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Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Lady Lotus on 2005-06-15 14:11:57 (edited 2005-06-15 14:12:24)
Which one is harder.
To love or to hate?

What if it hadn't started to rain
What if he happened to look away just then
What if she hadn't stayed that extra day
What if her date had actually show up
What if they'd never met

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-06-15 14:37:46
I say it's harder to hate. As in a person, there has been only ONE I have ever hate at first sight & I'm a person who can make ten friends just from a day of shoping. I will talk to anyone & befreind them, waiting in line at the store, where ever. The only person I have ever hate made me feel bad about(he was my step grandma's new boyfriend), until my mom told me everone can't stand him. & now 5 years later almost all her her childern have basicaly disown her b/c of him & his aditude. So I was right in disliking him.
But I believe you should give people a chance, & not take them face value for there first imprassions. I never have (except for him). Besides people who think it is harder to love, normally missout on alot of nice & interesting people. The kind that would be there for you it times of need, but just may not 'look it' at first chat/glance. Or it may just be me, being an oddball at my school & all.(I grautated this year)

Never date a guy stranger than you. If so, make sure he's loaded.

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Lady Lotus on 2005-06-15 14:49:05
That is a very honest answer.
I respect your opinion.
I had been in one of those situations before too. The guy just destroys everything, everytbody is always in a unhappy mood when he is around. We can't even stay in the same room sometimes.
What you said is very true. Sometimes we do judge people by their looks. For me, I always give people 2nd chances and not judging anybody from the first look.

What if it hadn't started to rain
What if he happened to look away just then
What if she hadn't stayed that extra day
What if her date had actually show up
What if they'd never met

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Ace on 2005-06-16 10:57:51
I can learn to hate ppl very easily. One reason might be that I have been around some very angry people, though most of them have a fairly decent controll of their emotion. PLUS my childhood memories aren't very pleasant due to the constant torment from my classmates, bullies, and strict and upset teachers and parents. You could say I never knew love as a true meaning. Yeah I know, I had a sad and tough life.

But I'll be saying;

Love & peace yo! all the way.

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-06-16 14:47:33
I had ONLY two friends ever in elmentary; One in 5th grade & other in 6th grade. The kids always picked on me b/c I have went to speech classes for my voice(genetic) & LD; I was borader-line on a reading ability, but I was able to wing myself form the class. Both friends end up moving during the summer, the one I made in 6th grade was picked on for being my friend, I mean she could have been w/the 'cool kids'. All that picking taught me to give people chances, I mean I know how it is to be rejected & picked on. To treat someone the way I was treated is like me be in the same shoes of the poeple who picked on me. & that is one of the things I could not live w/myself, if I turned into that person. But I always had a family that suported me. & I when to a private school form 7-12th grade. They where surpriseingly sweet & not stuck up like alot of people think prep. students to be. But I still had some stupid boys to deal w/but I still can't see myself any different even if I went to a public school.
Kids can be mean to each other; but that does not give others a right to be mean right back, you just droping to there level.

Never date a guy stranger than you. If so, make sure he's loaded.

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Lady Lotus on 2005-06-17 12:50:24
I went through he same thing.
My childhood wasn't all happy memories.
I get picked on a lot because I don't fight or talk back. I never really had any true, real friends. I went through elementary school in China, which everything is hard and strict, my grades was on broader line too.

For me, i lerned the meaning of love when i moved to NY. I made new, truthful friends here.

I agree with Chick-yasha about how if you treat them the way they treat you, you are sinking down into their sick level.

What if it hadn't started to rain
What if he happened to look away just then
What if she hadn't stayed that extra day
What if her date had actually show up
What if they'd never met

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-06-17 12:52:47
IMO, it is very hard to love or hate. What people do everyday is more "like or dislike." Because love and hate are VERY, very strong words that people use so often that they kinda lose their meaning.
Love is the compassionate feeling two people can have for each other, giving them a total feeling of belonging towards each other. There is no greater feeling of attachment to something than love. Obsession is not a kind, or level, of love, for instance; its something different entirely.
Hate, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of love, the full extent of the other side of the spectrum. When someone "hates" something, no greater feelings of ill will or dislike towards that thing are possible.
The point I'm trying to make, though, is that love and hate are extremes. A kid being bullied by someone doesn't "hate" him/her, but dislikes them greatly. Not even Islamic militants "hate" western countries; they are disillusioned and tricked by people who are jealous of western power and want power for themselves. To tell the truth, I don't think anyone is capable of true "love" or "hate" of something. But, that is just my thoughts, and I've been ranting too long. :/

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Lady Lotus on 2005-06-17 13:04:39
i get what you are saying.
people these days over use the word love and hate. People usually mistaken love with a crush or infatuation. While on the other hand, hate, it might be just a instant feeling and then it's gone.

it's nice to express your feeling and thoughts.
keep on ranting

What if it hadn't started to rain
What if he happened to look away just then
What if she hadn't stayed that extra day
What if her date had actually show up
What if they'd never met

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-17 17:13:34
I kinda have a love/hate crisis. I had been picked on since elementary school through junior high. Sometimes, I take my family's sarcasm a little too seriously. I hardly ever have time to love people anymore. Whenever I get ticked off now, I just go outside and do a little fight practice, although some call it "shadow boxing" or "air fighting." I mean, I hide the fact that I'm going insane for some reason. I don't feel confortable talking about things to my family, but I do around friends. Yes, I'm calling you guys "friends."

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Suki-chan on 2005-06-17 22:32:00
Well I think both are hard. Because if you love someone and they hurt you then you might hate them or under different circumstances you might regret to hate them and you'll love them. I've had one of those situations with my sister.

We are Fighting Dreamers! Aiming for the Top!

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by A-LoNeR on 2005-06-18 21:06:05
I would say to love is the hardest.It would be easy to hate anyone who hurt you very much, example, it is easy to hate the ones who murdered your whole family , friends and loved ones, but it is very difficult to forgive them and love them (your enemies) because they took away everything you hold dear.Example, you deserve a happy childhood but because of some people, you didnt.Normally ,normal people would want vengeance.

The only one i know who love his enemy is the late Pope John Paul 2.He love and forgive the ones who tried to kill him . (For the catholics, his action is just like that of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.Jesus's own people crucified him and disowned Him, but Jesus still love them until the end of time.He did not even hesitate to sacrifice HImself to them.)

He did the hardest thing anyone could ever do.


Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Lady Lotus on 2005-06-21 13:12:54
Jerc E. Ophe,
thanx for calling us friends.
I do the same thing.
For me, i can tell everything to my best friend and kept a lot from paretns.
I exercise a lot if i get ticked off by them. It just gets them out of your mind.

What if it hadn't started to rain
What if he happened to look away just then
What if she hadn't stayed that extra day
What if her date had actually show up
What if they'd never met

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by baldy on 2005-06-22 17:50:13 (edited 2005-06-22 18:34:23)
Forgoing any religious pretentions or dogmatic biases, I believe love is the hardest. I'm not talking about a friendly sort of love, or the love one feels for their family, or a humanitarian/"we're all brothers" sort of love. I'm talking about the most important love a person can feel: the passionate love, the love for one's life, the love for one's work, and the love for one's lover.

The love for one's own life is difficult because, well, as most of you have said, it's not always easy. Sometimes its hellishly difficult, in fact. In this day and age, when sympathy and compassion are a dying breed of emotions, it's so easy to lose faith in one's self and one's purpose, to succumb to the attacks of a maliciously unforgiving world. Only an unshakable faith in yourself, and a desire to see a brighter tomorrow, can save you from hating your life.

The love for one's work is equally as difficult, possibly more so. I mean, honestly, who loves to work? Slaving away for hours on end at the McDonalds down the street, being constantly assailed by your manager every day for this little mistake or that, and all you have to show for it are a few bucks? Psh! Who could love that? Well, that's why loving one's work is so hard; you have to find what you love to do, and stick with it. Don't listen to what other people tell you you want to do; DO WHAT YOU WANT! I'm planning on attending DigiPen Institute of Technology (Nintendo's college, basically) to get into the videogame programming field. Holding this career will be like a dream come true; I love programming, and videogames, and storytelling, and being able to do all three at once FOR MONEY would make every day infinitely better. I'll never "work" a day in my life. ;)

Lastly, there's the love of one's lover. This is the hardest of all, simply for one reason: you can only truly, honestly love one other person on this Earth. If you find yourself head-over-heels for someone, and you believe you're madly, passionately in love, but then the relationship doesn't work...that means you really weren't in love. It's impossible to love someone without them loving you back. And each person on this Earth only has one other person that will love them fully and completely. For those of you out there that know what I'm talking about, you have by congratulations (I love seeing love...). For those of you who have yet to find your soul-mate, good luck. It's a difficult search, but never EVER give up. They're out there somewhere. I promise. :D
(Note: It's not hard you love your lover; that's not what I'm saying. It's just hard to find 'em.)

-Sheesh...didn't mean to go on for so long about that. Sorry ;)

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by PurpleSunsets on 2005-06-22 19:33:14
I'd have to say I agree with baldy on all parts.

But I believe that a relationship could not work and that person could still be your soulmate. I mean, there's plenty of people who have broken up, but ended up getting back together and getting happily married for the rest of their lives. Even if it takes them years to get back together. I just read an article in a magazine about a couple who dated in high school, the girl got pregnant and her parents made her give the baby up, they separated and both got married and had families, but now they're back together, they found their first son, and they've had another baby.

So it can happen.

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Lavten on 2005-06-24 22:03:55
hate is the beast

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Aria on 2005-06-28 13:40:50 (edited 2005-06-29 11:53:19)
it would be harder for me to love...cause i don't open up easily to a person even if he/she is a trust-worthy person, family or my relative...(in some point, trust is one key to love others.)i can't express my feelings very well...not even in words and actions...hahaha my mom said to me once... "For once, can you try to be more caring and not be a selfish little girl who doesn't care for the world." i guess my way of caring for others are different...different from everyone else i guess...right now, i couldn't even say it in words....-_-[sighs]

as for hate...i really don't like having enemies...makes me so depressed that i pity myself...and as much as possible i don't want to judge anyone...because sometimes when i do that it's always wrong...

but for me, it's easy to A-Loner said...just etched it in your mind that you hate this person and you will hate him/her very much...

but hey, i'm still young and maybe my opinion will change as time and life passes by...and maybe i will find the true meaning of love that everyone seems to know...except me...


Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Fhuren Sky on 2005-07-17 05:42:10
anybody knows yin and yang? it's a symbol of balance in chinese i don't really understand but it was a thing shaped circle and has a black and white colour has tiger and dragon facing each other symbol. The yin yang means of power deep in our body and make our self balance so it was just like heaven and hell. So if you wan to loving you should hate. we can't just choose one we must make balance of other things such hate and love.

Itsumo sasaete kureru hitotachi ni Higorono omoi wo kometa rhapsody... Appreciation no kimochi wo todoke

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by YeNg on 2005-08-13 06:55:00
Hey fhuren sky! nice reply! I love how you explained that stuff!

it´s like there cant be good without bad

I think it´s the same between love and hate

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by andreyev on 2005-08-17 08:33:36
it's easy to hate.
but it's really hard to love.

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Re: Love Vs. Hate
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-08-17 09:34:36
Baldy, your post was very good!!

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