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What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by Devourer-Of-Tomatoes on 2009-09-12 21:20:52
Yes, I'm talking about Adolf Hitler. I'm sure we all know who he is and what did he do.

The question is, what happen if he never existed? Does that change anything back in World War II and the modern world? Will it change the world? If he never existed, does the world become a better place or become worse place?

Please remember, this topic is only for discussion. Avoid harsh words or opinion that being driven by feelings.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by sharpenter27 on 2009-09-13 19:38:35 (edited 2009-09-13 19:39:16)
If Hitler never existed, I think Josef Stalin would have set the stage for an alternate WWII. No, I didn't get this idea from C&C: Red Alert. It's from my personal opinion that Hitler contributed to the regulation of the checks and balances of the world by keeping Josef at bay. If Hitler did not exist, Stalin must have spread out communism to Vietnam and Korea earlier than what happened, earlier than what history dictates.

There is also the possibility that someone else would have started the theater. Even none at all.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by on 2009-09-13 22:43:54
I don't think it would have stopped WWII, which was pretty much destined due to the harsh conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. Germany could easily have had another fascist group come to power, or perhaps they would have went communist and sided with the Soviets, but the resentment and insecure strategic location of the country would have led to war sooner or later no matter what. Heck, it's entirely possible that the Germans would have won the war under someone else's leadership or given a different diplomatic climate. There may not have been such a strong genocidal aspect to the war without Hitler, depending on how things developed though.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by meow on 2009-09-13 23:33:06
Stalin and Hitler originally had an alliance pre-WWII, and Stalin himself said he wanted some of the Eastern European countries, and that he wouldn't object if Hitler invaded some smaller countries as well.

So, if Hitler never existed?

Stalin would have invaded smaller countries, and assuming he got power hungry and went for the Britain, then we'd have WWII.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by SomeFatMan on 2009-09-14 04:01:57
I think that, had Hitler never existed, the world would be a much different place. It is because of Nazi Germany that many advances were made in the fields of rocketry and jet propolsion. If WWII had never happened, America and the USSR would not have been able to steal germany's rocket scientists and the whole space race may never have happened. Without the space race most of what you consider technology would not exist, from synthetic materials to the modern computer. I think that all the good and bad that Hitler did has had a great effect on the course of modern events and without him the world would not be anything close to reconizable.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by on 2009-09-14 06:20:48
you can see it from several different side...
first, several country were reach their independence after the World War II, without that they might never get free...
second, just like mentioned by SomeFatMan the World War II make technology better...
third, Treaty of Versailles is really make the condition of the Germany very awful... so, maybe some other people will do the same with Hitler...
fourth, Stalin might do more just like mentioned by the others (even we will never really know about that)
fifth, the World War II isn't only architect ed by Hitler, there are several other people...
there's several more but I don't have time to type it now...

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by dcw2021 on 2009-09-14 22:08:13 (edited 2009-09-14 22:10:35)
If Hitler never existed, the world would probably be a worse place. I don't think Stalin would start a full out war, he would probably have other countries overthrough their goverment by spreading comunism. With no WWII America would never have gotten involved with world affairs, before WWI we were on a mind-our-own-buisiness policy and it took wwII to make us realise that it is a bad idea just to ignore things. Sure there might be no nucklear bombs but with the US ignoring everything there would be no cold war and the poor comunist countries, because it doesn't work will be turned against the evil capitolist that don't care about anyone else.

p.s. this is assuming that Stalin was the one who got Russia on communism
. My history is a little rusty and I appologise if I am sadly mistaken.


Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by on 2009-09-20 04:05:07
I'm not knowleageable on war history, but if Hitler never existed, I don't think it makes much difference to the world. There could be other leaders who have Hitler-like visionaries and devious plans. The world is meant to have some destruction and corruption, there's nothing we can do about it.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by pirokasa on 2009-09-24 08:05:34
Well, this thread wouldn't exist. On a more creative note, his mustache wouldn't be as iconic. Who knows, your girl/boyfriend may have one. Every cool kid in school would have that patch of wisdom on their top lip for a granted +3 Ice Magic. New milk mustache? What good is a phone call, if you have to mustache to speak through? o_O;
So this is what the average schoolgirl would look like.

Please send me a message with a link if you're responding to one of my forum posts. I usually don't go back to my posts once I've made them, and I refuse to subscribe to X# of threads. Thanks in advance.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by La Divina Tragedia on 2009-09-24 20:11:20 (edited 2009-09-24 20:12:12)
Possibly, Soviet will rise to power.
No atomic bombing to Japan since there is no WW II.
The cause of WW II were have been the conflicts of ideology, communism and liberalism.

Several good games about Nazi and Soviet's alternate universe won't exist...
oh, and I agree to the upper post, this thread won't exist too.

Either way, no matter how you alter history, mankind can never escape from the thing named "war",
Why? I suppose it's just run on human bloods, to gain superiority over others.

...But then again, flow of destiny can never be predicted,
as every path of life can be changed by the very blink of eye...

La Divina Tragedia

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by velichi on 2009-09-25 11:40:49
If Hitler never existed, we would never have had WWII.
Without WWII happening when it did (instead of later on due to a slower accumulation of tensions from whatever sources), technological discovery, its implementations, and its implications (atom bomb) would have gone uncriticized, its importance and dangers unrealized.
Had we not have endured the trials we have encountered and learned from the past, we might have stockpiled such weapons such that the war we put off would have potentially resulted in the annihilation of the world.

Human perception, human attempt to judge what is right and what is dangerous/wrong, and humanity's acting on preconceptions that 'keeping the order is for the better,' is debatable.

So, in a way, don't hold back. But don't fight over immature viewpoints, either! Progress is to be gained. It could very well save the world.

... Great, now I feel like deleting this post. (because of my back-thinking - perhaps the dangers i mentioned would have been realized and done without the loss of lives in Japan). I hate when that happens.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by sharpenter27 on 2009-09-25 14:54:52
Velichi, what you just stated about what is right is wrong, I cannot say for a fact that it's right. But I say I agree with you.

Then again, the atomic bomb was (please forgive me for saying these, people of Japan) both for the good and bad of mankind.

Before the atomic bomb was dropped in Japan, not one knew the effects of radiation. The explosion, the radiation, and the fallout was like being told about how radiation damages the body, albeit in an in-your-face kind of way.

Conclusively, if nobody knew what radiation would do, nobody knows the danger. It may lead to a lack of information regarding precaution and treatment. Imagine a Chernobyl-esque incident, but of a bigger magnitude because nobody knew about radiation.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2009-09-27 01:08:40
If Hitler never existed, half of the world would be communist today. Hitler stop the spread of communism by keeping Stalin at bay.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by on 2009-09-27 03:41:40
if Hitler never existed..

From my point of view..
it is a part of the moral values,knowledge,and a lesson to our leaders and societies..
without Hitler history and how he acted and ended up falling..
maybe there will be so many other leaders that will be as vicious as he is..
then i guess there wont be the world we had today..

crap..xpp..anyway,im not so historic either..

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by L on 2009-12-15 18:08:12
Well, I think Stalin would probably launch a campaign to conquer Europeost of you said, but think Germany would still have a military strong enough to hold them off.

However, the war in the Pacific would be inevitable (probably spelt that wrong). But since Einstein would have no reason to leave Germany, they would be able to create the first atomic bomb, and they would most likely not share it with us, meaning we would have to invade Japan entirely on foot and boat.

Unless of course, Russia would spread communism all the way through Korea, then they would start making their way towards Japan, creating a situation in Japan like we have in Korea.

Well, thats my theory...

!!!!!!!!!!!AWESOMEST SIGNTURE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by on 2009-12-15 23:40:31 (edited 2009-12-15 23:42:27)
i am surprise of how people think when 'Hitler never exist'..
they only think of the development and about WWII

what about the people?

like if 'Hitler never exist..' then more Jews were saved,no concentration camps..less nightmare..
less sadness v.v

why wouldn't people think of that D<

and of course..
if Hitler never exist,then less one bad guy face on the dartboard to be dart on ;x

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by hunther45 on 2009-12-16 12:00:29
The world would be verry different as we know it.
Another war might have started.
This World War gave mankind a lesson in a good and bad way.
The size of the european countries would be different.

p.s. i'm from Europe and i hope that something like this wouldn't occure in the (near) future.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by on 2009-12-29 18:49:18
if Hitler never exsisted, there would be another man doing the same things, simple as that.
the real world is a crazy and scary place, it's not like Hitler was the only crazy, racial, nationalistic person on the planet.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by samsonov on 2010-01-03 16:10:07
I agree with Ren, I believe things would still happen, the war, the genocidal campaigns on the eastern europe and all. Hitler was just one man that said the things people wanted to hear during those days, if it wasn't him, some other person would say those things and earn some great support.

About the soviet rise to power if there wasn't hitler, i think it's wrong, the entire war economy was responsible for the rising of the soviet union. If it wasn't for that, the soviet leaders would be more worried with going after their own ppl instead of thinking on some aggressive foreign policy, it gave them the tools to transform the world according to their view.

Re: What if Hitler Never Existed?
Link | by on 2010-07-10 07:00:05
I agree that...
beside, the Versailles Agreement didnt satisfy the Germany.
Anyone else could be Hitler. Their economic, military power, is being taken away

I still surprised though the Nazi is still alive
I wonder if there WW3? I wonder if Israel is the same?
I just imagine Palestine as war victim >~>

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