the positive view on things, friendly and
loving with close people. She deeply respects the gods and cares a lot about
the shrine she lives in. Can sometimes get spoiled with sweets and has a
weakness for birds.

Bio : As a young child she was abandoned in the streets due to their
large depts. While trying to survive on her own, she was being chased by Errors.
When she was about to be killed a young man had saved her using a strange
ability called a Phantasm. The young man then took her to a shrine where she
was told to live as "Jun's" younger sister. She then began her training as a
shrine priestess and eventually learned that she also had her own Fantasia
named "Kane". He appeared to her as just a beautify bird, but later learned he
had another appearance of a tengu. Rei has a hard time dealing with him because
he always wants to come out and play. But she always has fun, especially
watching him fly in the air with other birds. Years later Jun tells her that
she will be apart of REAL of Kami Ikebukuro Branch along side with him. She
was told that she would be going to Minani Gakuen to see the other branches
there. As a 2nd year transfer student (did not enroll in school for 2 - 3 years).

Phantasm Name : Kane
Gender: Male
Level : 4
Ability : Kinzoku Rain - Produces sharp hard needles from its mouth, and
showering it on its enemy or ally. The more metal or materials it consumes and
larger the damage and size the needles will be. However if used too much the
user will suffer pain of piercing needles on their body.
Extra : He likes to appear more human other then others. But for casual
appearances he takes a form of a medium sized gray bird. Even though he can not
speak much of the human language he seems to understand Rei's commands.
Sometimes even play jokes on her and likes high places. His main ability is to
produce needles from his mouth or beck.

Symbol & Location : On the left waist that goes along down her hip

Fantasia Appearance:

Phantasm Appearance:

Name : Jun Hoshino
Title / Nickname : Aka no Daitoku "Red's Priest"
Gender : Male
Age : 27
Job : Bar Owner of Moon Light / Shrine Priest / IMAGE Member of Kami
Ikebukuro Branch
Ability : Able to move the ground or earth slightly with the wave of his
hand, can make sink holes with time.
Hobbies : Making Shrine Talismans and Amulets, Reading, Naginata,
Gardening, and Working.
Personality : Acts like the boss or elder brother type, and can be a
little cold and short tempered especially with new people. He respects the
shrine he cares for. And inside he is very caring about friends, Rei and nature.
He gets absorbed in his work, gardening and when making talismans.

Bio : Was the sole heir to the Hoshino shrine in Kami Ikebukuro district,
after his parents have passed away he had to take responsibility of the place
alone. Eventually he learned that he has a Phantasm that he summons to ward off
Errors from the shrine. Not many people visit the shire so he decided to open a
bar called "Moon Light" to pass the time. Also doing little hobbies like
gardening and other activities. One day when walking back home he encountered a
child being chased by Errors. With no choice in the matter her got rid of them
with the help of "Rikujou", his winged warrior. After that event he learned
that the child was abandoned and had nowhere to go. So he decided to take care
of her himself at his shrine, he thought the more help the better. In the end
he was now her so called "older brother" and loved her lots.

Phantasm Name : Rikujou
Gender: Undetermined
Level : 6
Ability : Kitei Rumble - The ground will start to shake once Rikujou
smashes the ground. After a few second large and small rock spikes will start
to quickly rise from the ground. The location of where they appear are random,
may hit enemies and allies. As time passes they will start to become slower.
Extra :This creature takes things very seriously and always carried it's
long spear weapon, which is used to break the ground. This helps it produce
its abilities to produce ground spikes. It likes to keep his red bird
appearance which makes it easier for it to move around, especially in the air.
It cannot speak.

Symbol Location : On the back at the center of his spine at top

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by Lando on 2010-04-06 21:35:57
i'll join... reserve me a spot
i'll post the profile later

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by kyohibiki on 2010-04-07 03:47:51 (edited 2010-04-07 04:01:26)
Well... people gather faster than i thought. Ok, since some still think about
their character, let's check your characters.

well, since i have seen yours i will have nothing to say. good one >_O

ok, I've read your profile. and it seems i don't understand some words in your
Phantasm ability explanation. and from what i get... you can kill a person with
one strike at their 'heart-beat' (since it's 'heart')...and as you may also
know, it's somewhat over powered...

stopping time considered as god-like ability. although you said twice a day or
once a day, stopping time even just a 2 second (even more, 20 second) will be
something unbeatable. (in 2 second you can easily kill anyone which can do
nothing but stand still). so i prohibited time-controling-ability. and if you
want to have a strong ability, please put your Phantasm in high level. sorry.

good one, but it seems a bit weird since as long as i know in japan there's no
longer any maiko exist... as i know, there's maybe a very small amount of Maiko
and Geisha but they only exist for a very executive yakuza or old family... but
i can consider it as a minor things. and becareful with illusion-related
ability, especially when battling other player.

hoi hoi, long time no see too. anyway, as always, you can figure out what i
exactly want >___< anyway, thanks, and i and Kyokubane have re-draw your
character based on your profile and reference pic just as your request.

well, i don't really understand your Phantasm ability, but from what i get, you
can drag someone into 'another dimension' (since realm means world). well, if
that so, it's quite overpowered... so please change it.

read the first post, Fantasia shares 'A VERY SMALL PERCENTAGE OF PHANTASM
ABILITY' and has to be similar or same but much more weaker than the phantasm.
other than that, it's a good one.

kotodama... no matter how i look, it's a god-like ability... i can't allow you
to use that.

your fantasia's ability seems stronger than your Phantasm. please rearrange
that. But other than that, i like your profile.

aaah >___< sorry i didn't make a note on FB this time since this is quite bit
spontaneous... but anyway, welcome and thanks for joining in my work again >___<


Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by on 2010-04-07 06:00:47 (edited 2010-04-08 05:40:27)
NOTE:Will finish tomorrow

Name :Kenji Kurayami
Title / Nickname :Lightning Count
Gender :Male
Age : 21
Job : Drifter/Drag Racer
Ability :Gives Kenji the ability to see fast moving objects slowly in his perspective.
Hobbies :Tuning up Cars,reads books
Personality :Happy go lucky
Bio :A professional street racer.Owns a couple of cars he uses for drifting and drag racing.Used to go to college but dropped out because he wanted to pursue his love of cars.Is now known throughout the underground society as the lightning count due to record of having no loss yet.Comes from a very rich family but was disowned because the family didn't want to let him pursue racing in the streets.Prefers the streets over circuit.

(for Fantasia)
Phantasm Name : Thanatos
Level : 5
Ability :Can decrease or increase gravity on objects for a radius of 35meters
Extra :

Symbol Location :Right Hand
Appearance and Symbol :



Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by Lando on 2010-04-07 06:26:27 (edited 2010-04-07 08:13:16)
Name : Ryuu Eikichi
Title / Nickname : Lightning Rod
Gender : Male
Age : 22
Job : College Student/IMAGE member of Higashi Ikebukuro branch
Ability : Absorbs weak thunder and used it to heal him
Hobbies : Collecting Melee Weapons
Personality : Cheerful, Sadist, Likes to Battle
Bio : A college student who loves to pick fights with another student. Often the fight ends up with other student got fainted. He discovers his power when he was 10, when he's on a schooltrip to power plant, the group got attacked by some error. He saws Raigu attacks the errors with a blade, he can't believe what he saws but one year later he accepts it and became a member of IMAGE in the age of 13.

Phantasm Name : Raigu
Level : 4
Ability : Absorbs thunder/lightning and used it to either heal or creating shock blade
Extra : He can absorbs many thunder/lightning from many source except natural thunder

Symbol Location : his back

Appearance and Symbol :

Ryuu: a
ref: Shi-Long Lang from Gyakuten Kenji

Symbol: a
ref: Omega symbol

Raigu: a
ref: Melynx chef from monster hunter freedom

If there are something wrong with my profile then tell me

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2010-04-07 07:04:26 (edited 2010-04-07 07:13:48)
@Kyoshiro: Yeah thought that might be the case, well reworked the abilities,
hopefully they are acceptable now.

As a sidenote I intended the time-stopping ability to only allow moving, but I
apparently left that bit out when I finally posted it... but it still would be
overpowered... oh well.

ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: Phantasmargoria (Start - PM to join)
Link | by karuzo on 2010-04-07 07:05:48 (edited 2010-04-07 07:12:09)
@Kyoshiro- Sorry for my grammar, i intend that the heartbeat is a product of a person's desires and it is not a one hit kill

its a one strike that could make his/her enemy to fall asleep

however you commented that something that i did not foresaw and it realize some misplaced ideas

thanks for that I will edit it as soon as possible..


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