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Princess Knights
Link | by maxxus0923 on 2009-10-18 20:11:04 (edited 2009-10-18 20:14:13)
Year 2036, 16 years old Rin Natsushima, a 2 time champion of a tactical sniping contest has a very unusual ability... He has an ability called time fraction(ability to slow time but cannot totally stop time, just like turning 1 second into 1minute to 1hour action). After winning his 2nd Championship in World Tactical Sniping Competition he is suddenly teleported to the Kingdom of Altaur, a kingdom where men are hated and treated like slaves for some reasons in the past. While running along the forest he stumbled upon a group of young women they call Princess Knights

Chapter 1
Encounter with the Princesses

“Target Sighted.”
Rin snipes his target at a very fast pace. Everything is in place, waiting for a right time to pull the trigger just like a predator hunting its prey. In this shot everything will be decided. This is the last bullet, she is the last target, and all he need is timing. He needs to hit is the red mark on the helmet. Steady, steady! As his target looks around he prepares to pull the trigger. As he is prepared to pull the trigger, the woman noticed him and shoots him very accurately. It’s a sure hit on the mark on his helmet!

“Time Fraction!”

Rin yells, everything slowed down including the rushing bullet. He dodged the bullet as he aims for the red mark in the helmet of his opponent. Bang! Time Fraction stops. Slowly the green paint bullet hits the red spot on the helmet of the woman. The tournament is finished! With a big sigh Rin won his 2nd championship. The crowd was cheering. “The Time Walker once again won!” The announcer yells.

Using that ability really tires me out.

After the awarding ceremony he prepares all of his things, his Bow, Rifle, variety class of bullets in 10 compact magazines and arrows in compact quiver. After finishing some arrangements he leaves the arena. He ate dinner at a fine restaurant and he notice that there are many couple at that restaurant.

Maybe it’s nice to have a Girlfriend. Is love that wonderful thing? Don’t mind them I’ll just end up like my father left behind if I fall in love with a woman.

After eating he walks towards the hotel that he is staying in. After turning to a shortcut a blue substance floating in thin air exists in front of him.

Just what is this thing? I have never seen this before nor read about it

He continues to walk towards it and looks at it and wondering. He was so curious he touched the substance, its warm yet it looks very cold. At that very moment the substance tried to suck him like some kind of gravity is pulling his body towards the substance.

“Someone help me!”

But no one is there to help him. The street he took was not that famous to people. The blue substance still sucking his whole body and continues to suck him. Half of his body is already sucked. He continues to yell for help but still no one came and until his head is the only left at the surface of the substance.

“Help me… help... me…”

At the moment his whole body was sucked he was instantly teleported to a forest. A very unusual forest from what he knows. The trees has somewhat has sculpted women on their trunk. Like women became a part of it. The leaves were crimson red, red as blood and were nearly transparent. And there are neither animals nor insects living there. Lying in the ground he wonders about the place he falls into.

“Now where is this place? You can’t see a normal place like this in my province, maybe I’m on America or Europe? This forest sure doesn’t give a good aura. It gives me creeps. Somewhat has an atmosphere of an execution chamber (shivers). Now that I said it where’s my bow and gun?”

He stands up and looks for his things. Not too far from his position he found his Bag.

“Let’s see what do we got here, 4 different kind of Lenses/scope, 4 empty compact magazines, I got 500 arrows, 2 compact magazines of stun bullets 1000 each, 2 compact magazines of lead bullets 1000 each, 2 magazines of pulse bullets 500 each, 2 compact magazines of paint bullets 300 each, 2 compact magazines of silver nitrate 500 each, 1 compact magazine of gas bullets 1000 worth and 1 compact magazine of assorted ones 1000 worth…

Suddenly a knife drops out of the bag while looking for more things inside. A pocket knife with silver etching designs on it

Oh? This knife, which old man didn’t forgot … hmmmm…. What’s that noise?”

After he hears a very unusual sound, He packs all of his equipment into his bag and puts the relic knife in his pocket. He started to look where the noise is coming from. The noise leads him to the end of the forest. Not very far he saw a tragic scene of men being slaves but something is wrong with them. He put out his rifle and uses its scope to see what’s happening to those men. They look like soulless empty shell. These men are different; they look more like zombies rather living men except that they are all alive. He saw men being whipped while walking with ball and chain. They are like prisoners judged to be slaves. Moreover the ones who are whipping the men are women.

“What the hell is this? Women hitting men with whips? More to that just what of men are living here? Is this some kind of prison camp for men? I’ve got to get out of here! This place is really weird! A weird creepy forest, a hell like prison camp for men what more could I ask for! This is all weird! Very weird! I just fall asleep! Yes I’m just sleeping at my hotel room!”

Rin hits his head on a trunk of a tree while running back at the forest

“Ouch!...(pats the head) I’m awake! Now wake up Rin! This is all a dream yes I’m only dreaming! There’s no way that this forest and those men are real! This is just some kind of movie set!” Rin desperately says to himself. Out of realizing it he ran again. Rin ran as fast as he can while carrying his rifle and things. The whole forest looks creepy. Every tree looks like moving in additional the color of the falling leaves. The sky looks like crimson red since the leaves are nearly transparent. Rin ran like escaping from a nightmare. A nightmare like the ones happened in his childhood. After running for 15mins he suddenly stumbled across a group of 4 girls with weird clothes at the end of the forest.

“Who are you?”

The girl asks emotionlessly while pointing a sword. She wears a weird feathered headband or helm, yellow muffler with metal plating on its side, white clothing under her muffler and a long yellow skirt. Rin quickly loads a magazine of Stun bullets and points it against the girl pointing a sword against him. At that moment he notices that…

Her face is… Beautiful, blue eyes dance in her beautiful flawless face, white skin and beautiful long blonde hair. She looks like a foreigner, she must be a foreigner! A beautiful, doll-like, foreigner. Maybe she is American?

”I’m Rin, Rin Natsushima”
Rin replied with a usual calm voice while standing in straight posture holding his rifle on right hand.

Is this a cosplay event? But her sword looks too real! It shines with white light!

The girl with scarf behind the girl with the white sword mumbles to the girl at her right holding a pole axe and Silvery Gold Embedded shield “It seems that he is not from the Empire maybe he is a spy came from Arenzuel but I never heard of such a weird name anywhere. His clothing is very unusual haven’t seen it anywhere before.”

This girl is cute even though she is fully covered with her shining black robe. Her face is perfectly molded just like a mannequin. Bluish green eyes increases her cuteness

‘Why don’t we just kill him he is just the same as other soulless blood fiend men!” says the girl with a pole axe while pointing her pole axe at Rin. She wears a metal eye protector in her head partnered with iron cain in her chin. She wears a long red robe with silver suit mail on shoulders extending to her arms; she wears a knight like clothing in addition that she wears a silver armored skirt with violet skirt underneath and silver greaves for her foot gear. Her hair is tied on one side

I can’t see her face due to her headgear but I can tell that she has perfect proportions and a very long brown hair extends to her knees.

“No, we will capture him; I’m a bit interested on him. Besides don’t you find it weird, that this man has resistance against the Curse of Altaris. He is no ordinary man and We don’t know his origins.” The girl with a Lance said. She wears a Yellow robe and has orange and red clothing/armor inside her robe

She is too far from my sight but I can tell that she has a long red hair

“He must be a foreigner from a faraway land that we don’t know.” Said the girl with scarf.

Rin over hearing the conversation can’t follow them and asks a question in a calm voice “Uhmm… excuse me to be rude but where am I? Europe? America? I was sucked by a weird blue thing and ended up being here” the 4 girls look at him with curious eyes.

Maybe I should have never asked that question. They all look at me like they want to dissect me (gulps). I’m sure that they will not say that this is America or Europe. There is no such kind of forest there. I may end up being like those men I have seen before.

“Say Reverie can I kill this man? My blood is raging already.” Asks the girl with the pole axe

“No, it’s rare this days to see men you know.” the girl called Reverie, the one holding the lance replies.

“Then let me play with him a bit. It looks like we have some time to splurge.” The girl with a white sword holds her sword tightly. Suddenly a girl entered the scene

“Oh my! Looks like you are having fun here. It looks like it’s an interesting matter. May I join?” says the girl holding a weird staff on her hand while making her entrance. She wears a long green Robe with semi long blue dress inside

Is this an anime convention? This is too real for a Movie Set! But She looks very sexy, Perfect sized body include her reddish eyes, long black hair, and white skinned and pointed nose. There’s no mistake this one is a true foreigner.

“Good! Well then we will proceed with the execution!” As the girl with the sword charges towards Rin and then followed by the girl with the pole axe.

“Don’t kill him I need him alive!” The girl holding a lance called Reverie yell to them while standing idly. Besides her is the girl with a staff looks like She is murmuring something and the girl with a scarf that is talking willfully is sitting idly besides Reverie

“Huh?!” Rin evades the first swing of the sword and runs toward the rocky terrain besides the forest. He hides besides the stone and …

Just why they attacked me! I will be killed at this rate! I have to escape but where?

All of a sudden the girl with Pole axe smashed through the stone that he is hiding in. Rin manages to dodge the smash of the girl and quickly fires a stun bullet at the feet of the girl but she evades it

What the heck! Even though with small arms she manages to smash that rock like nothing! I can tell that the pole axe itself is heavy so there must be a lag between her swings. I must wait for that.

“He uses some sort of a weapon be careful” Yells the girl with Pole axe to the girl with sword.

“Interesting… Enter Formation Lance of wind” Instantly the girl with sword rushes in front of Rin. She was so fast that she was like the wind and Rin didn’t have the time to fire but manages to dodge the thrust by jumping into the air. Much to his surprise that the girl with the pole axe suddenly jumps behind at the back of the girl with sword and swings her pole axe above Rin..

“Time Fraction!”

Everything slowed down except for Rin. He manages to land safely and evade the attack.
He fires a stun bullet at the girl with Pole axe. Instantly everything went to normal after the he fires a bullet. The bullet hit the pole axe. The bullet made a significant impact to the pole axe that it hit the head of the girl and made her lose consciousness.

“What a Speed and accuracy, Making Rizelle unconscious… he really is something. He is not just any man” Reverie and others were shock on what they have seen except for the girl holding a sword and the girl holding a staff who was still concentrating on murmuring something

That was close! If I use time Fraction 3 more times it will really drain me. 1 down 2 more to go. Say 1 more to go. Her sword is a western design so its attack power solely dependent on weight of the sword and power of the user but she is a fast one so it will not be fully dependent on power but a balanced one. I really need to make a plan if I don’t plan to die here. I know that the girl with lance and the girl in black won’t attack but that girl with staff is not attacking and keeps on concentrating on something. I can’t take my guard off of her.

“What’s the meaning of this? I didn’t do anything wrong against you people nor I did anything wrong” Rin asked furiously

The girl with the sword answered “We despise men and we don’t allow them to live here. By any means we do not want any men in this land because they will just have their souls eaten by this land and they will be lose their humanity and turn to their insanity and blood lust so before you fall to your insanity let me kill you first! ” the girl with the sword charged towards Rin. She was much faster than the last time. She increased her speed 2 times. Rin manages to block her swings with his rifle. After a few swing Rin manage to increase his distance on her

I’m glad that upgrading this to Titanium alloy wasn’t for nothing. Fighting her with my rifle will be a bad Idea since I need range to fire. I need to fight her in close range and shut her up with a chop

Rin instantly drops his rifle and things and takes out his relic knife prepares a defense posture

Even without my rifle I’m not that helpless. I have faith with my close combat skills

“Looking down on me? You will regret that later.” The emotionless girl with sword implies on Rin pulling out a Knife as she prepares again to charge against Rin

“Fighting Lena with a knife? What is this man thinking? You can’t beat a sword with a knife especially with a sword Lena has.” Says the girl with the scarf

“Mana Charging Finish!” After yelling she started murmuring again and yelled…

“Glacia Claustrum!”

She stomp her staff onto the ground. A magic circle appeared around the 2.Instantly a wall of ice breakthrough the ground shutting the girl called Lena and Rin inside

“Finish it quickly Lena! We don’t have much time left. It will be here soon!” Yells the girl with staff

Just what the hell is that girl?! Is she some kind of magician or something? Shutting the two of us inside. They really plan to kill me here. This is a do or to die situation. In any case I need to maintain defense until I find an opening in her attacks. If I can’t make her sleep I will have to disarm her at any cost

Without wasting time Lena attacked Rin furiously. Rin being pushed back can’t do anything except defense. Rin tries to attack but He can’t find an opening for an attack

Her attacks are all sealed I can’t find any openings in her attacks. She is on a different level. She’s just playing me.

After Lena’s undying attacks, Rin was hit on his arms, legs and shoulders with her blade and it is bleeding quite a lot still Rin desperately defends himself against the vigorous swings of Lena. After a while Rin is already exhausted of defending and is already bleeding from various Lena’s attacks and suddenly falls to the ground. Lena was about to give the finishing blow to Rin…

I live 16 years of loneliness. And it’s about time to end it. I’m to die here in the land that I don’t know. And my life will be ended by this girl in front of me. At least I will be killed by a beautiful angel of death. Still I’m really pathetic until the end.

“Any last words before I finish this?” Lena Emotionlessly asks while pointing her sword on Rin lying on the ground bleeding and breathing hardly.

Suddenly, a huge shadow. A really huge shadow like figure instantly appeared. It appears to be a giant winged monster, a dragon. A giant black dragon. And it’s about to attack Lena. It was about to thrust its 3 huge claws. Lena will surely die if she was to be hit by that giant claws.
Knowing this Rin gathered up all of his remaining strength. And yelled…

“Time Fraction!”

He pushed Lena with all his strength out of the giant claws way of thrust. In that instant,
Time returned instantly and Rin was the one who was stabbed by the giant claws. It pierced his hips and was thrown at the ice wall.

At the very least this is all I can do. I can’t stand anymore. This is the end. I guess I’ll say my last words now

“I’m glad that you are okay…” Rin said, in weak fading voice while smiling

Is that what I really want to say? I’m tired already. I can’t think right things now. I’m really sleepy. I guess I’ll let my self sleep for the last time.

“Don’t die...!” Lena’s last words before Rin could close his eyes. Clenching her fist and biting her lip. Lena charges towards the black dragon with her sword shining brightly.

Photobucket "Nothing is more sweet than having your self covered with blood"

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