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Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 08:40:10 (edited 2010-03-14 08:53:32)
I've had the idea for this RP for awhile now... so I'm deciding to start it! I would first like to thank my inspiration sources... umm, mainly they're other RP's here on Gendou, with a little inspiration from Cardcaptor Sakura as well for giving me the card idea (but this story is quite different than Cardcaptor's)... and that's about it! I hope this RP is successful! ^^


The year is 2010, in our own world actually. However, a battle is raging on, and it is not a battle in the Middle East. Oh no; this is a battle to be the Protector of the Cards of Destiny. Quite a mouthful, eh? Well, these cards are key in what has made Earth so successful, they have been around in some way since the beginning of time. They decide the fate of Earth. They have caused the continents to split (through a drawing of two Joker Cards), they made Christopher Columbus find North America and prove the world isn't flat, they caused the Stock market to crash and cause the Great Depression; they decide all major events that occur on Earth, whether it is a natural event or not. Whether they were kept by dinosaurs, and then gradually kept by humans, no one knows. The battles have been all over Earth in the past, in Rome, Tokyo, Athens, Moscow, Montreal, and many more cities. This time, the battle has been set in New York City. Who will emerge as the true Protector of the Cards?

The Game Itself...

The game is played, about once every 50 to 70 years, to determine the next Card Protector. There are usually 12 to 16 contestants, but there can be as little as 8 and as many as 18, and they are always between 16 and 28 years old. In this battle, they are selected for a certain element by the previous Card Protector. This element is what helps them in battle (battle is explained in the next section). The contestants are all warned through a dream of the game that they just entered, however, they cannot get out just yet. They must fight and collect the Destiny Cards, in order to become the next Card Protector. They have 56 days to gather all 56 Cards, or as many cards as possible, and to defeat their opponents. The Candidates can see and sense cards, and thus they can collect cards this way. There might be certain requirements Candidates must obtain before collecting certain cards, or else a barrier forms around the card whenever the Candidate tries to touch it. Usually the requirements are to have X number of cards before collecting this card, or get a certain object, where the Candidate must bring the requested item to the location of the card, and only then they are allowed to take it. The only way to collect cards is in Protector Form...

What is Protector Form?

This is an alternate form that candidates transform into when they wish to collect a card, or to battle. No ordinary human can see them when in Protector Form, however, other Card Protector Candidates, whether they are in Protector Form or not, can see them in Protector Form. None of the Candidates can go into Protector Form whenever they wish to do so. They must be near a card (since a Candidate has to be in Protector Form to collect a card), or they wish to battle another Candidate. When they have collected the desired card or when they have fled from battle/ won battle, they can change back whenever they desire. When a Candidate is defeated in Protector Form, they can never change back.

Now, what is battle?

A battle most honorable and most common way to defeat an opponent is in battle. Usually, battles do not take a few minutes. They can stretch on for long periods of time, usually because the opponents flee from each other to gain strength and wait for another time to resume battle. A battle always occurs when the Candidates wishing to battle are in Protector Form. A battle must be even; one on one, two on two, three on three, etc. A candidate always has 2 basic attacks, one that is weak and one that is somewhat strong, one weak defense mechanism, and one special attack. All attacks and their defense mechanism correspond with their element. They can use any of these techniques in battle.
Now, to defeat an opponent, a Candidate must use their special attack when their opponent is weak and has already been heavily damaged. If the special attack causes the opponent to lose their Protector Form and change back into their human form, then congratulations! The opponent has just lost their chance to be a Card Protector. Since they were beaten in their Protector Form, they cannot change back ever again, and all of the cards they once had are transferred to who ever defeated them. Also, Protector Form attacks do not affect humans at all, they are totally harmless to humans, even the special attack will not affect a human. However, the attacks of Protector Form can sometimes affect the environment (depending on the attack). The environment is never affected when Candidates battle in a Battle Arena

What is a 'Battle Arena'? How does it work?
A battle Arena is a place where a battle can take place. One of the Candidates fighting must have at least one card to battle in a Battle Arena. When the battle will commence, the owner of the card will call out the number and suit of the card (example- three of hearts). The card will transform into an arena, and the candidates battling will teleport to the arena (the card can be used as an arena more than once). The arena battle must always be fair(example- one on one or two on two). You can always leave the battle early and call it a draw instead of fighting to the end. When the battle ends, the candidates are teleported back to the exact spot where the teleported into the battle (this is the only use of teleporting in this RP!).

Any other ways of getting rid of an opponent?

There are some dirty ways to defeat their opponents as well. One is by killing them, for once they are killed they are not on this planet as a living being and thus disqualified. Not many people use this option nowadays because they must kill them as a human (not in Protector Form), and they will get arrested and in jail, however in older times this method was quite popular. Another is by forced defeat, where their opponents can force them to forfeit. Forfeiting can only occur when 1/3 of the competition has already been eliminated.

Now for the RULES:
- Your character can have only 2 basic attacks (one weak and one somewhat powerful), one weak defense mechanism, and one special attack. There are some exceptions to this(see in character sheet).
- When wanting to defeat an opponent in battle or if you want to kill a Candidate, please get permission from both the person who owns the character you wish to defeat and myself.
- Love? Keep it PG-13.
- Magic is allowed, however it is only allowed in Protector Form, not in human form!
- No imbalanced characters and no god-moding! (characters that have too much power in attacks and such) If you accidentally create a character that seems imbalanced, I will give you a warning to change your character. If your character is all powerful after that, you will get kicked out of the RP!
- Sensing cards is always allowed, however a player can only sense a card that is near their location, not one that is on the other side of Manhattan!
- Do not control other characters! You can do simple actions (example- giving character X a tissue since they sneezed, or helping character X up after they fell down), but nothing major.
- In battle, ALWAYS give the other person a chance to fight back or run away.
- Only one character per player (I know I will break this character rule because I will have the previous Card Protector and a Candidate in the beginning, but after the game is started I will only use my Candidate. I only need the previous Card Protector to start the game. Also, he is not a part of the game.)
- The RP starts before the game has started.
- Always post location that is in NYC, date, and the time. Don't time travel! Keep your time similar to other players posted times. This RP will always be set in NYC and it's boroughs, so your location must be within there. (example- [Times Square][1/27/2010][1 PM])
- Have reality in mind when posting.
- Try to avoid one-liners.
- Don't make it a two person RP. Give other players a chance to respond before continuing.
- Normal Gendou RP Rules also apply.
- Questions or Suggestions? Don't be afraid to PM me!
- If you have to drop the RP please PM me!!!
- And have fun!!!

Just search NYC here and use this.

Character Sheet:
~Name: (First and Last)
~Gender: (Male or Female)
~Age: (Between 16 and 28 Years Old)
~Nationality: (They may live in NYC, but they don't have to be American!)
~Occupation: (What their job is if they are out of school. If they are still in school, put down "Student")
~Human Appearance: (Picture preferred, but a description is okay too.)
~Protector Form Appearance: (Again, Picture preferred, but a description is okay.)
~ Element: (Select this from the list of Elements below in the players section, one element per player)
~Attacks: (Your two attacks. Please specify which is the weaker attack and which is the stronger one. Exceptions to this are explained below. They must correspond to your element type)
~Defense Mechanism: (Your Defensive Mechanism. this also has to correspond with your element type. It has to be fairly weak, meaning that it can only protect against the weak attack. Note that there is an exception to this. If you want two weak attacks, you can have a somewhat strong defense mechanism. and if you do not want any defense mechanism at all, you can have two somewhat strong attacks)
~ Special Attack: (This is like the grand finale. it is huge, and always delivers major power, however, it can't be used too often because it leaves the user weak after they use it)
~Bio: (Nothing too dark and nothing too mysterious. they are normal humans until the game starts!)
~Personality: (What the character is like. Cheerful, caring, rash, etc.)
~Other Notes: (Anything else you would like to add goes here!)

Players and Elements:
1- Air- Kotaro Kiryu
2- Hydro- Graham Atsuki
3- Fire- Krys Serei Dragunov
4- Earth (Soil)- Grey Raye
5- Light- Sakuya Izayoi
6- Dark- James Cartwright
7- Electrical- Tor Cruz
8- Metal- Zess "Gehenna" Clovis- 2 Cards
9- Gravitational- Fenris Lupus
10- Ice- Kail Inanov
11- Psychic- Alessa Costana- 1 Card
12- Celestial- Nadia Valmont- 1 Card
13- Illusion- Avaron Saitou
14- Sound- Tanya Moore - Defeated
15- Floral (Plants)- Pramana "Pram" Megantara
16- Boulder (Rocks)- Luis Sekuiya
17- Meteorology (Weather)- Ye Ji Lee
18- Energy (Power and Spirit)- Akabara Strauss

My Characters:

+ Name: Hiroki Nagasa
+ Gender: Male
+ Age: 82 (I know I am going against my own rule for this but again i only need him to start the game!)
+ Nationality: Japanese
+ Occupation: Retired
+ Human Appearance: anime old guy
+ Protector Form Appearance:
+ Element: Fire
+ Attacks:
- Fire Throw: He can throw small fire pieces at an enemy. This attack can work from a distance as well. (weaker attack)
- Enclosure: He forms a ring of fire around his opponents, and this fire gets closer and closer to the enemy at a steady rate, ultimately damaging them. (stronger attack)
+ Defense: Fire Wall: This is just a simple wall of fire, which will deflect all weak attacks.
+ Special Attack: Eternal Blaze: Hiroki has to power up this attack for a few seconds before using it. He concentrates all of his heat and power to go into his hands. Then, large swords of fire extend from his hands, which he can then use to deliver devastating punches in close combat. The power of this attack is astounding, as it uses not only the fire, but also the punch.
+ Bio.: Hiroki grew up in Kyoto, Japan. He participated in the Kyoto Battle in 1948, when he was 20, and easily won it. Once he gathered all of the cards, he was very good at drawing them and using them, until late in his career as the Card Protector. Besides being the Card Protector, he was also an Accountant. He moved to New York City in 1959, when he was 41. He never married, and thus never had any children. Currently, he is retired and occupied with starting the new Battle of the Cards.
+ Personality: Hiroki is quiet and thoughtful, however he is very kind, especially to children.
+ Personal Notes: I will only use Hiroki to start the game so don't think of him as a major character. i just felt i needed to post him since he is the previous Card Protector.

+ Name: Nadia Valmont
+ Gender: Female
+ Age: 17
+ Nationality: French and American
+ Occupation: Student
+ Human Appearance:
+ Protector Appearance:
+ Element: Celestial
+ Attacks:
- Black Hole Trap: Nadia creates a small black hole. If her opponent somehow touches the black hole, they are stuck in it for 30 seconds. This attack hardly hurts her opponent, but Nadia can attack them in any way she likes once they are trapped. (weak attack)
- Star Shards: She can throw stars at her opponents. This works better the further away from her target. (strong attack)
+ Defense: Star Protect: A group of stars come down, and form a half sphere around her, covering her entirely. However, like most shields, this only protects from weak attacks.
+ Special Attack: Comet Crash: This attack has a comet come crushing down onto her opponent; pinning them down under the comet. The comet stays on top of her opponent for about 15 to 30 seconds, before breaking into smaller pieces of rock. This force could be enough to split her opponent into two.
+ Bio.: Nadia comes from a French father and an American mother. She knows French as well as English because of her father She goes to a private school, however she sometimes skips school whenever she feels she needs a day off. She is quite popular at her school, and she is the captain of her school's Fencing Team. She also knows some gymnastics as well. Her main hobby is playing video games (she loves games by Sega), and her secret hobby is astronomy.
+ Personality: Nadia is very kind to her friends, however she can be a bit selfish. She is usually good natured, but her one drawback is that she is impatient.
+ Personal Notes: Nadia doesn't like to spend her time at school because she would rather be doing other things, so she occasionally skips school. She gets good grades, so her teachers do not mind. She hates having her last name to start with a 'V" because she is almost always the last one to be called on when things go in alphabetical order. Despite being 17, Nadia has only had one boyfriend, and she hasn't had her first kiss yet, so she is a bit worried about that.

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2010-02-14 09:12:24 (edited 2010-02-22 07:27:04)
~Name: Fenris Lupus

~Gender: Male

~Age: 23

~Nationality: Finnish

~Occupation: Electrician

~Human Appearance:

~Protector Form Appearance:

~Element: Gravitation

Gravity Well: Fenris is able to manipulate his own gravity, or gravity of objects he is touching, this power can either increase or decrease gravity.
The maximum effect of this power is equal to earth's gravity.

Gravity Nexus: A projected gravity nexus that can either be used by itself as an effective ranged attack eventhough it's range is only 6 meters.
Or it can be used to affect the gravity of a thrown object making a simple rock a deadly weapon.

~Defense Mechanism:
Gravity Repel: A gravitational field that pushes all objects away from Fenris, it's power depends on it's size at it's largest it's covers Fenris'
whole body and in it's smallest state it's 1 meter in diameter.

~Special Attack:
Fatal Gravity: When used amplifies Fenris' powers to a whole new level. It only works a limited time and drains most of his energy.

~Bio: Fenris had been working as an electrician in Finland for couple of years, but then he was gripped by wanderlust, moved to America and has been
traveling around the states and has recently arrived to New York City, due to an unexplained dream he had few weeks before. He also changed his name
after moving to the states.

~Personality: Laid pack person who enjoys life as it comes

~Other Notes: He tends to always carry some of his tools with him, just in case.

ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 10:36:13 (edited 2010-03-03 06:28:32)
Sounds fun. Reserving a spot and I will take the element ICE
If there is a chance that we are able to use more then one
character please let me know :D

Human Appearance:

Protector Form Appearance:

Note: Protector's personality / attitude was
based on Kail's past. Filled with pain and
slight hate, but Kail can still take control
of his emotions in this form.

Name: Kail Ivanov
Gender: Male (?)
Age: 17
Nationality: Russian
Occupation: High School Student / Hair to Ivanov Natural Gas Company
Element: Ice
Personality: (*)Nonsocial, Shy, Loving, Innocent, Gentle, Weird. But can
be pretty harsh and straight forward around people he doesn't know.

Bio: Kail is born in a nation covered in snow, almost every single day it
was freezing. As growing up it wasn't as it sounds, now without the cold was
hard to adapt. Being the only one born in aristocratic family, Kail was put into
the high expectation of his family. He studied till he was fatigue, trained his
body till it was sore and any extracurricular that was left. It was a miserable
life indeed. Trapped inside his home, with no one to talk to and with a
declared fate was hair to the rich family. The son that would take over the
Ivanov Natural Gas Company, the largest investor and exporter in the world. One
day his father was invited to a party in New York City, and at that party his
father would 'show' off his great son. However he fears on how will he be able
to deal with other people socializing) after being isolated from the world for
so long.

Other Notes: Is very skilled at using a spear, learned it for self
defense purposes. Wears heavy winter outfits no matter what the temperature it
is outside. Mostly wearing a thick overcoat, long pants, a long wool scarf and
leather boots. He says its what keeps him warm and claim. Some say back in
Russia that the Ivanov family never gave birth to a son. Kail's existence was
now being questioned on whenever he is actually born in the family or if he
was even born a man. His clothing made it hard to tell.

(*)Yes he can socialize but usually is more formal then casual, making it
awkward from him to speak with others. Even with his knowledge in English.

Frozen Thorns: Small fragments of formed ice thrown to the opponent, it
may cause some minor stinging. Works best either long or close range. (Weak
Snow Breath: A very cold can be produced from the mouth, this many cause
frostbite to the opponent. Works best at close range. (Weak Attack)

Defense Mechanism:
Koori Wall / Cave: Uses ice to create a thick ice cave to protect one's
self or others from weak and strong attacks by opponents. Protectors are able to
attack from the inside; however the attacks are weakened unless they are from
the person who created the cave. It is basically a large dome shield. Otherwise
it can crate multiple ice walls and alter an opponents vision with reflection
and can hold off weak attacks. Its basically a mirror wall. Both can last for a
long period of time. (Strong Defense)

Special Attack:
Yukitora Kishou: Creates a blizzard storm no matter what area, showering the
enemies and allies with cold snow and sharp solid hail from the gray sky.
However it takes time to create, and defeated the area will return to its
original climate. This may cause frostbite to opponents and allies alike inside
this storm without proper attire. Area - 1 ~ 2 kilometer radius from Protector.

Winter Bite: A spear crated using Kail's protector form. Its mainly used
for casting his abilities with Ice and Snow, otherwise its just a weapon that
can be used to strike through an opponent. Attacks may cause frostbite.

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 10:55:53
okay i will put down that the spots are reserved.
and you might be able to have 2 characters later on... it depends on how many people sign up. but for now just keep it to one. ^^

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 12:18:41 (edited 2010-02-16 06:54:31)
I'll post my character later. Please reserve FIRE for me.

~Name: James Cartwright
~Gender: Male
~Age: 18
~Nationality: American
~Occupation: Studen/Part Time Waiter
~Human Appearance:
emptyspaceemptyspac[ref: Kazuki Muto from Busou Renkin]
~Protector Form Appearance:
[Ref: Xanxus from Katekyo Hitman Reborn]

~ Element: Dark

~Attacks: Weaker- Void ( darkness shoots out of holes he makes in random spots and they pierce the enemy)
Stronger- Fenrir (dark runes appear around the enemy as well as dark flames. The runes trap the enemy as the flames converge on them)

~Defense Mechanism: Eclipse ( a void opens up and swallows the weak attack)

~ Special Attack: Apocalypse ( a giant rune surrounds the whole battlefield, and then a astrong earthquake shakes the field while meteors rain down. More runs then surrounds the target and converge on them, releasing a bright flash of light. A giant dark void then opens up in front of the target and begins to draw them in. While the void is doing that, dark lightning is striking around the enemy. After about a minute. the void closes and the attack ends) [reference of attack: Apocalypse+Genspent from Fire Emblem 6 and 7)

~Bio: He was born in a small town in Souther Californnia, and went to school there up until he was a freshman in high school. He's not the smartest student, but he's smart enough to keep a 3.6 grade average. That's 4 A's and 2 B's. Ever since he moed to New York, things have been different. His father's never home anymore since he's some big shot executive, but his mom is always home. He usually spends his times outdoors alone. He doesn't have too many friends even though he's been going to the same school for 4 years.

~Personality: Cheerful, hard-headed, stubborn

~Other Notes: The scars on his Protector forms face is from a battle with the Fire Protector in a past life. Even though his energy looks warm and bright. It is as cold as space since it is the powe rof darkness. When he turns into Protector form his personlity changes to cold, ruthless, unmerciful.

IGNORE THIS FOR NOW. IM GOIGN TO RE-EDIT IT. Although Toyumi. You kight wanna put your characters on the taken list. Since yours is fire and i put it so im goign to re-edit.

Tales of FC

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 13:52:42 (edited 2010-02-22 04:12:27)
♫Name: Avaron Saitou
♫Gender: Female
♫Age: 16 y/o
♫Nationality: Japanese
♫Occupation: Maid

♫Human Appearance:

Anime Maid Girl Pictures, Images and Photos

♫Protector Form Appearance:


♫Element: Illusion


Phantom Dance: Avaron can multiply the number of anything for real except human. She can also make up to thousands of illusion of herself in the eyes of her opponent. The damage done by using this attack depends on the direct hit inflicted by her. (Weak Damage)

Deception Dream: Opponent under this attack enter in their most fearful nightmare. Having this attack she knew what their hateful dreams are.

Continuation coming....

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 13:52:50 (edited 2010-02-19 13:06:38)
I'll join

Name:Akabara Strauss
Gender: Male
Occupation: University Student
Human form:Photobucket
Protector Form:Photobucket


Attacks: Weak Attack: Vibrate Edge(Uses his magic to transform one of his arm into a blade and attack at his enemies which look like a vacuum blade slashing at his enemies); Strong Attack: Vibrate Arrows (Use of his magic and Spirit power transforming his attack into thousands of arrows attacking his enemies, this attack ensure it will never miss it's target)

Defense Mechanism: Lunar Vibrate (Forms a shield or barrier made up of his magic and spirit power; Could absorb long range attacks)

Special Attack: Vibrate Cyclone-use of his magic and spirit power making the ground crumble and split upward into the arm, deals a huge amount of damage to the opponent or enemies, Hard to dodge.

Bio: He was born in a small town of Italy. His parents died when he was a kid. He strive to survive, was later taken in by a mysterious man from Japan name, Kiran Strauss. Since that day, he travel the world with his new foster father, who is also his mentor. His foster father had trained him in the art of Swords and martial arts, hoping he would be able to use his abilities to protect himself and the people he cared for. Now they have move to New York to begin a new life.

Personality: Calm, Cool, kind, Wise

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 14:17:07
Zero I think you broke two of the rules... On the character sheet it says characters age is from 16-18, and also, our characters don't have their powers yet. I think you should edit your post.

Tales of FC

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 15:32:23 (edited 2010-03-04 11:55:00)
[Edit] Here is my profile, I hope everything is in order! If not just let me know.

Name: Tanya Moore
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Nationality: Southern American
Occupation: Singer/Song Writer

Human Appearance:


~Protector Form Appearance:


Element: Sound

-Weaker: Nerve Scatter (uses her voice to scatter's her opponent's brain)
-Stronger: Sense Disruption (uses to disrupt her opponent's 5 senses)

Defense Mechanism: Lullaby (litterly sings her opponent to sleep)

Special Attack: Sound Cut (uses pure sound to cut anything)

Bio: Tanya grew up in your average upper class southern family. She comes complete with an accent born and raised in Georgia. She was your normal girl living a compleetly unglamorous and uneventful life until she turned eighteen won a singing competition and became a national hit. Since then she has been living in Atlanta and touring around the country on a music tour.

Personality: She is sweet and fun loving.

Other Notes: If you ever need to find her just look in the NY Clubs she loves a good party and would love nothing more than to dance the night away.

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by raya11gaara on 2010-02-14 16:00:30 (edited 2010-03-05 07:31:30)
~Name: Ye Ji Lee
~Gender: Female
~Age: 18-19
~Nationality: Korean
~Occupation: Foreign student First year in college
~Human Appearance: Anime girl Pictures, Images and Photos
~Protector Form Appearance: Girl Pictures, Images and Photos
~ Element: Meteorology

~Weak Attacks: Winter madness- What that is when people get in a 2 miles of me a giant amount of snow and hail start to fall to ground no one die from it but it is extremely hard not to get hurt in it

~Strong Attacks: Summer Madness: ACID Rain Very dangerous you can’t breath and lighting storms that will strike you more than 3 times.

~Defense Mechanism: Mist: is when everything in the area is covered with mist so that no one can see so its good for quick escapes.

~ Special Attack: Death Cycle: A Giant tornado that runs on lighting strikes. When your in the tornado the winds are moving you around at a fast rate and keeps going faster and faster then there is lighting inside the tornado that will not end until you are dead or until Ye ji feels like it

~Bio: Not much to say she is a normal girl that had many friends great student.
~Personality: Caring, Loner, Genius, Artistic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 16:07:47
Reserving psychic.

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 16:56:42 (edited 2010-02-14 17:21:00)
oops thanks for posting that the characters had to be between 16 and 18... that's actually a typo. it was meant to be 16 to 28. i just edited this on the character sheet.
and they don't have their powers yet, but i think it would be easier to just include them in the character sheet since the game will start very soon to the start of this rp. it would be pointless to make a second character sheet later on when you can just combine them into one. ^^
Also, someone can take fire. Hiroki is the old Card Protector, the one prior to the game. he will be starting the game, but someone else can have the fire element because they are the candidate for the new one. (i'm having trouble explaining this... i hope it makes sense. but in short someone can have the fire element)
[2nd Edit]
Okay, i just went through and read all the profiles currently posted. Haseo and Zero yours are both fine.
Fenris- if the dream that made your character go to NYC is not the start of the game (because the game hasn't started when this RP will start), then it's fine that it compelled him to NYC.
Inx- there's no letter invite to the games of cards, and Kail does not know that he was assigned to ice just yet. you can make it a different invite, such as an invite to go to a school in NYC or something like that.

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by Renma on 2010-02-14 17:20:44 (edited 2010-03-06 03:56:49)
~Name: Sakuya Izayoi
~Gender: Female
~Age: 17
~Nationality: Japan
~Occupation: Circus Performer(Knife Throwing, Trapeze, Acrobatics stunts)
~Human Appearance:

~Protector Form Appearance:

~ Element: Light

Weaker :

- Misdirection : The Blade's Path

Sakuya can Throw a knife materialized from Pure light energy. The knife travels at light speed, however they are extremely fragile and can be easily destroyed. Each one of them can ricochet with themselves or any surface for a maximum of 5 times.

weaker :

- Misdirection : Beam Bouncer

Sakuya Fires a pure light energy from her palm as it's a light energy it can't be destroyed, or even touched. However once they pass through a person, or an object that object will be rendered motionless for few seconds as the light absorbed their entire kinetic energy. The beam itself is however harmless in nature.

~Defense Mechanism:

- Light Ride

Sakuya is able to teleport herself to one of her misdirection skills, be it The beam bouncer or one of her Light Knife. This skill can be used continuously, causing people to see clones of herself in the progress if there are more than one Misdirection Skills in the area.

~ Special Attack:

Flowering Night : Flight of the inanimate objects

10 orbs of light materialized behind sakuya as they fired a barrage of "Beam Bouncer" and "The Blade's Path", each of them can ricochet with themselves and on surfaces.


Sakuya was an orphan, being left to herself in an orphanage by her mother in NYC. Nobody actually knows why a Japanese like Sakuya was there in New York. She grown up as a normal little girl, however possessing rare traits such as Very high Dexterity, Flexible muscles and Good reflexes. With these traits, she joined a circus as a circus performer at the age of 12.

~Personality: Very nice and kind towards everyone although very clumsy and don't have a very good sense of directions. However nobody actually know how she is when she snapped.

~Other Notes:

- She's an expert on Knife throwings and possess a very good reflexes. If only not for her kindness, she'd make a very good Assassin.

- She always conceal few throwing knifes even when she's not performing.

- She's an anime fan

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 19:39:22 (edited 2010-02-19 12:49:21)
Reserve me Air, thanks



Name: Kotaro Kiryu
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Nationality: Japan
Occupation: University student
Moved to America for better life. He moved to NYC with his family and
apply the university. He lead a normal life as normal human. He's good
in math and physic, and interested in becoming a pilot.
A kind hearted guy with lonely heart. He not very socialize with other
person, including his classmate. He also shy when he with a girl and
got clumsy a bit. When he was chosen as Destiny battle, he use "Defeat
without Kills" principle. He didn't like to kill people or in violent

Protector form

Element: Air (Wind)
Wind Arrow
-Collect the air friction from his surrounding and shot at the enemy.
-Make the air around him become much thinner and drain energy from
Defense Mechanism:
Voice of Wind
-Call the wind to avoid any physical attack nor element attack ( Only
fire, light, or darkness can penetrate this defense )
Special Attack:
Dimension Break
-Unleash all wind and break the air and space, in other word, 3th and
4th Dimension. but there is one weaknesses, the skill can be used once
per battle, must use it wisely.
Personal Note: He also got supportive skill such as fly or
duplicate self.

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by ryvl on 2010-02-14 20:52:20 (edited 2010-02-23 12:43:32)
Character Sheet:
~Name: Tor Cruz
~Gender: Male
~Age: 18
~Nationality: Filipino
~Occupation: Slacker/University Student
~Human Appearance:
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

~Protector Form Appearance:
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
~ Element: Electricity


Static Charge: Uses electricity to enhance physical abilities, strength of the ability depends on amount of electricity available.

Alternating Current (AC): Releases a sudden shock of electricity to an opponent on either point-blank ranges or from great distances. Can be used with a weapon or something that can make electricity flow from the user to opponent.

~Defense Mechanism:

Electro-static Barrier: Creates a barrier about 3 meters in diameter. Stops projectiles for about 3 minutes after activating. Can also shock the opponent if touched similar to (AC). Can't be activated more than once in a day.

~ Special Attack:

Transformer: Greatly pulls in electricity from power lines on direct contact and guides the electric current to coil around his body, creating an armor of electricity for 60 seconds after activating. The coiling of electricity around him creates a magnetic influx which repels projectiles and shocks enemy unconscious upon direct contact. This attack combines all of his moves. Can only be activated again after 2 days.

~Bio: Aspires to become a Marine Biologist. A pacifist, he doesn't want trouble so, whenever someone looks for a fight with him, he loses on purpose to keep the peace.

~Personality: He's laid back and lazy to a degree where even feeling angry takes too much effort.

~Other Notes:
* He gets his electricity from electronic devices or anything that generates electricity. He can't generate electricity alone, he needs to get his hands on something that generates it.
* Due to certain amounts of electricity he takes in, his body wears out so he needs time to rest in order to use his special attack and defense again.

I have a defense now so....and tell me if the changes are overpowered, cuz I can alter it.

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-14 23:10:06 (edited 2010-02-14 23:25:41)
(Yes, if anyone's spotted it, she's sort of a FOIL character. Feel like being... antagonist...)

~Name: Alessa Costana
~Gender: Female
~Age: 17 Years Old
~Nationality: Judging by her name, Italian. Though she speaks like she's British.
~Occupation: Student
~Human Appearance:
~Protector Form Appearance:
~ Element: Psychic
-Lets Fly!: Uses psychic abilities to send objects nearby hurting towards an enemy. Medium Sized Heavy objects (like furniture) take a couple of seconds to get going. She can alternatively affect a lot of smaller objects and send them swarming into the enemy with a mere thought. Whee~! (Weak)

-Lets Shatter!: A nearby object can be either bent or blast apart. Debris can then be used for "Lets Fly!" attacks. Has a medium range of effect, and blasts can have their debris specifically aimed in a specific direction for a 'shotgun' effect. What fun! (Medium Strength)

~Defense Mechanism:
-Watch Out!: Oftentimes, one can sense things coming from a different direction. Given her special mental circumstance, if she detects something coming from somewhere, she automatically sends small objects of the most abundant element or material available in the general direction to at least change it's direction. If she sees it head on, the chance of deflection is nearly guaranteed for weak attacks. This could be useful!

~ Special Attack:
-Lets Rip You Apart!: Causes a storm of objects to encircle the enemy like a tornado. Small things like pebble and debris attach to a person. When the storm stops, the items attached to the victim zing off at high speeds in a random direction (usually cutting the person caught in the process). Though the objects can also end up launching into the opponent and end up being lodged into their bodies. At the very least, the victim comes out severely cut up. Hopefully the dont get something sharp like a nail or glass stuck into them, that would hurt terribly!

~Bio: Alessa was born into a small family who originated from Italy. Much of her life, she was kept in the safety of the family's luxury tower residence. There, she was home schooled, taught how to shoot, and how to protect herself, and eliminate an enemy if need be. She learned all this rather quickly, and by age 14, she had a complete high school level education. She oftentimes would play alone in her room. Under guard by armed men in black suits hired by the family, and never allowed to go outside unless it was a special occasion, most of her life the only company she had was a pet Cat her elder sister (whom she has never really known at all) had given her. Playing board games with herself, she learned a curious ability where her mind was able to operate with 2 different consciousness. So she had her own opponent whom she could honestly play against as if they where a completely different person. This also meant she became very talented at multitasking. The guards however, do note that Alessa would often scold her said "playmate" for always playing with dirty and underhanded tactics, and oftentimes prolonging the game just to see her struggle.

Eventually, her family decided to let Alessa out. She was allowed to attend any private school of her choice, while she could have easily gone to a college or university, she wanted more than anything to salvage a normal high school life and make a few friends. At the moment, she lives on her own, but is supported and still guarded by the family from behind the scenes. The family required her to carry around a combat knife, as well as keeping a handgun and a sniper rifle with at least 2 extra clips for both, in her home, the latter two being weapons she's quite proficient in using.

At the moment, Alessa is exited to go to her new school, and meet new friends. While the teachers noted that during her placement test it seemed like "She got the answers wrong to place her at the "exact" level of what grade she wanted to be in and showed little to no effort in perfectly solving all of the other questions.

~Personality: She has a delightful personality and usually speaks in a very polite tone. She likes to be cordial to everyone, and she doesn't judge by people's looks either. Because of this, Alessa is also very naive about general street smarts. Which is no doubt going to get her into trouble down the road. Alessa believes in good sportsmanship, and is more than eager to see how well she stands against others. Though she's in good shape, her actual coordination and lack of actual sports thereof make her completely new to things such as badminton and baseball. She's a fast learner, and as stated earlier, she's good at multitasking.
On the other hand, on occasion her "Playmate" comes to the surface and make a sadistic remark or two. This person also knows more than enough ways to torment an enemy without getting in trouble. she doesn't seem like she means any harm, but...

~Other Notes: Imagine her speaking in a British accent. She liked it when she first heard it, and though she never lived in England, she's speaks it proficient enough to the point even a Native British speaker cant tell the difference without really paying attention. Unknowingly to most, she always has around 500 USD in pocket, and a card with money in amounts that one can only speculate. Her pet cat actually doesnt have a real name. Since she got it, he's been adressed as "Mr. Cat".

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2010-02-15 03:11:26 (edited 2010-03-11 05:39:16)
~Name: Zess "Gehenna" Clovis
~Gender: Male
~Age: 25
~Nationality: New Zealand
~Occupation: Network Engineer. Studying for further network certifications
~Human Appearance: Photobucket
~Protector Form Appearance: Photobucket
-When in protector form, Gehenna comes equips with her shield and sword (image)
~ Element: Metal
Multiplication - Increases or decrease the weight of something or someone by increasing or decreasing the density of metal. This includes metals in the human body such as Iron and Magnesium. Ability could last for a short moment, at most 30 seconds. (weak)
Guns and Roses - Commands the metals around him to shoot off like a speeding bullet or faster than that. Ability can be use as a means of transport, depending on size of metal.(strong)

~Defense Mechanism:
Ring of Defense -Uses a large metallic defense ring to ward off weak or weakened attacks.

~ Special Attack:
Sea of metal - Causes any metallic objects to vibrate at atomic only levels to cause them to melt to their liquid form. Once in this form, Gehenna can control the hot liquid metal and use it for many purposes.

~Bio: An avid gamer and loves his computers. He's currently working as a Network Engineer in a gaming company and manages the systems such as servers, routers and switches so that gamers could connect to the gaming servers smoothly without causing lags. He's also a player in one of the company's MMO and is quite well known that his colleagues calls him via his in game name, Gehenna (he played using a female avatar). He was transferred from the New Zealand branch to the main office in New York City about 2 years back and seemed to enjoy himself there.
~Personality: Deep thinker, a little talkative. Can be a little cruel
~Other Notes:
-Like to sigh a whole lot.
-He learned swordplay as a child and some basic self defense as his parents forced him. Never entered any competition though.
-Think aloud, especially on critical moments

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by karuzo on 2010-02-15 03:37:23 (edited 2010-03-07 06:12:13)
~Name: Krys Serei Dragunov
~Gender: Male
~Age: 17
~Nationality: Filipino- Russian
~Occupation: Student- Repairman/Technical/Hacker/Decoder/Waiter/Delivery Boy

~Human Appearance:

~Protector Form Appearance:
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

~ Element: Fire


-Heat Shuffle:
-Flame Draw: Hiryu Isshin

~Defense Mechanism:
- Sight Trasher- a mild explosion around Krys that fend off weak attacks and close quarter combat

~ Special Attack:
-Flame Haze: Soul of the Searing Flames, Flame of Burning Justice; Spiral King Breaker

~Bio: Jack of all trades but master of none, that was the words that can describe him because of his expanse expertise in different aspects, in other words somehow an ideal future husband. Krys has a cunning senses that helped him in his daily living and the people around him,

Born in Russia and lived their for 10 years along with his family, his mother was a Filipina that was working as an Medical Aid while his father was an Russian Army Reserved Unit, both of them were respected o their paths, he was being pressured to be a military man until he is 11 years old, he made to surrender an expert in Russian Sambo who was his father's senior using nothing but his improvised grabs in which he experimented from his observations

A month later, his father resigned to his post and transfered in the United States the time was winter, it was cold that most of tha people they encountered had two layers while them, they were their casual wear and their thick jackets

Krys is smart enough to handle such pressure both in his academics and his personal life, while his classmates panicked on what to do

Currently he shares a house with his two sisters, because of its strategic point to the institution where they study and work


Good mod: Calm, smiles, gentle, and his good looking was amplified can made girls blush more

Bad Mood: Ice cold and deafening silent, calm, humming, throws a person without any hesitation, and his cool and reserved look was amplified can made girls blush

~Other Notes:

Krys is so articulate with different figurines and dolls, he had a house that turned into a museum

Had knowledge in different kinds of weaponry, from the old weapons up to the latest tanks

No one really knows but he is an excellent cook that was certified by Russian, Filipino, Japanese and American critics and if he is bored he will mix them and turned into a unforgettable masterpiece

Normally he speaks three languages, but when he is dead serious his accent change into a Russian- American with military diction

a Russian Sambo player that was known in using faint but unpredictable grabs and throws


Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by Thanamon on 2010-02-15 04:00:42 (edited 2010-03-15 06:29:00)
Since my freetime is up, I'll join this RP XP
will post my profile tomorrow, reserve hydro element for me please >+<

~Name: Graham Atsuki.
~Gender: Male.
~Age: 16.
~Nationality: Japanese-American.
~Occupation: Student.

~Human Appearance:

~Protector Form Appearance:

~ Element: Hydro.
-Hydro Whip: Controls water and use it like a whip or rope.(weak)
-Hydro Weapon: Turns water into weapons such as swords, knifes, and guns.(strong)

~Defense Mechanism:
-Water Curtain: A move that allows him to make a curtain of water to conceal his appearance and defend him from attacks. It has 2 damage limit, meaning it will be gone after attacked twice against weak attacks (if it's strong attack, the curtain will be destroyed by just one blow).

~ Special Attack:
-Wild Stream: Turns water into beasts such as lion, eagle, etc to attack the opponent simultaneously (he create many beasts at once, not just one at a time). Different from hydro weapon, it can only be used once a day since he needs to take some water from his body to do this move.

~Bio: Comes from a rich family, his mother is Japanese and his father is American. His mother died when he was a kid. because of that, his father became overprotective toward him. He was sick of this situation and ran away from home (he still attends school tho). But was found out by his father and they made a deal that his father must not became so protective towards him. So he learned martial arts and the way to use weapons. A somewhat popular type kid in his school and have many fans even though he didn't acknowledge the fanclub's existence.

~Personality: Quiet and carefree, but a caring person deep inside. Is the type of person that treasure relationships. Even thought it's master-servant relation, he treats it as friendship-like relationship.
~Other Notes: He used to use guns and knife to protect himself from the danger of NYC. He loves music and he never seem to release his earphone except at class and home. And although he looks like one, he is not an emo.

I hope the profile is ok XP

Re: Destiny Card Battle [Started]
Link | by on 2010-02-15 07:51:34
Alright, the profiles are looking very good! The ones that needed to be changed have changed, there are just a few things now I would like to note of...
@ Rennie- If Tanya is her stage name, and if that's what she always goes by, then it's good. If not, then just give her a last name.
@ Renma- Just be careful with the teleporting. Just don't overuse it (although i'm pretty sure you won't ^^).

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