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Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-08-31 19:19:56 (edited 2009-09-12 11:44:00)
I finally got something for a new RP, I know its been a while since I been in this thread section xD So yeah something random for my 8th RP. Hope you guys enjoy and that this goes well. This idea come from some diffrent RPs (mostly from Kyoshiro) and the manga +Anima. This a mostly a Scientific RP :0


Entering the new era of the year 3000, many would believe that that future would be bright, having the technology of every man's dream in their hands, but they were surely wrong. Because of a terror virus outbreak that appeared, killing millions of the human populace, all the remaining humans are now isolated in the large city of Tokyo. They offered protection with their advanced technology and the large unbreakable dome that covered them. Now they all had spent their life inside the strange dome, in fear of dying if they ever left the city. In that city it populated a lot of people from different nations and backgrounds.

But it was strange how animals were unaffected and they didn't know what the cause of this was. One Italian scientist thought of making a cure using animal genes on humans, to make then able to live outside of the dome. The organization began their experiment hidden from the public and under the protection of the government. Their group was called “Espon” and soon after, a prototype was created, and it needed to be tested. With approval from their government, the Espon started kidnapping people from the streets and took them back to base. Testing the prototype was painful on the body plus it caused some unusual reactions. Some growing animal parts or otherwise abilities of animals, they called them "Meta-Bestia" otherwise known as "MBs". Even with this result they decided to continue this without caring for the humans they used.

After a few years, no one knows how it happened, but the subjects managed to cause a commotion, allowing them to escape from the facility. Unfortunately, some were recaptured. Those who have fled have kept themselves hidden, while those unable are continued to be tested and used. This event was not mentioned in any media, but the people became more curious on what is happening in their society. In the end the Espon was desperate to get all the escaped MBs back to their facility. They ended up creating a special force group called "Ani Forces" comprising of the remaining subjects. They are used to hunt down and recapture the MB subjects that have escaped. On the other end, the ones who escaped created their own group "Relous", known as the rebelling group. They fight for the halt of the further testing, and for the freedom of the remaining captives. For each side, could there be a different reason for their actions? Now it's time to see who shall become the winner of this event.

Futuristic time / Future era, and we are isolated inside a large unbreakable dome that covers the whole Tokyo city area. You are able to leave the dome but you would have to past through the government security before you are able to do so. And this will be down at your risk from the virus outside. Most of the people essentials are provided in this city. A lot of the population in this city are Japanese but there are other from diffrent countries who have evacuated here.

Tokyo Area Map


• Gendou City Rules Apply Click Here
• You can not control other player's character(s), unless you have their approval and mine.
• No godmode, No Auto-hitting, No quick kills.
• Ask me and the player if their character(s) can die or something else.
• Scrip Style - Others are allowed but this is recommended
• You can make up to 3 characters - If your character(s) die add more
• Minor character(s) can be made - Just keep track of them
• Please fill out one member profile & Please follow the profile requirements
• Questions, Leaving & Ideas - PM me

• 2 POST RULE - Each player can only post 2 every 24 hours, this is to be fair to players who don't have as much free time as frequent posters.

Classes of MBs: [For Ani Forces & Relous]

Class One [Open to all] - Are unable to hide their animal appearances / animal parts of their body. Such as tails, ears or wings. They are the most common result from the prototype and are very easily made now. These also means this class a harder time hiding them selves and are very noticeable out in the open. Espon does not usually use them for the Ani Forces.

Class Two [CLOSED]* - Are able to hide most of their animal features from time to time, but some are just unavoidable. For example they can hide their wings or tails, but not their claws or ears. They can only hold it for a certain amount of time, or from either lack of energy or strong emotions. This is an uncommon result from the prototype cure, and is used for the Ani Forces most of the time.

Class Three [CLOSED]* - Are able to completely control and hide their animal appearances, and for a long amount of time. They can hide almost every animal feature they have. They are able to fool other MDs, showing that they are just normal human. But at some case they can lose control due to lack of energy or of strong emotion. This is the most rarest and close to an actually cure, and are mostly used for the Ani Forces. But there are only a low number of them out there.

*If you really want one of these classes, please PM me and I'll think about it.

Groups: [Leaders for Espon & Ani Forces are Open | PM me to claim]

Espon - The mastermind of the experiments and the prototype of the so called cure. They are normal humans who think of new ideas to help improve their experiments. They are under the protection of the government and their experiments, they are mostly heartless when it comes to human testing. As long as they reach their goal they do not care what comes in their way. May it be humans or MBs. In other cases this group hold the remaining MBs who are not fit to join the Ani Forces, and are mostly kept in the facility.

Ani Forces - Are the remaining subjects in the facility, and are enslaved by the Espon. The combat group used for recapturing the escaped subjects. They are also MBs that use their given abilities for this purpose. These subjects are unable to object or escape their position due to the fact that they are planted with a tracker in their ID bracelet and such. They are also marked with a tattoo that shows they are apart of this force, is it somewhere among their body. This group was offered a slightly better treatment then most others. Humans can also join this if they know the situation or otherwise hired to aid in this job.

Relous - The escapees from the facility and are now hiding within the city dome. Even though most MBs are currently under hiding, this group plans to over turn the Espon's plans with this cure. They can no longer handle their harsh treatment and outrageous actions. These outlaws now use their abilities to go against Espon, no longer will they live in the dark. Humans can also join this if they know the situation.

Neutral - Bystanders who are human who do not notice the current situations happening. There is a chance for these individuals to encounter the happening events created by Espon. This could either me officers or jus locals in the town. MBs can also be apart of this, they just want to live normal lives again and can not stand fighting with others or they have other reasons to stay out of this battle.

Character Profile:

Name: [First and Last is fine & Nicks too]
Age: [Any is ok]
Gender: [Duh]
Group: [Espon, Ani Forces, Relous, or Neutral]
Weapon: [Optional & Use Realistic weapons]
Personality: [Hot headed, Reakless, ect]
Bio: [Write history, family and any other details you wanna add]
Appearance: [Typed or Image]

For MBs Only:

Animal Half: [Try not to have the same as others]
Class: [PM me if you want slots for class 3]
Abilities: [From the Animal you picked or close to it, up to 4]
Animal Parts: [Optional]

Player List:

• Inx [Relous | Class 2] & [Ani Forces | Class 3]
• Anime [Ani Forces | Class 3]
• Kotaro [Relous | Class 2] & [Espon]
• Crome [Neutral | Class 2]
• Dream Eater
• Flyheight [Ani Forces | Class 1]
• Rastya [Relous | Class 1] & [Ani Forces Leader | Class 1]
• Kenji [Relous]
• Renma [Ani Froces | Class 1] & [Espon | Class 1] & [Relous | Class 1]
• Fenris [Relous Leader | Class 3]
• Phs [Neutral | Class 2]
• w00t0s
• Kyoshiro [Neutral | Class 2] & [Neutral | Class 3] & [Ani Forces | Class 0*]
• L [Espon Leader] & [Espon | Class 2]
• Emiya [Neutral]
• KM [Neutral | Class 1] & [Neutral | Class 1]
• H [Neutral]
• Snake [Neutral]
• Haseo [Relous | Class 2]
• ES [Espon]
• Red [Ani Froces | Class 2] & [Ani Forces | Class 2]
• Cloak [Ani Forces | Class 1]
• Mang [Ani Forces | Class 1]
• Light [Relous | Type 0*]

[ Espon | 5 ] [ Ani Froces | 10 ] [ Relous | 6 ] [ Neutral | 8 ]

*Kyoshiro was allowed to have this class since it was his idea and I approved it.
*Light was given permission to create this character.

My Players:


[ Main ]
Name: Shiko Kujo / Dark Crow
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Group: Relous
Weapon: Naginata / Whip / Ect.
Personality: Very quiet about her self, is very caring and sincere. She
can be a handful most of the times due to the fact she is absentminded. Overall
she just a kind hearted girl who wants to see justice be done.

Bio: Was a runway young girl that tried to live a life in the streets.
She wanted to prove to her family that she could survive on her own, but she
didn't get a chance as she was suddenly kidnapped by Espon. Shiko was taken to
place unknown to her, no one would explain to why she was there. That where the
test of the 'cure' on here was taken place. She was now turned into something
else. Growing wings and feathers was unbelievable and at the same time scary.
She saw other suffered the same thing, it hurt her to see such a sight. She just
wanted to escape. And then that day came, she manage to escape with some
others. But she felt sorry for those who were left behind, and she joined the
rebellion group Relous, to aid them with the down fall of Espon. Shiko is now
one of the main forces, scout and sometimes gather information.

Animal Half: Crow [New Caledonian Crow]
Class: Class Two
- Flight : Able to fly in the air using her black wings.
- Quick Movments : Able to dodge most of anything with swift agility.
- Intelligence : Is able to make use of anything as a tool or weapon.
- Night Sight : Able to see in the dark, as if hunting.
Animal Parts: Black Wings, Small sharp claws, Some black feathers else where.


[ Side / Main ]
Name: Kaito Yokoyama / Twister Kicker
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Group: Ani Forces
Weapon: Hand Gun / Hunting Knives
Personality: Keeps most things to him self, and quiet. He is sometimes
grumpy and can get pretty untamed if he gets pissed off or just lost his cool.
He can get pretty Fearsome, even though he used to be pretty friendly.

Bio: Was living a normal life with his own flower shop that his family
left behind. He was surrounded by caring customers and friends, but something
happened one night during closing time. Some unknown group that pulled him in to
van and taken to Espon's main headquarters for their testing. The pain was
unimaginable; he wished that he could have just died then life through this. He
ending up turning into something Espon hoped for, a rare class 3. Heavy watch
was on him. Slowly he started to lose hope in ever escaping, his emotions fade
slightly. But once the plan of the group breakout, he thought the day has
finally come. Unfortunately he didn't make it, he was locked up. Later on he was
up in Ani Forces to help gather the lucky ones who have escaped long ago. He
had to obey; after all they told him they would take the experiments more
lightly on him. Now is one of the main units for offensive and defensive, can
also go and gather any important information in town.

Animal Half: Kangaroo [Red Kangaroo]
Class: Class Three
- Llocomotion : Able to hop or jump long distances and at high speed with great length.
- Hind Legs : Powerful legs that an kick with a lot of strength.
- Quick Movments : Able to dodge most of anything with swift agility.
Animal Parts: Long tail, and Upward ears. Unnatural colored eyes.

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by Anime on 2009-08-31 20:44:14 (edited 2009-09-02 17:00:40)
@Inx Hope this RP goes well. xD Ganbatte.

Character Profile:

Name: Katsuya Teshima / XV88
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Group: Ani Forces
Weapon: FAD assault rifle, Katanas, Kunai
Personality: Calm, and has Obsessive-Compulsive disorder

Katsuya, before his alteration, was a normal man that owned a small grocery store in Shibuya. One fateful evening, when he was shopping for more supplies, he was kidnapped by Espon and was altered to have the abilities of a chameleon. To Espon's surprise, the experiment had turned out into a Class 3 MB.

Then, when the planned breakout came, Katsuya was able to use his stealth abilities to try to escape Espon's HQ. But unfortunately, he was recaptured using Espon's sophisticated technology. Since then, he tried to find the best way to escape, but to no avail.

Espon offered Katsuya to join the Ani Forces in exchange of slight freedom and less painful treatment. Katsuya, having found this as a slightly better life, accepted this offer.

Katsuya cooperated well with the Ani Forces, training in the ancient arts. As Espon promised, he was given better treatment, compared to before. He, eventually, was able to use his abilities along with his new knowledge. He did not stop learning from there. He also studied the modern arts and started developing weapons he can use. His masterpiece, the FAD assault rifle, a light rifle equipped with a grenade launcher, is his signature weapon and also his only friend. In fact, he trusts his gun more than anyone else in the Ani Forces, not even the leader. Truly, Katsuya would be a deadly force to be reckoned with. Because of his efforts, he was recognized as one of the deadliest in the organization.

He spends his free time in his quarters, making special grenades and rounds for the FAD assault rifle, and cooking food, most preferrably, Japanese cuisine. His choice of clothes would always be something with a hood. He also likes to listen to Japanese music and techno.

Also, he would prefer to hide his chameleon eyes from the public, even from his fellow MBs in the Ani Forces. He would hide his entire face in a hood if ever his eyes would show.

Katsuya Teshima

MB Statistics & Information:

Animal Half: Chameleon
Class: Class 3
Abilities: Camouflage, Walking On Any Surface, Swift speed and reactions, 360 Vision
Animal Parts: Chameleon Eyes, Chameleon Tongue

@Inx, Gommen, but I didn't understand your PM. xD If you wanted me to become the leader, here's the profile. If not, I would gladly remove this from this post. xD Thanks Inxeh. xD LOL I see, Inxeh. I'll just make Coldwell an Espon researcher instead, the freak that made Teshima who he is today. Gommen, Inxeh. xD

Character Profile:

Name: Arthur Coldwell / Cold Steel
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Group: Espon
Weapon: Twin cryo-handguns, cryo-grenades, utility belt
Personality: Calm, but gets very violent when provoked

Arthur Coldwell used to be an American scientist working for the United States government. He has developed interest and very sophisticated weapons in the field of cryogenics, where the Armed Forces greatly benefited from. When the report of the killer virus was released, he immediately fled to Japan to save himself.

The Japanese government knew very well the extent of Coldwell's skills. They hired him to work as one of the leading scientists of Espon. He helped develop the Meta-Bestia project that aimed to look for a cure.

Instead of studying all the animals, Coldwell concentrated solely on lizards. Most of his fellow scientists laughed at him, but the Espon Leader knew his capabilities, so he was isolated in another area in the facility to conduct research. He first saw the chameleon as an excellent test gene and used it on someone. To his surprise, it produced more positive results than any other animal.

When the night of the planned escape came, one of the MBs used force on him and brutally beat him up. He was unconscious, only to be found hours after the event. Luckily, he was rushed to the hospital in time, before other complications appeared. Unfortunately, most of his organs were fractured and the only way to keep it from failing was to isolate it in cold temperatures. Coldwell personally designed a cryo-suit for this purpose.

Months later, Espon formed the Ani Forces to retrieve those who escaped from the dome. Coldwell was one of the first that Espon approached to organize the whole force, and he successfully did. Ani Forces, as Coldwell envisioned, is a large force comprised of the latest technology and MBs on its side, controlled by trackers embedded in ID bracelets. It became a force that cannot be easily destroyed nor be stumbled. After that, he returned back to Espon to continue working on the cure.

But then, he became more proud of his research, knowing that his lizard efforts yielded much more positive results than any other animal. He became in love with it. He developed more and more time for his lizard efforts. In fear of someone stealing it, he upgraded his lab and his cryo-suit with technology far greater than anything ever developed in human history: cryo-arsenals. He made cryo-security systems and cryo-weapons to defend his research from anyone who would dare tamper with them. Plus, his suit can take huge damage from anything by freezing anything that comes in contact with it.

Arthur Coldwell

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-08-31 22:00:29 (edited 2009-10-22 07:48:09)
@inx ok im gonna try it nao~~~ =3

Character Profile

Name: Kotaro Inugami [Gale Wolf]
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Group: Relous
Weapon: Knuckle, glove
Personality: Shy, Hot-tempered, Self-centered, Stubborn,
Bio: Kotaro is a student from Mahora Gakuen. He was a excellent student who good in both sports and studies.
But later, while he was taking a break at outside school, he was abducted by Epson so called human savior.
He was lost his consciousness when he was abducted. When he wake up, he surprised with himself. He turn
himself into a dog or a wolf. He was pretty upset with himself for a WEEK.

After few day later, when the time come, where most people who abducted escape, he join them too
and succeeded. He intend to go home but he can't with his current state. Now he hiding somewhere
along the people who share with same destiny

Animal Half: Dog/Wolf
Class: 2nd Class
Abilities: Able to smell, Run and agility
Animal Parts: Ear, tail
Name: Rin Shinobu
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Group: Epson
Weapon: Syringe
Personality: Genius, clumsy, slow, innocent, and fast worker, a hardcore gamer, and love cute things
Bio: Rin is excellent student in Japan. Even she graduate
in U. Harvard, USA in age 20. When she got back from Japan, she
receive the job offering from unknown company. When first she
reject them, she receive another letter. And now, she joining as
a new scientist in Epson. But change her personality, when she
playing game. She can suddenly becoming a violent person when she
touch the game.
Name: Maruko Reiji *
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Group: Neutral
Weapon: Magnum Falco Gun [ Modified gun from Desert Eagle ]
Personality: He has a very suave attitude while things are progressing
his way, but he is easily flustered when faced with a strong opponent. He is
very weird guy. He sometime show his true fang on the enemy once they enter
into his trap. He is very slick like a fox. He would do anything to get
something that he want, for example, information. He will hack all main
computer to get it. Prefer to drink Coke in glass bottle.
Bio: He is informant or spy for JPD**. He is the best
informant among the police in Intelligent Division***. He in charged
getting information of missing person for several years. He suspected Espon
behind all of these, but due lack of clue, he decided to not charged Espon
in kidnapping. But he still want to know the truth, about the Espon, and

*Maruko Reiji:Usually people call him Marco due to his name like a girl

**JPD:Japanese Police Department

***Intelligent Div:The place where most officer gather and keep information received

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-08-31 22:15:18
Name:Ryoma Sunohara
Group:Neutral{as of the moment}
Weapon:None(as of the moment)
Personality:Lazy in the morning but always seeks out something interesting to do,Quiet but when approached he can be really he says things without really thinking about them.
A Lazy guy who only does what he thinks is interesting. One day while he was taking a nap at a bench he was taken away by the Espon and was turned into an MB. Even after going through harsh experiments he still retains his carefree attitude and when the day of escape had come he found it interesting and joined the group but just when they were about to go out of the dome he lost interest and remained in the dome instead. Even though he was just a class 2 MB he still managed to evade the Ani forces attention because his wings only come out at night and his eyes dont look much different from that of normal humans. H e still hasnt chosen a side yet but he watches the happenings at the battlefield
but because it is difficult to go back and forth from the dome he sometimes relys on his owl partner named Tsukiyomi to report to him the happenings from the outside.


Animal Half: Owl
Class: class 2
Abilities: able to fly, long distance view range
Animal parts:Owl wings, Owl eyes


Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by kyohibiki on 2009-08-31 23:49:05
here i am, lurking out from the dark room filled with my works...
once again since my connection downed about some month ago, i'm back here to RP world... yo, inx. long time no see ^_________^

by the way, reserve place. and i have some question. i'll PM them to you.

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by dream_eater on 2009-08-31 23:54:44
hi! long time no see, my sister sent you a hello.

senpai! where did you go this whole 2 weeks! i've been searching for you and even come to your studio but you're not there!

anyway, reserve place too >__0

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-09-01 00:56:37 (edited 2009-09-01 00:58:49)
Character Profile:

Name: Jack Tucker/Ani Force Codename: Cancer
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Group: Ani Forces
Weapon: Hammer
Personality: Mild-mannered, duty-oriented though sometimes shares a few laughs with others, somewhat protective over teammates, kind
Jack, before his transformation, was a simple crane operator for a construction company. After a tiring day of work when he was abducted by Espon. After the experiment, he became wild until he heard of the plan of the breakout. It is unfortunate that he was recaptured in a short time.

Feeling that there would be no hope for him if he tried to escape again, he joined the Ani Forces. At first he was hesitant of doing his job but after a while, he became a valued member of the group.


For MBs Only:

Animal Half: Crab
Class: One
Abilities: Super Strength, High Defenses, breath underwater
Animal Parts: Left hand is a claw (concealed in bandage, some parts of his body have fragments of crab shells

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-09-01 03:33:21 (edited 2009-09-05 09:59:57)
@Inx: may i join?

@kyo: wow long time no see ^_^

Character Profile:

Name: Juno Wallace
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Group: Relous
Weapon: Stick/Staff
Personality: Self centered, loyal, cunning but wise.
Bio: At first, Juno was a normal student of Biochemistry and able to get high marks on his study. He planned to be a scientist and find the cure of the virus by doing more research on reptile's immunity and poisons. however, just after graduated he was kidnapped and being a subject for 'the cure' test based on his recent study on Deinagkistrodon Accutus. The people who kidnapped him infuses his gene with the snake's gene. hoping that Juno will be dead because of the poison that his own body created. After the test, Juno fell into a comma for several weeks because of the severe pain he felt all over his body. When he wakes up, the other subjects are escaping from the facility. knowing that the people who kidnapped him actually wanted him to die instead of trying to find the "true cure", Juno escapes with the others. during the escape, he savagely kill anyone tried to stop the Meta-Bestia from escaping causing more of the Meta -Bestia able to escape. However, this act gives a negative side. When he joined the Relous, very few of his comrades dare to talk with him because they feared him the most.
Juno didn't care much about what people think to him. now his focus is to seek out the people who kidnapped him and tried to kill him also to keep on his research to find out the "real cure" for the virus.

Appearance: Around 180 cm tall with a short black hair. he always wear a jacket and gloves to cover the snake scale appeared on his skin. He also wears half of a smiling mask on the left side of his face also to cover his snake scale. However hi did nothing to cover his eyes which resembles a snake.

Animal Half: Deinagkistrodon Accutus a.k.a Hundred Pacer Pit-Viper
Class: one
- Detection [like the snakes, he gained special organ on the ceiling of his mouth, which enables him to catch scents and detect the presence of other living organism]
- Serpent Swiftness [Gained similar movement anatomy like a snake, Juno can swiftly move with a great reflexes. giving him and edge in evading attacks and quickly counter it]
- Poison Injection [ by using the poison gland on his body, he can releases a toxic attack trough his teeth or nails. the toxin released is the same as the toxin contained in Deinagkistrodon Accutus, which causes a severe internal bleeding on the body of the victim. An infamous toxin that makes people die before they can walk 100 steps, which gives his other half animal the name "Hundred Pacer"]
- Immunity [somehow, after being used with the poison produced by some part of his body, Juno's body actively created antibody and antitoxin. thus he can resist poisons and viruses. sometimes when his friends are in grave danger because of poison or virus, Juno take a part of his blood and inject it to his friend's veins to rescue his friends.]

Animal Parts:
- His eyes resembles the eye of a snake
- Snake scales found on some part of his skin. a small fraction on his left cheek, on the back of his hands, on his back and knees.
- Poison gland on the back of his hands and integrated in his saliva gland.

EDIT: this is my second character... He'll be the leader of Ani Forces

Hey, since no one takes the leader of Ani Forces, i think i would like to take that role for my 2nd character.
This is the character:

Name: Klaus Rossert [Croak]
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Group: Ani Forces (Leader)
Weapon: Sniper Rifle(customized so that he can use it underwater), handgun, thorium knuckle
Personality: Cynical, coolheaded, very loyal.
Bio: Klaus lost all of his family because of the virus outbreak. he himself managed to survived from the virus attack, even tough he was critically ill he was saved by one scientist. The scientist didn't adopt him and put him in an orphanage. but one day the scientist who saved his life contacted him and asked him to be a subject to the test for the cure. Because of his hatred to the virus outbreak, Klaus voluntarily accept the test as he think that this is the only way to stop the virus. However, one day the subjects of the test are trying to escape from the facility. Believing that those subjects had taken the wrong path, Klaus tried to stop them from escaping. But he failed to stop the others and got critically injured by Juno's poison. He was saved by on of the researcher in the facility and managed to gain full consciousness after becoming comma for 3 weeks. when he woke up, Espon offered him to be the leader of Ani Forces. He immediately accept the offer, for he believed that the Espon ways is the only way to stop the virus outbreak and to thanks the scientist and researchers in Espon that saved his life.

Appearance: About 176 cm tall, wear glasses and always wear a dark blue jacket. Actually he has a short dark hair, however because of the golden poison frog DNA infused in his gene his hair turned gold.

Animal Half: Golden Poison Frog
Class: one
- Toxic Rush --> Enables his body to secrete toxic all over his body at will. his toxics are 1200 times more deadly than cyanide. the type of the poison is alkaloid poison that acts as neurotoxin, which prevents nerves from transmitting impulses, leaving the muscles in an inactive state of contraction. This can lead to heart failure or fibrillation
- Frog Leap --> Klaus feet are able to mimic the movement of a frog, enabling him to move swiftly by leaping so fast.
- Sticky Grip --> enables Klaus to stand or hang on walls and ceilings.
- Amphibian Adaptation --> Enables underwater breathing by using his skin. this also enables him to act underwater as good as he is on land.

Animal Parts:
- tiny adhesive disk on the tip of his fingers.
- his hair color becomes gold, as a sign that he is poisonous.

in the name of truth and honor, i shall have my vengeance upon you

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-09-01 06:09:09 (edited 2009-11-05 04:49:27)
Name:Noctis Lucis Caelum
Weapon:Any bladed weapon.Prefers Swords and always dual wields.
Personality:Loud and a very sarcastic person.He usually does things without realizing he's doing it.He is usually thinking of ways to make things lively and avoids most boring things,like meetings and such.Prefers to do things his own way,but now and then does things with other people.
Bio:Came from a very rich family from Europe.He was kidnapped and was brought to the facility when he was only 6 years of age.Became interested in the art of Ninjutsu at the age of 10,and proceeded to study the basics.Always smiles and rarely opens his eyes.He is quite skilled in Assassinations as he was trained in the art of Ninjutsu.Is a very Skilled musician too.Has a knack for cars and such.Owns two vehicles.A black big bike and a silver sports car that is fully modified by him.

For MBs Only:

Animal Half:Fox
-Keen Hearing:Can hear the faintest sounds even from afar.
-Deception:Can usually deceive people around with his words.
-Agile & Nimble:Can move faster than most MBs or Humans.
-Stealth:Can move silently across any surface and can remain hidden when needed.

Animal Parts:
-Red Eyes
-Ears and Tail

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-09-01 08:47:27
[ Kyoshiro ]
Don't you mean "Long time, no RP?"
Yeah its been ages since I RPed with you.

[ Dream Eater ]
Ah, yes it been way too long :0
Say my greetings to your sister as well.

[ Rastya ]
Yes you can, no one is stopping you xD

[ New Players ]
Welcome and I hope you guys enjoy this out
of the blue RP. And its nice to RP is some old
friends here ;D Makes its more fun then ever.

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by Renma on 2009-09-01 10:15:41 (edited 2009-09-08 19:08:47)
May I join? mmmmhm, nobody took Espon yet ._.

Character Profile:

Name: Renma Hiyoshi / Sharkman
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Group: Ani-Forces

Weapon: A large Adamantium Axe Resembling a shark fin sprouting from his arm
Personality: Muted, Ruthless and cold blooded when being given orders. Although at times he keeps feeling remorse and regrets.

Bio: Renma was a son from a small family of Fisherman living at the beach. The virus outbreak killed his entire family, leaving him all alone. He survived but a huge shark fin grew from the bones on his hand. When the scientists discovered him, he's found to be one of the rare speciments. He's found to have natural immunity to the virus. His Antibody keeps scrambling the Virus's RNA, although the virus is being kept at bay, the random mutation occured hence causing a shark fin to grow out of his arm. Upon investigation, the scientists found that besides having the rare immunity system Renma's Reflexes and Strength is greatly enhanced due to the Shark DNA being fused by the Virus. While other speciments of the same animal type infection got gills, rendering them unable to be on land for a long time Renma's immunity prevent gills from growing. The scientists experimented on him, fusing his blood with adamantine. This results in his shark fin becomes a blade which is able to cut almost everything. Aside from that, he also gain immense strength beyond ordinary humans. He's able to infuse any parts of his body with the adamantine turning them into a weapon (Most of the time he infused the shark fin on his hand with the adamantine, hence turning it into a blade). Unfortunately due to the pain that's caused by fusing admantine his blood, Renma lose his ability to speak. Hence, Kate do all of the speaking for him.

Appearance :

Animal Half: White Shark
Class: 1
- Bloodlust : just like sharks which are sensitive to blood, Renma is able to smell blood. This helps him in finding wounded "prey"
- Electroreception : Renma is able to produce electromagnetic fields around him, capable of sensing any disturbance not to mention to know the exact numbers of people, even if they are hiding behind objects.
- Lateral line : Sharks are able to detect vibrations in water, however Renma has been living on the land for a bit too long that he's able to adapt with his ability. He's able to sense vibrations on the air, giving him an edge to react before his enemy does.
- Timestopper : Being known as Cold Blooded animals, sharks are able to regulate their own body temperature by adjusting the blood flow. Renma adapted this aspects, enabling him to regulate his blood flows, surging adrenaline at will. Doing this excessively however will cause a phenomena in which the time slows down for him, to the point that it almost stops. This only occurs in his own mind however, since his adrenaline is surging very rapidly.

Animal Parts: Shark Fin, Shark eyes.

Name: Kate Tyler
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Group: Espon
Weapon: Handguns, and a pair of Machete
Personality: Cunning, Highly intelligent and have a very vast network of information. She's very loyal to the Espon and Very fond of Renma.
Bio: One of the leading scientist in Experiment GSG0513 Codenamed : Great White. She was the one proposing the idea of infusing Adamantine with Renma's blood. Due to the unstable nature of Adamantine and the Great White Shark DNA itself, Kate is assigned to be Renma's Supervisor ever since the experiment. Kate utilizes a Brain Wave transmitter in order to communicate with the now muted Renma. She was originally a Biomedical Engineering University student before the outbreak. She's a child prodigiy, as she's able to enroll to the university at the age of 14. When the outbreak happens, all of her families are wiped out, then she heard of the Espon group and joined them to be the researcher. In the espon, however she has been trained to be the special ops which will be sent to the field works directly to handle experimental MBs. Renma is her first one, and somehow She developed affections and kindness towards him.


Animal Half: Spectral Bat
Class: 1
- Glide
- Echolocation : By Utilizing Echolocation, She's able to determine objects around her to specific coordinates including the angles, this way her gunkata is one of the best in the entire Espon Special Ops Department.
- Sonic Wave : Kate is able to produce Ultra Frequency sounds just like bat, by adjusting the frequency she's able to affect different kind of living organisms as well as disrupting various kinds of communication system.
- Night Ghost : Whenever there's little to few light, Kate is able to blend with her surroundings. Just like Spectral Bat which feeds on other bats and one of the few carnivorous species of bat, She gains bloodlust during this time turning her into a formidable assassin.

Animal Part : bat Ears, Fangs. During Night Ghost, a pair of Bat wings will sprout from his back, giving him aerial advantages.

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Report | Modify | Delete | Link | by on 09:51:19 am 09/07/09
Name: Angelica Spinnet
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Group: Relous
Weapon: Chain, Throwing Knifes, A pair of Colt 45 and SPAS-12 Shotgun.
Personality: Tend to be a Sadist, Often Playing around with her prey, Believe in her self-righteousness, Although she has a really great sense of just.. which is tend to be really sick and screwed up.
Bio: Angelica was a victim of child trafficking, having German and English Blood. She was brought to Cuba in a child assassin program. She was trained and when she reached her 16, she was recruited into FARC. She's always the best among her "peers" Leaving no evidences not to mention she always get her things done, even if she really has to chase a car for few miles on foot... literally. She has profficiency in using almost all kind of weapons thanks to her Military Training in FARC. Be it Big Guns, handguns, Even Bazookas. Although her favourite weapons is always a pair of colt 45. One day, upon meeting a guy from an Italian small winery family she realized her wrong-doings and decided that she'l retire from FARC and work in the wineyard master as a maid while using a new identity "Roberta". She gradually forgot her Identity as a FARC soldier. However, things gone wrong with the virus outbreak. She and her master was taken by the Espon. She's infused with Spider's DNA, while her master was taken as a prototype of "Great White". However her master never made it and he died in the surgery. Devastated from the great loss, Angelica swears she will hunt down every single entity from Espon and anyone who supports them. She made it out together with Juno, probably killing almost as many as he did as they were surrounded back then. From that day on, that Roberta who used to work as a clumsy maid in the vineyard died and the FARC Soldier is reborn.

Reference : Roberta from Black Lagoon

Animal Half: Australian Funnel Web Spider
Class: 1

- Smooth Silk : As the name suggests, She can produce a really thin yet strong and very high tensile strength silk from sweat pores around her wrist. She can alter these, making them sticky, adding more property and also of course make spider web.

- Toxic Saliva : Angelica is able to produce a very corrosive Neurotoxin from her salivary gland. Coming in direct contact with it can cause burns and will seep through to the blood vessel and prove to be fatal by causing death in 10 hours if not treated.

- Wall Climbing : Angelica has Scopulae on her skin. They are bristles whose ends are split into as many as 1,000 branches, and enable her to walk up vertical glass and upside down on ceilings. Not to mention to walk on top of her web without getting caught by the stickiness.

- Superhuman Strength : Angelica can cover parts of her body with her silk to strengthen them or Enhancing the defense.

Animal Parts:

- Spider Urticating Hair on her chest (hidden in her clothes in the pict)
- a patch of brownish spider hair on her head
- Extra two fangs on her jaws.

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2009-09-01 10:20:39 (edited 2009-11-02 05:04:02)
Name: Fenris The Black Wolf
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Group: Relous

Katana named Ronin,
this katana was forged by Fenris while he was still in captivity the blade is forged from
blue damascus steel giving it a wave like blue pattern that made one of his captors name
the katana, Ronin, meaning one a drift on the waves.

Even after the pain and horrors he faced at the Espon facility, Fenris still enjoys life
to it's fullest, and he is determined to free the rest of his 'brothers' from the clutches of Espon.

When Fenris was injected with prototype of the cure as a side effect it gave him total amnesia
he didn't even know how to speak and only thing he remembers from the following year is the pain as
his body adapted to the changes wrought by the 'cure'. During this time one of the Espon scientist was
experimenting with technology that could improve the humans physical and mental abilities and injected
Fenris with his invention. The invention seemed to have worked as Fenris was able to learn several
languages and gain education at the level of university graduate in several fields in two years after
he had recovered from the 'cure'. But because the other test subjects, injected with both the cure and
'the boost', died it's testing was terminated. Fenris was allowed to study and work with the scientist as
he appeared to be Class 1 MB unable to hide his ears, tail and fur and having gained only slightly
increased speed in time he was deemed harmless and forgotten. He was also allowed to study and
train in martial arts, mainly kendo and kenpo. In reality Fenris had managed to hide
his increased abilities from the scientist and gained a lot of information concerning Espon and
Meta-Bestias before inciting the incident that allowed the escape of many of the Meta-Bestias from the
Espon facility.

After the escape he started searching for the escaped Meta-Bestia and creating a force sufficient enough
to free the rest of the Meta-Bestias from Espon. After having found several of the escaped they begun the
construction of their hideout in near the edge of the Tokyo Dome. After having the first base finished the group
now named Relous spread out in an effort to find the rest of escaped Meta-Bestia before Espon and resist
Espon wherever possible.


Animal Half: Tundra Wolf (Canis lupus albus)
Class: 3
Heightened Senses,
Improved Reflexes,
Increased Muscle Mass especially on the jaws,
Strenghtened Bone Structure

Animal Parts:
Ears, Fangs and Tail of a Wolf,
his arms change into clawed hands
and his hair grows into a wolf's mane,
also his spine is as flexible as wolves
and he prefers running on arms and legs as this allows him to use his whole
body to move and he can run much faster and longer than on two legs.


Minor Character

Name: Arthur

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Group: Neutral

Weapon: None, he is pacifist

Personality: Arthur's person seems to radiate an aura of calmness and competence

Bio: Arthur hasn't told much about himself, he is of british origin and he had
been living in Tokyo several years before the virus broke out. He seems to know
much about MB's but when questioned he falls silent and odd sadness fells upon
him. After the virus outbreak he dedicated himself to helping those in need.

Appearance: Grey hair and round glasses with a gaunt face

ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-09-01 11:09:15 (edited 2009-09-17 01:36:13)
@inx : yo... It's been a while... It's the 2nd time i'm doing rp... So, if I'd make a mistake or so, please make me informed...

Name : Itsuki Matsumaya / Matsumaya-Oni, meaning "The Demon of Matsumaya".

Age : 18

Gender : Male

Group : Neutral

Weapon : Swords (any type), Fist, and Legs.

Personality : Very shy, but easily gets mad sometimes. Hardly control his anger, always let his anger to be release.. At one times, he could
be very friendly, and sometimes not. Very intelligent on planning ideas... Quite confident person and also total random person..

Bio : Once a brutal student on his past, he was kidnapped by the Epson and turned him into a monster. But, it was a failure. As a failure
class 2 MB subject, Itsuki didn't had any recollection of his past, execpt his current self. When he finds himself he had abilities, the animal
half of cheetah, thanks to the MB itself, he uses to protect himself from anyone who are threathening him.. Moreover, his hatred towards
Epsons is very clear.. He was not able to control his ability and his rage, goes berserk and kills any Epsons or Ani Forces he'd saw... Since
then, he'd was wanted by the Epson or Ani Forces. After few months of self-training, he's able to control his rage and abilities, although his
eyes are changed into cheetah's completely... Now, he's wandering on the streets of Tokyo, looking at the battlefield, while waiting for
revenge towards the Epson, all by himself... Knowing that anyone could use him for any purpose, he uses his ability to stay away from
them... He only talk with certain person if the person had no intent to harm him... He'd also loves hard-electronics musics and dances
sometimes... He is called as the Oni, due to his silent, but brutal force towards the Epsons and Ani Forces.

MB Info :
Animal Half : Cheetah (A cat-type)
Class : Class 2
Abilities :
- Wind walk : Silent and quick movement.
- Cat's Frevor : Quick and swift attacks,
- Cat's Sight : Excels in night vision sight,
- Vendetta : Able to attack without anyone noticing what's happening.
Animal Parts : Eyes, Teeth. Also, some furs on his hands.. That's why he's using gloves.

Appereance :



Name : Natsumi Hibiki / "Ice"

Age : 25

Gender : Female

Group : Espon

Weapon : Her hands, feets and Fighting gloves.

Personality : Very mysterious. Calm, but hardly to smile. Sad-faced person. Although she was very happy at one time, she just can't express her feelings into a smile... She can be quite cold at some part or when she couldnt hold her anger... An average inteligent person with crazy ideas...

Bio : Born at the Espon facility, her parents also an Espon scientist. Learing much till she's 25, she's able to make her first MB experiments..
Together with her parent's help, they used Itsuki as their test subject... By infusing Cheetah DNA, they were able to make the most stable MB ever. But just things get pretty good, something wrong happened... Itsuki gone berserk and wake up from the test bed... While Natsumi tries to run, Itsuki chased her, tried to kill her... Just after that, Natsumi's parents protects her and tries to calm Itsuki.
Somehow, they were able to calm Itsuki, but for a price. Natsumi's parents were heavily injured and died on the spot...
Natsumi was saw everything... She turned hysterical right after she saw her parents bodies... Since then, she was unable to smile ever and she holds grudge at Itsuki and swore to kill him at any cost...

Appearance :


Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-09-01 14:12:56 (edited 2009-09-01 18:44:36)
[ Renma ]
Oh welcome xD And yes Espon is currently small
but I doesn't need to be too big, nor does Neutrals.
I do have to say this, If you sticking with that group,
it mentions (now) that being in that group means staying
in the facility most of the time :0

[ Phs ]
It looks fine to me xD

[ All ]
It seem we might be able to start soon x3

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by Renma on 2009-09-01 18:42:18
@Inx oh yeah xD just read.. ok so I made 2 chars if that's allowed since my 1st character is a mute so he needs a translator. Also, my 2nd character is an Espon that's trained to be the handler.. Please check my Character profile and tell me if it needs to be changed ^^ Thanks

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by kyohibiki on 2009-09-01 18:45:00 (edited 2009-09-02 00:34:08)
EDIT : decreasing rouge's ability. some bold and color ^______________^

ok, this is my characters ^_____^ i'll do a warming up using this 3 character!
Profile lay out will be edited later ^_____^ (it's looks too long and too plain, i'll put some bold and color things later ^__^)

by the way, all of these animals and the information about it weren't a fiction. these are the fact and they really does exist. If you're curious about them, just check it out with google, you'll find the complete information about these animals.

Character Profile:
Main Character :

Name : [Noir – Black Diamond (real name : Mikoto Hanekawa)]
Age : [25]
Gender : [Male]
Group : [Neutral]
Weapon : [None]
Personality :
[Rather cold and mysterious, Noir seldom show his emotion and tend to be quiet. But when he going all out in a fight, he becomes a fierce and brutal beast however He keep his act as careful, accurate, calculated and smart as he can.]

Bio :
[Noir born in downtown area of Tokyo with his sister, Rin Hanekawa. But one day, their peaceful and normal live ruined by Espon who kidnapped them to be an experimental subject. He’s experiencing an unimaginable pain for many years. One day, when some MB escaped and made some mess at Espon’s research center, he take his sister along and run away from the facility. But because of the trauma caused by many years of sorrow and worst experience, he become introvert and prefers not to interact with others except for job.
He always hide his black coloured arms with bandages. Noir loved his sister so much and will do anything to protect and fulfil her wish. They work as a mercenary, assassin, courier, bodyguard, etc.
He held a deep grudge to Espon and Ani Forces who had made his sister into her current state and keep trying to hunt them.]

Animal Half : [Hercules Beetle]
Class : [Class 2]
Abilities :
[An unimaginable strength (Hercules Beetle able to carry up to 850 times its own weight – in human height and weight, 65 ton object), a very hard exoskeleton shell (His skin can turn into a black coloured shell), advance hearing and sensing ability (He can feel the vibration of the ground and the air around him).]
Animal Parts:
[Green eyes, black coloured exoskeleton shell (in full transform mode, he’ll fully covered with a black coloured exoskeleton shell armour), black horns at each sides of his head]

Appearance :

Name: [Rouge – Little Red ‘Raiding’ Hood (real name : Rin Hanekawa)]
Age: [12]
Gender: [Female]
Group: [Neutral]
Weapon: [Giant Cleaver, Axe, knifes, swords, blades]
[A twisted mind girl who know nothing about right nor wrong. Always act innocent and cheerful, but when she smells blood or her adrenaline rise, she become a killing machines that will kill anyone she want without neither hesitate nor regret. She loves playing around with her brother, Noir. She consider a ‘chasing-and-kill’ as the most enjoyable play. She only obey her brother’s word.]

[Little sister of Noir / Mikoto Hanekawa. Along with her brother, she’s kidnapped by Espon and used as an experimental subject. But unlike her brother, she, who were just a little girl that time, has no mental power to withstand the deadly pain, sorrow, and hopelessness inside the facility. Her mental broke and her mental state can’t developed from around 8-10 years old girl who like play and know nothing about moral nor about right and wrong things. She loved Little Red Riding Hood story and tend to play role with his brother, she’ll become the little girl and his brother as the wolf. But since her mental broke, the play become a ‘chasing-and-kill’ play. Unlike the original story where the little girl hunted by the wolf, she prefer to hunt the wolf, and now, the wolf can be anyone she want or she considered as.
She likes to use a giant cleaver, axe, knives, swords, blades, wedge, hammer, and many kind of tools to hunt and kill her ‘playmates’. She obtain the name, Little Red ‘Raiding’ Hood because every time she work with her brother, she’ll wear a red hood and cruelly and mercilessly kill the target until her clothing covered by a crimson red blood.
Rouge only obeys her brother’s word.]

Animal Half: [Gray Wolf]
Class: [Class 3]
[Incredible muscle strength and stamina, highly developed hearing and smelling senses, a very strong jaw and sharp teeth, a very swift and fast movement]
Animal Parts:
[wolf ears, claws, fang and tails]

Appearance :

Side Character

Name : [Rozen (R-053N) - Berserker]
Age : [20]
Gender : [Female]
Group : [Ani Forces]
Weapon : [Assault Rifle (M series), hand gun, combat knifes, swords, chain]
Personality :
[An emotional girl and get angry easily. She has a sharp tongue and tend to make others angry with her sharp or harsh words. She’s an introvert girl who seldom interacts with others. She’s selfish and strong minded, once she set her mind, it’s almost impossible to make her change her opinion.]

[A girl risen by the researcher of Espon. She doesn’t know anything about her parents and she doesn’t even remember when she started to be used as an experimental subject. Rozen wasn’t her real name, that’s actually a code given by the researcher to call her. Akatsuki Amamiya, a male researcher who was in charge to rise her was the one who gave her that name. She’s one of the prototypes who considered as a failed product. She possessed neither animal part nor specific animal ability of that animal. She only gain an advance physical strength and a bit higher sensing ability. Not only that, she sometimes can’t control her animal instinct and brutality. When this condition happened, her physical form tend to change into a Liger like and her strength increase drastically, but as the compensation, she’ll gradually lost her mind and turn into a complete beast. If that process continue and getting worse, she’ll turn into a giant tiger monster and she’ll completely taken over by her animal instinct. If she turn into that phase, she only have a few hour before she died.
She has to take a daily medicine and given a treatment in order to control herself. Because of her condition, other Ani Forces member tend to stay away from her whenever she join into a mission, and from that behaviour, she obtain ‘Berseker’ name. Also, as the result of the unimaginable experiment she gone through and many kind of factor, she gradually lost her sense of pain.
She doesn’t interact with many people, except to Akatsuki as the one who responsible with her condition and some Ani Force members.]

Animal Half : [Liger (Hybrid cross between male lion (Panthera Leo) and female tiger (Panthera Tigris)) ]
Class : [Class 0] (lower than class 1)
Abilities :
[Incredible muscle strength and stamina, swift and fast movement]
Animal Parts : [None]

Appearance :

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-09-01 18:46:59 (edited 2009-09-01 23:40:50)
[ Renma ]
Yeah thats good now, it fits perfectly now :D
Multiple Characters are allowed, up to three anyway.
And if your making side characters keep only those you can

[ Kyo ] *EDIT*
You certainly went all out on these characters you made xD
And yes I know their real animals and abilities are fine:0

But I have to say Rouge went over the number of abilities.

[ All ]
I was hoping to find someone to take the leader
for Ani Forces, if any of you want it and I will
decide who gets it . 3. otherwise am taking it.

Espon Leader might be L, who is posting later.
And Relous will be lead by Fenris.
If they take the part :0

In any case, I might be able to start some time tomorrow
in the afternoon or evening where I am.

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-09-01 21:11:14
And Here I am ^.^; nice to be RP-ing with all of you again.

Name: Valter Rigonat (Vinushka to some of his colleagues)
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Group: Leader of Espon
Weapon: Left Arm (Created from robotics) any firearm available to him.
Personality: Calculating, but extremely cold towards humanity even though he fronts being the savior of mankind because of his experiments. He really creates the Meta Bestia for more sinister purposes.....
Bio: Valter is the epitome of sin and evil. However, he is very very good at masking all that. Only his colleagues know his true self, for he displayed near crazed work fervor in his earlier days in creating a way for humans to withstand animal genes. He spent much time developing the method, a brute fusion technique that forced the human body to accept the hybrid genes by any means necessary and eventually announced to all of Tokyo that he will attempt to fuse animal genes with human genes. He used his nephew as the first experiment. He nearly put him in a cryogenic state to avoid inflicting pain on his nephew, permanently keeping his body temperature at freezing rate after the process. From then on, he really didn't care about anybody else. From the brutish way he treated his human experiments, a Russian colleague labeled him as Vinushka, one of sin. the name stuck so well, Valter actually began to like it.
Appearance: Photobucket

Abilities: Due to his determination to control all that he created, Valter injected himself a dose of a hybrid dose of DNA, fusing so many animals with himself, he shows no powers, but can detect the abilities of even Class 3 MBs He also cut off his own left arm and fitted a robotic arm, with sharp as knives finger parts. Its strength output is 68x the amount of a regular human's arm.

Name: Dimir Rigonat
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Group: Espon
Weapon: His teeth
Personality: Cold blooded, yet extremely hot headed at the same time.
Bio: Dimir is Valter's nephew. He volunteered to be the first MB. Valter warned him of the pain, but Dimir was not fazed. Without his permission however, Valter froze him and then injected him with an elkhound's genes. The process continued to freeze most of his bodily functions even after the process. When he woke up and saw his condition, he didn't get angry at Valter, but respected his uncle even more. He lives now to serve his uncle.
For MBs Only:

Animal Half: Norwegian Elkhound
Class: Class 2
Abilities: Speed, excellent sense of smell, able to withstand any type of cold, able to withstand high levels of pain.
Animal Parts: Razor sharp teeth (cannot be hidden) squarely built body (cannot be hidden) Gray/white coat of hair (can be hidden in most situations beside fighting.) Gray/white tail (can be hidden in most situations beside fighting).

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by on 2009-09-02 05:55:19 (edited 2009-09-02 06:24:24)
Alright, I'm in anyways. Inx please say if there's any edits that is need to be done.

Character Profile:

Name: Yue Ming [Die Hard Soldier]
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Group: Neutral
Weapon: Ranged (M1S6V and other ranged weapons) and Unarmed.

>M1S6V "Snakefist" Assault Rifle - A customized M16A1, which is widely used during the 20th century in USMC. Yue changed the barrels and the parts to fit the current mainstream ammo, 6.5mm. Although it has stronger recoil compared to 5.56mm version, it has more punch and capable of piercing through conventional bulletproof vests. The M1S6V also outfitted with an old M203 grenade launcher, whether it is loaded with explosives or incendiary, that is up to Yue himself.

Personality: Friendly and occasionally help the ones who are in trouble. Yue's motto "Money Over Morals" has sometimes makes him a greedy person.

Bio: A native Chinese, Yue graduated from Nanyang University in Singapore. Thanks to his stellar performances in the university, he was taken by Espon when he was 22, to develop the cure for the virus which is currently rampaging and killing unfortunate victims. During his involvement on Espon research for the true cure in Japan, Yue saw the hideous transformations of the subjects injected with the prototype. Their screams and sufferings had made Yue decided to resign from Espon as a researcher and in the end he resigned at 25. But the story has not ended yet. Yue was hunted by Espon due to his knowledge about the prototype cure. Fortunately, Yue met Ryo, an ex-soldier for the JDF, Ryo taught everything like how to handle a firearm and some martial arts. After he lost his mentor, Yue becomes a mercenary, for any humans who want protection from the war between the Relous and the Ani-Forces. Despite that, Yue still wants to see the end of Espon...

Appearance: 5'6 tall, Yue wears a dark brown windbreaker with a white undershirt and a pair of black trousers. He has short grayish hair and a pair of brown eyes.

Re: Meta-Bestia RP [Started | PM to Join]
Link | by kyohibiki on 2009-09-02 07:31:28
message from Dream-Eater, she'll be away for a few days (maybe a week). So, she said she'll just join in later.

by the way...i noticed this RP has an incredible number of viewers for a 'just-starting' RP...

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