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The -Post Your Desktop- Thread
Link | by on 2005-06-08 21:44:03 (edited 2005-06-09 06:10:43)
Almost every forum I go to has one of these, and well, we all want to see what's on each others desktops, right?

I always like to keep mine clean as much as possible.

If you don't know how to, close or minimize every program or folder you have, and press the "prt scr" or something similar by the top right corner on your keyboard.

Then open up a photo editing program or just Paint, and click paste. Then save it, and go to

Finally, just post the link back here.

Re: The -Post Your Desktop- Thread
Link | by gendou on 2005-06-08 22:45:59
i made my desktop background using a program i wrote which simulates nebula formations.

Re: The -Post Your Desktop- Thread
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-09 10:45:47
due to multipe moniters I have most my screens full with program windows that never close, firefox, winamp aim, azerus, task manager, firewall and one game .. all these are always visable and running.. i think I have pictures of Ichigo from bleach manga for wallpaper.. i dont remember any icons i have


Re: The -Post Your Desktop- Thread
Link | by LaminatedKitten on 2005-06-09 23:28:28 (edited 2005-06-09 23:28:57)
just in case anyone wants to peer into my odd style, you can get it here (its 2048x1536 so it might take a while)

Re: The -Post Your Desktop- Thread
Link | by jihi on 2005-06-10 00:04:17 (edited 2005-06-10 00:04:46)

I am strange I guess compared to the rest of ya. XD I keep my Destop icons down to just My Documents and Recycle, I access all of my stuff through the taskbar, keyboard hotkeys or start menu. :xp:

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Re: The -Post Your Desktop- Thread
Link | by ChaosDevil on 2005-06-10 20:12:55
I also Like to keep my desktop clean too anything of frequent value to me is kept in my Dock (Cooler, Sleeker Version of the "task bar" for macs)
You can see it here:

Image hosted by

Re: The -Post Your Desktop- Thread
Link | by 明 on 2005-06-11 05:02:23 (edited 2005-06-11 05:10:43)
my PSP8 broke.. sigh.. i'll post mine as soon as i get it fixed..

but anyway, the wallpaper features SEIGAKU from tenipuri..


getsuyoubi kara asanebou, kayoubi yake ni harahetta
suiyoubi sushiya no tetsudai, mokuyoubi DATA atsumeteta
kinyoubi hitasura hashitteta, doyoubi wa minna de BOWLING
aozu de DOWN no nichiyoubi!!
[ c a p t o b i n ]

Re: The -Post Your Desktop- Thread
Link | by Aria on 2005-07-14 13:43:12
here's mine...not as good as anyone...just a very simple wall...a i got lot's of stuff out too...-_-


Re: The -Post Your Desktop- Thread
Link | by on 2005-07-22 15:40:18
Was able to find some tweaks for my desktop and visual style without downloading any program, except for the dock. Mines running XP Home by the way.

It's much better, I'll keep it like this for a while.

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