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Forum RPs. Who plays them?
Link | by h3r0 on 2005-06-14 06:12:18
Wondering how many of you guys play forum RPs. They're kind of fun. You make characters and RP them out with other people. If you don't know what Im talking about you can try any one of these.

Re: Forum RPs. Who plays them?
Link | by clonezeroImage hosted by on 2005-06-15 23:55:32
I think there nice but I have a hard time playing things like that (not enough creativce juices XD)

Image hosting by Photobucket cute^_^

Re: Forum RPs. Who plays them?
Link | by guia on 2005-06-17 10:19:55
try it's an anime roleplaying community. you can make your own avi, dress him/her up, chat, roleplay, shop for items for your avatar, and other fun stuff!

Na No Da!!!

Re: Forum RPs. Who plays them?
Link | by SeekFaith on 2005-06-19 05:56:11 is okay, its just too crowded to even RP effectively

Also, most RP's there are usually taken to private messaging for... other explicit concerns, sadly.

Tried it, liked it for the first week or so, then left. Not my kind of thing.

Re: Forum RPs. Who plays them?
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-06-19 09:38:42
Huh.. didn't think that forum RPing was that big a thing. I used to do a little with an old forum, but I quit due to time constraints. I think I'll check out those links. :)

Re: Forum RPs. Who plays them?
Link | by Joshua on 2005-06-22 12:04:47
Well I started one in this very forum if you search around. I like it. Im always looking for more people.

Re: Forum RPs. Who plays them?
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-06-28 16:01:44
I never did one but some are really fun to read. But I don't think I join one any time soon, b/c I'm one of those people w/3 different moods: reading romance/horror novals, reading/watching manga/anime, & drawing/looking at art{which I end up reading online stories too}.I go form mood-to-mood every 3days to 3months{no lie} So it's not far for me to abanden my group off&on; not to mention my grammer stinks. English is my worest subject.
I've been hunting for more RP to read so far my fav. is the one at form the group I love there story & also side stories of her character too. (warning yaoi stories)
Are there anymore RP groups w/this kind of story?(w/ &/or nightworld, demons, angels, ect...)mistressofspam was the person who got me into yaoi too.

Never date a guy stranger than you. If so, make sure he's loaded.

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