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The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-06 23:06:29
I know that everyone that has ever played Fire Emblem has almost no choice but to rage. If you haven't raged at playing that game, you must either 1) be godly lucky 2) not be playing on the hardest difficulty 3) abused arena or something on an emulator or something.

How much have you raged playing Fire Emblem?

Tries can surmount to days/hours...

Fire Emblem 10

Elincia's Gambit(took 2 whole days near strait) - 43(Estimate) tries to decently survive and get coins, dracoshield, armscroll...excluding the guy with the Nullify. That is retardedly impossible to get.

A Reason to Fight - 16 tries, Had to get the brave bow and not abuse the super character...really irritating.

Blood Contract(3 whole days...) - XX amount...Ok...this is just a gay chapter that should never EVER have been created. Basically, its probably the second hardest chapter next to Elincia's Gambit...rage...

I would talk about the others, like how it is such wonderful times playing with Roy and his honking or Marth and his manly tiara, but the rage in those are pretty much just as abundant. Also, i've also just recently been playing FE10 after beating FE9...which my wii would not accept the memory to boost my chars up =(

I think everyone can agree, Fire Emblem is made to gimp you. If a computer has a 3% chance to crit you, you better take precaution, it WILL happen sometime. 100% chance of hit rate, if you miss, you die...happened before crazy enough. 16% chance of hit, 1% chance of crit? Happened before. Fire Emblem was created to gimp us all.

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-07 14:38:01
I haven't played the more recent Fire Emblem games for more than 10 minutes, so I am not familiar with the chapters you are talking about.

But difficult though it may be, it's an awesome series. And if you want difficult games, try games for NES that are crazy difficult and have no save feature.

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-07 16:28:32
@Mukou: I completely agree. Fire Emblem is without a doubt a really fun game, but also a really agravating game. it took me a while to beat Elincia's Gambit as well. I had to use all my bonus EXP on Haar to quick;y get him to Dragonlord before the end of the chapter, instaed of equally balancing out all of my characters. I know what you're getting at about the Crit's too. I was playing FE8 for the gameboy. Last chapter, Morpheus battle. Mhyyr was at a full 40 life, doing 45 damage to Morpheus. It was Morpheus' turn. he attacks Myyhr. 0% hit rate 1% crit rate with 15 damage. he crits Myyhr killing her. I was lucky enough to have strong characters with the sacred weapons, or else i wouldve never beaten that chapter.

Your Wii wouldnt let you import the data either? Neither would mine. Just imagine in the first stage of the last chapter of the game that you had to fight MARSHALLS instead of GENERALS. that would bge rediculously crazy. They would probably Luna you every single time!

Tales of FC

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-07 21:29:19
gotta say Fire Emblem Series is really have to be one of the Best Strategy Games ever made

Tales of FC

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by Kaida (a.k.a. ShadowYin-Yang) on 2009-10-10 13:15:28
I've always had those moments. But I just eventaully learned to back away from the game for a while when that happens and then go back and beat/overcome whatever I got frustrated at

-Anime/Manga fan(nerd)and proud of it!!! -I hate school

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by Desmond on 2009-10-11 22:05:54
Fire Emblem is a tough game for me...

really had a hard time playing ihose fire emblem games...


Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-11 22:59:21
Rofl, I restarted FE10 in new game + after a hella long time playing to beat FE10 only to cry after it started. I tried making my Eddie an awesome beast, but he absolutely refuses to get str, that and Jill too =(... Talk about 8 str Eddie lvl 15 FTL, he absolutely sux0rs and i had to restart the whole game because i abused him rofls =3=...

the awesome things that happen in Fire Emblem, getting awesome chars that absolutely do not want to go your way :O

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-17 10:44:17
gahhhh the memories...

I absolutely abhor hector hard mode of the Fire emblem GBA (sorry forgot which one is it... since I play 2 FE's on my GBA emu) somay enemies... so little gold... Especialy chpter 20, Dragon's gate... getting legult + beating the stage withouth any of my chars dying is near impossible...

for Fire emblem, sacered stones I hate the schorching sand chapter... Give that dared swiftsole and silver card darn it... not to mention trying to finish without any units dying... I almost teared my hair out...

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-17 11:03:07
@zero: the one with hector is just called Fire Emblem, but it is really FE7. Hector hard mode wasnt even a challenge at all ._. You just need to use Marcus a little more and focus on training certain units. If you get Hector high level's early on, it will be really easy. I have it for the real GBA and I'm on chap 29 hector hard mode. Or in the middle of it. I have hector great Lord, level 12, Strength: 30 Defense: 28 Speed:25 Skill:25 Resistance: 19 HP:56(two angelic robes) but you get my point... HE'S BEAST! I can't wait till im done with this chapter and the next cause I'll get Armads... *_* +5 defense /drools

@mokou: I'm almost done with FE10 hard mode. I have Edward a beast right now, Trublade level 10 55 HP, 30 STR, 37 Skill, 40 Speed, 26 DEF, 19 RES he's not my best unit but you get the point there right? I'm at the Final Chap of part four and I'm deciding on which Sentinal to take, Aran or Nephenee. They're both really good units. Nephenee has all max stats, level 20 58 HP, but Aran has 3 max stats, level 15 HP: 60. They're both SS in lances. I can't decide >.<

Tales of FC

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by red_13 on 2009-10-17 11:08:04
I played mostly all the FE's.

I beat FE on the GBA, and the GC.

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-17 15:18:24
@Haseo: Take on whoever has the higher strength for the final chapter. It isn't that hard, but you need characters that can really dish out the damage. In my case, I didn't use much of the dawn brigade except Nolan and Jill. Lol, stick that with random chars that can kill the sprites and the higher damage dealers, just use the terrain to your advantage and own.

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-18 12:28:47
@Mokou: I ended up taking Aran, because he had much higer attack and defense. I made it a priority to get him the Wishblade from Levail since I didnt have a chence to in al my other playthroughs. These are the units I took with me, and theyre level when I beat Ashera(i'll be skipping all the laguz since their stats are pretty much set for every playthrough ive had.):

Micaiah(Level 15 Light Priestess): STR: 21+5, MAG: 40+5(had to use Valaura instead of rexaura since I forgot to bring an arms scroll) Skill: 34+5, Sp: 30+5, Lck: 40+5, def: 23+5, res: 40+5, HP: 50

Ike(lvl 20 vanguard): Str: 37+5(equipped ragnell), Mag:12+5, Skill:40+5, Sp:35+5, lck: 30+5, def: 37+5, res:20+5, HP: 65

Sothe(Whisper lvl 15) Str: 28+5(equipped baselard)m Mag: 20+5, Skill:40+5, Sp:34+5, Lck:35+5, def:28+5, res:23+5 HP:55

Aran(Sentinal lvl 20) Str: 35+5(equipped wishblade), Mag:11+5, Skill:34+5, Sp:31+5, lck:22+5, def: 35+5, res:22+5 HP: 60

Edward(Trueblade lvl 19[SOOO CLOOOOSE!]): Str: 30+5(equipped Alondite), mag:22+5, skl:40+5, sp:40+5, lck:30+5,, def:25+5, res:25+5 HP:55

Soren(Archsage lvl 20): Str: 20+5, Mag:40+5(Equipped Rexcalibur), Skl: 30+5, Sp:30+5, Lck:30+5, def:25+5, res:30+5 HP:55

Sanaki(Empress lvl 10): Str: 10+5, Magic: 40+5(Equipped Rexflame), skill: 25+5, sp:22+5, lck:30+5, def: 12+15(rudolb gem+blessing) res: 28+5, Hp: 35

Haar(Dragonlord lvl 20): Str: 38+5(equipped Urvan), mag:20+5, skl:35+5, sp:37+5, lck:30+5, def:38+5, res:25+5 HP: 60

Shinon(Marksman lvl 20): str: 37+5(equipped Double Bow), mag: 22+5, sp: 40+5, skill: 40+5, lck:30+5, def: 33+5, res: 29+5 HP: 60

And that's the Beorc party i brought with me. The Laguz included: Caineghis, Tibarn, Nailah, Gifcah, Tibarn, Kurth, Ena, Gareth, and Nasir

Tales of FC

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-18 18:13:20
@haseo'll probably do fine, but your supposed to have all units at lvl 20 by that time. The black knight chapter where you get wishblade is an infinite spawn of exp and you just make everyone to lvl 20. Care on the final bosses stupid routine of aoe magic, physical, single target damage, etc... :]

PS: Never use sothe, its almost never worth it.

My team consisted of...

Micaiah(Maxed speed amazingly enough, Rexlight)
Ike(Just a monster, no need for more, Ragnell)
Jill(Didn't max health, luck, lol...gave her brave axe)
Haar(Maxed everything except luck, resistance, and a few def, Had Urvan)
Nephenee (maxed everything but like luck, had Wishblade)
Mist(Maxed strength and gave her a Vague Katti)
Mia(Maxed everything but health, luck, res, def...gave her Alondite)
Nolan(Literally maxed everything, Tauros)
Sanaki(Was a little slow, but bearable, RexFlame ftw)
Shinon(Maxed all but 1 str, i cried, Double Bow ftw)
Oscar(He sucked, i didn't really bother with him, only his eath elemental was useful really...I forged a weapon for nephenee and gave it to nephenee, but she got wishblade and it was my best forged so i gave it to oscar...rofl?)
Volke(Maxed everything, best assassin ever, got them baselords)
Queen Ellincia(Thats right, QUEEN, had her Amiti and raped)
Reysen(Best Heron, gave him Boots and celerity, what a pro)

Thats my team :]

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-10-21 16:05:27
@mokou: Lol nice team. I had a couple people where they were all maxed out. The thing is with Micaiah, if she wouldve grown 1 more level, all her stats maxed. I probably should have ran away fron the Black Knight in the chapter with levail more, to get more EXP. I was so caught up on getting Bonus EXP lol. But I got through it. I'm glad I had all those Nihil's lol. Gave 1 to Caineghis, Gifca, Tibarn, and Ike. My beast units. They KILLED ashera's shields really fast. Caineghis doing 45 damage a hit helped since i could just get someone else to finish it off instead of the Nihil Holders

Tales of FC

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by taiki-kun on 2009-10-23 16:32:25
Yeah I've freaked playing ALL Fire Emblem games at least once, usually when I made a stupid mistake getting a character killed, and I hate having my units die EVER, which was a big problem for me in Shadow Dragon cause it's actually better to get a large portion of the units you get, killed.

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by red_13 on 2009-10-25 06:10:58
@Taiki true but that's what extra save files are for.

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-11-26 19:55:38
You don't really need extra saves. It may seem like a waste, but restartbthe chapter if the character is worth it. For example, if then unit is useless, like Fiona in FE10 just continue the. Chapter and beat it. But if it is a valuable character like harken in FE7 then restart. It doesn't matter how far in the chap you are.

Which reminds me. I started a new file on FE7 Eliwood hard mode, I want to get Raven as a really good hero, but he does not want to get any speed or defense stats. A level 13 mercenary with 5 defense and 13 speed. That's how much he had when I got him. Bern's wyvern riders are getting double hits on him ._.

Tales of FC

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by Maiku on 2009-11-26 23:09:52
I love all the Fire Emblems. The only one I found laughably insane was the hard mode on the Wii one x.x'
That one was near impossible.

I always restart when a character dies, just because I like knowing what happens to them in the epilogue.

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-11-27 12:44:24
@Maiku - I'm on my 3rd playthrough on Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn on Hard Mode. I agree its really frustratingly hard, but its not impossible. After your first playthrough, it will make your 2nd playthrough infinitely easier because you have to slave to find out the proper actions to beat each level.

Ok...Take Chapter three for example where you first get Aran...


First moves you HAVE to do, theres 2 ways to do this btw, i just enjoy this specific way.

-Target your NPC's to go top left so they don't attract any units
-use Eddie even if he sucks to block on the gap farthest right (not the gap strait to your right, the one below.
-Have Nolan move to the gap on the farthest left below the bush
-Have Sothe block the middle gap
-Leonardo can whack the left unit for some stupid damage lolz(my leonardo was good on one, so he actually raped that unit)
-have Micaiah or Illyana kill that one unit on the far left and have your laura go behind somewhere near Leonardo.


-Eddie probably got attacked, do something about it
-Sothe got attacked, have him kill or have Micaih or Illyana or Leonardo kill
-Nolan probably got hit, have him kill that unit, have Laura heal him and wait one for turn.


-Nolan probably got raped for a LOT of damage this turn, kill the unit that attacked him, have laura move up and recruit Aran, then heal Nolan.

Thats basically the whole procedure through Chapter 3, though there's also a procedure for the first chapter, doesn't matter! lolz However, i just found a procedure in order to get EVERYTHING in Ellincia's Gambit and that made me hella giddy, though I raged when the boss CRITICALED my HAAR with a 3% CHANCE of CRITTING and i forgot the hit %, but it wasn't that high either. I got hella pissed and raged quitted fire emblem for a LONG time.

Re: The Rage of Fire Emblem
Link | by on 2009-11-27 12:58:01
@Mokou: I know exactly how you feel about the crit problems. I posted it farther up, but my Morpheus battle, Mhyyr was criticaled and killed. with a 0% hit rate and 1% crit. HOW THE HELL DO YOU CRIT SOMEONE WITH THAT! I swear, Morpheus hax0rzed

Problemed solved about the fail Raven btw. he died. Not worth it to go back for him. I know what happens in the end to him anyways.

@Maiku: You know you can just go onto like gamefaqs or google and look up what happens to them in the end, right?

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