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Live Action Bleach
Link | by kelreifblue on 2010-03-23 18:50:18
oK.. So bleach will have a live action movie? ._.


Re: Live Action Bleach
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-03-23 19:19:00
Ugh, it sounds fun, but seeing their works with past anime live action American adaptions, ugh, fail comes up in my head immediately.


Re: Live Action Bleach
Link | by on 2010-03-23 19:20:20
Sounds like a cool idea but let's remember what they did to DragonBall Z. I wouldn't expect much

Tales of FC

Re: Live Action Bleach
Link | by on 2010-03-23 19:47:18
2 possibilities, either fly or fail. That will happen.

Re: Live Action Bleach
Link | by on 2010-03-23 21:45:14
Haha, might check this out once it's released. (For curiosity's sake! XDD)

Re: Live Action Bleach
Link | by Lando on 2010-03-23 21:53:48
bleach live action? it will be fail, maybe because my past experience watching many fail anime/game live american adaptations

Re: Live Action Bleach
Link | by エラキ on 2010-03-23 22:47:02
I agree with landon-san..
Since I have seen A bleach Saien...
That played by Japanese people..
But, It's seem very fail to me..
SO, What about American..
We know that bleach born at Japan...
How they can be better than Japan..

Re: Live Action Bleach
Link | by on 2010-03-24 17:03:13
Ugh, live action nee?
Now I'm wondering.. XD

ag CarRoT

Re: Live Action Bleach
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-03-24 17:15:22
The Bleach musical is not a live-action film of any sorts, and there's no live adaption of it from Japan at all.
America's been claiming rights to more and more anime films the past few years, but what the heck are they trying to do?
Ruin anime for us by butchering our favorite anime names by making horrible movies, either intentionally or not, they suck.

The only ones I'm curious about though is Akira's live action and possibly the Cowbow Bebop live action.
Leonardo DiCrapio is doing the Akira live action I think under his own company,
but the Cowbow Bebop one has people who actually know about the series, but we'll see.

The other ones like Death Note, and apparently they're doing Ninja Scroll, are going to fail.
It'd be fine if they made it like Ninja Assassin and get entirely asian-oriented cast who speaks english.
Because America is idiotic when it comes to anything other than the language they understand, but who didn't love Ninja Assassin? D:<


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