Akehanareru [Accepting]
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a k e h a n a r e r u ..before morning finally broke.. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ..p l o t.. It would be years before that happened. The city of Kreyon had been put under the Seige of Darkness, as a penalty by Remiel. After the former regent's actions, we deserved it; and loyal to our High Lord Remiel, we would accept it. Of course, there were those of us who didn't believe in Remiel, and they saw the Seige as just another apocolypse — in other words, the Second Penalty of Solantra's history. Of course, people like me.... We know better. The Seige of Darkness was the seventeen-year-long reign of evil that the late Lord Hiroshi had so kindly bestowed upon us. What the public now dubbed 'The Seige' was merely the after effects. Though, I must admit, Kreyon is not much different in the daylight than it is in the dark. Demons running loose and wild, species thought to be extinct here in hiding.... Princes fighting to escape their destiny, even though.... Even though I know it is the right thing to do. I recognize the fact that I am the only heir to Kreyon's now empty and awaiting throne. But I can't bring myself to step forward.... The World of Solantra isn't ready for a fair and just ruler yet. There is still evil to be purged by the High Lord before I will truly be ready. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ..s u m m a r y.. Basically, we're all living in the city of Kreyon, in a world that runs parallel to our own, called Solantra. It is the Seventh Age in Solantra, marking the 700th year that it has been separated from the Fifth Dimension, Aeria. The Great Seperation occured shortly after The War of Altima, where Remiel seperated the two lands from eachother. Now, during the Seventh Age, Solatra has become a prosperous world. It has only kept rising in perfection since it was seperated from its sister world. However, when the last Great Lord of Kreyon died, he was left with a son that was too young to take over the throne. His acting regent, Hiroshi, was an unfit ruler, putting Kreyon under seventeen years of dire times, also known as The Seige of Darkness. As ancient tradition, a prince who succeeds an acting regent must live as a commoner, either inside or outside the palace. He is to step up and take the throne when he feels he is ready. The current heir is the Prince Kyousuke. He stays in the palace, as most of the characters should. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ..r e m i e l i s m.. The religion followed by most Solantrians. There are only a few bits and pieces of Remielism that need to be known. First of all, the five most important Gods and Goddesses:
Remielism puts few limitations on any one being. Females are equal to males, in the exception that they may not rule upfront; though ruling from behind someone else or as an acting regent is perfectly acceptable. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ..r u l e s.. -You may NOT play other peoples' characters.- -You must write at least THREE sentences per post.- -I ask for proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization at least most of the time.- -You may play up to three characters.- -Your character must be between the ages of 17 and 25 in human years.- -Your character may be a demon or other such humanoid creature upon special permission.- -You may kill characters, but only with the permission of the character's owner.- -Keep the Love to PG-13... please...?- -PM me with questions or suggestions. Remember Solantra is an ever-growing world.- -Have fun!- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ..f o r m.. [First Name] [Last Name] [Age] [Gender] [Species] [Rank] [Bio] [Personality] [Other] [Appearance] ----------------------------------------------------------------- ..p l a y e r s.. Kyousuke Anke Tchailenova ----------------------------------------------------------------- ..m e.. [Kyousuke] [Sakagami] [Nineteen] [Male] [Human] [Prince] [When he was two years old, his father, the Great Lord Kahryn of Kreyon, died of an illness that has been passed down through the family. Very few of the members have ever died of the illness, however. Soon after, Kahryn's personal advisor, Hiroshi was named Kyousuke's acting regent, and Kyousuke was sent to be raised by a family of lower nobility within Kreyon. From them, he learned all the basics and essentials of being royalty; and when he was eleven, he moved back into the palace to live with a family of higher nobility, which was to prepare him for his duties at the throne. Though, Kyousuke had other ideas, and now neglects his studies quite often.] [Kind and selfless; mostly focused, determined, protective; realizes that Remiel's purge is nowhere near its end, however terrifying it may be.] ![]() ----------------------------------------------------------------- ..a u t h o r s..n o t e.. The parallel world of Solantra is my creation. If you wish to use it, please ask me first. I'm not going to bite anyone's head off about it. On a similar note, feel free to come up with your own historical events or names of cities for the use of this RPG. If you would like accurate locations for real Solantrian cities and/or countries, or would like to know about any other historical events that have occured in the stories I've written, feel free to ask. Again, I don't bite. :D ----------------------------------------------------------------- ..darkness before the morning light.. a k e h a n a r e r u |
Re: Akehanareru [Accepting]
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[Seventeen] [Female] [Human] [Nobility] The young daughter of the noble family who took Kyousuke in and raised him. She lead a charmed life despite the darkness and evil in the world around her. She was raised to one day become royalty. She grew to know Kyouskuke like a brother, when he left she continued her studies at home. She vowed to grow strong so she could support him. When she turned seventeen she traveled to the palace of higher nobility to visit Kyousuke. She is quiet and respectful around her elders, but around her friends she is a colorful and energetic person. ![]() ![]() |
Re: Akehanareru [Accepting]
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..k y o u s u k e.. I watched out the window of one of the many cozy dens in the palace as the sky only darkened further above Kreyon. A rainstorm was approaching, and after seventeen years of darkness, I had learned to notice these things. An onyx rain was definitely on its way, heading in from the Dead Lands in the east, bringing all the sorrow and despair of the Great War during the Second Age. It wasn't often that a rain came in from the North-East, and that meant that it was finally spring in Winter Country, just north of the Dead Lands. But that hardly mattered to anyone in Kreyon at the moment. With a blackened atmosphere surrounding us, engulfing us, we were only concerned about ourselves at the moment. Selfish we were; but after seventeen years of pain and obscurity... untimely demise and unrivalled fear, we would be insane not to be thinking of our own well-being. I, however, had my own worries. With Hiroshi dead and long gone, I was being hounded by nobles of all classes and from cities across the world that were begging me to take up rule. Perhaps they thought that my failure to proceed with coronation was the reason that the Seige still withheld its position in Solantra's one-cerulean skies. Really, it was because the High Lord wasn't finished purging the world of its evils, sent directly from Thaedes in the Underworld. At least, that was what I believed. With a heavy sigh, I threw another letter from one Lord Seyrin, who continuously bombarded me with demands that I either take my seat in the Court or step aside. There was about seven more letters with an identical tune, and I immediately cast them down in the trash bin. A waste of time, the lot of them. ..xXx.. [Vitani] [Kalethrose] [Seventeen] [Male] [Human] [Higher Nobility] [Vitani was taken into the Dyer family when he was ten after a fatal accident that left him orphaned in a large, prestigious city called Celes, which is second only to Kreyon. He was second in line for the Celestian Throne, which is considered a great honor; but because the system for throning is different in Celes, it took him several years to re-learn his politics. He is now a high-classed prince, heir to the Dyer family Court Seat.] [Sweet and selfless; coy and a little shy. Underneath lays intelligence and extreme potential, next to an unrivalled discomfort with bodily contact of any sort.] -His name is Iselian Elvish for Hope- -Plays the violin and the piano- -Loves the arts, such as painting/drawing, music, and writing- ![]() |
Re: Akehanareru [Accepting]
How could I possibly resist the temptation to join such a wonderful RP plotline? Minna-san, Meet Francesca:: [Francesca] [Athane] [19] [Female] [Human] [High Sister of the Church of Remiel in the Palace of Kreyon] [Daughter of Duke and Dutchess Athane, Francesca lived in splendor and wealth until her ninth winter, at which time she rebelled against her father and joined the Church (with her mother's blessing). Rose in ranks within the Church steadily, taking on more responsibilities and eventually gained the honor of becoming a sister in the church that serves the palace. There, too, she was blessed with responsibilities and became one of the High Sisters that tend to the Altar and the Church within the Palace grounds. She lives in chambers in the palace near the church.] [Francesca is sweet-natured, and believes strongly in the sovereignty of Remiel and the forgiveness of Celandine. Her eyes are quick to sparkle with confidence, gentle assurance, and brilliant comforting light. When she was younger, her quickness to accurately weigh a person's character was impressive, and her swiftness to trust worried her superiors. They became concerned that she would not be able to preserve herself in dangerous situations because of her blind trust. As she grew, Francesca proved to them that her judgments of character were based less on impressions, and more on her attention to detail. However, her quick trusting nature never dulled, and her sense of loyalty only became more honed. Francesca is not a motherly figure, but she is not one to shun a soul in search of aid, either. She believes that if the goal is worth enough to pay for the trials of the adventure, anything is acceptable. This is an interesting creed for a priestess; she is aware of this, and quietly keeps her unorthodox opinion to herself.] [There are rumors of mixed blood in her ancestry, and on occasion, Francesca exhibits rare healing abilities unavailable to humans of pure-blood status. For those who have witnessed it and know the rumor circling her blood-line, this is the speculated reason behind why she forsook her noble title for the church. These are all, of course, unprovable speculation, and Francesca never talks of this matter with anyone.] [Appearance] ![]() ![]() Francesca woke up from her nap and looked out her window to the stormy sky and sighed. Everything seemed grey and unpleasant lately, and today the skies seemed to agree. Stretching and donning her habit, Francesca let her mind wander as her feet led her to the upstairs windows of the sanctuary. She would have a bit of a walk, since her rooms weren't exactly directly next to the church, but it wasn't something she minded. Everything in the Palace was reasonably spaced out, and it wasn't as though she hated walking to places, it was something she actually really enjoyed. She put her hand into her pocket and felt the paper of the letter her dad had sent her. Running her hand over the rough surface of the envelope made her think of his rough and confident voice. He'd wrote of a few servant problems, mostly involving money, and of the hope that she was still not lonely in the palace by herself. She remembered wanting to laugh aloud at that line, and now stifled a giggle from the memory. Being 'alone' in this Palace was simply ridiculous. She reasoned that if she never wrote home often, and never included any friends aside from the sisters in the Church, of course her parents would get a little worried. Francesca laughed lightly to herself, she often spoke with those who came into the church outside of the services. She found people usually left happier if someone talked to them than if they just came in and left without talking to anyone. She had a personal rule, she didn't speak or write anything down regarding the conversations she had with individual patrons. It was her way of ensuring that secrets remained secrets. Reaching the top of the steps, Francesca sighed deeply and began to close the shutters and windows, hoping it wouldn't get too stuffy before the rain ended. She really disliked letting the air get stuffy in the sanctuary, because it took away from the comforting presence she always felt there. It felt very fatherly, and it was one of the reasons she always enjoyed the time she spent in the church.
How invisibly it changes color in this world, the flower of the human heart.
While watching the long rains falling on this world, my heart, too, fades with the unseen color of the spring flowers. |
Re: Akehanareru [Accepting]
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Mayumi stepped out of the carriage that had taken her all the way from her home to the palace of higher nobility. She was received by footmen dressed in rich colors. She was led into a grand foyer and from there she would wait for her bags to be placed in room for her. She was excited to see Kyousuke again, it had been so long since he had been living with them and she missed him so much. She was led into her room where she could wash up and change before meeting her childhood friend. She took her time in brushing out her auburn curls and allowed her personal maid, who had traveled with her, to dress her in a lovely red violet gown. An hour after her arrival she walked unescorted though the palace halls on a venture to find Kyousuke. She managed to locate him in a dimly light study. It was cozy and the young man seem lost in the ever darkening sky on the other side of the window. "Kyousuke-samma" she said quietly, not knowing if she could still address him like she had when they were young. He was practically the highest ranking man in the land, and she would be respectful to him, if that was what he wished. ![]() |
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I heard my name called meekly from the doorway and looked up almost instantaneously. I didn't remember any of my personal servants with such a voice.... It took me a minute to clue into the mahogany tresses and pale face. "Mayumi-chan?" I asked, cocking my head to one side and standing. With a newfound grace in my step, I made my way to the center of the room, my posture straighter than it had been before, and nearly eight inches on me since I had left. Of course, I had also learned to tame the once unruly chestnut locks, and wore more clothes than I used to.... What a memory.... Running through the rooms of the Kohaku Household in my underwear with muddy feet.... I suppressed a sigh and shook my head inwardly. "You're here.... It's nice to see you again." ..xXx.. ..v i t a n i.. I made my way toward the church at lightning speed, throwing open the doors and rushing in. My pace slowed slightly until I reached the alter, falling to my knees. I bent, placing my forehead in the palms of open hands, which rested on the stone floor of the Palace's own Sanctuary. I closed my eyes, silently repenting for not attending several services; but I knew the High Lord would forgive me. I never failed to apologize to him; in fact, the Church was one of my favourite locations of Palace grounds.... |
Re: Akehanareru [Accepting]
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I finished my quick prayer and sat up watching the large marble depiction of Remiel as if it were going to somehow respond to my words. Of course it didn't. When I heard the clearing of a throat, I turned quickly not realizing that there was anyone else here with me. I caught sight of one of the High Sisters and stood to bow to her without a word. I had a slight accent recycled from my Celestian days, and I found it embarrassing the way it made people giggle -- especially girls. My cheeks flared up at the thought and I lifted slightly to look at her. How beautiful she was.... "M-my Lady Sister," I nearly choked out. I averted my gaze once again, the redness in my cheeks growing brighter. "It's a lovely day, isn't it?" |
Re: Akehanareru [Accepting]
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Mayumi smiled and her hear fluttered at the 'chan' suffix he added to her name. He was so much taller, and filled with more grace than he had been when he left, but the same went from her. She walked to him like a dancer her gown fluttering like a pair of butterfly wings. "You're here.... It's nice to see you again." Mayumi smiled, "It's nice to see you again too kyousuke, I'm glad to be here. I did promise you I would travel here when I came of age." ![]() |
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"You did, didn't you? I'm glad I can still trust you after so many years." I felt strange having to act so formally with Mayumi, but the intense training that my new family had given me was instilled in my through the bright red markings across my shoulders, lower back, and knuckles. Apparently it was still difficult for me to follow their strict direction; as the child that used to run around wherever he pleased in little or no clothing, of course I didn't like the structure that palace life required.... But it was obvious that I was beginning to succumb to it. And I would let them break me into a great ruler, a true Prince... though I would refuse to take the throne until the High Lord Remiel deemed Solantra ready. For a moment I tensed, wanting to let go of formality. I knew better and relaxed, letting the brief discomfort flash just barely over my face. More than the need to jump at Mayumi and pull her into a big hug, I was trying not to strain the welts on my shoulders and lower back from the ruler that my tutor used whenever I misbehaved, sad as it was for me at the age of nineteen. It might have been cruel and inhumane, but it kept me in line when I just couldn't help but let that firey side of me — definitely from my mother's side — show through, and a little too much at that. "I trust the family is doing well; I do miss Lord and Lady Kohaku dearly." |
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"You did, didn't you? I'm glad I can still trust you after so many years." Kyosuke said and Mayumi smiled. "Of course you can trust me," she responded softly, beginning to warm up to her old friend. She desperately wanted to run over to him and hug him tightly. A strained look came across his face, and Mayumi knew that he was thinking the same thing. Here were two people who had run around a mansion dressed in fine clothing and covered from head to toe in mud. Now they were being restrained by social formality and difference of class. "I trust the family is doing well; I do miss Lord and Lady Kohaku dearly." Kyousuke attempted to continue the conversation as if the two were mere acquaintances, but Mayumi would break it. "They're in good health," she replied and then finally could not take it anymore. She ran forward gracefully her long Aburn hair tossing as she came forward. She threw herself into Kysouke with a gentle leap and wrapped her arms around him. Small tears coming from her eyes. "I missed you too much to let our stiff families and elders dampen this reunion, Kyousuke... I missed you so much!" ![]() |
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I was stiff for a moment, gasping slightly and tensing at the instant sting that flashed up in my back when she threw her arms around me. It was still very tender from my lessons earlier. At least, I mused to myself with an inward smirk, trying not to let my shirt and jacket rub too much against the welts made me look like the uptight prick I was supposed to be. I manoevered my arms around her, feeling the fabric pull against my skin; I bit my lip to hold in another audible breath. How could it be so painful...? There was a slight hitch in my voice when I answered her. "I know... I missed you too," I paused for a moment, finally realizing how long it had been since I actually called someone by their first name without the proper suffixes attached; and how long it had been since someone had called me by name without proper suffixes. "Mayumi." |
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Mayumi released Kyousuke as soon as she realized he was in pain. "Oh my god, Kyousuke, what did they do to you?" She stepped back from him with an expression of concern written across her face. She hoped she hadn't made him uncomfortable with the formality, but then he had returned the gesture by calling her by her first name. She prayed he didn't mind her using the name she knew and loved. "Did they do that to you so you wouldn't respond to things like this?" Mayumi's colorful and passionate side was begining to kick in and she could only hope that Kyouskue was still able to calm her with only a few simple words. When they were young he had been the only person who could calm her down, and perhaps it was still true today. ![]() |
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"No," I answered quickly, resting my arms back at my sides. The fabric loosened around me and I sighed, relieved. For a moment I realized I needed to make up an excuse to account for my beatings. I couldn't just outright tell her that they still beat me for misbehaving; I was nineteen for Remiel's sake! It took me a minute, and it finally came to me. "I pulled a muscle riding, that's all." I decided that it was a sufficiant excuse, and plausible at that. There were a number of ways that one could pull muscles riding. Of course, the fact that I had been riding for a number of years, and had most likely only improved since I had returned to the palace sort of skewed that tale. Though, it was fairly obvious that at least a sliver of my silly side had stayed behind — truthfully more than that, but no one was supposed to know that — and I had been known to try everything that was too dangerous for royalty when I was younger.... My daytime guardian called me a scream. She was only twenty-one the year I transferred home, and by then she wore a head of pure silver hair. Anyway, I hoped that Mayumi would buy it. I didn't want her to worry about me. |
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"No," Kyouskue started, he trailed off for a moment and appeared to be lost in thought, "I pulled a muscle riding, that's all." Mayumi smiled and giggled for a moment, "That is just like you Kyouskue, are you still clumsy on a horse. You were such a gifted jumper, but so careless when it came to the simple stuff." She allowed her dainty hands to rest on his shoulder as she looked him in the eye. "Kyousuke, I know I've probably said it a million times before, but I'm here now so I can put action to my words. I want to support you! I want to do nothing more than be by your side and hold you up when I need to. I will do what ever your please in order to keep that promise, even if it means becoming a common servant!" She looked him in the eyes with passionate intensity. "So please tell me what you wish to do with me, so that way I can stay near you?" ![]() |
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I sighed once again, this time in nostalgia. I hadn't jumped in a while — about two and a half weeks anyway. A few months ago, I had bought a new horse trained specifically to be a Jumper. He was a large Hanoverian, dark bay with a streak of white on his forehead. Beautiful as he was, it wasn't his appearance I bought him for. It was his high jump — believe me, I hadn't named him Aero for nothing. Though, two and a half weeks ago, Lord Seyrin had bought me a new racer, and I was more than eager to test her abilities. However, Mayumi's sudden outburst shook me back to the present, and I nearly jumped. After a while, I relaxed, smiling. "I hope you're not trying to ask me to marry you, Mayumi. I'm only nineteen, you know." Truthfully, I was flattered that she wanted to be near me so much. I wouldn't mind having a close friend at my side for almost every hour of the day. It was something I missed, and frankly, I was tired of not being allowed to associate with whomsoever I pleased. Yeah.... I decided then that I was keeping her around. |
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"I hope you're not trying to ask me to marry you, Mayumi. I'm only nineteen, you know." Mayumi blushed at Kyousuke's works, "No I'm not asking you to marry me! I'm only seventeen! That would be scandalous! I just wanted to make sure you would keep me around that's all." She inwardly cursed herself for being so abrupt, "I'm sorry if I startled you." She was usually quite good at reading Kyouskue, even if it was hard for others, but her colorful and sometimes filter-less personality often got in her way. ![]() |
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I allowed myself to laugh lightly at her change of shades, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not going to get rid of you, Mayumi. You are one of very few real friends that I have left in this world. Remember that, alright?" I backed off her now, unbuttoning my blazer and taking it off completely. "Now don't you ever tell anyone what you're about to see," I warned, letting my shirt fall off my shoulders shortly afterward. My entire back was red, some places more so than others, accompanied by welts and blisters, large and small. Whips marks from the past were healed over in gnarled, twisted scars. They looked horrible now, but they hadn't been as painful as they looked. And one old scar from my days with Mayumi remained prominent as well: a thick dent in my skin where I had broken my arm riding. The bone had come through my skin when I fell from a saddle that had been tampered with. Going over the first high oxar, I realized something was wrong, but it had been too late to react. I had crashed down over each of the wooden poles, a saddle and a panicked horse following me. I was able to laugh it off later — I was severely lucky that I had only broken my arm. I should have died that day. It was the first time someone tried to kill me. I had only been ten. |
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"I'm not going to get rid of you, Mayumi. You are one of very few real friends that I have left in this world. Remember that, alright?" Kyousuke assured her, Mayumi relaxed. "I know that." she whispered. Kyousuke let go of her shoulders and began to unbutton his blazer, soon he was standing in front of her bare chested. It was taking everything Mayumi had not to blush. "Now don't you ever tell anyone what you're about to see," he told her turning around so that his back faced her. Mayumi's hand shot up to her mouth to stifle a gasp. Kyousuke's back was covered in what looked like whip marks. They didn't look very good either. They were scarring his beautiful skin and welting like nothing Mayumi had ever seen before. Then her eyes feel upon a scar on his arm that she could remember clearly. It was the time he had panicked when jumping and had crushed his arm. "They have been punishing you." she whispered, closing the gap between her and Kyousuke. She lifted a cold hand and placed it softly on one of the older looking wounds, "that doesn't hurt too bad does it?" she asked gently, "I can't believe they actually did this, I won't mention it but do you think it will stop now that I'm here?" Tears were in her eyes and she was having a hard time not crying, she didn't want them to hurt Kyousuke like this. She began to shake in something near revulsion at the ruthless way the elders in the palace had so brutally hurt him. She began to inwardly curse herself for being so emotional all the time, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be upset, I'm just sad for you..." she admited, "I'm sure it hurts you a 1000 times more." ![]() |
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"It doesn't hurt, Mayumi. They haven't laid a whip on me since I turned seventeen; it's alright." I turned my head to smile at her, just for reassurance. "I bring it upon myself, anyway. It's my insubordinance, my refusal to take the throne. It'll keep happening as long as I refuse my coronation...." I turned all the way around to shield the mangled skin from her worrying eyes. I hated seeing her get all upset over me like this.... I wished she wouldn't care so much; though it felt nice to know someone still did care, even after all this time. For a long time, I didn't believe that it would be possible. I was seen among many of the Nobles as arrogant, self-centered, stubborn, and even downright stupid. They all wanted me to take that damned throne so they could kiss up to me and climb in the ranks.... But they were naive. They didn't understand, or even care for that matter. Now, I became serious. Every trace of sunlight that I may have once carried vanished. I was cold and harsh now, carrying an obvious passion for my beliefs. "I can't yet. The throne belongs to Remiel during this purge of darkness. Until there is light again, I shall never once set foot in the throne room — it's holy ground now; do you understand? The only people who should even consider entering are the high ranks of the church." |