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Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-19 12:12:11
This is stuff that is influenced from Fight Club. My philosophy in the universe is that we all evolve, but at the same time, the world falls apart. As we become more intelligent, we become more dangerous when it comes to our survival as a species. Yes, without sacrifice, we would have nothing at all. Since the beginnings of civilization, we began to strengthen our chances to become the most advanced lifeforms on Earth. However, we take everything around us for granted. We turned our world into a post-modern paradise, but we destroyed our means of being real people. We no longer control the machine. We are the machine! We rely on jobs to earn money and buy things that we don't need. We are wrapped with greed and corruption in the world. We are slowly destroying it.

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-19 18:26:22
Houses, Cars, Food arent things we dont need but all the things people buy arnt considered unnesscary at all, they are a vital part of society and social structure.. you could even make a point thats why communism doesnt work. Every material good as a perfectly constructive use to society in either making sure people are safe or feed or to help maintain the societal bonds that humans need in order to fuction as a team to create new and better products. Plus this ideal of a post modern paradise only really work with four or five countries. Greed and Corruption are nothing new.. in fact in every society ever there was massive greed and corruption . How technogoly affects society is a great arguement that has no answer... a great debate topic though.


Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by on 2005-06-20 03:12:31
Such is the fate of us humans, we shall bring forth our own destruction.

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by knyght on 2005-06-20 13:47:36 (edited 2005-06-20 13:49:31)
Indeed human instincts is what drives our society, and are these same insticts that are in conflict to knowledge and reason, then again when the people becomes smart enough and is able not to supress, but to eliminate that instict will the greed and desire stop, but it would become one heck of a boring place.

From my point of view human species is degrading itself, it has stopped evolving since the invention of medicine, and free acces to food. These are changes that cant be unmade and doing so would be wrong. i think the only way humanity can prevent its own destruction is by forcibly evolving itself. Some say that doing so would be like playing to be god and that they would lose their humanity in the process, but i prefer to play to be god than to die stupid and with genetic problems.

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-06-21 16:19:10 (edited 2005-06-21 16:21:52)
A guy named something-er-other Mathis (can't remember his first name) came up with this theory of checks and balances in terms of humans and the environment, where the amount of human life had to stay in balance with the resources of the world. He estimated that roughly, by the rate the amount of the human population of the world was increasing, and by the rate the amount of resources was decreasing, the world would not be able to sustain the entire human population by 150 years or so. That was back in the 1960's.
He revisited his theory again a few years back, stating that now it had worsened to only 60 years ahead. He had warned about the dangers of this before and now, and still no one listened.
I don't know about you guys, but I know that in the near future the world is going to look ALOT different than it does even now. Everything is still just speculation, but I think that the population of the world is going to take a sharp nosedive sometime soon.
Culture will surely change; old ones will disappear into new ones, different cultures will meld... the fact that USA uses 25% of the worlds resources will definiently change. In what way, however, is still unknown. USA might even become a totalitarian state someday. The amazing thing is that it is all happening so quickly that no one has time to think about it thoroughly; once they do, its yesterdays news. This increasing rate of change in the world won't last forever.

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by miko on 2005-06-22 09:22:58

Ever heard of Easter Island? That's one place...

And Globalization? Alot of Imperialist junk is to thank for our so-called demise....Pertaining to humblemonkey's post I agree with the different-cultures-melding. Look at the Euro - the European-Union. In fact, just this year the South American-Union formed (I forgot the official name)...Russia sure hasn't stopped sharing technology with SA. the change is speedy and obvious.


Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by baldy on 2005-06-22 19:05:37
Humblemonkey, you have made a very good point. The world cannot sustain an infinitely increasing number of people. It's simply impossible. Sometime soon, maybe not in our lifetime or our children's lifetime, but eventually a war will break out. It will be a war for resources, or at least what remains of them. It might be long; it might be short. But it will happen; human nature will seize the reigns, and the inconquerable desire to live will herald in the last war mankind will ever witness. Nukes might be used, or they might not. Humanity might be wiped out, or it might not. As far as I can tell, there are four possible outcomes:

1) Total destruction
2) A "1984" scenario
3) A "Brave New World" scenario
4) True, honest, and everlasting peace/freedom, between all peoples across the globe

Yes, those are listed in the order of probability (IMO). Here's hoping we can get our act together and start thinking about the big picture.

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-22 20:05:06
I believe that the Earth really doesnt need to sustain us anymore, if we felt like devoteing the resourses and man power to it.. we could biuld Gaint sweeping citys reaching towards space and feeding people with hyrdoponics and massive recycling and usingsolar power, but people rather spend moeny on creating tanks to show whose ideals are right. But that freedom for you.


Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by baldy on 2005-06-22 21:28:15
Eric, that was beautiful. A little rough, but beautiful. I was worried that you were gonna suggest some sort of space migration, but what you came up with was pure genius. If only we WOULD spend more time/resources/money on humanity and less on war.

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by Aria on 2005-06-23 12:17:00
Truly we have an increasing population through-out the world...and my theory is that in the near future there will be lots of deaths to decrease our may be cause by war, nature and probably the effects that we humans do to Mother Nature. humblemonkey sure is right about old culture will die and new ones will be reborn... actually it's happening right might not noticed it but it is slowly evolving and changing...and slowly giving birth to the new culture...
It may also come to us someday the saying "The strong shall live and the weak shall perish." The Survival of the Fittest...surviving life that we destroyed...


Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-23 12:56:33 (edited 2005-06-23 13:01:02)
That is the price for our sins as humans. If we give up on our way of acting and hiding as wild and dumb animals, we just might evolve instead of constructing our own demise. "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." By getting rid of the things that represent our strengths, we could probably realize that we are able to settle things for ourselves and by ourselves.

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-23 16:58:10
"By getting rid of the things that represent our strengths" Things are our strength. Mankind didnt have sharp teeth like tigers, didnt have light bodies able to run and climb at fast speeds or a tough skin that a predator couldnt bite though.. Man had the idea to pick up a rock and throw it at a threat.. he had the idea to take skins from animals to keep warm.. the human brain and the ideas it creates is the one thing we do have. Also dont forget that that Homo sapians are a releativly new species of Human and so far the youngest out of the six.. and for a long time multiple speices of humans co-existed, even though our evolution seems inpractical.. it might happen in a million years or so. who knows.


Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-23 20:21:59 (edited 2005-06-23 20:22:28)
Yes, I know that we may be defenseless without those strengths, but what about economic strengths? We spend more money on booze and smokes than on education. Plus, some of our money is taken to the government to sustain itself with us in it. Yes, we built civilization, but sooner or later, the world itself would kick our own asses for the crimes we committed on it. I'm not an environmental activist, but the irony is that we destroy in order to survive. We kill for a chance to live. In my opinion, that irony is the degrading reality of civilization as true human nature fades out.

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by miko on 2005-06-24 09:06:34


Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-24 15:04:29 (edited 2005-06-24 17:17:39)
We dont need to destroy to survive, its just easier that way. And I will admit that in America there is a huge lacking of proper funds for education (before national taxes, the state taxes were much higher and schools had more money.. interesting project I did to show how the nationalization of America made America in fact, dumber) I think human civilazation is at a point now in which the earth is no longer needed.. maybe for raw materials, but not the organic life. Though as much as we might be able to produce an ecosystem which can sustain us, the earth is much much more effecient at doing so

oh and I am arguing for the sake of arguing, i enjoy these kinds of topics very much


Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by shadybones on 2005-06-24 23:07:45
I really think our mindsets are focused too much on war and on a balance with nature. I think we as the growing child, tend to forget that nature is the parent and will tell US what to do in the end, not visa-versa. And war? With the world as it is and globalization and all, I think wars amongst the big boys is a thing of the past, so I wouldn't count on war to control our population. I think a MUCH more likely population control is desease; which is something we are seeing the beginnings of even today. And what if the earth is intended (assuming there is a universal will ,ie. God) as a seed for intelligent life and we are just using it for that intended purpose? I think the earth can take care of itself, and that we should worry about ourselves.

come and see me
all your joys and sorrows
lost and gone forever

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-25 11:43:49
Its not about us worrying about the earth fending for itself, we know that it can and it will, and that what we are afriad of, if the entire earth ecosystem is thrown a little out of balance, it can correct itself here and more rain one season, a drought the next, maybe a an earthquake.. but when its it streched far out of the stable zone it might overcorrect itself like a guitar string after being plucked and that would cause desvastating impact on humans and other life. The Earth will be fine, we wont unless we try to stop creating an inbalance in the earths ecosystem


Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-25 12:56:12
In your opinion, what would be an example of an imbalance in the ecosystem?

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by shadybones on 2005-06-25 13:03:35
The way we are headed, we won't be fine no matter what. I think just about everbody agrees that we are on a collision course with eventual disaster. And of course, with our 'it wont happen to me' mentality, there is also no way to avoid it. We will continue to create 'inbalances', and we will eventually pay for it. But that's not to say that its a bad thing....just like fires revitalized the praries, I think what doesn't wipe humans out will just make us wiser and stronger.

come and see me
all your joys and sorrows
lost and gone forever

Re: Civilization & Human Nature
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-25 13:09:46 (edited 2005-06-25 13:10:24)
Hole in the ozone to start, global warming does exist no matter how hard republicans ingore it, deforestation, smog, dirty water, maybe these alone would not cause problems to earth.. but together they have a stronger impact. I belive humans will live through what ever will happen. just not any where near all of us


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