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Cheapest things you can find
Link | by jihi on 2005-06-09 23:42:44
First and foremost.

*Nails feet to the forum, then chains self against*

I've been house hunting for the past month, trying to find the cheapest place to live and I think I found it. It's not even a town really, but a little place in West Virginia. $12,000 for 4 acres of land and a 1,300 square foot house fully furnished. Also found a place there selling P4 4.0GHz for only $50. O.o

What type of good deals have you found?

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Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by riezawa on 2005-06-10 08:07:21
4.0 GHz??? To my knowledge that doesn't exist...

Let's dance!





Shameless plug alert

Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-10 09:26:34
My brother just bought a house in west virgina due the extremly low price compared to maryland and virgina, but 12g for 4 acres and house is damn cheap...


Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by on 2005-06-10 09:30:52
4Ghz?!?!?! It's twice as fast as my p4 and for only 50?? *feints*

Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by on 2005-06-10 10:00:44
I think 4 Ghz computers just came out. And that's twice as fast as my new computer I just got for $500.

Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by JasonJason on 2005-06-10 14:12:21
make sure it's a genuine product and not a wooden mockup or an internal company preview. If it turns out it is stolen company product, you could be in for a slew of troubles that you probably don't need. Heck, the processor alone is easily worth 5, even 6 times as much.

"Artificial Intelligence is the science of making computers act like the ones in movies."

Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-06-14 21:16:11 (edited 2005-06-14 21:16:30)
My girlfriend is the real deal finder, not me heh. She's looking at houses around here in southern CA where the gov. evicted the people who lived in 'em. One's only 32 hundred bucks... thats pretty cheap for an area where the median home goes for 600,000.

Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by jihi on 2005-06-14 21:22:15
I might just buy it to see if it is a the real thing since the 4.0GHz is only about a month old IIRC. I was shocked seeing as they usually cost what, around $400 almost?

Wow, that is pretty good Humble.

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Re: Cheapest things you can find
2nd hand car, good condition, $2.50

Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by Rui on 2005-06-24 17:20:32
A Gap shirt worth $5. Bought several pieces...^_^

Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by Saken on 2005-07-04 12:09:01
The cheapest thing i found lately was a japanese laptop for $20.
It has 8.0ghz I read some of the work inside. It belonged to some guy who was japanese and was learning english. but the rest i couldnt read so i sent it to a friend of mine to get the laptop working with the english print!
Also I got a panasonic Cd player type:SL-SV570 for $5. And i boaght it december of last year


Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by Fhuren Sky on 2005-07-17 05:50:14
the cheapest thing ever is "indomie" it is kind of instant noodle. the taste is very delicious and instant. only eat 2 of them already make you full. you can buy it with 10 cent each of them.

Itsumo sasaete kureru hitotachi ni Higorono omoi wo kometa rhapsody... Appreciation no kimochi wo todoke

Re: Cheapest things you can find
Link | by hobo on 2005-07-17 22:31:03
wow.... the cheapest thing i ever bought was tictacs($0.89) at the dollar store


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