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The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by otaku on 2009-07-10 14:15:41 (edited 2009-07-25 19:08:26)
This is my first RP! Positive comments and constructive criticism are welcome!


This RP takes place in a world similar to our own, with identical geography and everything, but in which magic is interwoven with technology. Teleport stations are common (but expensive), while silent bombs (among other things) are routinely used by police. Amidst all that, someone (no one knows who) has prophesied that an ancient cataclysm, caused by an overload of magical energy, will take hold once again. This time, unlike five thousand years ago, it will not be delayed. However, no one knows what this cataclysm actually is...

Unaware of the cataclysm, the majority of the world lives its life in peace, and the shadow of certain doom darkens the lives of only a random few hundred thousand.

It's fated to happen anyway. So why not get it over with? That's what a radical magic-worship cult happens to think.

No way! We don't know what it is, we don't know if it's even real, responds the vast majority of people who are concerned about it.

And a small group of people know it'll happen, know it is fated to happen, and know it will not be delayed, but simply question... how certain is fate?



No God-Moding or Auto-Hits, instant kill, et cetera.

No killing other players without my permission AND the player's. Unless it's a minor character, like "Citizen 1" or "Police Officer 3".

No controlling other characters without my permission AND the player's. Again, unless it's a minor character.

Your posts may be in any style you choose, but PLEASE use correct grammar! And no one-liners!

Do NOT discuss anything not related to the RP without my permission!

Romance is fine, but PLEASE keep it clean!


Explanation of magic: There are ten different kinds of magic. In Elemental magic:

Then there's non-Elemental magic:
Shield magic (just about essential in a party)
Healing magic
Transport magic
Enchantment magic

Each different kind of magic is formed by a Sigil, which is a geometric figure or figures drawn in the air, an Incantation, which is a phrase that helps concentrate magical energy (Mana) through the sigil, and the Mana itself. It is possible to perform magic without the Incantation and/or the Sigil, but doing so is extremely inadvisable, as the magical energy consumed can and probably will be sufficient to kill the caster before the spell is cast. There are exceptions to the rule, but only in people who have had special training, and even then, it's very dangerous. A player who wants to play such a character must ask my permission first.

The longer the Incantation, and the more complex the Sigil, the higher-level and more powerful the magic.

If anyone wants a practical demonstration of magic:
Player draws a concentric trigram in the air and chants, "Ancient forces of the light, I call upon your holy might!" A blast of light emanates from Player's hand and streaks toward Enemy, blinding him and catching his clothes on fire.

It doesn't have to rhyme. Rhyming means less concentration on the spell, and thus less power.


A spellcaster may have a Pact with a magical being called a Spirit. No spellcaster may have a pact with more than one Spirit, or vice versa. The Spirit will protect the Pactor as commanded until the Pactor's point of death, at which point the Spirit takes the Pactor's Mana and magical knowledge for its own. A Pactor must Summon a Spirit before he/she can command it to protect him.

The Summons is a spell, and is treated as such. The Sigil is always a single pentagram, but the Incantation varies from Spirit to Spirit. Also, after the Pactor performs the actual spell, he/she must then say clearly, "I Declare: Summmoning by pact! Come, Ixion!" Replace Ixion with your own Spirit's name.

Most spirits have elemental natures. Here are some examples:
Light: Seraph, Arcana, Hestia
Dark: Gilfer, Hekate, Ashtaroth
Wind: Reinforce, Sylph, Siddhartha
Lightning: Thor, Jupiter, Ixion
Fire: Ifrit, Belias, Inferno
Ice: K-Zero, Celsius, Cryo

Anyone who wishes to have a pact with an elementless Spirit must get my permission first.

Examples of Elementless Spirits: Nihil, Ars Magna, Addramelech, Shinigami, Mateus, Xammux, Ultima, Exodus, Ge, Famfrit, Shinryu, Senkokura, Zoma, Baramos, Lich, Zemus, Vlitra, Anon.

Regardless of the person, a Spirit can communicate with their Pactor mentally and vice versa.


This is the character sheet:

Side: (Myself, Cult, Nonbeliever, Preventer, Mercenary, Police)
Nationality: (this is the nationality of your character's ancestors)
Place of origin: (This is the place your character was born)
Magic: (Please choose up to 2 Elemental, plus 1 non-Elemental if you wish. Players who want more must get my permission first.)
Other skills: (This is any skills your character has that are not magical in nature. Swordplay, knife-throwing, et cetera. Please select no more than three unless you have my permission to choose more.)
Pact Applicable: (Yes or no)
Description: (May be a pic or a verbal description)

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name:
Spirit element:
Spirit description: (See Description under Character)
Spirit abilities:

You may have up to three characters, but please try to give them equal screen time.


Here is my character:

Name: Rolf Halfhearted
Gender: Male
Side: Myself
Age: 15
Nationality: Mixed
Place of origin: Halfhearted Estate, England
Magic: Dark, Fire, Shield
Other skills: Knife-Throwing, Archery, Strategizing
Pact Applicable: Yes
Description: Dark hair, light skin, casual clothes.
Bio: His parents were killed seven years ago, and he is the prime suspect. He doesn't know who killed them, isn't even a witness, but his family's treasure, the Dark Insignia, was stolen. Now, the only clue he has to finding the murderer is a fairy tale he has memorized, that his father used to tell him... a fairy tale about the six Insignias, and a cataclysm the six of them just barely hold at bay. Meantime, he must run away from the police so he can catch the criminal himself.

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name: Apophis
Spirit element: Dark
Spirit description: A giant serpent, formed from darkness, with shadows for eyes.
Spirit abilities: Swallow whole (Characters may cut their way out normally), Blend In (Can't be seen if in relative darkness to the viewer).

There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by on 2009-07-11 08:58:24
I'll join! please give me time to think about the character

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2009-07-11 17:11:35
I think I'll join it o/

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by otaku on 2009-07-11 18:35:57 (edited 2009-07-12 17:55:44)
Thank you, both of you, but we can't start up without more players than just three... not to mention at least one character for each player.


Name: Kyotaro Nakashima
Gender: Male
Side: Cult
Age: 33
Nationality: Japanese
Place of origin: Shinjuku
Magic: Ice, Lightning, Enchantment
Other skills: Deceit, smooth talking, catching thrown items
Pact Applicable: Yes
Description: Black hair, somewhat dark skin. Has an old scar all along his left arm, like someone cut him from shoulder to wrist.
Bio: His parents were killed when he was seven by a person or persons unknown, and he has a grudge against the world because of it. He is the one who murdered Rolf's parents and stole the Dark Insignia. He has a lot of influence with police around the world. He is the heir to the "Seal of Ice", or so he's been told since birth. He refuses to talk about his scar.

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name: Ge
Spirit element: None
Spirit description: A mass of earth that can mold itself into just about anything.
Spirit abilities: Shape-shifting (mentioned above), can regenerate from earth.


How's that for a villain?

There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by on 2009-07-12 07:42:21 (edited 2009-07-14 07:32:56)
-Character Profile-
Name:Aaron Tobias
Side:Himself; he's finding the truth and not yet believing any side, he'll stay like this until he know the Truth he can Trust
Magic:Healing, Lighting, Fire
Other skills: Archery, Swords Playing, Sword Making
Pact Applicable:Yes
Description:Black hair, Dark Brown eyes, often using a hooded black clothes
Bio:He was taught everything by his grandfather, including how to use magic. His parents die in a accident, but after his grandfather got killed he believe in those no more. he travel around the world to find the truth

Spirit name:Ignis
Spirit Element:Fire
Spirit Description: Ignis seems like a fireball that can moved by its own. and can changed it's color anytime it like to do so.
Spirit Ability:Burn down anything can burnt, it can give light in any situation, it can melt metals, boil waters

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by Icarael on 2009-07-12 10:58:16 (edited 2009-07-26 08:37:34)
I shall join. I wish to lead the cult- and even give it a name. That is, if you don't mind.


NAME: Thaddeus Richter Crowle
SIDE: Cult (Grand Master)
AGE: 696 (appears 28)
MAGIC: Although Thaddeus is an expert in all schools of magic, he prefers to use spells that belong to the schools of Darkness, Ice, and Enchantment.
OTHER SKILLS: Charisma, Advanced Swordsmanship, Sigil-less Casting (Since he's the main villain, he needs that.)

(REFERENCE: Unknown)
BIO: The Grand Master of a mysterious cult dedicated to bringing about the propehsied cataclysm. At this point, little is known about him, save that his charisma and persuasiveness has attracted hundreds of people around the world.


NAME: Nihil (May I use this Elemental?)
ELEMENT: Non-Elemental

(REFERENCE: Random picture of Yog-Sothoth)
DESCRIPTION: The avatar of entropy and desruction. Known by the epithets "The End of All", "The Last To Rise", and "He who Tears Down". The pact that Thaddeus has made with him has extended his life and preserved his youthful appearance- but for what purpose, none can say.
Gate of the Void- A powerful vortex of pure magical energy that consumes everything in its range.
The Ultimate Shield- Nihil can negate almost any attack that targets him or his Pactor.


NAME: Jared Sindermann
SIDE: Cult
AGE: 21
PLACE OF BIRTH: Manchester, England
MAGIC: Lightning, Wind, Shield
OTHER SKILLS: Arcane Knowledge, Swordsmanship, Strategy

(REFERENCE: Blacksmith from Ragnarok Online)
BIO: A young man from Manchester, England. His parents were a couple of magicians who were killed by a mob of "witch hunters" (read: fanatical magic-phobes) when he was 14. He then wandered the streets alone until Grand Master Ulrich took him in. Now, he serves his "Master" with unquestioning devotion and loyalty.


NAME: Quetzalcoatl
ELEMENT: Lightning

(REFERENCE: "Quetzalcoatl" by GENZOMAN)
DESCRIPTION: The ancient Aztec god of lightning, who appears as a plumed serpent.
Thunder Storm- Unleashes a rain of lightning bolts on the enemy.
Lightning Shield- Creates a barrier of electricity around one target.


NAME: Selene Ritter
GENDER: Female
SIDE: Preventers
AGE: 23
PLACE OF BIRTH: Brandenburg, Germany
MAGIC: Wind, Light, Healing
OTHER SKILLS: Persuasion, Arcane Knowledge, Clairvoyance

(REFERENCE: Unknown)
BIO: A young woman whose mother, a seer, had a vision about the cataclysm. She wrote of her experiences in a book and hid it, there to remain until her daughter, Selene discovered it, two years after her mother died. Somehow, Selene was convinced that her mother was speaking the truth, and so she joined the Preventers, a secret society of magicians whose sole goal is to prevent the cataclysm.


NAME: Randgris

(REFERENCE: Lenneth Valkyrie from Valkyrie Profile)
DESCRIPTION: A great Valkyrie who serves the God of War, Odin.
Fenrir's Fang- Randgris transforms into a mighty sword made of icy wind that fuses to Selene's right arm.

Snowshroud- Randgris can create a small, localized snowstorm that can deflect projectiles and certain kinds of magic.


EDIT: Switched Selene's side. We have too many Cult members.
EDIT 2: Added pictures for Selene and gave her a different sprit, since there are too many Light spirits in the Preventers.
EDIT 3: Made Thaddeus' age higher. After all, Marcel is quite old (556).

Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by otaku on 2009-07-12 13:17:55 (edited 2009-07-15 19:15:31)
(CC Icarael) Yes, you may use Nihil, and lead the cult. Thank you. I hadn't thought about the cult's leadership.

Someone should use Light magic, so...


Name: Trevor von Ulrich
Gender: Male
Side: Police
Age: 26
Nationality: German/French
Place of origin: Somewheere in Germany
Magic: Light, Dark, Police-Specific(Location spells, truth spells, etc.)
Other skills: Police equipment, Tracking, Strategy
Pact Applicable: Yes
Description: Black hair, black goatee with beard, all sorts of battle scars from military service.
Bio: Served in the German Army for four years, starting at age 18. Then he took up Law Enforcement, and eventually replaced the Lead Investigator in the Halfhearted Family Murder Case. Is currently tracking Rolf.

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name: Incognito
Spirit element: Light
Spirit description: Undisclosed. Can look like just about anything.
Spirit abilities: Disguise (mentioned above) (can extend disguise to pactor), See through other peoples' disguises.


That's my third character. I look forward to seeing the characters everyone else creates!


So here's the thing:
The cataclysm is held at bay only by six locks, one for each element. The locks are called "Seals." The keys to the locks are called "Insignias." Whoever stalled the cataclysm the first time around entrusted six families to guard the six Insignias, and another six to guard the Seals. If an Insignia is brought into contact with its respective Seal, the Seal will be unlocked... at which point the cataclysm will likely overwhelm and destroy the remaining five Seals. But no one knows that... except Thaddeus Richter Crowle. Crowle is the one who had the Nakashima family killed, leading Kyotaro to join the cult. He used the same strategy with Rolf, but it backfired.

Also, Crowle (but no one else) knows that the "cataclysm" is actually Nihil's full power and true form, which is well nigh unstoppable.

There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by on 2009-07-12 15:35:39 (edited 2009-07-13 00:56:58)
Been a while since i RP'ed but ill give it a go


Name : Faize Beleith Alseif
Gender : Male
Age : 21
Nationality : British / Norweigen
Place of origin : New England Britain
Side : Cult
Magic : Light , Shielding type magic
Other skills : Photographic Memory

Bio : After the death of his father in a local riot in Norway and the Death of his mother In the south of england Faize was brought to an orphanage inside the west area of London. There he met a young japanese elemntalist who taught him the control of magic . 7 years passed when Faize grew old enough to leave the orphanage he set off on a task to find his friend who had been Abducted from the Orphanage he grew up in . he believed it was the work of the police Currupt force that stole her and he will find her.

Appearance ( Ref Force shielder , Cabal online ) -
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Pact applicable - yes

Spirit * if yes * please tell me if this is ok or not

Spirit name : Sol de Chimera
Spirit Element : Darkness
Spirit Discrition : Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Spirit abilities : Thri Horned Shield ( Makes all Shield type Magic Into Offensive Waves of dark needles that the user can control remotely , there is a time limit to these needles and for each one made ove rthe excess it lowers the time used . A horde of 50 Thorns can stay on offense for 3 minutes for every thorn over reduces the time by 10 seconds )
Barrage shield : A one time shield that can deflect all attack Besides light magic after usage it renders the user temporarily paralyzed if the user uses this Pact ability again The user is at risk of death .

Name : Reimi Saoinji
Age : 18
Side : Police
Nationality : American /Japanese
Place of origin : Japan
Magic : Ice , Darkness
Other skills : Archery
Pact applicable : no
Bio : Growing up in a orphanage she befriended a older male named Faize , After she was taken by a Rapist she was aved by the police force in which she met her new found father , Her father a Police Force Ice Magician who held the Ice Insignia a powerfull Ice Magi symbol , he had been killed later on in her life by A person claiming to be An Occult member , with her fathers Ice Insignia being passed down to her she made it her mission to join the police and eliminate the occult .

Appearance : ( Ref Star ocean 4 )
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Update : Reimi Now hold the Ice Insignia

Photobucket Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by otaku on 2009-07-12 20:47:33 (edited 2009-07-13 16:08:15)
Name: Llednar Strauss
Gender: Male
Side: Cult
Age: 69
Nationality: Unknown
Place of origin: Unknown
Magic: Dark, Transport
Other skills: Advanced Swordsmanship, Arcane Knowledge, Sigil-less Casting
Pact Applicable: Yes
Description: Brown hair, brown eyes, light skin. Dresses in black armor. Looks 16.
Bio: Is the Right Hand of Thaddeus Richter Crowle. He is just as mysterious a figure as Crowle himself, but is not nearly as charismatic.

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name: Ars Magna
Spirit element: None
Spirit description: A multicolored, ever-shifting veil that covers the Pactor's skin.
Spirit abilities: Doubles Pactor's speed and strength, protects Pactor like armor. Also preserves life and youth of Pactor (like Nihil).


Name: Babus Isteran
Gender: Male
Side: Cult
Age: 46
Nationality: Unknown
Place of origin: Unknown
Magic: Light, Wind, Enchantment
Other skills: Arcane Knowledge, Stealth, Photographic Memory
Pact Applicable: Yes
Description: Keeps his whole body covered at all times with a black cloak.
Bio: The Archmage and Left Hand of Crowle. He is just as mysterious as Crowle and Llednar.

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name: Shinigami
Spirit element: None
Spirit description: A skeleton in black robes, with a gray scythe.
Spirit abilities: The smallest injury by its scythe causes gangrene and Alzheimer's disease.


I'm running these ones as minor characters. You may use them as opponents if they appear.


All right. I think we have enough characters. We start at 7/15, for those of you who still want to join. Oh, and feel free to create as many minor characters as you want, but make sure you keep track of them.

There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by on 2009-07-14 07:41:39
I've just finish my character Profile. Please tell me if there's something wrong.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by otaku on 2009-07-15 08:14:25
All right, we're good to go!

There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by Icarael on 2009-07-15 10:14:39
Right then! I'll just start with a bit of a prologue-ish write-off.


The door of the chamber creaked open, revealing a small, round tea table, with several armchairs arranged round it. A heap of wood crackled in the fireplace, sending sparks and ash flittering up the chimney.

Several men walked through the doorway, the hems of their black robes casting long shadows on the scarlet rug. They moved around, taking seats by the tea table or in one of the armchairs, casting aside robes and caps before settling in.

A pot of tea sat on the table, with cups and teaspoons laid out. Beside it was a platter of toast and a dish of butter, the knife sticking out of its side. A trail of steam coiled round the spout, lazily wafting to and fro.

"Please, make yourselves at home." The voice came from the chair facing the fireplace. Its occupant turned it about and sat down again, pouring itself a cup of tea as he did.

"Lord Crowle." The speaker appeared to be a youth of sixteen, dressed in black plate mail. The air around him shimmered and warped, showing the translucent veil draped over his shoulders. "You called for us?" He stepped back, holding a cup and a piece of toast in his hand.

"Yes, I did, Llednar." Grand Master Thaddeus Richter Crowle took a moment to sip from his cup of tea, then continued. "I called us to discuss our next move. The Cult is growing in prominence around the world. Several important people have pledged their support- monetary and otherwise- to our cause."

"Hnn." Another of the figures spoke up, his figure obscured by the black cloak he wore. His voice was brittle and cracked, like dry twigs snapping. "So, we have connections now..." He clasped his hands, twining his fingers together. "Interesting..."

Thaddeus reached for some bread and smeared butter on it before taking a bite. The young man to his right reached for the knife, putting it back onto the dish.

"So, how far have we been able to penetrate the hierarchy?" Llednar asked.

The young man at Thaddeus' left stepped forward, and began reading from a sheaf of papers. "According to the data our inside people gathered, we've managed to take control of several important business ventures through our chosen representatives." He shuffled the papers before picking out another one. "So far, the police and military remain largely free of our influence, though a few well-planted agents should rectify the situation."

"The police and the military..." the dry-voiced man said. "Meddling fools."

"Quite the obstacle," Llednar said. "If they ever got wind of what we're doing, we'd be thrown into jail before lunchtime."

Thaddeus smiled. He had prepared for that. "Thankfully, we have a way of disguising our operations, which should save us the trouble of prying eyes." He gestured to the youth again. "Jared?"

"Yes, Master." The boy produced another file and looked it over. "By disguising our operations and linking their expenses to the aforementioned business ventures, we can hide the 'paper trail' our plans leave behind. No one will bother questioning what the books say."

"Excellent work, Jared," Llednar said. "I can see the results of the education Master Thaddeus has given you."

Jared bowed. "Thank you, Lord Llednar."

"And how will this help us in getting the Seals and the Insignias?" Babus said.

"By marshalling our supporters and the aid we acquire, we can easily sweep the globe for the Seals and Insignias. This makes our quest easier." Llednar drank the last of his tea, then leaned forward to pour himself another cup.

"Have patience," Thaddeus said. "All our plans will soon come to fruition. The Cataclysm will come."

Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by otaku on 2009-07-15 13:47:50 (edited 2009-07-17 08:07:38)
Okay! Thank you for the prologue. Nice prose form, by the way. You should really take up professional writing. I'll kick off the actual storyline.


(Somewhere in France, 6:02 AM)

The sun blazes into Rolf's closed eyes, marking the beginning of yet another day on the run from law enforcement. He opens his eyes, struggles out of his camouflaged sleeping blanket, rolls it up, hides the traces of his campfire, and sets on his way to Cannes for provisions and new firewood. The concept of turning himself in occurs to him, but he dismisses it - he isn't the kind of person to just submit to authority. Not for the first time, he resolves that he will turn himself in for murder once the real murderer is dead.


(Cannes, France, 2:13 AM, same day)

Kyotaro checks his watch. Three minutes remaining. He supposes he should just settle down and watch the show, but his master's orders are absolute and unyielding, and he can't wait to carry this one out.

The show in question is something of a strip club thing. Three busty women who look exactly alike perform exactly the same contortionist maneuvers, at exactly the same time, wearing exactly the same loose clothes. The sexy part is that while the clothes start out loose, they get tighter and tighter as the act goes on, until they rip off, and the dancers are left with one-cup-size-too-large bras and loose panties... which also start to get tighter and tighter.

Most men (and there's not a woman among them) in the audience assume the three are identical triplets because they look exactly alike. They can't be more wrong.

The act ends with all three women commando. They snap their fingers in unison, and the tattered shreds of clothing re-form themselves around their respective bodies. (This disappoints a lot of onlookers.) They then bow and leave the stage.

As the crowd filters out, Kyotaro enters the door marked "STAFF ONLY". A security guard tries to stop him, but Kyotaro simply flashes an ID at him, and the gorilla backs away.

From there, he enters the dressing room marked "Joanne Irene", and talks to the occupant, which is a new mercenary for the Cult. It is also the woman from the triplet show.

Yes, 'the' woman. There was only one.


Minor Character

Name: Joanne Irene
Gender: Female
Side: Mercenary
Age: 24
Nationality: French
Place of origin: Paris
Magic: Dark, Enchantment
Other skills: Seduction, Contortionism, Haggling
Pact Applicable: Yes
Description: Brown hair, brown eyes. Full, coral-colored lips. Very busty.
Bio: Will do anything for money. A truly rotten person.

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name: Hekate
Spirit element: Dark
Spirit description: Has two bodies, each with the exact same appearance, abilities, and personality as the Pactor.
Spirit abilities: Same as Pactor.


After the pleasantries are over, Kyotaro says, "But enough chatter. Master has a job for you. You don't mind, right?"

Joanne sweeps her hair aside. "Depends. How much is this one worth?"

Kyotaro smiles. "That depends on whether you succeed or fail. But it's only good if the mark is captured alive." He produces a picture. "The person is named Rolf Halfhearted, and will probably be in Cannes by tomorrow at the latest. Do it right, and you get-" Kyotaro names a figure. "Do it wrong, and you'll need a new employer."

Joanne thinks about it. "I accept," she says. "Why do you want him alive?" she asks.

"That's need-to-know information," Kyotaro says, smoothly masking his own ignorance.

Joanne smiles. "Consider him in your grasp."


(Trevon von Ulrich's Office, Munich, Germany, 8:14 AM, same day)

"It doesn't add up," Trevor von Ulrich says to no one in particular. "The cult hasn't been terribly active despite its large base of followers. So..." He shakes himself. The cult isn't his business - a curiosity to him, nothing more. His real concern is Rolf Halfhearted.

Rolf Halfhearted. A mass murderer at the tender age of eight. A mysterious individual. Had his crime been less, the International Statute of Limitations would have run out on him long since.

"No possible connections to the cult... no motive... nothing adds up," Trevor says. "Nothing adds up" had become his catchphrase lately.

For the third time in the same hour, he comes up with the possibility of Rolf being innocent, but he drops that one like a hot potato. He is not only their prime suspect, he is their only suspect, and they had no magical traces to detect in the first place, so ID'ing anyone else via magic print is impossible and had been from day one. He longs for something to distinguish fact from fiction, lie from truth, as he stares for the fortieth time at the whorls on his fingers...

He reviews the case file.

Witness: Kyotaro Nakashima, reputable. "Rolf brutally and efficiently killed his mother and father with a thrown knife to the heart each. Then, not noticing that I had just walked in through the wide-open door, he escaped through the window." Concise, but extremely solid. Too solid to be anything but fabrication. But without testimony from Rolf himself, he had nothing else to go on.

Trevor picks up the receiver on his phone. "Chief," he says after dialing. "This is Ulrich."

"I know it's you," the Munich Police Chief says. "I have Caller ID. What do you want?" Typical of the Chief. He cuts right to the chase, without even greeting the speaker. That he actually said "What do you want?" to Trevor said that he was in a good mood.

"Sir, I would like to request permission to leave my office for a search." Trevor just lays it out flat. That's the best way to proceed with the Chief.

"A search? Don't tell me, you want to personally find Halfhearted." The Chief sounds amused.

"Sir, with all due respect, the actual search team can't so much as find his campfires," Trevor says. "Besides, I'm a professional at-"

"At finding missing persons, I know, I know," the Chief says wearily. "No, you may not, and that's final. But..."

"But?" Trevor asks.

"But I think you're starting to get bogged down in deskwork, Ulrich," the Chief finishes. "I suggest you take a paid vacation. No, I take that back - I'm ordering you to take a paid vacation."

Trevor's mouth gapes. "What?" he says into the mouthpiece.

"You are to take a paid vacation," the Chief says, "and that's final. Choose the place yourself if you like, but don't come back until two weeks pass or the Halfhearted boy is in police custody. And any, say, mass murderers you happen to capture will go on your record during this time."

Trevor weighs the Chief's words. "Understood," he says into the mouthpiece. He had just gotten the chance he was asking for. He had two weeks to capture Halfhearted.

There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by on 2009-07-15 13:59:49
~ South city warehouses distric ~

A dimly lit warehouse just upon the banks of a dant and polluted river , a home to a small and insignificant group of cult fighters. most of the Crooks who just needed shelter by the cults connections . a man around 5ft6 stood up with a knife in his hands and started talking to thr group in front of him

"There is a hit tonight on a small savings bank to the wast of here and you idiots are going to do it " Spoke the small man

He spoke with a air of superiority as he commanded them

" So i expect all of you to do your work efficiently and without complaints " he shouted as the drool from his wet breath fell

with this Faize Decided to question this man

" Why are we hitting a innocent savings bank , i joined the cult to destroy the curropt Government and police not to raid for some small money it makes us just as bad as them " Sitting in the corner Facing upwards his Eye glitterd as his serious face matched his tone

" Orphan...the Orphan has something to say huh , you dont decide things here I DO! and besides who the hell do you think you are just becuase you have some fancy armour dont think you can scare me newbie " the man luaghed and spoke as he walked towards Faize knife in hand

The man approached Faize and the others cleared way as the man got a few feet away from Faize

" The last person that spoke back to me got his tongue sliced off you hear dont make me do that same to you BOY! " Uttered the man

" Youre not the Cult you just know who they are , dont think youre so high and might the only reason youre here is becuase youre a good source. Thaddeus has no time for people like you so do your job and shut up " Faize smirked as he said this

"...youve met lie !? " whimpered the man

" he doesnt know me but ive seen him , and i doubt hed fine the pathetic likes of you amusing " Faized stood up and glared up at him

" shut the hell up " the man said as he lunged with his knife at Faize

Faize smiled and uttered a few words

" Light og baleth from my heart i summon thee " He chanted as a bright light appeared

A light shield appeared shattering the mans Small knife as this wa sin motion Faize pulled his swords and took off the man's arm as the blood sprayed on his face he glared down at the injured man

" Whats really happening tonight ..?" faize asked sword in hand

" i...i..tipped off the police ..i was gunna take ...the money for myself after they arrested you " the man struggled to talk in pain and in such shock and fear he almost vometed

"the police ...Then i shall go alone everyone else this man is fake he's isnt a cult member hes just a thug go find a better Merchant " Faize spoke softly as if he was kind and gentle a different side of him reflected in this

After his final words to them Faize left the warehouse thinking about Reimi and if he would find someone who knew her , he wondered about if he would find a officer who knew about her or whether it will just be another squad of idiots preaching justice . he walked into a dark alley in which he dissapeared heading towards the West Side small savings bank

~ West City Police Department ~

Reimi was at her Desk typing a report over the last narcotics raid . she had been in her office all day wondering about this and that .

"i wonder what will be next i just dont get criminals , i mean crime doesnt help anyone " she said to herself

She stood up and walked over to her compact printer and took the printouts of her report and walked over to her superiours office

"Sempaii ! " Reimi shouted

" i know youre japanese but you dont have to use that word here just call me by my name or captain " Sighed the captain as he watched her wander over to him

" okay okay , well here is my report and sir my team is ready i thought id let you know they are back from the training facility " she Said in a official tone

" perfect we were tipped off on a Robbery by a branch of the occult later on tonight, its probably fake but take your team and a a few cars and provide security from 20:00 - 00:00 Hours " he Ordered her

"YES SIR " She saluted and walked off

She walked back to her office and sat down Calling her team up to her office

" we have a mission guys get up here so i can brief you " she spoke softly down her office phone

Phone : " LET ME TALK ...NO ME ..NO ME ..LET GO "

" JUST GET UP HERE " She shouted and slammed down the phone

She closed her eyes and let her thoughts run wild , if this was the Cult then she was going to definately take one back with her

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Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by otaku on 2009-07-17 08:04:15 (edited 2009-07-17 13:19:27)
I'm reopening the cast. People seem to have lost interest in this RP, so I thought new material would liven things up a little.


(Cannes, 8:29 am, same day)

Rolf enters Cannes by the front entrance. He is heavily disguised, although his skills at disguising himself are mediocre at best.

He books himself a hotel room.

Then he sets out gathering provisions. That is to say, buying himself a meal and cooking ingredients.

The first shopkeeper he comes to says, "Welcome! How may I help you today?" in French. Rolf doesn't speak anything but English.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak French," Rolf says.

The shopkeeper replies, in French, that he doesn't speak English. Rolf, of course, doesn't understand it, but he can tell by the tone that the shopkeeper didn't understand him.

"Perhaps I can help?" says someone in English.

Rolf turns around. It's a busty Frenchwoman with brown hair and brown eyes. Rolf stares for a second (no comment on where) before saying, "Do you speak French?" Then he realizes his mistake and says, "Oh, sorry. Of course you speak French. Then, could you tell the shopkeeper that I want firewood?"

The woman nods and tells the shopkeeper something in French. The shopkeeper's eyes open wide, and he seems to react fearfully. Rolf immediately guesses that the woman knew who he was from the start and had just told the shopkeeper.

The woman turns back to Rolf. "He says he just closed up," she says. Rolf pegs this as a lie, but doesn't let his face betray this. He chooses to let this woman translate for him, if only to get a better idea of her motives.

There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by on 2009-07-17 09:05:11
I've got no idea... but I'll try...

Tobias sits and enjoy the warmth of the sun. but his mind cannot really calm. a lot of question is still in his head - like who's the hell kill his grandfather? and are they also kill his parents in the past?

Ignis play around him; absorbing sun's power is very good for him.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by otaku on 2009-07-17 20:09:21 (edited 2009-07-18 12:24:59)
(Cult Hideout, Cannes Branch, 8:37 am, same day)

Kyotaro enters the old warehouse that the Cult is using as its Cannes HQ. "Morning, Kyo," one of the guards tells him.

"Morning, Seth," is Kyotaro's response. He continues on to the part that serves as living quarters. The beds are a bunch of bags stacked on top of each other, with no blankets. Not very comfortable, but infinitely preferable to sleeping on cold concrete. Kyotaro shares a "bunk" with a man named Jennifer Joy Jackson. He had apparently joined the Cult to take revenge on the parents that named him.


Minor Character

Name: Jennifer Joy Jackson
Gender: Male
Side: Cult
Age: 22
Nationality: American
Place of origin: Cannes, France
Magic: Fire, Wind
Other skills: Alchemy, Underworld Connections
Pact Applicable: No
Description: Blonde hair, blue eyes, jutting cleft chin.
Bio: Holds a grudge against his parents. Does not like to be called by his first or middle names.


As it happens, Jackson is sitting on his side of the stack.

"Hey, Jackson," Kyotaro says. "What's eating you?"

"My name," Jackson says bitterly.

"Ah, of course." Kyotaro lays down on his side and drops off to sleep.


The cult needs a master of torture now, doesn't it?

Minor Character

Name: Alice d'Emina
Gender: Female
Side: Cult
Age: 33
Nationality: German/British
Place of origin: Germany
Magic: Fire, Ice, Enchantment
Other skills: Coercion, Seduction, Torture
Pact Applicable: Yes
Description: Red hair, pale skin, brown eyes. Busty.
Bio: She joined the Cult after hearing Crowle preach of the coming destruction. She serves as his master of torture, and does not appreciate being pulled away from her work.

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name: Xammux
Spirit element: None
Spirit description: A genderless human composed of words.
Spirit abilities: It can inflict the exact amount of pain on any one creature that the creature can tolerate without dying.


BTW, Jared Sindermann is the Cult's highest-ranking member so far that doesn't have a pact with an Elementless Spirit.

There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by kyohibiki on 2009-07-18 16:27:09
Reserve Place

i'd like to join. but before i join, i have some question. well, i'll send you a PM instead.

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by on 2009-07-18 19:11:12 (edited 2009-07-20 00:58:32)
@otaku: may i join? it's been a long time since the last time i played an RP

@kyohibiki: wow long time no see. ^_^

Name: Rasche Megantara

Gender: Male

Side: Mercenary

Age: 21

Nationality: Indonesian

Place of origin: Jakarta

Magic: Wind, Dark, transport

Other skills: archery, Alchemy, talk to spirits, trackings (both him and Chitraka can sense the change in air current, giving them the ability to sense other people/magic around them)

Pact Applicable: yes

Description: about 180cm tall, fair skin that turns brown because of sunburn, brown eyes and short dark hair. always wears a dark blue or black jacket.

Bio: just graduated from a university in London, and decided to continue his college-day part-time job as mercenary. Personally, he dislikes the over usage of magic in the current time. He doesn't rally care about the coming cataclysm, he just want to live the way it is.
Somehow, he always reject any job offer from the cult.

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name: Chitraka

Spirit element: Wind

Spirit description: the spirit looks like a cheetah with light gray colour. The swiftest and most agile ancient spirit ever known. his speed has put other spirits, who bear the name of lightning and wind, into shame.

Spirit abilities:
- Controls any presence of air around him and able to maximise the speed of his Pactor and himself.

~Rasche, London~

Rasche walks lightly on a pavement near the main river. Appeared as a normal gay-colored cat, Chitraka walks on his side while chasing the birds for fun.

Rasche: surely, you are very good at disguising.

Chitraka stops chasing birds and stares at Rache for a moment. Then he licks his own palm.

Chitraka: that's my nature. I love chasing those birds, who fly proudly with their wings. Taking advantage of the wind, as if they are the masters of the air. chasing them gives me a pleasure of showing them who the real 'master' is.

Rasche: *sigh* whatever.

Rasche ignores Chitraka and continues sightseeing. where he finds some people using magics just for unnecessary things. then, he sighs again.

in the name of truth and honor, i shall have my vengeance upon you

Re: The Magical Apocalypse (Start/Still open)
Link | by otaku on 2009-07-18 19:25:17 (edited 2009-07-19 15:44:07)
Looks like the Preventers have a serious shortage of members.


Minor Character

Name: Marc Fredericks
Gender: Male
Side: Preventers
Age: 33
Nationality: English
Place of origin: England
Magic: Light, Shield
Other skills: Alchemy, Advanced Swordsmanship
Pact Applicable: Yes
Description: Blonde, fair skin. Somewhat weedy.
Bio: Very little is known about him, aside from what is given here. All he is willing to disclose is that he has some sort of grudge against (or is it rivalry with?) Llednar.

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name: Seraph
Spirit element: Light
Spirit description: A sword composed of light.
Spirit abilities: Pierce armor, allows Pactor to regenerate wounds at a rapid pace.


Minor Character

Name: Ezel Berbier
Gender: Male
Side: Preventer
Age: Undisclosed.
Nationality: Undisclosed.
Place of origin: England (or so he claims)
Magic: Ice, Lightning, Enchantment
Other skills: Alchemy, Stealth, Creating new spells
Pact Applicable: Yes
Description: Brown hair, green eyes. Always wears a robe of some sort.
Bio: Little beside what is mentioned here is known about him. Marc knows more (and vice versa), but neither one is talking.

Spirit (if yes)

Spirit name: K-Zero
Spirit element: Ice
Spirit description: It manifests as a wave of cold in the air, but is otherwise invisible.
Spirit abilities: Freeze just about anything.


How's that? BTW, the position of leader of the Preventers is open.

There are two things I can't stand in this world - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

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