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..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
Link | by misanouta on 2010-03-05 18:56:31 (edited 2010-06-28 09:35:13)

...we're all here because of something that's happened...

..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y..'s just some things are worse than others...


Welcome to Invisible Angel Institute, Home of the Untamed and Unwanted

Invisible Angel Institute is a large facility for traumatized, abandoned, or somehow otherwise mentally incapable teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19 who desperately need a place to stay, create relationships, and relaxed within a stress-free environment. We offer free-range rooms, one per house guest, and extensive outdoor facilities for our residents to enjoy. There are very few rules at IAI, those being that you must be wearing black at all times, you may never leave the grounds under any circumstances, and you may never, for any reason, talk to the High Risk residents.

There will always be staff on duty. There's a wide range of councilors and instructors, as well as security guards surrounding the premises to keep residents from escaping.

No one has ever gotten past the city limits and lived to tell the tale.


..s u m m a r y..

If you're here, there's a good chance that you've done something wrong to tick off your parents, guardians, or whatever. Either that, or society in general just doesn't accept you for any reason; a mental disability of some sort, or a disfigured appearance....

Anyway, you'll soon come to find that there's something seriously wrong with this place and that you have to get out. I don't advise trying because they will find you.... And if you don't wind up dead when they do... you're put away, like me. The guy who runs IAI, he paid alot of money to toture the most vulnerable of people on this Earth.... What a sicko....

I suggest you just follow the rules from here on out.... You're already breaking the most important one... by talking to me.


..i n f o r m a t i o n..

Basically, there's a few things you should know about Invisible Angel Institute that hasn't already been said.

No one knows exactly who runs IAI, but it's been made clear on several occassions that he, the Headmaster, is a very cruel and twisted person. He brings in teenagers who have suffered some trauma in their life and gives them a place to live in peace and comfort until they are old enough to look after themselves. The staff only ever interacts with the residents during councilling sessions or instructional periods (all are optional)... or when there's been a report of an escape. Escaped residents are promptly hunted down and returned, labelled as High Risk, and never allowed to leave their cell until they turn 19 and are transported to a locked-down mental facility that's in the area. Those who manage to pass city limits are killed.

However, on the upside, those who choose to behave have access to any of IAI's facilities, indoor or outdoor. They include:

  • Art Studios
  • Music Room
  • Extensive library
  • Gymnasium
  • Large kitchen/dining area
  • Four seperate luxury Dormitory Blocks (A - D)
  • Olympic-sized pool
  • Sauna
  • Theatre

  • Tennis Courts
  • Running track
  • Outdoor pool
  • Baseball diamonds/ Basketball courts
  • Stable filled with horses
  • Several rings for riding
  • Several miles of foot trail and horse trail
  • Acres of grasslands and forest

    The next thing mentionable is that the A Block of the dormitories are strictly for High Risk residents. The others are all for Low Risk residents.

    High Risk residents are very rare — they are the ones who have attempted escape.

    Low Risk is everyone else.

    Every resident wears a bracelet with a tracking device in it. They cannot be broken or removed by any means until release from the institute.


    ..r u l e s..

    -You may NOT play other peoples' characters-

    -You must post your time and location in every post-

    -You may play up to three characters-

    -You obviously can't kill anyone unless you have the player's permission and are ready to see that character put away as a High Risk resident-

    -If you do end up with an HRR, they ARE still playable... just very lonely-

    -Your character must begin as Low Risk-

    -Your character must be between the ages of 15 and 19-

    -Ask questions, just in case I've left anything out-

    -At least 3 GOOD sentences per post-

    -Have fun!-


    ..p l a y e r s..

  • Kayde Heartnett [M, 17]
  • Riveroan Valentine [FM, 17]

  • Amaie Sugintou [FM, 15]

  • Jinseta [M, 18]
  • Daniel Forest [M, 15]
  • Marla Gilmore [FM, 15]

  • Yuuto Harumichikoto [M, 17]

  • Renna Aozora [FM, 17]

  • Rohan White [FM, 16]

  • Kamenai Eron [M,16]

  • Shae


    ..f o r m..

    [First Name]
    [Last Name]
    [Dorm Block]
    [Time Since Admittence]
    [Reason for Admittence]


    ..m e..

    ..k a y d e..h e a r t n e t t..

    [C Block]
    [Two years]

    Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)

    He is known to have two identities:
    One of them is very friendly and out-going. He goes solely by his nickname, Kay. The other is completely introverted and known to have a love for the arts; painting/drawing, music, and writing. He prefers to be called by his full given name as apposed to his nickname.

    Because of these changes in personality, he displays symptoms of amnesia; and often has flashbacks of his biological parents prior to his admittence, but only while he is Kayde. Kayde is also known to have panic attacks when he is touched by another person or returns to the body in a place that is unfamiliar to the last place that he was situated before a personality swap.

    Often, Kay displays phobias that only Kayde has shown, or loses intrest in close friends for a short period of time, between 30 seconds and 15 minutes.]

    [Both personalities are well aware of the reason for admittence, though Kayde firmly denies having another side, despite overwhelming evidence that it's true. Kay both acknowledges and accepts the fact that he has a second personality.]

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    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by nime624 on 2010-03-05 22:20:59
    AmaiE SuGinTou

    NickName: Amaie

    Age: 15 years old

    Gender: Female

    Dorm Block: D

    Time Since Admittence: Three weeks ago

    Reason for Admittence: Family and relatives was killed by unknown man.

    Amaie was taken by the Invisible Angel Institute when her parents and relatives mysteriously killed by an unknown man.Amaie seem to recognize the murder is a man by the body shape and the man strength.Amaie is the only one who survive when the man who killed her family and relatives run away and leave her alone in the pool of blood.When Amaie was taken by the Invisible Angel Institute she know that her freedom will not last longer.But she doesnt it mind all that and think that Invisible Angel Institute is surrounded by good peoples.

    She is the happy-go-lucky type and just love cooking! Everyone said that she doesn't have any other feeling than happy.The prove is she keep smiling when the Invisible Angel Institute found her covered in blood.

    She love helping people and bugging people.Sometimes making them feeling very annoyed to her.




    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by misanouta on 2010-03-06 11:22:29
    [[Hmm.... We need more people.... Both characters and new players. I'm gonna make another one.]]

    ..r i v e r o a n..v a l e n t i n e..

    [Block B]
    [Seven months]

    —if she can pick it up, it goes in her pocket—
    This began when she was a young child living with her single mother, who made a living by exotic dancing. Because of their lack of money, it became apparent to River that she needed to steal things for the survival of herself and her mother, whether they used it or pawned it off. Soon, she began stealing things regardless of how much they needed it or how much it cost; things like pens, tape, paper clips, et cetera. When he mother died of a drug overdose, she was taken into temporary government care until her father was found.
    When she moved in with him, he noticed her compulsion for stealing things. He put her through years of councilling and therapy for her kleptomania; and when nothing worked, she was admitted to IAI because her father didn't want to deal with her.

    [Doesn't understand how IAI is supposed to help cure her kleptomania.]

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    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2010-03-06 13:50:40 (edited 2010-03-06 13:52:50)
    [[Jinseta Yagoshi at your service ^_^ You have such an impressive rp, I couldn't resist giving it a try.]]

    [Secret - Name is filed with Invisible Angel]
    Just turned 18 - Happy Birthday
    D Block
    Just Admitted (First Day)

    Jinseta is one of the few extremely rare cases where his Sociopathy was confirmed at a young age. He demonstrated this by killing a boy of the same age. He was found not-guilty by reason of metal-disease and sentenced to mental therapy.

    At the end of the therapy session and the subsequent evaluation, Jinseta was declared mentally fit. Shortly after wards, Jinseta's mother and psychiatrist went missing. Having no father, Jinseta lived on the streets for nine years until discovering Invisible Angels. His mother and psychiatrist were never found.

    Jinseta (yom)


    B Block
    Just Admitted
    Reason for Admittance is Confidential (is seen taking medication)
    [The brain seems unable to regulate body temperature]

    Daniel is often seen taking a pill and sometimes seen bleeding from the nose. While he does not talk about his condition, doctors are uncertain as to why Daniel cannot consistently maintain body temperature. Due to his medical expenses, he was abandoned by his parents. He's been shifting between homes ever since.

    Daniel Forest


    15 years, 6 months
    C Block
    Five Months
    Lost Left Hand

    Marla was abandoned as at the age of two and a half. At the age of thirteen, she was involved in a car accident and her left hand had to be amputated. Bouncing between shelters and homelessness, Marla learned to be self-sufficient. After losing her hand and having no rehabilitation treatment, Marla has struggled to survive the past two years.

    Marla Gilmore

    The Paper

    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by misanouta on 2010-03-06 14:35:00
    [Thanks for joining! Shall we begin, then?]

    ..k a y..

    Main Building — Roof

    I sat up on the roof, staring out at the fifteen-foot stone wall that surrounded the premisis. The sun was blazing in a clear blue sky over the rolling hills that stretched into the distance. Just to the left of it was the forest, which went on nearly flat before jarring upward out of the earth alon. The wall was the only flaw to this perfect safe haven, and it wrapped all the way around the seeming endlessness that was Invisible Angel.

    But I wasn't really focused on that. I was searching the grounds for newcomers; people I could befriend. With a quick glance to my left, I examined the easel that was set up with a canvas sitting there, abandoned and half-finished. It was a gorgeous depiction of IAI's grounds, no doubt to go with the series. My other self, Kayde had done this — he was much more artistic than I was, and I was sure that he was going to be famous for his talent someday. Of course... that left the question of whether or not that made me famous as well....

    I decided not to look too much into it. There was someone of interest below. Another new arrival.


    ..r i v e r..

    Main Building — Front Stairs

    The sun was too bright for my liking that morning. I laid back on the rough concrete of the Main Building's steps, an arm over my face. My thighs were pressed together so as not to expose anything beneath my skirt, which was a little higher above the knees than it needed to be; but it was cute, if not the most boring thing I had ever worn. The dress code here really stank, especially in the summers when it got so hot this early in the morning.

    A faint breeze blew, and my free hand instinctively found the hem of my skirt to keep it from coming up. I sighed, welcoming the beautiful cool wind with a small smile. Though, when it had passed I sat up, my eyes — swirlling with blue vision from the sudden exposure to light and the rush of blood leave my head — sparkling dangerously. There was that urge again....

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    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2010-03-06 16:40:52

    Main Building — Front Stairs

    Daniel slowly approached the girl lying on steps. At first he thought she might be hurt, but as he walked over to her, he found she was simply laying there... A weird place to rest.

    She looked kinda nice. She definitely wasn't someone off the streets. She seemed too gentle for that. That kind of niceness would've made her a good meal ticket on the outside. This place was different somehow... people could be nice here.

    "Uh, hi? My name's Daniel. I'm kinda lost. I'm looking for the library."



    Outer-most Walls - Edge of Restricted Area

    Taking things slowly. Indeed. That seemed the best approach at the moment. Jinseta slowly paced the very edge of the yellow line that separated peace from chaos. Each carefully calculated step put a foot within millimeters of touching the line.

    Jinseta smirked a little listening to muffled chatter of the guards on the wall and on the ground. At times, he could hear heavy, fast-paced footsteps going back and forth. Occasional clicks indicated the guards were making calls and slamming the phone on its hook. It was amusing to see so many agitated... like watching a hive of hornets swarm unable to sting.

    It was easy to imagine... "Just make sure he doesn't cross the line." and "He'll only be here for a year."

    Today was the first day. The start of a single lap around the entire building complex. A year can be a long time when handled properly.



    Indoors - Pool

    Water. It was the first time in a long time. Clean water. She couldn't even remember when. Marla slowly removed the wrap around her wrist. It felt good to soak it in water. The skin was so tough that bandages and moisture made the itching unbearable.

    There were so many reliefs all at once. The feeling of submersing in water, the weight being lifted from her feet, the cool, the cleanliness, the ripples of water against her skin. This was the start...

    Four years of paradise.

    The Paper

    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by misanouta on 2010-03-06 18:49:07

    ..r i v e r..

    Main Building — Front Stairs

    I looked up at him, someone I hadn't seen at IAI before. I automatically assumed that he was a new arrival and listened to him speak. Standing, I cleared my skirt, my back turned to him and a large smirk spread across my features. It took me several seconds to regain my composure and turn back to him.

    "Of course, the library's just this way," I smiled brightly at him, using that same alluring look that my mother used to use on men when she was off the stage — the one that made her look like she was as innocent as a kitten. "I'm Riveroan, by the way — River for short."

    I pulled the front door open and held it for him, the smile's intensity fading to a gentle glow. I wondered if I'd get in trouble for this again.... The last time I had stolen something from someone, they had a panic attack and ended up in the Medical Building for nearly two weeks.... Turned out that they were deathly afraid of being stolen from.... How awkward....


    ..k a y d e..

    Main Building — Roof Exit Two

    I felt conciousness return to my body; I was moving downstairs at an incomprehensible speed, as if I were excited about something. My legs carried me down the dark stairwell that lead, presumably, from the roof of the main building where I had been painting. There must have been a reason that I was fleeing the roof and my current work of art so quickly....

    No! This was wrong! I hadn't even finished it yet.... Why was I leaving? How did I end up down here, engulfed in the darkness?

    The world around me began to pulse and move in for me and I panicked, the walls of my throat growing tight and dry. I gasped for breath, clutching my chest in pain as I began to tremble uncontrollably. I had to get out of the dark.... The door was just ahead — I could see it. I reached out for the handle, turning it and flying out into the indoor pool room. I collapsed in the light, my eyes stinging with hot tears as I sat there on my knees, regaining my breath. My body felt numb, but at the same time, I could feel my temperature rising at an alarming rate. I was afraid still, even being out of the dark. This one was going to endure, and I could tell....

    The tears only came harder as I leaned forward to rest my swimming head on the cool floor. It brought some relief; but not enough. It was difficult to breath... so difficult.... I could feel myself lifting from my body.... Was I dead? No, a dead person wouldn't feel so much pain.... I could only assume that I was blacking out, fading in and out now. My body slumped over to one side and I curled in attempt to quell the pains in my chest. I tried to call for help, and finally... finally it emmerged as a choked out sob.

    Help me....

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    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by on 2010-03-06 18:55:14
    i want to join..
    but please give me some time..

    i'll reserve one slot then.. THANKS

    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by misanouta on 2010-03-06 18:57:35
    [[Alright. I'll list you in the players.]]

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    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2010-03-06 21:12:07 (edited 2010-03-06 21:22:56)


    Library - Entrance

    "River, pretty. Name's Daniel. I just arrived."

    That sudden turn. Something just changed. He was uncertain, but there was more to her than meets the eye. Daniel might not have caught on if she hadn't changed so dramatically. These were eyes he'd seen before. Things had changed though. It's peaceful here at IAI

    Perhaps there was a better way...

    "Thank you so much. My math's really bad. Thanks to you, I can get my life back on track."

    Daniel turned his attention away from River and walked into the library.



    Indoors - Pool

    She barely heard it from across the other side of the pool. It was a good distance, but Marla did always have good hearing. Too bad it didn't help her with a car going seventy in a twenty-five. She poked her head above the water and turned towards the source of the muffled sob.

    Marla saw a boy at the edge of the pool. When she saw he had curled into a ball, the water suddenly felt colder. She pushed through the resistance with all the might her legs could offer her. She began stroking towards the boy. The loss of her hand threw off her balance, but she was making good headway. A little water in the eyes never hurt anyone anyways. She climbed up beside him and reached out to his shoulder.

    "Are you hurt? Answer me!"

    She could see he was having trouble breathing. She curled her one hand into a tight fist. Using her stump, she pushed the boy onto his back. Marla grounded her knuckles into the center of his ribcage and rubbed back and forth. A sternum rub: a crude, and very rough way to stimulate the lungs to breathe. She had used on children and herself when it was cold.

    "Come on! Snap out of it! Take deep breaths."

    Marla noticed a girl standing over them.

    "Get help, quick!"

    [[Wow. These huge posts are time-consuming.

    Signing Out: In my old rps, players would let others know when they're signing out so characters didn't run all over the place. I'll cya all tomarra.]]

    The Paper

    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by nime624 on 2010-03-06 21:41:24 (edited 2010-03-06 22:15:58)
    [[gasp.I delete my second post by accident TT^TT]]



    Indoor pool

    I looked at the girl who was trying to help the boy. I was useless. I was trying to help him but....I was afraid that-"Get help, quick!" She yelled at me. I was shocked when she said that. But I quickly exit from the pool and screaming to get help.

    "Anyone! Please help me!

    But none of them take noticed of me. Its like I was mute and invisible to them. I continue to scream but they do nothing. I grab one of the guy jacket and said "Sir! Please help me!". I was hoping that he will follow me to the pool but instead doing that he pushed me and continue to walk on.

    What is wrong with this place?

    I run to the outside and scream for help.I hope one of them will help me. "Anyone!! Please help me!"


    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by misanouta on 2010-03-06 22:23:26
    [[Oh, alright. Good night, then. Or whatever....

    Haha, yes. The staff refuses to help Kayde because this is normal for him.... But we don't know this.... Actually, the staff hardly ever interacts with the residents, except for councilling/intructional periods/chasing down escapees.]

    ..k a y d e..

    Main Building — Indoor Pool

    I could hardly make out any of the goings-on around me. I felt myself flipped onto my back and something small and hard drive into my body, and soon there was air in my lungs again. I gasped, trying to suck in as much sweet oxygen as my lungs could hold; and though my head stopped swimming and the numbness left my body, my heart rate picked up, and the tears came even stronger now.

    Shining dark brown eyes focused on her — the one that had attemped to pull me out of my panic attack. Unknowingly, she had only aided in its escalation. I shot back to the wall, clutching my chest — more out of fear now than before. So... so close.... Human contact was shaky ground for me; it should be after everything that had happened.

    I could see it now, flashes of Mother on the rare occassions that she ever paid any attention to me; the only reason why they were so memorable was because of their rarity. She was more brutal than Father was; if I was too far away to hit, she was't above throwing things, regardless of how fragile. Plates, glasses, pictures in frames, sometimes silverware.... If she could get her hands of it and lift it, she would throw it without hesitation. I could remember numerous occassions where she, alone, had left me laying on the floor bruised and bleeding. Though, I could count many more times when the two of them had ganged up and left me in meed of hospitalization... and receiving none.

    I was afraid, as dumb as it sounds, that everyone was like that. Whenever someone touched me, I could feel the torrents of fear and pain that had engulfed me when I was in their care. It was as if, no matter what, I couldn't escape them. Somewhere deep inside, I knew that everyone was different.... so I could risk letting anyone in.


    ..r i v e r..

    Main Building — Library

    I followed him, letting the door swing shut behind me casually. In the wide enterance to the library were several round tables with chairs pushed into them. I picked my way carefully down the short flight of stairs carpetted with red wine and over to one of the tables where I boosted myself up to sit on it.

    "Anything else you need? I'm here to help, you know." This time, my voice held a different tone; coy, but seductive. I wondered if it would work on him.... Sometimes it did, and sometimes it didn't. For me it was just luck of the draw; I wasn't really all up into profiling people and planning a strategy. I just wanted one of the possessions on his body and I didn't care how I got it.

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    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by MATRYOSHKA 8D on 2010-03-07 00:57:02 (edited 2010-03-08 23:37:52)
    Harumichikoto Yuuto

    [First Name: Yuuto]

    [Last Name: Harumichikoto]

    [Nickname: Harumi Yuu]

    [Age: 17 years old]

    [Gender: Male]

    [Dorm Block: B]

    [Time Since Admittence: 1 month ago]

    [Reason for Admittence: His family got killed by his own father]

    Yuu was found by the IAI at a dark alley. His own father; who suffered from Psychopathy; killed his family and about to kill Yuu, but Yuu ran as fast as he can. At first, Yuu doesn't want to live in IAI because he thinks this place is for orphanages. But, Yuu's been forced to.

    Yuu is a rude and quiet stubborn too. He has a very serious and fierce face. He somewhat addicted to apples and sometimes talks a lot. Yuu hates to smile but has a nice heart. He's a clumsy person at some times. He usually sleeps in the library and the gymnasium in the afternoon. He's somewhat can be call as a JERK.


    [Well... I shall start then :3]

    Harumi Yuu



    I get up and walks around the library. Books... Books... Apple. Oh yeah... apple... I'm starving. I take out my apple from my bag and eats it. I stare out the window. Boring. I saw a new kid. "Are you new here? I never seen you before" The kid nods. "Nice to meet ya. I'm Harumichikoto Yuut- well, just call me Harumi Yuu, please." My name is really...long. Yeah. The boy smiles. "Bye." I walk out to the door and leaves the kid alone. I need more apples.

    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2010-03-07 05:33:30 (edited 2010-03-07 10:17:06)

    Indoors - Pool

    There was a small sense of relief when the boy shot away from Marla . He was breathing, but still in a panic. Those eyes were so terrified.

    "Please, its alright, I'm not going to hurt you."

    If he didn't calm down, what else could Marla do? She had to think of something.




    A change in tone. Daniel was careful to restrain himself. He didn't want River to see his reaction to her changes. This place is so peaceful. I'm sure everyone here has wounds that need helping... Maybe it is too great a risk, but maybe she just needs a friend.

    Daniel walked over to River, staying just out of contact with her skin, and placed a hand on her own hand. He smiled brightly and completely unguarded.

    "I would like that very much, thank you."



    Library - Entrance

    When Harumi turns a corner, Jinseta is there leaning against the wall with a couple apples in hand.

    "Ah. You look like you're new. Apple?"

    [[Just steppin in. Be back in a bit.]]

    The Paper

    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by misanouta on 2010-03-07 10:19:58
    ..k a y d e..

    Main Building — Indoor Pool

    I listened to her words, my mouth set in a firm line as I held back the cries, dashing the tears from my eyes so as not to lose sight of her. But the tears wouldn't stop and I instinctively pulled my knees to my chest and lowered my head to hide in them. Willowy fingers found their way into diluted golden tresses, gripping hard. Why was this so hard for me?

    I wanted to tell her that I was okay... I didn't need anyone. I was scared. But I couldn't. I couldn't open my mouth for fear of punishment. What was so wrong with me? Why did I have to be so afraid...? There was no way that everyone in the world was like my Mother and Father. I knew this; but then, it also somehow eluded me — my adoptive family, who I had thought were the closest things to beauty in this world, had left me here... alone... with people who told me that I had another mind!

    How could I trust anyone in this world; even an innocent, young-looking girl with one missing hand?

    The realization made me relax slightly. Someone who was suffering or had suffered, and was still able to attempt connections with other people? I didn't understand.


    ..r i v e r..

    Main Building — Library

    I watched his hand on mine, my head down only slightly. At his words, I looked up through long, thick lashes sliding forward off the table. "Well, is there anything you need now?" I made sure to stay just a breath away from him, my hand still pinned under his.

    He was going to fall for it, and I knew it. I was almost excited to see what kind of possessions he kept on his body; what kind of treasures I could sneak out of his pockets. Of course, I'd return them if they weren't of any intrest to me; but the thrill of being so close, stealing something off someone's own body... that was exciting.

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    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2010-03-07 10:55:03

    Main Building - Library


    A sudden rush of panic shot up Daniel's spine, and he shot back across the table. The sudden move threw him over the chairs and crashing to the floor. Daniel became tangled in the chairs.

    "W-wait a second! I like you... a-and you're pretty and all, b-but that's so sudden. You hardly know me!"

    The chairs stuck between Daniel and the tables had effectively pinned him. He was unable to move.



    Main Building - Pool

    Marla knew this very well. She'd seen this before with children abused by their parents. She slowly crawled towards him, careful not to startle the boy.

    "Its okay."

    She reached out with open arms and smiled.

    "I'm here. I'll watch out for you."

    The Paper

    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by nime624 on 2010-03-07 13:15:26 (edited 2010-03-07 13:22:29)
    [[I want to ask something,Does all of us play this RP by just focusing on our character only? I mean like our character point of view only?]]



    Outdoor-Running Track

    I almost lose my voice due screaming too much. Why does anyone doesnt want to help me? That it! Im not going to look like a total fool,screaming like a maniac to them and they do nothing?? Its time to make them noticed me! "Help!! There a guy following me! And he sooo creepy!"


    As I expected. No reaction at all. What kinda place is this? They dont mind their client being raped or something?!

    And I know getting help from them is useless. So I rushed to my dorm room. I opened my room and start searching something. "Aha!". I found an emergency kit box that I keep this 3 weeks. It might be a help. I guess....

    I rushed back to the indoor pool with the emergency kit box. I just hope they still there.


    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by MATRYOSHKA 8D on 2010-03-07 23:11:00
    Harumi Yuu


    Library - Entrance

    I look at Jinseta. "Apple..." I take the apple. "Th-thanks." Jinseta smiles. I remember the earlier question, I answer while eating the apple, "No. I'm nyot new heyre... You probably bayrely shee me. I ushually shleep in the library and shometimes in the gyhm. Um.. I'm Harumichikoto Yuuto, jusht call me Harumi Yuu"I sound like a fool. I never seen him either.

    "Well... are you neyw? I never sheen you before."

    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2010-03-08 04:31:08
    [[@ Yue: Pretty much. That is to say we handle things from our perspective only.

    @Chie: It may be just a smile, but please try to keep character controlling at a minimum. Jin may just as well have killed Harumi (though I wasn't planning on it :p )]]


    Library - Entrance

    Jinseta lets out a small chuckle.

    "It's my first day."

    Jin begins eating his apple.

    "A four-year institution, and their only concern is keeping anyone from escaping. Do you find it curious?"

    The Paper

    Re: ..y e a r s..o f..m e m o r y.. [Closed]
    Link | by Renma on 2010-03-08 09:06:35 (edited 2010-03-09 00:04:58)
    I Hope you all don't mind me joining the bandwagon ^^

    Renna Aozora



    Female (Technically)

    Block C

    1 year Since she last entered the facility

    Identity Disorder

    Renna is a girl, having a twin brother named Renma who is very identical to her save for his gender. However at the age of 10, Her brother passed away in a traffic accident. Both of her parents who always wanted to have a Boy, instead of a Girl treated that the one who died was Renna. From that moment on, She was raised as a Guy. Renna started wondering herself whether the one who died in that traffic accident really was her or her brother. Regardless, She developed another personality who shared the same memory with her not long after the death of her brother. Coincidentally, she claimed that she was always with her brother even to her parents who at one point took her to the IAI Due to a schizophrenic symptoms in which she often displayed while talking to her "Brother".

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