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Need help identifying anime song titles
Link | by Amethyst on 2005-06-15 23:55:01
I would like to know the title of the song that plays in the first episode of Wolf's Rain that is a different, slower version of "Heaven's Not Enough" . I think it's performed by Gabriella Robin, but it's not available on any of the (2) soundtracks. Is there an mp3 of it somewhere?

Also, I've heard two different versions of the song "Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan" from the anime Sakura Taisen (Sakura Wars). There is one on this site, but the other one features the characters from the series speaking. And the instruments are different, too. So, does anybody know the name of the version that is not on this site?


~*~*~*~* There are no such things as stupid opinions; just stupid people who give theirs... ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Re: Need help identifying anime song titles
Link | by GB on 2005-06-20 02:18:55
There's a Gabriella Robin fan site that has a bunch of info on her including song samples. There are a few available for D/L but I think the song you want has to be requested thru email. (Gabriella Robin is the "apparent alter ego" of Yoko Kanno, who wrote two of my very favorite Anime songs: Green Bird and Wo Qui Non Coin both from Cowboy Bebop. They're probably the same person.)

There's a section on this site---"Wolf's Rain: Cycle, and the five rips of "lost" Gabriela songs"---and Heaven's Not Enough is one...which is why I think it might be what you're looking for. [Same title but Gabby singing]

The 2nd thing, I have no idea about.
Hope this helped,


Re: Need help identifying anime song titles
Link | by kiryuu-rekka on 2005-06-20 06:00:31 (edited 2005-06-20 06:02:54)
About "Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan", I haven't heard the version that's on this site yet, but here's what I know.

There's at least 4 versions of the song:
1. Features Sakura only (from the first game)
2. Features Sakura, Maria and Sumire (from Sakura Taisen 2)
3. Features Kouran, Kanna and Iris (from Sakura Taisen 2?)
4. Features Ohgami Ichiro, the Ogami-Kagekidan version (from Sakura Taisen 4)

The one that has background singers, and older-sounding music is number 1. All of the full-version songs have a short speech by the featured characters in the middle. Number 4 starts out normally, then turns into "Mihata no Moto ni" (the Sakura Taisen 3 song), and ends with a "Geki! Ohgami-kagekidan" chorus.

The tv series/OVAs probably uses either number 1 or 2 (not confirmed).

Re: Need help identifying anime song titles
Link | by Amethyst on 2005-06-22 08:03:08
Thanks a lot! You guys really helped me! Yeah, I know about Gabriela Robin. I wonder why Yoko Kanno does that, though. Thanks for the site!

About "Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan", I think the one on this site is the 1st one. Seems to me that the one I'm looking for is the second one, because the vocalist is the same from the first one (I think it's Chisa Yokohama [Sakura]). But, if I were to request it, would the title be the same? How would I identify it?

Again, thanks a million! You guys rock! ^_^

~*~*~*~* There are no such things as stupid opinions; just stupid people who give theirs... ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Re: Need help identifying anime song titles
Link | by Wall Flower on 2005-08-31 22:34:27
Ohhhhhhh.... after countless hours of searching the web I'm saved by a complete stranger.

I couldn't thank you guys enough for helping my find that Wolf's Rain song.

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