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The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-23 18:52:02 (edited 2009-12-02 18:29:49)
It is the year 5000 and the world has been taken over by an organization known as the Blue Stars. Everything about earth from the past has changed, organic plants no longer exist they have been replaced by holographic images. Images that the Blue Stars can change at anytime if they suspect that it will be used against them. The world is has basically become one big virtual reality and very few humans are left. Most of the world is populated by cyborgs that the Blue Starts created with real human sacrifices. Now the reaming humans are hiding out, trying to escape becoming one of the mindless members of the Blue Star force.

But it is dangerous; the Blue stars have a strong military force and it gets stronger with each new generation of cyborgs. In a few days time the newest generation, the sixth stars, will be released and these cyborgs will be practically invincible.

However, there is hope. There is a legend that has been around since the end of the first great battle between the Blue Stars and the rest of the human race. It tells the tale of a group of strong heroes, heroes that are said to in fact be demi-gods. These demi-gods and their goddess have been frozen in ice ever since their defeat some thousand years ago. The best part is, these gods are no legend, they are real and perfectly preserved in the ice camber. If ,perhaps, they could escape then the human race might have a fighting chance… It is up to the humans to rescue the gods and win the war…


Blue Star – You are a member of the cyborg race, a uncannily beautiful, amazingly intelligent, all around perfect race. You have advanced physical abilities, such as speed, strength, sight, hearing and senses. You have access to all the latest technology and you are by far the rules of the new world. Though you have suppressed human emotions, you are not completely lacking them.

Human – You are the last of the truly organic beings, you may not have the highest abilities, but you do have extra sense that the Blue Stars lack. A few of you have developed super power over the last thousand years and you now have a fighting chance.

Demi-god – You are among the most powerful beings ever to be seen, you are led by a true goddess and you have power the Blue Stars can only dream of, however you are very few in number. Your powers are limited only to your element, and can be bent in any way logically permitted.

Gendou Rules Apply Here
Only Two Characters per person - if you want to start with one you can always add another later!
You can kill characters but only with their permission

Signup Sheet:

Age: (over 16)
Role: (Blue Star + Generation, Human, Demi-God, some cyborgs can fight with the humans.)

Abilities: (Humans can have 3,
Blue stars can have 1 in addition to the powers listed,
Demi-gods can have unlimited powers that go along with 1 element)

Current Characters

Blue Stars:
Dr. Chantel Xiomara

Fenris The Sunwolf
Kaosu Tai

Kukki (Cookie)
Itsuki Matsumaya
Zero Alseif
Name: Aunei
Age: As old as time and space, in the body of a 20 year old.
Gender: Female
Role: The Goddess

Abilities: She has unlimited abilities but not unlimited power, so she is actually quite weak considering she has the power to destroy the universe with the blink of an eye.

Bio: Aunei is the daughter of the almighty, she grew up in the heaven realm but she has been the guardian of life ever since the creation of the earth. She had eyes that change color with her moods (like a mood ring). She has the personality of a very innocent child, however she is anything but innocent. She has witnessed the entire history of the earth in one form or another and now she is frozen in time.


True Form:
purple wolf Pictures, Images and Photos

Hey Guys, sorry it took me so long to add my second character, but I'm on break now, so I'm going to start this RP tonight!! :)

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Role: Demi-God, but he is very special because he is also a Blue Star working with the humans.

Abilities: Shimo can control the ice element from his demi-god, but he can also utilize all of the extra abilities that he was given by the Blue Star experiment. He has a kine sense of hearing, because he was blinded by the experiment and he uses it in hand to hand combat. He is known for his swordsmanship.

Bio: Shimo was born a normal human but was captured by the Blue Stars and forced to participate in the Cyborg project. He was one of the first "successes" although the procedure rendered him blind. He was implanted with a computer chip and commissioned to fight for the blue stars. Until Aunei got a hold of him. She had noticed that his human half was still very strong and she used that to override the Blue Star programming, ever since he as been working as a spy for the human forces. But he is no longer just your average human. In order to override the Blue Star programming completely Aunei had to fuse the soul of a dying demi-god "The Blue Phoenix" to Shimo's body. For the most part Shimo has control of The Blue Phoenix and all his power, but everyone and a while Shimo's strong feelings for Aunie will awaken the demi-god with in.


True Form:

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-24 05:00:36 (edited 2009-11-24 07:00:43)
Can i join ;x?

Name: Kukki (Cookie)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Role: Human

-Able to imitate any fighting styles in a peek
-Might be able to absorb the power but only for 45 minutes and will fall into a deep slumber for days
-Can feel people's emotion and take over it

Kukki has amnesia during her days and lost most of her memories.She only remembers her name as 'Kukki' and a hideout to stay alive.One day,while looking for food,she witnessed a tragedy that changed her life.She decided not to run away again and embarked her journey to look for the gods and save the human race.

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2009-11-24 05:32:52 (edited 2009-11-24 10:16:00)

Name: Fenris The Sunwolf
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Role: Demi-God

Abilities: Fire element

Bio: The smallest of the Demi-Gods but you shouldn't underestimate him because of his appearance, he is
the incarnation of fire, wild and unpredictable at times, but loyal to the extreme. He has really playful
nature, but if his friends are threatened he will defend them fiercely. And although he can talk he rarely does so.

When he uses his powers, he can leave his physical form. While in elemental form he can only communicate
with the Goddess and for that reason he rarely uses that much power.


ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-24 06:22:21
Mind if I join, this is the 3rd rp for me. So, if there's any problems / mistakes, do let me know... :D

Name : Itsuki Matsumaya

Age : 18

Gender : Male

Role : Human

Abilities :
-Wind Walk : The ability to move quick and attack silently.
- Survival Stamina : Has a large amount of stamina, so he could run and fight longer than anyone else.
- Taekwon Mastery : Has Taekwon skills, the ability to use variety of kicks...

Bio : A traveller and a fighter, he travel all over the world to find the truth.. On one day, while traveling, he found a girl named Kukki who was wandering arround to find the gods... Since then, he helped her to embark the journey and he seem to enjoy the journey...

Appearance : 3rd char

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-24 06:31:05 (edited 2009-11-24 12:22:03)
I get in too!!! ^-^

Name: Dr. Chantel Xiomara
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Role: Blue Star

- Keeps a laser handgun with her at all times. It can kill a person if it hits at a vital point (in this case, head or heart). Otherwise, if the aiming is off, it will only burn the person. It has 15 rounds of ammo.
- Re-program: The ability to figure out and re-program any electronic she gets her hands on. The length of time required to re-program depends on the complexity of the device.
- Brute Strength: Despite her size, she is incredibly powerful and can lift 200 pounds. However, this power causes her to eat much more than most Blue Stars, but of this power she burns it all off.
- Energy Drain- She can drain the energy of Electronics around her, and compact that energy in to orbs (size comparison: about the size of a soccer ball). These orbs are compacted with energy, and if aimed correctly can kill someone in the blink of an eye. However, they are hard to aim, they can never stop moving, and will dissappear shortly after being created (basically she can create these energy orbs, but she only has 10 seconds to gain control over them and aim them while moving).

Bio: Chantel is the head scientist of the Blue Stars and was in charge of creating the latest generation of cyborgs. Thus, this also made her in charge of the human sacrifices for the cyborgs. For this reason she does not care much for human life, and if she needed to she could kill one without a care in the world. She is extrodinarily intelligent even for Blue Star standards. She is elegant, and she looks younger than she actually is. However, she is mysterious, and no one knows anything about her from before she was 16.


@ Riza- If anything seems to give Chantel too much of an advantage, then please tell me and I will make changes. ^-^

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-24 09:17:02
Everyone's sign up looks amazing!!! I'll start this in a few days so keep the characters coming!

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-24 11:22:48 (edited 2009-11-24 11:41:00)
I'll join. . .

Name:Zero Alseif
Age: 18
Role: Human
Original Form: Layfon Pictures, Images and Photos
His Familiar:

Abilities: Master at swordsmanship, Use kei( Source of power for Martial Artists. Kei users are special since they have an organ within their bodies that produces this energy and Kei users can use it in many ways.)to enhance his abilities and also to make his blade appear from the hilt, also by saying restoration. Can hear his familiar, only he can hear his familiar talk. Master at all the martial arts.

Weapon: Dite[Dites are the weapons used by Kei users. Dites are small transformable devices when unused that turn into a weapon which the user activates it by saying "Restoration". Many types of weapons can transform from Dites including crushing swords, spears, rifles, staves, katanas, and many more. Some Dites are capable to switch to many different types of weapons. The color of the Dite is not random; different colors give different properties to the weapon], is like a hilt at first, but if Zero were to use his kei and say the word "restoration 01" it will become a blade, it is also a wire like weapon which to trap enemies or cut his enemies into pieces, using the wire, the wire is made out of strong ore, and his kei, which made it powerful. Zero will have to say "restoration 02" to change it to wire like weapon.

Bio: Zero was one of the twelve wielders of the Heaven Blades and also held the title of Wolfstein at the age of ten. After being exiled by Queen Alsheyra for participating in underground matches for money (though it was for the children at the orphanage)he came to Zuellni as a Liberal Arts student with a Scholarship Rank D and no interest in joining the Military Arts. However, he was forced to join the Military Arts after Karian Loss, head of the student council, saw his combat potential, and blackmails him into joining with his past history, and publicly upgraded his scholarship to rank A, which automatically waivers his scholarship fees. Zero has extremely high combat capabilities, as can be inferred from his past as a Heaven Blade, and also with the innate ability to break down Kei techniques and use them just by observation. Due to his birthplace, Grendan, being heavily involved in fighting Filth Monsters, he and fighters there developed with a 'win or die' philosophy.Consequently, he deliberately holds back in battles at Zuellni in order to conceal his past. Furthermore, Felli{comrades}mentions that he has a large amount of internal kei. Some of his abilities include being able to move at high speeds and to use a technique to create illusionary clones. Zero currently works at a machinery cleaning job in the evening. His goal is still to find a dream outside of fighting, a decision he most likely made as a result of being exiled from Grendan. Zero's weapon of choice is a sword. In the past, his Heaven's Blade was shown to be a sword with exquisite design on the body. During an attack by the enemy, Zero requested Harley{another comrade} to add another setting on the sword that would produce an unknown number of golden wires that were razor sharp or as soft as a rope from the hilt. Zero restores the sword by saying "Restoration 01" and the wires with "Restoration 02." Harley gave Zero a separate DITE before he went to go fight. This heavier, black blade, called Adamandite, was made to handle Zero's kei better and is able to create blasts of air with just a swing. It is restored with the phrase, "Restoration A-D" and also retains the first two settings of his older DITE. For Zero's kei was so powerful and monstrous, he always end up breaking his DITE numerous times. His element is also hinted to be wind, which he is able to use without a DITE.

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-24 12:18:45 (edited 2009-11-26 18:55:06)
I will join. It sounds good.

Name: Kaosu Tai
Age: 29
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 175lbs.
Origin: Edo, Japan
Job: Demi-god
Human form: Zerxzees the Afrit Pictures, Images and Photos
True form: Ifrit Pictures, Images and Photos
Weapon of Choice:Hizashi: Dragon Sword Pictures, Images and Photos
Fighting Style: Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu,oozorajutsu
Abilities: Control over storm elements, Can change into his true form at any time.
Bio: During his time as a human, Tai was a legendary hero among the people of Japan. His skills as a swordsman were only used to protect those around him. But, near the end of the Bakumatsu, he fell ill and died. Because of all he had done during his life, he was given a new life as a demi-god and the Power of the Dragon so he could continue protecting the innocent from the many demons and monsters that roamed the land.

Cloud vs. Sephiroth  Long Pictures, Images and Photos Let's go!

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-24 20:54:57
Shimo l Outside The Freeze Cell Chamber

Shimo by some sort of change in fate had finally landed the all important role of guarding the Freeze Chamber. Typically this position was given to the cyborgs with the least physical ability, and Shimo was not included in such a group. However he had been waiting close to a thousand years to convince the higher ups that he had nothing better to be doing. He was hoping that this position would give him a chance to resurrect Aunei and the other demi-gods.

He had entered the Freeze Chamber and instantly he felt at home among the cold. He smirked to himself allowing the Blue Phenoix to take over his eyes so he could see. He looked at Aunie's figure though the glass. She was wearing the same extravagant outfit she always wore. The shimmery cloth appeared to be floating in the ice. A series of tethers were attached to her body. He figured they were supplying oxygen to the inhabitants. He winced as he thought about how much it will hurt to her to take those tethers out of her skin.

Shimo guessed Aunei was concious, but her body was useless in the frozen state. Ice was her only real weakness. He focused his power on the water with in the Freeze Cells. Slowly he began to melt it. He could not just turn the rig off because that would signal the Blue Star main frame that something was wrong, instead he decided to stage the break out, faking his death in the process.

Soon enough the ice was melted and the frozen figures were beginning to float towards the tops of the water filled tank. He quickly refroze the glass causing it to shatter. Water came spilling out of the tanks in vast amounts. The demi-gods floated down to the bottom of the tanks, still unconscious. It would take some time before they would wake up again.

He ran over to Aunei who was the only one who could open her eyes. Taking her up into his arms he brushed her wet hair out of her face.

"I found you."


Aunie l The Freeze Chamber

"I found you" Shimo said. She couldn't help but smile at the sound of his words.

He put a hand on her face and began to pull at one of the strange ropes that were embedded in her skin. It slowly pulled out leaving behind a nasty gash that immediately began to heal. It took some time but Aunie was glad to be void of the strange devices.

"I knew you would come to aid us, but what year is it?" She asked, bending over anther of the demi-gods. She carried the conversation with Shimo as the two of them freed the other demi-gods, who were coming into conciousness.

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-24 21:55:02
-The ice chambers-

Tai looks at the two as they chat. "Thank you for freeing me." Tai raised his body heat to dry off. He turns and looks at the other two again. "I shall take me leave."

Cloud vs. Sephiroth  Long Pictures, Images and Photos Let's go!

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2009-11-24 22:44:17
Fenris The Sunwolf
[Freeze Chamber]

Fenris awoke as Aunei and Shimo woke him from his slumber, he felt the powers that had built
up during theirlong slumber trying to release themselves. His physical appearance had already
been engulfed in flames and he had assumed an elemental form, a ball of fire.

Fenris: I'm sorry, Aunei but I can't stay, the fire is burning too hot. Farewell until we
meet again.

With that Fenris floated out of the freeze chamber and after he was far enough not to cause
discomfort to the the Goddess and the other demi-gods, he started gathering the power that
had been contained until now. Then he released it in a single directioned blast.

Fenris shot out of the Blue-Star facility and flew through the skies of the world appearing
as a shooting star.

ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-25 06:20:00
Zero Alseif
[City of Zuellni]

Zero was walking around the city, hanging out with his comrades, when he sense something in the air, he then realized that one of the Gods has been resurrected. Zero smiled, and continue to walk down the streets of Zuellni.

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-25 07:30:13
[Itsuki Matsumaya]
(Desert, Ruins)

Walking arround the ruins, taking pictures and writing some signs and writings of the ancient world, I'd sense something changed...

"The wind suddenly blows and the sky changes... Hmm.. The Gods had resurfaced to life..."

Packing my stuff and I'm good to go... Walking towards somewhere I could find some clues about these Demi-Gods...

"I wonder where I can find some clues..."

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-25 07:31:19 (edited 2009-11-25 07:34:42)
Kukki | Somewhere around the corner of the city

"Huff .. huff.. these cyborgs are so stubborn.. they just can't let me go!!"

Kukki ran as fast as she could,preventing herself being caught by the cyborgs.She hold onto her food and started to run to a zig-zag pattern.One of the cyborg spread up the wings and flew to Kukki's direction.As a result,it caught on Kukki but Kukki's somersault prevented her from being caught,and left a bruise on her left arm.

Another cyborg,at the moment,drew the weapon out,aiming at Kukki.When it got the right aim,it shot Kukki with the net, wrapping Kukki around.
Kukki struggled to get off from the net but to no avail.

"One to go,way to go"

The cyborg walked closely to the net,squatting down,staring at Kukki before dragging away the net

"Welcome to the Blue Stars"

"i wouldn't give up myself as a human,cyborg..i will save the human race!" Kukki yelled while trying to kick the cyborg.

"There will be no one to save you,and how would you save the world,little girl?Unless there is a miracle..or should i say.. there is no such thing as miracle,it doesn't exist,and we don't believe something that has not been proven under scientific research..or should i say.. we are realistic of this dominant of world,giving the best we could for the world..and we are not like those pathetic human that gives false hope to ourselves,like you..You should give u--"

"NO!..even if i am a human,i believe in miracle.. that is how i live in my days..i..can't give up..i believe in miracle"

"Ignorant fool! No one will save you,not even the GOD!"

Cyborg raised it's fist,ready to knock Kukki unconscious..

Kukki,staring at the cyborg with her confident eyes,"Miracle will happen.."

Suddenly,there was something like a shooting star appearing to the cyborg,struck on the ground,blasting the cyborgs away..

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2009-11-25 07:48:58 (edited 2009-11-25 09:30:30)
Fenris The Sunwolf
[Near a city]

Fenris felt himself hit something when he landed, something metallic.

There was dust flying everywhere, but Fenris did notice that he had landed upon a cyborg.

Fenris noticed second one flying in the air. He started gathering his powers inside him,
so the cyborg wouldn't be able to sense anything.

When he had gathered enough he opened his mouth and let out a blast of fire that completely
melted the cyborg hovering in the air.

Fenris then noticed a human girl covered in a net. He approached her and let out a blast of
fire, that burnt the net but didn't touch the girl.

He then went and sniffed her face, brushed against her and promptly fell asleep on her lap.

The long slumber and the huge amount of energy he had used just after that had tired him.

ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-25 07:59:29 (edited 2009-11-25 08:17:09)
[Itsuki Matsumaya]

Walking to the streets, at the corners, I'd saw a girl who was trapped at the net... I tried to near her, but suddenly...

An explosion that blasted 2 cyborgs...

Itsuki : Wow, is he... Not mistaken...

I'd went near to the girl and a wolf... When I'd near to them, the wolf fell asleep on her lap...

"That must be tiring..."

And then, my sight concentrates on the girl...

Itsuki : Are you okay, girl?? You seem to be hurt... Here, I'll treat your injury at your arm.

I'd near her and treat her injury...

"Seems this wolf have something powerful..."

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-25 09:09:00
Shimo l Standing in the city with Aunei

"It's been close to 1000 years, so it must be about the year 5000."

He watched as Aunei frowned. He wanted to take the girl into his arms, but he knew this was not the time. He needed to return to the freeze room and fake his death.

"I'm going now." he said turning to Aunei, "I decided to fake my death so I can help you more now."

Aunei's eyes widened in protest.

"Unless of course you would order me not to do that." Shimo said simply. He had always wanted Aunie to command him like she was supposed to command all the demi-gods, but she never had.


"The year 5000 huh? Wow." she thought back to the day the world began and it saddened her to think about the direction it had gone.

"I'm going now." Shimo said turning to her, "I decided to fake my death so I can help you more now."

"What? You cant" Aunei said her eyes widening.

"Unless of course you would order me not to do that."

Aunie blushed, "You know I hate ordering you around, but if thats what it is going to take the so be it." she paused to take in a deep breath. "Shimo I Order you not to fake your death as you have planned."

She smiled at the handsome god in front of her.

"You are so cruel to me. Asking me to do such things only moments after waking from a 1000 year slumber." With that said Aunei transformed into her true from.

"The Blue Stars are coming, you should go make this look like an accident. After all you are too valuable to them to be severely punished for this." It was a little odd to hear the girl's voice coming from the wolf's body, but she bounded off int he direction of Fenris's fallen body. She could sense he was exhausted.

When she arrived she saw two humans with him.

"Fenris" she said through her wolf's mouth. She began to transfer some of her energy into the resting wolf. Then she changed back into her human form.

"Hello you two." She said giving them a smile.

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-25 09:35:57
[Chantel] [Blue Star HQ]

It had seemed like an ordinary day, the cyborgs were out capturing more of those humans, and everything up at the command was fine, until...

"Warning: Sector 00 has been breaced; Sector 00 has been breached." The intercom screeched. Chantel and her comerades took immidiate action. Sector 00 was where they chronically froze all of the demi-gods in this world, so they could not help the humans. This, was bad.

Chantel had gotten up to command central with the rest of her comerades and began to fight back. Typing in numerous combinations into her keyboard, she had sent out 100 of the last generation's cyborgs to fight this security breach. She had the city map on her holographic monitor, and touched which security camera she needed to view. What's going on down there, she thought.

She looked at the monitor, and couldn't believe her eyes. Someone had somehow gotten into the Freeze Chamber, and was melting all of the demi-gods out of the ice.

"He can't do that!" She exclaimed. Typing in more and more numerical sequences, she sent down 50 more cyborgs. But they were not just any cyborgs. These were the cyborgs of the newest generation, the 6th generation. She had been the lead scientist on this project, and knew this generations mechanics forwrds and backwards. This generation wasn't supposed to be released for a few more days, and even then they would be working with the last generation for at least a year, but the Boss had given her permission to use them in dire situations.

This is a dire situation, right Boss? She thought to herself. And she knew, that none of these intruders could beat this new generation of cyborgs. They, were perfect.

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2009-11-25 09:48:44 (edited 2009-11-27 06:36:14)
Fenris The Sunwolf
[Near a city]

???: Fenris.

Fenris' sleep was disturbed as he felt power flowing into him quickly.
He opened his eyes as he was lifted into the air and saw Aunei standing
there in her human form.

After he was returned back to the ground Fenris looked up at Aunei and
wagged his tail, and then went back to sleep at the girl's lap.

ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: The Illusioned World [closed/Ending]
Link | by on 2009-11-25 10:17:26 (edited 2009-11-25 10:30:44)
Kukki | Somewhere around the corner of the city

Kukki covered herself when the destruction occurred,looking at it disbelief

" is a miracle.."
She mumbled to herself as she saw a wolf blasting a fire to the cyborg

"..a..wolf..saved my"
The wolf noticed Kukki,approaching Kukki and burnt the net,sniffing ,brushing and then fell asleep on Kukki's lap

Kukki hold onto the wolf,caressing it with a smile,without knowing someone was approaching her

Itsuki : Are you okay, girl?? You seem to be hurt... Here, I'll treat your injury at your arm.

She was shocked and quickly thrust backward from the guy while holding the wolf.
"Who..are you?... Waaah.."
Kukki sensed a strong wind blowing towards her,and a figure descended upon her.Then,it lifted up the wolf and began to said something ,and some orbs were transferred to the wolf.

"Hello you two."
Kukki dropped on the ground when she saw the figure changed to a human form and smile.

(whispering in the heart)
(OH MY .. what is wrong with me today >;c?! What's with the wolf and the undentified thing that changed to human form..and and.. and that GUY..wait..The God..THE GOD?!

The wolf got back on feet,wagged his tail at the lady and went back to sleep at Kukki's lap.Kukki blushed and felt a little warmth from the wolf,and so she started to caress the wolf gently.

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