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most important trait for the main character
Link | by chibimeli on 2005-06-13 07:22:49
what would you rank as the most important trait for an anime's main character? this would presume that you LIKE the main character.
okaaay, i sound a little confusing.

to me, the most important trait would be that the main character is serious. like....Syaoran from tsubasa chronicle.

life sucks.... only when you're a vacuum...

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2005-06-13 08:12:46
I agree with you too, chibimeli a main chara must be serious and also confident....I really like Kira Yamato so I presume he has these two kinds...

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Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-06-13 11:19:33
I think it would be passion. B/c in InuYasha, Inuyasha is first only after the jewel shards then he wanted Kagome safe & w/him. In Berserk, Gus wanted to be the best, then destory all of those balet things. In Ranma 1/2, Ranma wanted the curse broken. In Excel Saga, Excel wanted to please that leader of Across. In Get Backers, Ban-chan & Gin-chan want money (to pay off neve ending debts)& to set things right. Sailormoon, to protect the world & the people in it. The list can go on&on, but like I said almost ever go series or movie has something that the mian character is passionate about, sometimes it changes as the character matures other times it stays the same; but there is always something they are trying to achieve, protect, destroy, ect...

So passion is what is the eye grabber, & that is what makes us want to watch until the series is over.(which is mormally when they acomplish what they where trying to do) To me it is what makes us devoted for better or worse. Alos if turn out hateing the character you normally still want to see if they achieve what they wanted to achieve.

Never date a guy stranger than you. If so, make sure he's loaded.

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-13 15:32:11
In my opinion, the main character has to be a bridge for certain events to occur as he/she progresses on in the storyline. The main character can be funny, serious, loyal, and innocent, or crazy, frightened, hurt, and guilty. Whatever the chemistry, the character has to have an expression and a background that drew that expression out of a dormant state ti cause that character to act into what he/she becomes.

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by symphonia on 2005-06-13 17:41:23
firstly, he/she must be handsome/pretty(some of you might not agree though), then he/she must also be funny, happy-go-lucky, loyal, and of course, a dependable friend. i think all these fits haru glory perfectly...;)

*~* Anime Is My World!!*~*

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by Funsch on 2005-06-13 17:55:03
For me it's "determination", I like characters who never give up on achieving there goals no matter how impossible it may be.

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by Kimo on 2005-06-13 21:33:43
he or she first must be (SilverRythem is right) appealing to the eye...then i think determination and some type of thing that defines them in a way...they have to be good in overly good...iff u look at it the main charecter always has something that extra-ordinary about them


Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by Rui on 2005-06-13 23:37:49
For me, the main character must be first, smart. Smart, in a sense that is synonymous with resourcefulness and cleverness. I'm not really on for naive main characters.
Second is, yes, passion. A main character must know the purpose of what he is doing and fight for it.


Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-06-14 03:48:20

My POV, the main character, he/she, must have charisma. Tatoeba, Gon of HunterxHunter.

Ja mata ne,


Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by on 2005-06-14 07:47:04
The ability to adapt to any situation is one of the key aspects for me.

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by Aramis on 2005-06-14 14:54:09
Well, good looks are taken for granted.
Unpredictability, even Lunacy, and Badassedness are also good traits. On main characters and otherwise.
those traits build character. Just look at stuff like Eva, Samurai Champloo, Tenjou Tenge etc.

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by Steve_Fox on 2005-06-14 20:16:06
chaotic and has no mercy
Juz like Heero Yui or trowa barton

i like narutaki's (steam detective) attitude too


Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by riezawa on 2005-06-14 23:16:18 (edited 2005-06-14 23:16:48)
the most important thing is...

he/she/it must Exist.

Anything else is fine by me. (And dependant on the author)

Let's dance!





Shameless plug alert

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by chibimeli on 2005-06-16 06:22:48
exist? err, i don't really get that...

life sucks.... only when you're a vacuum...

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by M-a-m-u-s-h-I on 2005-06-16 12:21:40

i don't know why, but with all the animes and mangas i'm into right now, the main character has angst...sometimes a lot of it. it's not that it's the most important, it's usually just THERE.

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by Rose on 2005-06-16 12:50:37
their looks and their personality. in most of the shows with girl heroines, i don't really like'em cuz their dumb. no offense.


Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by Pяø | YסּĐą on 2005-06-16 14:27:48
that the main char have to live.

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by TsubasaWaYume on 2005-06-16 14:37:34 (edited 2005-06-16 14:39:17)
by jing_ryn on 2:17pm 06/16/05

the best trait for main? ummmm, that is a good one. i say,
its got to be their personality and their looks and the way they act.

the best personality for perverted anime like Golden Boy are the traits of Kentaro Oe no dout about it he has the best traits for perverted anime.

for the trait of like gangs and pirates type anime is Jeane Starwind because he is a cool outlaw with a smart crew.

for the Gundam type animes, its got to be Kira Yamato because he is
smart, cool, and hes a playah! unlike Athurn the traitor Zala

for comedy type animes like FMP, is Kaname Chidori of course. comedy animes with a guy main character are kinda stupid. so Chidori's got the traits of a comedy anime with her military maniac Sosuke Sagara. he's the one on my picture below. well anyways i guess i only want to say this much so

Ryn, signing off

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by september_rain on 2005-06-17 05:44:04
Most people like the main character to have bishounen characteristics. Tall, dark, handsome, mysterious, strong but the body should not be muscular or bulky, completely annoyed by anything, playing hard to get. Just like Genjyo Sanzo from Saiyuki.

For me, I'd like the main character to be funny, just like Son Goku from Saiyuki. The anime might become too boring if the main character is serious. = )

The more you learn, the more you know,the more you know,the more you WHY LEARN AT ALL???...P.S. Am I banned? Wah.

Re: most important trait for the main character
Link | by riezawa on 2005-06-17 08:56:01
I meant that who cares what traits the main character has, it's all up to the author anyway...
The only important thing is the character, who- or whatever it is should just, well, exist. Anything else is irrelevant...
I could write a story with the main character as a pickle, there'd still be a story anyway XD
Of course there won't be any readers, but that's just a minor detail hahaha.

Let's dance!





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