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CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by H on 2009-05-02 09:10:00 (edited 2010-10-06 13:31:54)


Notice 1

Before you proceed, there are a few important questions to all of you who entered this thread

1. Do you find the Combat Traits and other features to be annoying and totally confusing, making you lose your interest in this RP?

2. Do you feel that the storyline is too heavy? That it needs to be a bit lighter?

3. Do you find the cast to be very gigantic and needs to be reduced?

4. Do you think that too much freedom as a player confuses you (since the players are the RP masters themselves), and that there should only be one RP master to regulate stuffs?

5. Do you feel like, “Ah, on second thought, I’m not gonna join this RP, since it’s way too heavy and sophisticated”

6. Do you want to join this RP, but then, felt totally lost and all WTF when reading the thread?

If you answered ANY of the questions above with a YES and you wanted to join the RP –or at least, have thoughts on joining the RP-, kindly post your questions and suggestions in this thread or PM me.
I don’t want to hinder you guys from joining this monumental RP because of some overdetailed features, and would be more than love to accept your suggestions and removing some of the heavy features.

However, if you answered any of the questions above with a YES, when you yourself are a random chat RP-er (posting one-liner for almost all of your posts, with little to no character developments at all), then please reconsider, since this RP is story based.

Notice 2

Storyline registration is now closed

There are now seven major storyline in the crossover RP:

Valkyrja season 1 & 2, Valkyrja season 3

Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia

Mana Drive: Memories of Campus Constania

Edinburg King Academy


Aetheria Story

Samayoeru Aoi Dangan: “Legend of Caine”

You can still join in with characters from other RPs, but the RP's whole story would not be covered completely.

(eg: The RP's story would have lesser to no impact to the project's main storyline, and NPCs would have no idea about your character's background or powers, since this is a totally different world than your RP is)

Nonono, don't worry if you want to create new characters from scratch. The rules above only applies to those who want to carry on their characters from previous RPs (or to implement the RP's story into the timeline)

Any questions? Post here or PM me. I'm more than willing to answer your doubts

My first RP plan on Gendou. Well, this RP probably serves more as a warming-up before my first actual RP project (will be released around July-August if I’m not lazy enough, have worked on it for like 9 months -_-;;).

What I need is your opinions and suggestions (post them here of course) before I start to create the storyline for this RP.

As the title implies, I’m creating an RP that is based on a number of Gendou City RPs. The storyline depends on what and how many RP titles are going to join the story so I’m asking you fellow roleplayers,

what Gendou City RPs would you like to include in this crossover project?

So far, I’ve included the RP that is mentioned below since I want to extract my characters from them (see “Character Creation” below). These are the RPs that I’ve joined in this last 10 months, credit goes to their creators ^^

- The ‘other’ and ours
- Definition of a ‘future’
- A distorted reflection of oneself
- Type-moon RP (this includes the entire Type moon cast as supporting characters)
- EXistence
- Re-evolution
- The grimoire of creation
- Summit

- Artes academy
- Musician
- Ties of blood
- The world’s inevitable rebirth

The last 4 RPs (in italic) have a fantasy (and mech) setting which contradicts the other present day RPs (Present Day = Real World setting, around 19xx-20xx) and are not an official part of the storyline yet because that's where the problem lies:


Problem A:

I’m thinking about making a present day world that includes only the Present Day RPs in Gendou City as it will have a flowing storyline and everything will have a connection to each other.
(Example: you can make Guy Z from RP X and Girl W from RP Y to be siblings or whatever relationship that has a solid background. You can make the zombies from RP J to be the underlings of the evil scientist from RP K. You can make RP L to be set 10-years prior to RP M and the characters from RP L can appear 10-years older)

However, if you want to include your characters from a fantasy RP world or maybe some mech RPs, I have to rethink about the storyline to make an “anything goes” plot (ie: NamcoXCapcom, KingdomHearts, SRWZ; your typical world-dimension-mixing stuff), so that it makes sense to combine fantasy-medieval-mech RPs and present day RPs (and tone down those mech users). I know, this kind of plot is very, very cliché and will go pretty bad if we make it sloppily, so we have to think and plan carefully before we create this kind of plot.

This is where I ask you to post some suggestions here if you want to include those fantasy-mech-medieval RPs (see “RP inclusion” below).

So once again, it’s up to you roleplayers as the ones who (hopefully) will join this project, to decide what RPs that will be included in this project. The RPs that will join the project decides the outcome of the main storyline.


“RP Inclusion”

For RP inclusion, you can choose from ALL of the Gendou City RPs that YOU’VE PARTICIPATED IN (this serves as a bridge to extract your character from that specific RP). Yes, you heard me right, including those random & one-liner RPs with no solid background story and plot. Note that if you want to include a random/one-liner RP, it automatically serves as a comic relief/filler in the project, and not by any means a crucial part of the storyline. You CANNOT include an RP that you’re not a part of.

See “Problem A” above and post your suggestions and opinions if you really want to include medieval-fantasy-mech RPs because a world-dimension-mixing stuff can turn to be pretty bad if we make it without proper planning.

“Character Creation”

For character creation, you can:

Start from scratch
(Create a brand new character for this RP). Yes, you’re not restricted to “must have a character in another RP” in order to join this project. You can just start from scratch and join in the fun.

Use your characters from past RP titles
Note that you can modify your past characters to fit in the storyline as a whole. You don’t have to use the exact same background story and plot for your past characters if you find them to be offbeat. Heck, you can even make a 20-years older version of them. However, if we are to use the “world-dimension-mixing- plot”, you can use your past character’s profile wholly without the need to modify them (of course, we’re talking about mixing “worlds” here).

Or both! You can create a new character AND use your past characters!
I create a new original character named ZXC ASD, and I also extract my character from my previous RPs, like Shou Seiryuu from “the other and ours” and Hikarigaoka Ryuukage from “a distorted reflection of oneself”.

However, note that by extracting your character from a certain RP -let’s say RP X-, THE WHOLE RP X WORLD IS TO ENTER THE STORYLINE, that includes its characters that was made by other players.
By using the above example:
The “the other and ours” and “a distorted reflection of oneself” storylines and characters are automatically included in the project. For example, the character Chikage Michiyo –created by Reine- from “the other and ours” becomes playable even if Reine doesn’t enter this RP. If Reine decided to join this RP, then Chikage is hers to control. However, if she doesn’t join the show, then Chikage becomes a ‘free to control’ character.

In conclusion, since I am to extract my characters from the above RPs, all of the characters from the respective RPs will also be playable and are free to control as long as the owners of the characters don’t join the project. If they want to join in the fun, then they have the right to lock the control of their own characters.


Problem B:

If you want to extract your character from RP X, RP Y, and RP Z, and their names are the same, you MUST change their names so that they’ll be different to each other. However, if you insist on your characters must have the same name, same personality, same traits, same background story, same everything……………… Then we really need to consider about having a world-dimension-mixing plot…

Problem C:

And the last issue is about the antagonist forces of this project. This is very problematic since almost all of the RPs were dead before their creators had the chance to introduce the big bad (or perhaps, never thought about the big bad before).

If we are to go with the “world-dimension-mixing” plot, then the big bad from various RPs will join forces to create a massive antagonist force or something along that line.
However, if we are to go with a flowing storyline (no world-mixing stuff), we can make one of the big bad to be an anti-hero, or even make their underling to be the ultimate evil. Who knows? A flowing storyline has so much potential.

For the RP creators that will (hopefully) join this project, you can either post here or PM me about your big bad and your RP storyline so that we can discuss about it. If you don’t want to join the project (hopefully not ^^;;), then I can make something up.


That’s it from me, please state what RPs you would like to include, and of course suggestions and opinions regarding the matters stated above, thanks in advance ^^

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by on 2009-05-02 19:07:44 (edited 2009-05-02 19:11:55)
@ H: Wow, I've actually kinda been waiting on something like this to appear for a time now. Well, I guess I'll be first to post up ideas then!

~Included RPs from realistic settings~

Love Hina RP
Point: Luna -> This can be switched between fantasy/realistic as this was a sci/fi combat RP.

~RPs with Fantasy Settings~

Tales of Sumeria
Mana Drive: Memories of Campus Constania
Ties of Blood: Legacies of the Divine Rite

~My Input on Story Related things~

Yeap, I basically created my share of the RPG-like RPs that have come and passed.

I'll note that for a realistic setting, I can recycle the cast from "Summit" to serve what purpose you wish, as I still have those characters pretty well defined in my memory.

As for a fantasy RP, I have more than enough to offer in that department. (I know you're reading this Kay!) Some of my characters have sorts of direct plot related conflicts with characters made by Bloodymoon that have not been resolved yet, which I'm interested in ending. So there's some conflict you can use, provided that he also decides to participate.

~Fantasy Related RP ideas!~

Well food for thought, here's some Ideas for the fantasy idea. Could repeat what you said above, but nonethless-


KH Esque Idea: Where a single group of characters travel from world to world and solve problems. With this you have all the worlds other RPers come from to use. You have lots of freedom with how the plot goes, but it can become linear, and confusing to people who hadn't participated in it before. For this, it would be a good idea to work with the world's original creator when making the plot for the said world.

Totw RM Esque: Where the characters all happen to exist in a fictional world made up by this RP's creator. Essentially we just recycle the characters from older RPs and make a unique storyline that incorporates all of them. They're all united by a group, guild, etc. for the same cause.

To VS. Esque: An idea where all the characters come from opposing "Kingdoms". Each kingdom has it's own separate objectives, which often causes the characters to have to fight one another. This RP idea makes good use of the fact the most of the fantasy rps are mostly fighting contered. The "Kingdoms" can be composed of cast members that come from the same RP. So it's like one big melting pot spinoff!

~Character's I'd Use~

I'll probably limit myself to three or five 'player characters' (Excluding any antagonist roles I take). It this RP takes the 'reaistic route' then maybe 2 or 3.

Here's a list of characters I have in mind, and short infos!

Esenssially the Entire Cast

Love Hina RP
Aruka Noriyasu - Headstrong female with ditzy tendancies. A stong believer in the supernatural and myths.

Point Luna
One or two of the cast

~For Fantasy Related RPs~

Tales of Sumeria
Gin Akatubi - The prince of the Chaos Chir. As an army commander, his compassion for his men garnered their respect. His name is only tarnished by the fact that the forces he once lead nearly dominated an entire continent. He fights with the two powerful weapons, Thunderblade and Sunblade.

Sia Metherlence - An Edil Raid, capable of forming into a devastating weapon with their 'pledger'. Sia's pledger is none other than Gin Akatubi. Despite her devestating flame based powers, Gin takes care to minimize if not completely abolish her use for combat. She has a shy tenancies toward strangers. She casts magic in combat.

Mana Drive: Memories of Campus Constania

Eguor Traeh - A boy who was once chased after across the land. One day, he was approached by a man, and was offered attendance to Campus Constantia. Having graduated, Eguor has mastery in direct combat and mid-power magical spells. He fights with a blade mounted on a gauntlet, worn on his right arm (think Edward Elric from FMA).

Kanna Kuubashi - A high spirited if not somewhat lacking in intelligence person. Kanna is one who easily makes friends and loves to spend time with them. Notable for giving some of her friends nicknames only used by her. She fights with magic and a hail of rubber band spheres in battle.

Youoh Suohtoma - A swords woman, she inherits the bloodline of one of the 'great families', groups of swordsmen who where renowned during a more turbulent history of the world. Her emotions are minimal, but her skill in battle are deadly. She fights with twin katana, styled after her favorite hero from childhood.

Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia

Klien Buregart - a young man who hails from the more lawless streets of his home city. He's an often passive and seemingly uncaring person. However, this shroud dissipates when his friends are in danger. Klien fights with a longsword and shield.

Siiya Hayate - A childhood friend of Klien. The two had practiced fighting with one another in the past. Joining a federal agency to make her home a batter place, she is well known amongst the people she once ordered about to be one who is dedicated to her work. Siiya fights with a combination high speed lance strikes and rapid maneuvers.


Aru Maussa (Name may change if we dont go the KH route) - A young girl with the magical ability to cast by form of singing. An ability gained due in part to her status as the 'Musician'. Born of the nobility, she has a unyielding curiosity for the common people. Aru fights with powerful Harmonic Spells she casts via singing certain lines.

Rita - Aru's trusted guardian. She was orphaned as a child and taken in by Aru's parents to become her servant. She is quite loyal to Aru, and maintains good composure as due to her many years as a servant. Her calm composure is only interrupted when Aru is in danger. Rita fights with speed and dagger strikes in battle.

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2009-05-02 21:13:43
@Ugo, omg...ya just know I'm gonna be in here don't you? Yep yep, I'm reading it XD.

I've got lots of characters as well that...I even forgot which RP they were in. Worst off, some of the characters have same names or pics :p...and as Ugo just said, we do have conflicts with our characters that has not been resolved yet...most probably soon it will end.

I haven't been making much RPs but here are my fair share:
-Valkyrja (Fantasy RP)
-Summoners: Battle of the Holy Grail (Modern day RP with some fantasy elements)

Anyways, for ideas...hmm, this makes me think of M.U.G.E.N where all characters from different anime/shows/games/etc appears and duke it out. Well, here's are some of my ideas

-School Galore!-
Not another school related RP!! But wait, here's the twist, despite having grades from kindergarten to university (think of it as a city school), you might want to include a few rival schools. The setting: Within a dying world. Within each school lies guilds/factions/clans/etc that duke it out to represent their school at an overall competition within rival schools. The school that wins gains a portion of resources from the loser school. Well, ya get the idea.

-Online gaming-
We've got our fair share of online game RP, but another one is not gonna hurt right? This time around, instead of having HP and MP, there won't be any at all. No such things as stats and all. Each character have to depend on their own skill to survive the game. Take it as a real life online RPG. (Idea from a manga I read, forgot the title >.>)

-The cliched common plot!-
The characters got teleported one way or another to another world! The twist is. not all the characters are good...

Hmm...can't think of anything else, but hey...I bet there are others who has better ideas than these

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by H on 2009-05-04 09:08:56
Thanks for the ideas, Ugo and Kay.

At first, I'm thinking about something along a KH-like storyline too, but as Ugo has stated it, the players are required to have knowledge about the other RPs that they didn't join and that's a bad quality for an RP ^^;; However, we can still use it if other players find it to be interesting (and it's challenging for us to keep the story out of cliches)

I like your second idea about a fictional world. Maybe I'll just make a world where the elements of present day and fantasy can coexist together although I don't know how ^^;; I can use yours and the other players' help regarding this matter

Yes, Kay, this is pretty much like MUGEN, but with a firm storyline and characters that are drawn from our RPs.

The school idea is kinda nice, combining school life and romance with heavy action. With lots of previous RP characters, we can make a realistic portrayal of a vibrant school environment. However, if we develop it wrong, it'll horribly look like a random RP ^^;;

What I'm thinking, is to create an RP that incorporates all of the other RPs' unique points. Like the arms from your "Valkyrja", the EGOs from Dach's "distorted reflection", the scrolls from Karasu's "grimoire", the keys from Kyo's "existence", etc.
Plus, all of us players are to join forces to solve problems and fight against the antagonists (not against each other). Imagine how wicked is the big bad boss behind the antagonist forces that all of us are needed to defeat him/her ^^;;


To avoid confusing those that didn't join the RPs that we are going to include, each of us players need to write on our past characters background story (derived from our character development in said RP). This means that you are to use your 'already developed' version of character, not developing them from zero again (If my words are confusing you, imagine your character's ending story in your past RP and use that as your background for this project).
You don't need to write a solid background story for a new original character (not extracted from past RPs).

The bio will be divided into:

- bio
- background story
- relationship with other characters


name: Shou Seiryuu
RP of origin: "the other and ours", "type-moon RP"
bio: ---a short recap of your character---
A young restaurant owner who has experienced many ups and downs in his life. After Aozaki Aoko's magic reincarnated within his body, he can utilize up to 50% of the 'true human potential', making him a demigod. Had prevented the invasion of the 'otherworld forces' with his friends back in the days.

background story: ---what happened before the story begins---
4 years ago, after Seiryuu's deathmatch with Arcueid ended in his bloody win, Seiryuu gained the ability to unlock the 'true human potential' which would make him a 'god'. Zelretch, who feared that the balance of the universe would be disrupted by the advent of a physical god, sacrificed himself to seal Seiryuu's power. Since then, the deus ex machina is no more, Shou Seiryuu has become a normal human who lived a normal life.
Now, he has discovered the fact that a portal that connects this world to the 'other' had reopened, presumably because of the reality shock the universe had to sustain 4 years ago. Not only that the portal has reopened, the 'otherworld force' had risen again to take over the world. The force is led by none other than the man whom he thought to be killed by his friends, minister Hatonne.

relationship with other characters: ---describe your relationships with other characters---
As the owner of a successful restaurant, his name is well known all over Tokyo. His comrades respect him a lot and often drop by his store to enjoy his cooking. Has a love-hate relationship with Sion. Idolized by the young martial arts prodigy Tsuchinomiya Shinku

note that the background story may confuse those who has not played the previous RP before. However, this only serves as a supplement for the current storyline, to describe 'the events that have lead your character into this project' / 'events that have happened to your character before the story'.

For Ugo and Kay, the conflict of your characters is more than enough to be an entertaining background story ^^

So since Kay and Ugo has a number of fantasy based RPs to be included, I'm inclining more towards making a fantasy based crossover RP. However, I still want to include those realistic RPs in the storyline so I think, I think, and voila! I just got a veryveryveryveryveryveryvery wicked idea that I know is impossible to do since it'll take quite some time and the RP is destined to die in the future anyway ^^;; This crossed my mind as I wrote the above background story example.

Here's the idea, we can divide the project into two/three chapters:
- The first has a fantasy setting that includes those fantasy RPs that you've suggested above.
- The second has a present day setting that includes the present day RPs. This chapter takes place simultaneously with the first. We can just skip this one if it's necessary.
- The third has the fantasy world's antagonists to teleport to the present day, looking for a specific someone. The fantasy world's protagonists have no choice but to go after them. This is where the big bad boss behind it all will appear.

The above background story example (Seiryuu) is an example of a third chapter character of the project, with his powers being sealed as the closing event of the second chapter. Because he is a character of a present day timeline, he is not available in the first chapter.

Since this kind of concept has numerous flaws and not all players want to follow a long term RP like this, it may be better for us to create a one-shot RP instead. So, once again I ask for you roleplayers' opinions regarding this matter (Yes/No? Solution?).


and finally, I will read the RPs that you roleplayers choose to include so that I can combine their storyline into the project.
For those of you players that are afraid of not knowing other RPs storyline, you don't have to worry, I'll combine all of their stories into one solid story so that you can understand even if you hadn't join said RPs before.
So you players just relax and enjoy the end-product ^^

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by on 2009-05-04 16:07:56
@ H

Ya know, when I finished reading this, my mind totally jumped to a movie I watch a long time ago name Never-Ending Story. It sets place in a sort of a library with creatures coming out from different books.

So really, this is what I would suggest.

Maybe a main world, where people have like one character or something, like a real world type character. Then people could encompass other RPs through the books that are eventually opened. It could be a sort of an archive that opens dimensional portals through the books.

Then, you could have whatever cheesy main plot to go with this, forcing the main characters to chase after an antagonist or have them stumble in on the books and stuff.

And the best thing is, as a character stumbles in on a storybook, they become an actual character of the story, so the same-named character problem kinda gets rid of itself. The story characters are actually sort of vessals for the real world character. They have the personalities and the involvement of the story that they are in, but they sort of have a conscience that is the real world character, driving them to whatever goal the real world character may what them to do.

When the real world character leaves the book, the story character basically returns to being only the story character.


Btw, that is just a suggestion, I agree with your idea as well.

Who knows? Maybe it might even surpass the Dojo (past RP that last like 3000 posts.)

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by H on 2009-05-09 11:20:20
1:15 am and couldn't think straight so sorry if the words are confusing ^^;;


I've decided that I'm going to gamble with the three chapters concept, but I'll also use your idea of a storybook dimension, thanks a lot L ^^b

Nah, this RP will never surpass the dojo in any condition. This will be a fun-but-serious story-based RP so I think there will be only a few participants (hopefully not) and a short lifetime ^^;;


Okay, I've decided that I'll go with the "three chapters concept" that is more sensible...

I'm currently reading Ugo's and Kay's RPs and will combine their stories asap.... They have made pretty solid RPs so it's very difficult to break them down and combine their unique points. This will take a very long time (a week or two perhaps, need to read them till the end if possible) so I'll apologize first for the inconvenience ^^;;

The only thing that is 100% sure for now is that we'll play in a single earth-like planet (name undecided, suggestions anyone?).

And for those of you who would like to participate in this project, please post here, or PM me, the RP titles that you would like to include (fantasy based).
Of course you can join in later when the game commences, but the project's background story will not include your past RP storyline so unfortunately, it'll be treated more like a sidestory, sorry about that.
(note that this is only if you want to extract your characters from your past RPs)

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by on 2009-05-09 12:05:03
how about include Edinburg King Academy?

and to make the antagonist travel through time is kinda hard.
how about the antagonist run from the hell or something like immortal jail?

and for the name of the world, Terravent is a good name i think.

oh, yeah! almost forgot, dach has a good concept with judges in memories of something

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by on 2009-05-09 12:24:39
@ H - Hmm, well maybe the name of the place can be like a combination of the names of the worlds or names of the rp's? Well, I dunno.

If there's things in my RPs you need clarification in, or want to know a bit more aobut some of Me and Bloodymoon's character conflicts to better ingrate them into the story, or just about the RPs I made in general, you can PM me about it, and I'll be sure to reply with excessive amount of info! ^^

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by Icarael on 2009-05-11 03:24:14
A crossover RP? That's an interesting concept. May I suggest something for the plot?

A cataclysm occurs that causes multiple timelines and dimensions to slowly and inexorably merge with one another, causing anomalies in every universe. If these universes merge together, then the myriad worlds will cease to exist. Therefore, a force outside of the universe brings our heroes to the last "safe zone" in the Multiverse and orders them to stop the cataclysm.

You know, something like that DC comic "Crisis on Infinite Earths".

Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2009-05-12 12:07:40
This sounded to me something like a Tsubasa Resevouir from Clap ahahahahha /o/
But well, I'd like to bring Shinsei from "the 'Other' and Ours" back again sometime hahah
I hope we can go further this time hehe
I really miss that one Y'know?

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by on 2009-05-14 07:59:40 (edited 2009-05-14 08:03:54)
Interesting!, i think this one could be great( remembering me about warriors orochi hehehe)
@ Icarael : JLA VS Avenger too

i think plot like Kamen rider Decade will be fine^^
but for me, i think we just make someone or something distort the balance of dimension, then it makes an anomalies. our characters appear in random dimension try to figure out what is just happened, then as the story goes our character will meet the other character from the other dimension and join forces to end the chaos. but this could make another problem hehehe.

but whatever the plot, I'LL JOIN^^

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by H on 2009-05-20 07:14:29
edinburg king academy, fantastic! We now have Artes academy, Constania university, and Edinburg!
Might as well make this into Alice Gakuen VS Tristain Academy VS Mahora Gakuen lolz
"The memories of something" qualifies as a "present day" timeline, so it'll be included in the 2nd chapter if you wanted to

sure, I'll pm you if I find any trouble
the wiki really helps a lot btw ^^

My friend, that is exactly what I've asked in the first post.
"Dimension-mixing" plot can be very cliche if not handled well

Well, that one is partly my fault ^^;; I was busy with new year holiday and didn't have time to access gendou back then

the project will be delayed for a while, I've just finished my research about guns to answer the question of "How can advanced guns exist in a fantasy world where magic prevails?"
(Since guns are available everywhere in "Ties of Blood", this can contradict other fantasy RPs where 'Guns are not allowed')

and this.... is a part of the main storyline ^^ (oof spoiler)

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2009-05-20 16:49:47
Well, there are some series and games that have high technology weaponry and magic. Some of them even make things like magic-fueled technology or magic enhancer devices, so I don't think it's a big problem havin advanced guns and mechas and magic in the same reality, just making them have similar levels of use, like attack power or healing power

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by on 2009-05-20 22:54:57
awesome idea there H! hmmm if you could enter Artes i'll be happy to help...XD
/can finally check things in RPs since exam is nearly over...XD

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by on 2009-05-26 22:14:36
my RP for the future one^^

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by H on 2009-06-02 11:16:31
There's no problem about having guns and magic in the same universe entirely, the problem lies in logical questions like,
"How can a sword-user win against a gunslinger? How if the gunslinger have the speed of a ninja? How deadly is a gunshot in a fantasy world? Will machine guns and sniper rifles be unstoppable? If there are bazookas and grenade launchers, how will the magicians stop it? If you took a bullet on your shoulder, will you be crippled?"

Things like that can ruin an RP if not thought out well because as we know, guns are always treated like an "only-injuring-not-killing" device.
Imagine FF7's Vincent or FFT's Mustadio, they have GUNS, but everytime they shoot their guns, the enemy is only injured...... This raises questions like, "What the hell? How come? So swords are better than guns?"

and that's where my research comes in to cover ^^

After a lot of thinking, I've decided that Artes will be placed in the 2nd chapter, along with the other present day RPs ^^
It's originally planned to be in the first chapter

I'll try my best to include your RP for the 2nd chapter but it centres only on Indonesia so it's kinda difficult and inappropriate

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by soujirouasakura on 2009-06-02 14:18:25
@H Well, normally, in these cases, guns are treated much like bowguns, except for some factors like, multiple attack, since this kind of weaponry become "faster versions" of their older comrades, but, as they are normally heavier, the user becomes slower needing to stay put, but they also have aiming systems that allow them to shoot from far away.
Other point is the damage, normally these users complain they don't kill with their weapons, but on a magic/ki universe, these are not really killers, like swords, somtimes a lethal cut only make a "profound scratch", so this implies that the OHK just becomes a major damage. For this I would use something like the concept of Mahou Sensei Negima. These kind of magicians/ki users, normally are trained on secret arts and would have a ki/magic barrierm lowering the injuries and the damage taken. Or there's the concpet of the magic-user weaponry too, this works much like a magic attack, so as it's the same source, it does the same kind of injury. But, in the case of a execution, this rule goes off.
As for the injuries, there's a big problem when the pain gets high and normally you'd faint or remain stuck because of it. In Rurouni Kenshin, there's a expression they use, "the spirit transcending the body". In Rurouni Kenshin, there are guns users (but these are old ones), but Kenshin himself can tell the direction of the bullet by looking at the direction of the gun and the moment of the attack by glances in the mind state of the enemy. This is other thing, usually, in these universes, experienced martial art users can prevent, by something like "instinct" or "pre-reading", the movements of the enemy.
There's this other anime, the "Grenadier ~ hohoemi no senshi", where ther's a guy who can defend bullets with his sword and also, the main character is a gun-user, so you can use it for a research too. Other good one with guns is Black Cat.
As for Mechas, I can say that it's kinda bizarre when robots and swords come together, BUT, I say that there are two masterpieces that I just love that use this formula. Sakura Wars and Samurai 7. For the concept, I guess these work really good. There's also a Gundam series where they use a kind of gundam-like armor not a giant robot.

I hope this helps something XD
Anything just PM me o/

I'm Kyoya Hibari. I'll Bite you to Death! Wao! DeviantArt

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by on 2009-06-02 21:25:18
hmmm i see, 2nd chapter...present day...alright...either way is fine XD
lesse...what do i need to pm...>.>

anyways thanks ^^

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by H on 2009-07-29 17:09:04 (edited 2009-10-11 20:25:33)
edit 1
revamped the solo-team-hybrid pack

edit 2
classified the support and the specialization skills

Sorry for the long absence of information, I was busy with life.

Here I am, finished with the RP’s feature, “Combat Traits”, that is important for your character sheet later on. I’m posting it here because it will be one hell of a long post if it is posted on the actual RP thread later.
(And this is the second posting because my lappy restarted before I clicked the reply button, *sigh* thank God I clicked the save button… but I still have to edit here and there first *rant*)

I'll post again later to include the FAQs and the Glossary. If you find this “combat traits list” to be large, then don’t worry, the FAQ and Glossary are a BIT smaller than this ^^

It would take a week or so for the RP to be released since first I have to catch up with the other RPs I joined in, and I haven’t finished reading AWP2 to be included in the storyline.

For you who are still interested in registering your own RP to be included in the crossover project (or recommending another person’s RP that you would like include), you are more than welcome to do so.


Combat Traits list (inspired by SRWs)

This is a list that contains combat skills that your characters have, to explain your character course of action in a combat. This is also to avoid people having a “jack-of-all-trades” type of main character in the beginning of the story, so DO NOT STRAY FROM YOUR COMBAT TRAITS when you’re in a combat (creating a “hidden power” scene when you don’t have the POTENTIAL skill is NOT ALLOWED, shielding a damsel in distress from the enemy’s fire without the COVER skill is also a BIG NO).

A character can only have 6 traits in the beginning so choose wisely and let us know how your characters fare in a combat. After the RP commence, you will be given the chance to change your combat traits (5 chances to change your current trait with another trait, to avoid cheating, I’ll always keep track on your traits).

And as the story develops, you will have the capacity to add more traits (a maximum of 10 traits), so don’t worry, you can eventually save that damsel in distress while kicking major ass, commanding your allies to attack the evil overlord, and deliver manly speeches.

Below is an example of how you can create your own combat traits and the archetype of the fighters that have specific traits. You can use the examples below for your characters IN EXCEPTION of the MANIAC and OUTSIDERS. MANIAC has two soul skills and OUTSIDERS has two support skills and two specializations, which violates the rules.


Mage – “*chants spell* blahblahblah”
Magi* --- Combo --- Conserve --- Healer* --- Extra Barrier --- Elemental: …

Musician – “This is my song! MY soul!”
Musicianship* --- Sense --- Combo --- Crowd Control --- Conserve --- Extra Barrier

Soldier Captain – “Men! We are going to win this!”
Potential --- Infight --- Assist --- Cover --- Leadership --- Spirit

Attacker --- Maneuverability --- Environmental --- Fighting Heart --- Monstrosity

Outsiders – “Foo~~ Can’t touch me~~”
Gunfight --- Sense --- Concentration --- Assist --- Combo --- Maneuverability

Determinator --- “You shall not pass!”
Guard --- Counter --- Conserve --- Revenge --- Perseverance --- Extreme Willpower


On to building your traits. First, you have to choose one from these three fighter types. Each of the types can only choose ONE out of the EIGHT soul skills (Fighting Heart, Spirit, Manipulation, Fear, Fury, Extreme Willpower, Monstrosity, Lucky; and an exception for pure support musicians having the Serene Mind)

Solo Fighter
Limited to TWO specialization skills and TWO Elemental, CAN’T have any of the support skills (Assist, Combo, Cover)

Team Fighter
Can only have ONE specialization skill (Attacker, Sense, Guard, Concentration), TWO support skills, and ONE Elemental

Hybrid Fighter
Limited to ONE specialization skill, ONE support skill, and TWO Elemental

The type names are only to indicate your fighter’s fighting habit at the beginning of the story, don’t think about it too much. Do note that the limitations apply only in the beginning of the story, so don’t worry, a Team Fighter can have ATTACKER and GUARD later when you have the extra capacity to add more traits (7th slot and thereafter). However, the limitation of the Soul Skill works differently.

You can only have ONE soul skill at the beginning, and every new soul skill will cost you two slots. (ie: You have FEAR and you want to add FURY. You must wait until you have the 7th slot, and add FURY, by deleting another trait, since a new soul skill worth 2 slots. Deleting a specific trait to give space for a new soul skill DOES NOT COUNT as using ONE of your FIVE replacement chances.). Do note that the maximum you can have is THREE soul skills, taking a total of 5 slots.

Now for the traits… I have written some scenario to give a feel of what it’s like to have a specific trait, and also suggestions to build a good combination that will bring the most out of your character.

My suggestion is that pick some combat traits first and your soul skills later in the game if you are not sure which one to pick.



1. Magi* --- “Fire…… Wait, why it didn’t come out?!”

A MUST HAVE TRAIT for anyone who wants to use magic in a battle. If you don’t have this trait, it means that you can’t utilize your magic in a fight (except if you are using magic weapons or bullets, things that are restricted to only one type of magic). Sure you can cast fireballs and whatsoever if you’re a mage, but NOT in a fight if you don’t have this trait. Since magic is quite universal in Gaea, THIS TRAIT IS GOOD TO COMBINE WITH ANY OTHER TRAITS.

Note that there IS elemental magic specialization for mages. Element specialization enables you to cast high level elemental magic like Hellfire, Tornado, Blizzard, etc. Without the ELEMENTAL trait, you are considered a Generalized Mage, and can only cast non-elemental (kinetic spells like shockwave and haste, or other spells) and basic elemental spells like Fireballs, Lightningbolts, freezing things, etc. So by all means, CHOOSE ONE-TWO ELEMENT(S) FOR YOUR SPECIALIZATION.
You can also combine elemental spells if you have different element properties (ie: Fire+Water=Steam Illusion, Light+Lightning=Starfall, Light+Fire+Lightning=Supernova, and other spells that you can create yourself just using imagination).

Also, note that mages have to chant their spells in battles (You know, By the name of the holy cow who kicked the moon out of its orbit, I summon thee, the invincible delinquent of south dakota, please aid us with your sexy fire... Fireball!). You can't just go "Fire!" or "Thunder!" Nononono. An exception will be if you pick the trait QUICKCAST.

2. Musicianship* --- “Ore no uta wo kike!!!”

The enemy is tough and everything seems to be useless. You and your friends tried to attack him with all your might but you just can’t touch him. Is this the end? Is this…. wait a minute…… what’s that sound? It’s… relaxing…… That voice… Hey, there’s a girl behind you singing! She even brought a boombox with her to sing along! You may think something along, “Is she crazy?” but you can’t deny her relaxing voice. It magically soothes your soul, relaxes your muscles, and gives a rhythm to the battle. Now after you adjust your breathing and try to think clearly, you find that it’s actually quite easy to bring this enemy down…. So without further ado, you grinned to your friends -who seems to be relaxed too-, and proceed to thrash the lights out of the enemy.

A MUST HAVE TRAIT for anyone who wants their character to be able to play music, both in and out of combat. If you don’t have this trait, it means that your character CANNOT play music. They can sing along with a musician, but they can’t sing all alone, put aside playing an instrument. And as they say, “It doesn’t matter if you’re tone deaf or you have a bad voice, let them hear your song, let them hear your soul!” So it’s not exclusive only to bards, knights can also pick this trait. Singing can be a very badass move to use in a battle, so pick this trait and let the enemy hear your raging soul!

Combine with EXTREME WILLPOWER to create an ungodly soulful scene that will burn your allies’ spirit or force the enemy to stop in awe, either due to your fantastic music or your so-bad-it’s-actually-touching voice. Combine with COMBO and CROWD CONTROL to set the battlefield on fire with your crew!!!

A REMINDER. For those who pick this trait, prepare some songs –any songs- that your character will ‘play’ in a scene, so you can post it in that specific scene (search it from various music databases like Imeem). DO NOT set them to auto-play. It’s better to use only songs from one band/artist, so that your character has the same ‘singing voice’ throughout this RP

3. Potential --- “Dead people are NOT quite dead”

You are approaching your end, covered in your own blood and are nearing your death. But wait, you feel lighter, everything around you seems to be in slow motion. You can move faster to dodge the attacks, you can hit harder to break those thick armors, and your spells are getting more powerful. That’s when you realized it, when humans are pushed to the brink of their death, they can produce a power that is not on the textbook.

Note that this is dangerous to use, since you can pretty much die if a bullet hits you one more time. For extra safety, it’s better to combine this with GUARD or EXTRA BARRIERs.


Melee combat proficiency. Melee attack power and speed increases (Melee magic, fists, swords, bludgeons, and such), can move swiftly to enter melee range, easier to attack pinpoints thus making critical hits, and is easier to dodge melee strikes. Imagine a veteran samurai in action, self explanatory. If you’re aiming to be a master in both close range and short range battles, combine this with GUNFIGHT.

5. Gunfight --- “Hasta la vista, baby…”

Ranged combat proficiency. Ranged attack power and speed increases (Ranged magic, guns, arrows, kidoujutsu, and such), can fire from longer range, more accurate and stable firing, and is easier to dodge projectiles. Imagine Gun-Fu and Gun-Kata, nuff said (google if you don’t know what gun-fu is). If you’re aiming to be a master in both close range and short range battles, combine this with INFIGHT.

Specialization Skills
These are what your character specializes at. As you know, one's musculature can only accommodate one to specialize at a certain area of combat (attacking, movement speed, guarding, or concentrating). However, intense trainings can make you master a few specialization skills at once.
Specialization skills consists of ATTACKER, SENSE, GUARD, and CONCENTRATION



As the name implies, a character who have this trait specializes on attacking. Their thinking pattern will always be “Attack Attack Attack, Offense is the best Defense”. Be it bone crushing powerful blows, rapid piercing hits, or sharp strikes with extra precision, they can do it all. The damage from their attacks is also amplified. Imagine a berserker slices through the enemy ranks with ease, self explanatory.

Good to combine with ASSIST or COMBO, resulting in a full fledged attacker.

7. Sense --- “Can’t touch this~~….. I toldja homeboy~~ U can’t touch this~~”

Heightened combat sense due to intense training, making a character able to strike with extra precision and dodge easier. Musicians and dancers usually always have this trait, since they have an impeccable rhythm sense that can help them to dodge a sudden attack. Imagine a veteran warrior dodging your attacks easily, relying on his muscle memory, self explanatory.

Good to combine with MANEUVERABILITY among other traits, to create an acrobatic monkey.

8. Guard --- “? What did you just do? You call that a punch?”

Highly trained body that is able to withstand enormous level of punishment without getting seriously injured. Reduces damage from attacks thanks to your tough and well-trained body. Imagine a tough guy who is being beaten repeatedly with an iron baseball bat and only receive small bruises, self explanatory. In RPGs, this is called “having a high DEFENSE”.

Good to combine with COVER or PERSEVERANCE, to create a walking fortress.

9. Concentration --- “Your movement pattern repeats after a five hit combo... I’ve seen through it...”

That enemy is so fast that your eyes can't keep up with his movements. The only time he stops is once every three minutes, to taunt you to attack him. And there, he stopped and taunts you again! You're getting angry and...... Wait... Why is his right thumb a little shaky? Hmmm...... That's it! Maybe that's the secret to defeat him!

Concentration is a trait where your concentration is honed to the max. You concentrate so hard on the enemy that you are able to see a little bit of here and there that normal people wouldn't be able to see or feel. Like a repeating pattern of attack, or their fingernails getting bluish, or a slip of information from their mouth.

Combine with ENVIRONMENTAL to really mess with your enemy.

Support Skills
It's difficult to do a good support for your teammates if you are not synchronized. Don't underestimate the importance of supporting skills, since you can save the life of a person, win a decisive battle, or even bring down a gigantic towering monster with good supports.
Support skills consists of ASSIST, COVER, and COMBO


10. Assist --- “Cover fire!!!”

You are attacking a tough enemy, and you are confused as how to attack him. Then you proposed to your friend to assist him on his attack and there you go, you quickly rush to the enemy and attack him with all your might, but you missed... The enemy laughs as he took a step back, mocking you and your stupid tactic, but he doesn't realize that your friend is behind him, ready for the big kill.

There’s nothing better than a beautiful assist to a beautiful knockout punch. Assist is, like its name implies, a support attack that is added before/after your friend's attack to ensure that the enemy is taken out, or an act of support attack to support your allies. Archers firing volleys of arrows before a knight does a super combo, gunman does a covering fire to cover your allies' movement, a mage assisting a knight with a fireball to the enemy before the knight finishes the enemy, a knight attacks an enemy so hard and leaves it up to the mage to finish him, all of them are Assists. It's up to your imagination really, to create assists.

Assist is different than COMBO -where you perform a godly maneuver simultaneously- (or a barrage of assists changing turns with your friends and ending it up with a massive slash or whatever), since Assist came in dozens of different forms, that is, up to your imagination.


11. Cover --- “Are you alright, miss? Looks like I made it in time to cover you...”

The enemy is throwing his bombs and harming civilians! There’s a damsel in distress on the corner of the battlefield! You proceed to save the damsel by diving in and shielding her from the cruel damages of the bombs. She's safe! You successfully covered her!

Cover is the act of support defense, shielding someone from an enemy attack. Cover is best used with shields, although you can also use your weapons to parry the attacks, or even use your own body to shield your friend -talk about adding a dramatic effect-. Not only this trait is useful for saving someone out of nowhere, it is also good for covering your allies in battles, especially Mages, who are extremely easy to attack when they cast their spells.


12. Combo --- “Let’s do this, onee-sama!” “Yeah!” “Super….” “Inazuma……” “Kiiiiiiick!!!”

In the world of fictional combat, this is the ultimate maneuver, the most epic, the crème de la crème or whatever it is. There’s nothing better than unleashing the power of love with your significant other and kick away the big bad enemy with a dynamic kill. The best thing about it is you can do it not only with your designated partner, but also with your friends and even your rival! So if you want to unleash the power of friendship or just a normal magic combo, pick this trait.

To do a combo, all of the combo participants must have the COMBO trait (ie: 5 person combination, all of them five must have the COMBO trait). This also applies to impromptu combination, so don’t ever think of suddenly doing a “I-have-not-prepared-this-combination-attack-before” scene with another main character if one of you doesn’t have the COMBO trait. Also, a magician enchanting a fire sword to a knight is also counted as COMBO. A magic combo with another person is ALSO COUNTED as a COMBO. However, a mix of a spell by your own (ie: You mix the EARTH and FIRE magic to create lava eruption) DOES NOT COUNT AS A COMBO.



13. Quickdraw --- “So you sheathe your sword first to gain speed? Okay then, I’ll also put my hands in my pocket…”

Self explanatory, really. You know Himura Kenshin? That guy who can draw his sword lightning fast after he sheathe it? Or pick any great gunman from the wild west era who can draw his gun in split seconds.

Also known as Iai, Quickdraw is the art of drawing your bow/gun/sword with the speed of light. This is very useful for one hit battles, where a single mistake can prove to be very fatal.

Combine with ATTACKER to get a Himura Kenshin in his prime as Battosai.

13x. Quickcast --- "Spellspam start! Fireball! Blizzard! Thunder!"

An extension of the Quickdraw skill, you CAN ONLY HAVE QUICKCAST OR QUICKDRAW, CHOOSE ONE OF THEM. Quickcast is very useful for Mages, to reduce their casting time. With quickcast, you can shorten the casting time like "In the name of the sexy fire... Fireball!" or "Stinky wind from the northeast... Kamaitachi!"

14. Counter --- “You may be more powerful than me, but I already moved my fist when you were thinking of stepping in”

You are getting ready to kick your enemy's ass, and there you go, with your trademark pun...... Wow, did he just stopped your attack... by punching you faster? No, no, no, it can't be. You're getting ready to attack again, and you stretch your arm as...... Wow, I can't believe he punched you so quickly again when you're preparing your attack...

Counter is all about quick reaction to counter the enemy attack before it hit you on the first place. Not to be confused with "attacking before your enemy attacks". Like the quote said, it's all about quick countering when your enemy starts to move in, all done within split seconds thought process, or better, only with muscle memory.

Combine with GUARD or SENSE to create a mighty defense that will scare even the strongest of the enemies.

15. Crowd Control --- “Come! All of you three kingdoms! I’ll show you here and now, that you will fall in the hands of the mighty Lu Bu!”

You are rushing your way to return to your home base when a band of mercenaries stop you. They’re huge men, many of them, five... eight... ten. They look at you with their death glares, holding axes in their hand. It seems that you won’t have a pleasant journey to your home, but there's no other way but to break through them mercenaries, so you proceed to do so, and you do good. You pummel them, making your way through the thickness of the army, decimating them like actual fodders.

Simply put, your character will be a good crowd controller if he has this trait. You’ll have no problem being left alone surrounded by the enemy troops, just like Lu Bu (not literally a one man army like Lu Bu though). You don't defeat them one by one, instead, you take down many of your enemies in one fell swoop, like three or five of them maybe. Note that using bombs or landmines are NOT COUNTED AS CROWD CONTROLLING.

GOOD TO COMBINE WITH ANY OTHER TRAITS, especially MUSICIANSHIP and MAGI. Mages and musicians can create AoE spells without CROWD CONTROL, but if you have this trait, the AoE will be larger.

16. Maneuverability --- “Stings like a bee and floats like a butterfly”

You are facing against an annoying enemy who attacks you from the behind and quickly runs away when you try to attack him. He also does this acrobatic move to dodge your attack from a dead angle, running through the obstacles and attacking you from another angle in a circular annoying pattern. Crap, this is beginning to look like a John Woo film... That guy really knows his Maneuver…

Also known as “Hit & Away”, Maneuverability is the capability to swiftly move around the battlefield, running and dodging attacks while hitting your enemy once in a while. You are also able to perform various combat maneuvers and acrobatics while attacking, casting magic, loading ammo, etc., making you hard to target by the enemies.

Combine with SENSE to get a Mohammad Ali.

17. Environmental --- “This wooden box is useful for a shield… and hey, I can shoot that giant billboard so it’ll fall on them!”

Problem: Your enemy is strong and you don’t want to waste your magic on him, but you would be dead if he keeps on attacking you. Then you check your surroundings… There’s a can of oil, a glass bottle, a piece of cloth, and a lighter… What do you do?

Solution: Build a goddamn Molotov Cocktail of course!

Problem solved.

Also called the “Magic of MacGyver”, Environmental is the wit to use anything in your surroundings to your advantage. It is rare for fighters nowadays to really use their surroundings to gain major advantages. It seems that they forgot that they can create rockslides if they’re fighting on a mountain, and if they’re fighting in a warehouse, there should be a few axes to throw or even a chainsaw to solve your problem forever! Hell, you can even find TNTs and lock your enemy inside the warehouse while you detonate it from a safe place…

Combine with CONSERVE or ATTACKER and you’ll get one tricky fighter who seems to have infinite energy.

18. Leadership --- “My name is ZERO! Ally of Justice!”

You are facing a tough decision. There’s a damsel in distress on the corner of the field, the house in front of you is on fire, your general is gravely wounded, and the enemy is getting away. What to do? What to do? Oh no, you wish that someone can come up with a good idea……. And there is! One of your friends started to sort things out and commands the team to do things calmly. And at the end of the day, all of the objectives are completed! You feel that with your friend in the team, you can overcome anything.

Leadership is the ability to lead others, heightens allies’ morale, increasing their combat performance whenever the leader is nearby. It is also useful when the team faces a critical situation that requires quick decision making. Do note that in a team, the one with LEADERSHIP is responsible for the team’s performance.

19. Conserve --- “Because the difference of five and six bullets can prove to be very damned important”

The battle has long since started… 5 minutes… 10 minutes… You can see that your opponent is getting weary, their punches are weak, they run out of magic power, and their breath is getting unstable. You, on the other hand, still have plenty of bullets and magic power. Heck, your breath is as stable as ever and you can still dish out powerful punches!

This is Conservation, a trait that saves your energy while you’re in a fight. Be it ammunition, vitality, magic power, ki, whatsoever, victory is guaranteed to be yours if you are able to maintain their output.

Combine with ATTACKER and you’ll get a fighter that will become a terror anywhere, anytime.

20. Revenge --- “You hit me, I’ll hit you two times harder. You hit me two times harder, I’ll hit you four times harder”

The enemy hit you, hard, and your cheeks are bruised. You’re angry because of that, and are getting ready for revenge..... There’s nothing better than a more powerful punch to the enemy’s gut that will make him vomit, take that!

Revenge is a trait where your character dishes out a more powerful counter attack after being attacked (hit or missed) by an enemy.

Combine with COUNTER or PERSEVERANCE for the best results. Combine with ATTACKER and you'll have someone who offers himself to be attacked, just to return the pain three folds.

21. Perseverance --- “I won’t die…. *coughs blood*…. Because… I’m a tough guy…. *coughs blood*”

You’re storming the enemy’s base now, but the archers are already aiming at you. You’re hit by multiple arrows, and again, and again. It’s painful and you feel like dying, but you stand still, and you wreck the base so hard with dozens of arrows still piercing your body. Now the base is obliterated, finally, you can rest in peace…… I mean, sleep, in the middle of the ruins………

Those who have Perseverance can handle the most gruesome of punishments. They have the willpower to withstand enormous pain no matter how painful it is, even the life threatening ones. Their mind is focused on their task, and they will not back away even though their body is experiencing insane level of pain. In RPGs, this is called “having a high HP”.

Combine with GUARD to create a powerful tank. Combine with EXTREME WILLPOWER to create “The Immovable” type of character.

22. Healer* --- “Ooooh your stomach is split open, don’t worry I can fix it”

A MUST HAVE TRAIT for those who wants to use healing powers. Without this trait, you can’t perform healing magic to those who is fatally wounded on the battlefield. Very useful when combined with MAGI, MUSICIANSHIP, and the ELEMENT WOOD. If you don’t pick MAGI trait but you have this trait, then you can only use healing magic in a combat.

23. Extra Barrier --- “You got a barrier on your character? Think it’s tough and impenetrable? Think again”

You are nearing your victory. Now all you have to do is to kill that cowardly general that stays behind his troops, so you proceed to run through all of the peons and make it to the general’s throne. SLASH!!! Yes, you can feel his blood gushing from the tip of your sword. He is……. Wha… Not even a scratch?! How can…… Oh, I see… You just slashed his barrier. This general has a barrier that surrounds his entire body, protecting him from enemy attacks… Well, barriers are no big problem for you anyway, as your attacks are almighty and can penetrate that puny little barrier so SLASH!!! Now he’s dead for su-…... Another layer of barrier?! Now this is going to be a tough battle…

In times like this when barriers are easily broken, it’s better to have extra protection. Extra Barrier will provide you with an additional layer of barrier, or PROVIDES YOU WITH ONE if your character doesn’t have any barriers.


24. Elemental --- “I got my sword powered with Dark elemental here… If I blink my left eye, it’ll turn to Fire. If I lick the blade, it’ll turn to Earth…… Amazing, eh?”

Elemental is a trait where you can summon the power of a certain element. Not only it makes you look cool, it is also very useful to gain extra damages, especially against elemental type enemies. Do note that the strengths and weaknesses of each element differs one another.

There are 11 elements in total, with the element of SOUND exclusive for musicians.

Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Wood, Lightning, Metal, and Void.

LIGHT is strong, BUT AT THE SAME TIME ALSO WEAK, against DARK. (And vice versa)

FIRE is strong against WOOD and METAL. Weak against WATER and WIND.

WATER is strong against FIRE and WIND. Weak against LIGHTNING and EARTH.

EARTH is strong against WATER and LIGHTNING. Weak against WIND and WOOD.

WIND is strong against FIRE and EARTH. Weak against WATER and METAL.

WOOD is strong against EARTH and LIGHTNING. Weak against FIRE and METAL.

LIGHTNING is strong against WATER and METAL. Weak against EARTH and WOOD.

METAL is strong against WIND and WOOD. Weak against FIRE and LIGHTNING.


The element of VOID is a special case where you need to have FOUR BASIC ELEMENTS -EARTH, WATER, FIRE, WIND- AND EITHER LIGHT OR DARK, before you can get the VOID (the type of VOID you get depends on your final element, LIGHT –infinity- or DARK –nothingness-). Consuming a total of 6 spaces in your traits.

HIGH LEVEL MAGICIANS AND ANY ELEMENTAL/MAGIC WEAPON USER (INCLUDING HEAVENLY ARMS), MUST HAVE THIS TRAIT. If you are a multiple weapon user and want to have a different element in your other weapons, you MUST HAVE TWO OR MORE ELEMENTAL TRAITS.
If you have a special ability like "Flame Manipulation" or "Wind Manipulation" or any elemental manipulation, you HAVE to pick the corresponding elemental here.



Your character mental traits (unique mental condition) in a battle, how their mind adapt to the battle and how they perceive it. Not to be confused with your own character personality, no. Soul skills are basically the same as combat traits, but it is about your mentality.
Remember that soul skills are only for those who are willing to fight. I serve no mental traits for emos and depressive characters who are not willing to fight, except if they want to choose FURY like Shinn Asuka or Ikari Shinji and his EVA-01 did.

Fighting Heart (Courage of Heroes) --- “Let’s get it on! I mean, now!”

You are now facing your rival, whose abilities are the same as you. You and him are equal in terms of power, speed, defense, everything. This is going to be a long fight, so you quickly rush towards him with a barrage of attacks, but he dodges it easily, and he begins to counterattack…. Wha… His attacks are so hard! So powerful and so quick! How can it be?! We are supposed to be equal in strength! Well unfortunately...... he has the FIGHTING HEART which you don’t have………

Fighting Heart is a mental trait in which the bearer is ready to get in combat anywhere, anytime. Their mental is always prepared and they don’t experience a sudden adrenaline rush which can make your body off-balance. In a few cases, their adrenalines are ALREADY GUSHING OUT MADLY! It’s not strange if they can defeat you easily in the beginning of a combat.

A staple for hot-blooded characters, but it’s also common for cold-blooded veteran fighters nowadays. A combination with CONSERVE can turn you into a fearful enemy both in short-term and long-term battles.

Famous examples: Domon Kasshu from G Gundam, Sasagawa Ryouhei from Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Kazuma from s.Cry.ed

Spirit (Heart of the Braves) --- “Give me 5 minutes to get into the rhythm of this fight…”

The duel has begun and you attack your opponent without mercy, preventing him from gaining the upper hand of this fight. He’s exhausted due to blocking your barrage of attacks, and can’t seem to find a counter attack momentum, put aside gaining the upper hand. It seems that the victor of this battle is decided, so you quickly finish this fight with your ultimate blow and…… He dodged it?! Oh well, there’s always a chance to finish him off so you proceed to pummel him back. But he’s different now, he can dodge some of your attacks and find a chance to counter attack… A few minutes later, he’s exchanging blows with you, and now it’s 50-50… In the next ten minutes, you realize that now you’re the one in the defensive, forced to defend his combos…… Why does he get even faster and stronger as time goes by?

Spirit is a mental trait which favors long term battles, in which one can quickly grasp the momentum of the battle as time passes. Put it like, getting into the rhythm of a dance. Slowly but sure, you can see the enemy’s movement and attack pattern, find it easier to block attacks and channel your mana, can hit harder and faster, and feel a boost in your willpower.

Combine with PERSEVERANCE or GUARD to create a late game killer. A combination with FIGHTING HEART guarantees you to always gain the upper hand of battle. Combine with CONCENTRATION for a character that can exploit the enemy's weakness slowly but sure. A staple for main characters of shonen series, most notably used by Chinmi, who can adapt to a fight insanely quick.

Famous examples: Haru Glory from RAVE, Kurosaki Ichigo from Bleach, and Chinmi from Tekken Chinmi

Manipulation (Mind of Genius) --- “Your next line is… ‘You’ll be dead by your own attacks’…”

Yes, this is the end. You are going to finish this enemy of yours once and for all, finally avenging your dead parents. But wait… What is he trying to say? “We’re the same after all?” The same? Whoa whoa whoa, you’re beginning to lose your focus and start cursing him, denying that you and him are not similar by any means. However, your enemy displayed a wide smile and started to list down your faults and sins, he even went as far as asking you to join his cause. Not only that, he fully explained your thought process on what you’re thinking of him, and how you want to kill him. Then he started to explain what are the consequences of killing him, which you find to be not so good after all….. After all of that explanation, you finally gave up on killing him and handed him over to the police instead……… In which he escaped jail in the next week. By then you realized, you’ve been manipulated.

Manipulation is as it name implies, an act to shake your opponent’s mind with clever methods that is unthinkable by normal humans, most of the time by using psychological attacks. Your character’s way of thinking is to disarm the enemy even before the battle itself began. You came to the battlefield armed with a highly manipulative and analytical brain that is able to smooth talk his your to save your own life… or even persuade the enemy to give up without fighting. You're not like the usual combatant, you're a cunning strategist who can come up with brilliant tactics.

A staple for genius strategists used in many genre. Combine with CONCENTRATION to create a literal genius detective in a battlefield, who doesn’t miss a single clue left by his enemy.

Enemies who are trying to manipulate those who have MONSTROSITY will found themselves screwed so hard, since no one can read a mind of a monstrous psychopath, really.

Famous examples: L from Death Note, J from Bloody Monday, and Akiyama Shinichi from Liar Game

Fear (Aura of Destruction) --- “Shut up! And Listen! My name is Sanger! Sanger Zonvolt! The sword that cleaves evil!”

You plowed through the enemy’s defense group and made your way into the castle, but this big guy appear out of nowhere to stop you. He’s huge and menacing, but he looks quite weak-willed and soft, maybe you can walk your way through this…… What the… It’s cold! Can’t move! Can’t even speak! Cold sweats are running through your back as you realize that this guy is making you afraid, just with his aura! You wonder if you still have the will to fight, since your mental is shaken so hard……

One’s presence on the battlefield instills fear to the enemies’ heart, decreasing their morale and performance significantly, that is Fear. When you are struck with fear, your mental is shaken so bad that your character’s performance is reduced. FEAR applies to a crowd, and if you enhance it further with CROWD CONTROL, you can shake the morale of the enemies in a large area. Note that THREATENING SOMEONE WITH YOUR WEAPON AND MAKING THEM AFRAID is NOT counted as using FEAR. USING YOUR BIG NAME TO MAKE SOMEONE AFRAID ALSO DOESN’T COUNT AS ONE. Fear is only applicable to shake your enemy’s mental using your own aura.

GOOD TO COMBINE WITH ANY OTHER TRAITS, especially CROWD CONTROL. Usually used by veteran combatants or legendary warriors whose aura is massive.

When the enemy shakes your mental in the beginning of the fight, it WILL NOT affect those who have FIGHTING HEART (but it will affect you if the enemy shakes your mental at the climax of the battle). Those who have SPIRIT will recover faster than the others, as time goes by. Possessor of SERENE MIND will be affected if they are not ready to fight (they won’t be affected if they’re ready to fight). Those who have EXTREME WILLPOWER and MONSTROSITY…… kick reason to the curb… so it’s unlikely for them to be afraid.

Famous examples: Oni Me no Kyo from Samurai Deeper Kyo, Keisar Ephes from SRW@3, and Akabane Kuroudo from Getbackers

Fury (Rage of the Beasts) --- “Die!!! Die!!! DIIIIIIIEEEE!!!”

You are facing against a tough enemy, and you realize that he’ll be angry if you kill his dog, so you killed it. Yes, he is now angry and pissed off! How fun it is to watch him getting all depressed and…… Whoa, he screamed like a rabid dog and…… Wait, did he just punch that steel wall flying…? And, um… Doesn’t he look more dangerous and… muscular now? I…… think that you just made a big mistake…

Fury, often called Unstoppable Rage, is a state when your behavior becomes…… Awh to hell with words… It’s when ‘you snapped out of your mind’. Yes, sometimes when your loved ones are threatened by the villains, or when your friends got hurt bad (or when someone accidentally talked about a subject that is sensitive to you -like shorty or fatty-, but that is comedic)……… You’re prone to snap, and go into a state of uncontrolled rage, that is… um… doesn’t have a pretty result. Symptoms of FURY includes:

- A sudden leap in power-speed-and badassery, becoming a one man army. However, the opposite effect also holds true (losing focus and making rash decisions due to blind anger).
- Always in frenzy mode and cannot return to normal in a certain span of time.
- Almost always invincible. You receive damage, but you’re unstoppable in your FURY mode, so it will still hurt when you return to your consciousness.
- Often accompanied with burning eyes and roars, or sometimes tears. However, you won’t stop bashing your enemy’s skull even with tears on your eyes (more like tears of happiness).

Most main characters in shonen series are prone to do this. Good to combine with ATTACKER, creating a literal berserker. Combine with REVENGE or CROWD CONTROL to get a horrifying walking killing machine that is best to left untouched.

Note that to activate FURY in a scene, you have to understand the situation first, since people often misunderstand what FURY really is. FURY is literally the time when you snapped (ie: When your loved one is taken hostage at point blank range by the enemy, when you are not willing to fight an enemy but is pushed too far, when your friends are dying one by one by the enemy’s fire, etc.), for further examples, see the scene when Gohan snapped against Cell in DBZ, can be found easily in youtube. If you activate FURY when your character’s life is in danger, you are mistaking it with POTENTIAL, which is somewhat suicidal to combine with (in POTENTIAL, your character is already in the brink of death, if he received further damages in FURY mode, he’ll die when he returns to normal, this is more like a sacrifice).

Famous examples: Hulk from The Incredible Hulk, Takayanagi Masataka from Tenjou Tenge, Songohan from Dragon Ball

Serene Mind (State of Emptiness) --- “His anger is hot, so it controls him…. My anger is cold, so I control it……” (prerequisites: evolves from “Fury”)

Same as the above scenario, you are facing against that enemy again, and you know that he’ll be angry if you kill his cat, so you killed it. And it works! Your enemy is now rampaging and screaming like a four year-old! He is stronger and faster now, but you’ve gone through this before, and you can read all of his movements so yes, he’s going down! But then a few minutes later, something strange happened. Your enemy stopped screaming, he maintains his breath and lets out a calm expression. The earth begins to rumble and little pieces of rock start floating up from the ground. Your enemy then sighed heavily, saying lines like, “Let’s get this over with… I’m sick of you…” …… Oops, you’ve pressed the wrong switch again…….

Welcome to the world of Serene Mind, a ‘luxury’ in which the greatest of the warriors can only dream to achieve. It is a state of clear mind that will never be shaken by the strongest of storms, a state of emptiness in which one can freely move without having the ‘thoughts’ and ‘forms’ restraining them from executing a flawless attack.

Combine with CONCENTRATION, and you’ll have one helluva Deus Ex Machina, seriously. Mostly used by they who had achieved enlightenment, or after a character break through his own limits.

To get this trait, you must create THREE furious scenes using FURY first, and replace it later with Serene Mind, of course USING ONE of your FIVE REPLACEMENT CHANCES. There’s an exception of using Serene Mind for pure support musicians, where you don’t need to have FURY first, but MUST HAVE CONCENTRATION AND SENSE in your arsenal.

Famous examples: Bruce Lee, Domon Kasshu (in Meikyoshisui mode) from G Gundam, and Asakura Yoh from Shaman King

Extreme Willpower (Soul of Steel) --- “We’ll break through heavens and dimensions! We’ll show you our path through force! Who the hell do you think we are?!”

This is the climax, your friends and the enemies are in the peak of their powers, you can’t possibly grow stronger than this so do the enemy… Orrrr is it? The big bad had just evolved to a One Winged Angel, the enemies got a huge reinforcement, and Earth would be destroyed in an hour! You and your friends are thrown into a hopeless state, “There is no way we’re going to win, we’ve given it our best but they just keep on getting stronger…” But then one of your friends shouted, “F**k it all! We are the DaiGurren- dan! We kick reason to the curb and do the impossible!” He dashed towards the horde of enemies and proceeded to kill the reinforcements while delivering a manly speech that lifts up your spirit. How come he can still fight? It’s because his willpower is higher than the others, and damned unshakable. He has never thought about losing, and always repeated to himself the GGG’s handbook article 5 section 120, “Under no circumstances must a GGG member ever give up".

In short, when the battle has gone too long, and both sides have already given it their all, the last deciding factor will be willpower. All you need is that oomph to push your character to kick reason to the curb, do the impossible, and achieve victory. EXTREME WILLPOWER is a trait that sends chill down your spine because of the huge awesomeness it delivers. Not recommended if you can’t handle epic and manly scenes that well…

Not to be confused with sheer hot-blood or massive determination (which is really common everywhere), EXTREME WILLPOWER is not something you can pull off that easily. Only a few characters are awesome enough to have this trait. Combine with LEADERSHIP and you’ll get a sure victory, showered in epic manliness.

For further explanations, see the final battle of Gurren Lagann or Genesic Gaogaigar VS Palparepa, can be found easily in youtube.

Famous example: Simon from Gurren Lagann (after timeskip), Shishioh Gai from Gaogaigar (all the time, seriously), Nekki Basara from Macross 7 (who else can turn singing into something so badass with his extreme willpower?)

Monstrosity (Peak of Insanity) --- “Awesome napalm *throws napalm into an orphanage, which explodes in a moment* Awesome barbeque”

This enemy is tough as hell. First, he came to the battlefield mowing down everyone with his tank. Next, he threw dozens of grenade, harming innocent people who you must protect. And lastly, he made sure that you won’t receive any reinforcements by pulling numerous prank calls to your allies! You don’t know what his next move is as he keeps on getting unpredictable and......... Wait, what’s he pulling from his pocket? Is that a… bazooka?! HOLY FFFFUUUUU……!!! Get down!!!

Monstrosity is a trait where your character loses all -or perhaps, doesn't have- moral limitations in a fight. They’re unpredictable, trigger happy, and awesomely crazy. Similar to EXTREME WILLPOWER but with a slight difference, those with MONSTROSITY has a very… um… ‘unique’ mind that they don’t even know the meaning of giving up or losing. They fully realize their chaotic deeds and they don’t mind as long as it is to achieve their goal, sometimes they even LOVE what they're doing. When they hold someone as a hostage, they won’t hesitate to shoot him. When they threaten to detonate the hospital, they’re not bluffing. They won’t delay your death by granting your last wish, they’ll shoot you immediately and say “No” afterwards. If presented to the above EXTREME WILLPOWER scenario, their way of thinking would be, “Hahahahh! Come get some! Bow before my greatness, biatches!”

GOOD TO COMBINE WITH ALL TRAITS, seriously. This is a staple for psychopathic characters who are very good at what they do.

If you are going to use this for a good protagonist, IT IS PURE WIN, as long as you can pull it off magnificently (because the border of ‘morality’ is almost nonexistent with this trait, making this type of characters prone to be villains). Very VERY NOT RECOMMENDED if you don’t know how to handle these types of characters.

Famous examples: The Joker from Batman, Revy from Black Lagoon, and Hiruma Youichi from Eyeshield 21.

Lucky (Favorite of the Gods) --- “Well, this is the 24th jackpot for today… I’m getting bored…” (TAKES THREE SLOTS – Lucky, empty, empty)

Remember this, not all people are lucky. Lucky people are so damn lucky –and they are so damn happy because of it- that sometimes they can miraculously dodge attacks with just sheer luck -without a scientific explanation or proper reasoning- even though it’s SUPPOSED TO HIT at the first place. They are also known to accidentally connect their attacks to the enemy with “lucky” breaks, like nosebleeds that blind their opponent or a stray magic that empowers their speed. Last but not least, they could take a hellish volley of fireballs head on, and when others thought they’ve already died, they would appear on the next scene unharmed waving their arms to their comrades with a smile on their face saying “Eheheh it’s good to be alive!” And not only in battles! Lucky people has all the luck when it comes to their love lives, they usually have five or six persons that are attracted to them (you know, harem animes), and rants on their so-called misfortune like, “Why does this happen to me of all people?” ……. Yes, they really are lucky SOBs who don’t even realize their own luckiness….

LUCKY takes THREE slots, because if it takes only one, the balance of the universe will be disrupted due to jealousy towards the lucky people…. Please note that if you seriously want to put LUCKY in your arsenal, you have to be good at making scenes with lucky breaks and excuses to why you can dodge the attacks that are supposed to hit ^^;; If you want to pick Lucky as an additional new soul skill (if you already possess a soul skill in your arsenal), you need to prepare FIVE EMPTY SLOTS: Lucky --- Emptyx4.

THIS TRAIT IS BEST USED WHILE SMOKING CRACK AND DRINKING ALCOHOL, so that you can get the inspiration of how is it to be lucky. This is VERY VERY COMMON in harem animes.

For further explanation, google “harem animes”



Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: CROSSOVER RP! [Important notice on first post!!!]
Link | by on 2009-07-30 07:26:11
Dude "H" a long post, but interesting to read with xD

I love the details of the combat features and they're cool to play around with. Just want to ask something though, does grappler chars(something like Zangief from SF or Daimon from KoF) is applicable in the RP? Do they need certain skills? Lol this idea about grapplers just came into my mind as I read your posts. I dunno that it whether fits into a RP though xP.

And yeah, does musics/singings can do damage just like Ar Tonelico? That's all for now and I'm waiting for this RP to be released~

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