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If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by sai26 on 2009-05-19 10:14:43
It,s like this if you had the power to save just one person from anything that bothers them.Who would that person be and why.

Oh and if it,s too personal im sincerely srry for asking this question to anyone thats offended by this thread.

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Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by on 2009-05-19 10:15:23
Myself because I'm dying soon. :)

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-05-19 12:11:31

Miko, your not serious, are you?

If you really are serious, I'd use it to help you... o.o;

Though, if your not, then I wouldn't have a use for the power.
No one close to me has something wrong with them meaning life or death,
and unless it's something that extreme you shouldn't waste something
so precious as a power to save one person from anything that bothers

Something like this should only be used to save a life; and if I had this
power years back, I'd have used it on a friend who passed away in a
car accident in 6th Grade.

Yeeea, enough about the past u.u;

Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by on 2009-05-19 13:03:45
I hope this doesn't sound too cynical but.. I actually think it's somewhat good that people endure some kind of hardships or struggles. To an extent, of course. I mean not when it's something horrible that's basically killing that person, but I think that people who emerge from bad situations come out a lot stronger and wiser than they were to begin with, and usually are much better people IMHO, than those who haven't ever been faced with any adversity at all.

That being said,
I have friend who has been dealing with crap her entire life. She's always going through hell basically, just one thing after another. Despite all the pain she's had to deal with, she is the nicest person I know and is the best kind of friend anyone could ever dream of having. She's always there for me, and even has the decency to care & ask about my problems, which are completely insignificant compared to what she's had to deal with.

If I had that power, I'd save her from everything in her life that's bothering her, because she definitely deserves it.

Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by on 2009-05-19 13:26:27
Wow~ That is so nice Sammy! She is very lucky to have you as a friend too!

Also, I would like to say my twin sister, she's obviously always been there for me, we get on great (most of the time) and well, if anything's troubling her, I wanna be first to step in cuz she's great ^^

Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by hanabusa01 on 2009-05-19 14:58:18 (edited 2009-05-19 15:02:21)
awww....sammy your soo nice...T.T OH NOES!!! I'D USE IT TO HELP MIKO-CHAN!!! DONT DIE MIKO-CHAN THATS NOT FAIR.....WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!MIKO-CHAN!!!!!*sniff* *sniff*

and if not ill use it for my friend aleah who has cancer she is only 11 and she is young thats why...I've known her since,I was in , the fourth grade and i want her to live her life happy and proud...since my oma died from muscle cancer and my step bro died from lung cancer...oops my bad ayu will shut up

Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by on 2009-05-20 01:49:07
hm..tough question. Only ONE person? hmm...

i would choose to save my mom. My mom is my life and my love. I would never trade her for anything. I would do anything just to save her [if she's about to die] or make her happy at all cost.



Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-05-20 07:25:16
My dad because he has ******.


Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by giantorangepushpin on 2009-09-25 05:30:58
One person?? Ummmm that's difficult! Either my mom or my boyfriend.... or my best friend....

Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by Devourer-Of-Tomatoes on 2009-09-25 08:35:15
If there is a person did the same thing to me in the past, I will choose the person. If not, I'm saving myself...

Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by Boring... Toyama on 2011-07-07 01:42:03
One of my friend at real life which is also a user at gendou.
why?=He is rather strange is stupid and also rude and lazy,
he always say no to things before he do something,hes also lousy at everything homework,common sense,and many more.
Thats why if i can save one person that would be definitely him lol

Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by pokkoro on 2011-08-30 22:38:52
My grandma from my mum's side. It's just not like home without her and grandpa.

I guess i never really understood how lucky i was. Then they just weren't there anymore.

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Re: If you had the power to save just one person?
Link | by on 2012-07-22 04:02:19
I'd save something.. Not a person.. Like freedom.. You know, it's a real prisoner and must-saved in the universe..


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