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Link | by Sora on 2005-06-17 13:45:32
Please excuse me, but I´m from Austria. I`m not very good in English.
My Question is: In Episode 11 (Party) tsukasa dream´s that aura runs with him through a wood. then he wakes up. in the background is a strange music. can anybody tell me what´s the name of this song?

I hope you understood me...

Re: musictitle
Link | by kitedragon on 2005-06-18 18:52:59
Sorry, but I believe that is reserved for the bonus OST only, when you buy the boxset when it first comes out to your country. And I'm not sure if it's even on that... However, the song they play while Tsukasa dreams of running through the woods with Aura, the song is German (75% positive) called "Das Wandern." However, I'm guessing it's one of these...
.hack//Extra OST:
04. rain and storn
06. morganna
07. deep despair
08. suspense & mystery

Re: musictitle
Link | by Sora on 2005-06-21 12:07:25
Thank you very much!
In Austria AND in Germany only comes out OST1 and all 7 DVD´s of .hack//Sign.
Das Wandern means in English The Wander

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