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what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by midori hakkai on 2005-06-07 22:51:48
I'm just curious...has anime done any positive/negative thing to your life?

Good: I think I developed a better imagination and interest in other cultures especially the Japanese language because of anime. Of course it also helped with my anime-addicted friends coz we would always have something to talk about! And it really is entertaining and it kinda takes my mind off problems and lets me unwind from time to time.

Bad: Sometimes I get so caught up you'd almost forget reality. I think I am spending less time with my family because of it, but I try to make up for it somehow. You'd get so obsessed sometimes you actually want to live in it, and you'd probably feel dismay coz you know you obviously can't.

But anyway, I keep things in moderation. Too much of a good thing isn't good.

"Even if you destroy this world, the world you wish for will never come..." ~Cho Hakkai~

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by Eze on 2005-06-08 00:01:19
I think overall, anime is an amazing quandry.

On the one side, it poses as the pinnacle of nerdism... Japanese cartoons... (lol no offense). You wrap yourself around the monitor and spend hours glued sucking every morsel of trite japenase phrases... might as well pull out a pocket protector and call bill nye the sciene out for lunch at dennys.

However, the Japanese anime (emphasis on japanese) tend to be very philosophical and have many life pertaining messages. Most of them positive and "Trying your best". I find this very refreshing and a great motivator. And the thing about anime is that if u notice, the characters enjoy small things in life. (ie. Look at Yakitate japan where they enjoy bread so much). This really makes you think about all the small wonderful things in life you take for granted.

However, NOT to be too much of a spoiler I regret seeing air. It was great when it started, but... well i dont want to spoil anything, either way i disagree with some of the story and its philosophy

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by mirutt on 2005-06-08 01:25:32
Well what anime has done to me... yes it has glued me to the computer screen alot and has given me alot of inspiration. It also manages to bring me to another world, thinking all about it and creating awesome characters with different personalities.

The interesting things about anime that just attracts me alot to it is the developement of characters and the story plot. It's just interesting how the story unfolds and how you see the characters in different situations, their different mottos and such. Some of them are really touching and all and it may just change your perspective on life.

The only thing i don't like is when the author develops the character too much so as to they get perfect and all. I mean, no one is perfect, right? Yep.

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by september_rain on 2005-06-08 02:32:18
Well, I feel a lot better when I watch anime. People might tell me I'm too old to watch them, but when I was younger, I always acted too mature for my age and never watched any kind of anime. I never realized what anime can do for me. Now I'm watching Saiyuki and I feel very happy with my decision! = )

The more you learn, the more you know,the more you know,the more you WHY LEARN AT ALL???...P.S. Am I banned? Wah.

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by on 2005-06-08 06:00:35
Anime thought me some important things namely i learned to appreciate the value of friendship even more.

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by RzmmDX on 2005-06-08 06:06:10
it gave me a very bad eyesight?

Ģöţ ñõţħįňģ Ţθ ĻÖŠĔ, ĕυεгұтђīŋġ ŧÅ? ĢĄİŇ, ₣řέёÄ?Å?м ằήđ Ĵůśťїçè, ČθгŗůÏ?ŧìÅ?Å‹ ằήđ Ä‹Å?ňƒīņěΜәπŧ, Vâļóůѓ ịή βαŧŧļé, Ħõńòґ ÏŠÅ„ Ä?Ä•Ä?ţħ

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by Shou on 2005-06-08 08:47:27
well it's has taught me my "overly" self confidence. and many more value of live. seriously anime contains a lot of teaching

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by carrothunter on 2005-06-08 14:22:04
anime is just as addictive as drugs.. and drugs are bad ^^
but i'm still addicted =P

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by midori hakkai on 2005-06-08 18:50:30
thanks for your replies! i think anime really teaches how to value friendship and to accept life as it comes. yeah, and it did glue me to the computer and i think it hasn't helped in improving my eyesight too, but i love watching anime coz it provides a whole new world to explore!

when i was younger i never used to watch things like these so now i'm making up for it...

"Even if you destroy this world, the world you wish for will never come..." ~Cho Hakkai~

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by Rui on 2005-06-08 20:25:30
I haven't really watched a lot of anime shows but the good thing about watching anime is that i get to relax, sort of a leeway after a day of schoolwork.

The bad thing is, yes, it is addicting, that's why i plan my study time wherein it will not clash with the time my favorite anime shows will be aired. ^_^

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by Ghost on 2005-06-09 01:50:23
Hello everyone nice to meet you all. What has anime done for my life? hmm ,, well Anime keeps me company when im up late and not planning on being present in class the next day. Anime shows me a different style of music then the average radio hits. I love many anime soundtracks like The 1st and 2nd Noir soundtrack and Anubis Zone of the Enders soundtrack ^^ I guess anime has provided really cool games like ZOne of the Enders 1 and 2nd runner. SO thats what anime has done for me. Take care everyone and enjoy the shows.

OH i had a question. WHen it comes to buying a Anime soundtrack its really russian rulet "I cant spell good please forgive me <(>.<)>" becuase i cant ever find a internet site that provide samples of the Anime soundtrack. If you know a source that has sample tracks for Anime soundtracks please email me or leave a replay. THankyou and have a bad day ^^

Your damned if you do and your damned if you dont. WHy do i skip school for the smallest reasons...

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by K-1 on 2005-06-09 05:15:03
relieves me from stress and saves me from insanity caused by college ^_^

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by riezawa on 2005-06-09 06:32:46
Ghost: Sample anime soundtracks? Find em here of course ^^ There are many anime with bad OST's... Best thing to do is to find people's opinions, I suppose... Or watch the anime itself and listen closely to the music haha.

Anyway... what did anime do for me... It's something to get rid of boredom I suppose. One more thing - watching shonen ai-ish anime a couple of years ago got me thinking... Basically it helped alot in getting me over some homophobia (I was like 13 then... Society here doesn't help either)and actually let me realize I was bi... Good or bad? You decide.

You learn alot from anime too, values (both good and bad ones), little facts, japanese customs...

Let's dance!





Shameless plug alert

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by gantz_psycho on 2005-06-09 09:30:53
how anime affect me...

i became a computer nerd, unpatient downloader, tv & music freak, frustrated japanese speaker, writer & artist, haggard-looking and a person left with no money...

well, in a good way... i guess :)


Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by night_link on 2005-06-09 11:04:23
In my case, I remember first watching My Neighbor Totoro and the old Vampire Hunter D as a kid, I kid you not (anyone remember when they had the old Vampire Hunter D on SciFi? I didnt find anything wrong watching it). Later it got to Gundams and Spriggan and whole lotta others. I guess the good is that I improved my Japanese quite a bit by watching them. I dont kow if its a good or a bad but I really find TV to be good, especially for learning languages. Another good was that I could imitate certain artists to help me draw my own style. The bad might be when one person I used to know used my e-mail to sign me up for ecchi stuff. I beat the person up and havent gotten over the "joke".

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by Eze on 2005-06-09 14:39:29
I', suprised not too many people mentioned the philosophical aspect of anime. I mean, sure its entertainment, but all the animes I've seen have some sort of inspiring moral to it... and anime is exceptional since its subtle and affects your mentality positively. Maybe you just don't notice it, or maybe its teh type of anime that you watch... But I'm sure either way its there... you just need to look deeper.

Well regardless, I think anime has touched us all in some positive way. I think Fruits Baskets is the quitessential paradigm of this. There are some deep messages about society, friendship, and life in general... And most messages are truly positve :D

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by Aries on 2005-06-09 16:30:35
It's made me constantly broke.

But happily broke :)

It's also made me think of things from a different view. And consider other ways of looking at an issue.

I don't know what else to say. It all depends on the anime I'm watching.

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by soatome on 2005-06-09 21:27:56 (edited 2005-09-15 21:30:38)
Lets see What has anime done to my life,

1. Ive become an extrovert actully enjoying contact with other people and have even started a anime club because of it.

2. Ive learned that things are not measured by black or white, but rather in shades of gray.

3. I took intrerest in learning a forgein language

1. Im constantly broke trying to keep up with the series Im collecting, but happily broke mind you.

2. Ive come into conflict with several family members who could be considered "fundies" trying to make them see Im not demonic for watching anime

All in all I love Anime and will continue to fight for Love, Justice and Otaku everywhere so that the Right Wingers cant take anime away from us.

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by YeNg on 2005-06-11 03:05:45
hmm... well dunno... I mean there´s a good and a bad side..
1. fantasy is working better..
2. learned more things bout japan...
3. I started learning a bit of japanese ^^

1. I dont have money because of the mangas and DVDs I buy all the time..
2. Im an absolute internet junkie!

Re: what has anime done to ur life? (good/bad)
Link | by tenshi_tsukai on 2005-06-11 05:05:25
Anime has done/influenced a lot to me.

- I have a purpose and get to set my goal
- It's a good hobby/interest
- It taught me a lot of things, from fantasy to reality
- And other positive things XD

- TToTT doesnt able to save money properly
- makes me forget homeworks and projects
- kills the disk space on the computer

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