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scariest game ever
Link | by war_prince on 2005-06-07 21:58:52 (edited 2005-06-08 16:31:42)
to all the survival horror you played what is the most scariest game you ever played (explain please)
mine is fatal frame crimson butterflies

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Funsch on 2005-06-08 01:30:29
Forbidden Siren: The whole game was extremely scary.

First of all your put in a disadvantage against the zombies. You either have no weapons or punny weapons like a crowbar and you have to avoid the zombies as much as possible.

Secondly, the zombies have very smart A.I. and they have weapons as well and it's extremely scary to see them run and chase after you. Man I mean running zombies is one of the scariest things I've seen!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah when you're trying to see from the zombie's vision (special ability) it'll scare the crap out of you if there LOOKING RIGHT AT YA!!!!!!!

The atmosphere is dim and dark and the soundtrack creates the tension and scary mood.

The game's a puzzle solving one, so if you miss anything in a stage you can't progress and you have to repeat the whole SCARY stage again!

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-06-08 16:03:01 (edited 2005-06-08 16:03:58)
Yeah, Forbidden Siren ranks up there! My only problem is that it's so darn *difficult*!!! If you're on a particulary tricky mission, it can get frustrating to try it 50 times and never succeed... It distracts from the creepiness and reminds you that you're playing a game, when you have to retry a mission a ton of times...

I'd have to also say the first Fatal Frame... (Haven't gotten around to playing through the second yet). The "looking through the peephole" moment was actually enough to make me jump, and I normally never jump at horror movies and games...

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Ghost on 2005-06-09 02:48:27
Resident Evil part 2 ahhh!! that game kreeps me out at night. oh and dont forget Shilent Hill series those are scary also

Your damned if you do and your damned if you dont. WHy do i skip school for the smallest reasons...

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-06-09 16:53:00
Yeah, definately Silent Hill (forgot all about them!) I finished Silent Hill 4 The Room a few months ago, and it captured that hunted and haunted mood perfectly! As well as having a plot that just unsettled your stomach!

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Funsch on 2005-06-09 17:28:44
Hey just wondering if you guys think Obscure is scary or not?

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Aria on 2005-06-09 23:48:09
for's probably resident's evil and silent hill...

resident's evil coz those damn zombies just can't get off my back!, seriously it's creepy...i get too tense at my scary games...sometimes...^_^

silent hill coz most of the time when you play it there's no bgm sounds, just you and your footsteps and STATIC of the RADIO!it's creepy when the static is getting stonger and you can't even see where the heck is that lil'ol bi~~ i mean monster.

but what i really like about scary games like RE, SH and other scary games are the puzzles...gets your mind working!^_^

haven't played fatal frame but i saw it once at my cousin's...seems scary...


Re: scariest game ever
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-06-10 13:04:56
The first Scary game i ever played was called THE THING for xbox it was like sooo scary since you didnt know who was the monster alien until it was too late. I liked the online mode bc u didnt know which one of ur frends was a monster or not.

I also played Resident Evil Outbreak and i liked the music so that got me into playing other Resident Evil titles.

Silent Hill isnt scary that much its just wierd with monster that are mixed with household items.

Half life the first one was kinda scary also.

Has anyone played Haunting Ground by Capcom? its kind of scary based on the impulses that you get from being surprised at where the demented freak comes out from to get you. I heard its called DEMENTO in japan.

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Steve_Fox on 2005-06-11 06:18:45
Call me when some thing can beat silent hill and clock tower

since silent hill 1 its been a scary experience

at firs the streets a fogged and u wouldnt know what hit u until those fukn dogs bite u

4 clock tower it's real hard and scary heh it even has the analog vibrating while u hear heartbeat sounds when the little shitty doll comes after u


Re: scariest game ever
Link | by clonezeroImage hosted by on 2005-06-14 01:17:26
Silent Hill!!!!

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Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Nilcrops on 2005-06-15 15:10:54
Think it'll have to be Clive Barker's Undying, the reason? the atmosphere that you play in is really creepy and many unsuspected things happen.

won't give any examples as it would ruin the game experience if anyone of you are gonna try it out :p but give it a shot ^^

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by pesky yuna on 2005-06-16 19:33:12
I don't think Silent Hill is that scary...but Resident Evil....*Shudder* I still have nightmares about that one...but my new game Death by Degrees with Tekken's Nina Willams is really cool...but it can be a little bit scary...but not by much

pesky yuna

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Judgement on 2005-06-17 08:11:50 (edited 2005-06-20 02:49:07)
hmmz lemme think

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Rose on 2005-06-18 20:18:53
the scariest game ever that i've played is gotta be Silent Hill 3. i just can't stand the sound effects and monsters. they're sooo scary!!!


Re: scariest game ever
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-06-18 23:22:37
Doom 3 might not haven been the scariest buit I think got me more emmersed into the game tha anything else I ever played so that it got me at times, and that normally never happens


Re: scariest game ever
Link | by AkiraKinyota on 2005-06-19 15:08:15
Definately Fatal Frame II. I got scared from just looking at the gory/creepy screenshots!! The Woman in Box and Sae so freaks me out!

[b]The Squee![/b]

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Judgement on 2005-06-20 02:49:16
Silent hill 3 T_T.. escessialy the haunted mansion.. fucking creepy when the body comes out from the sealing.. and the voice of the man wh is leading you trough the mansion.. and when he says *here is the exit * "enter door" *Oh sorry.. i don't think they want you to leave.. and then then a fucking creepy red mist comes behind you

Btw resident evil 4 isn't scary at al though.. 1,2 and 3 ... is scary yeah

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Zalardine on 2005-06-20 13:04:22
Id have to agree with Funsch. Not only are you at a disadvantage in-game-wise, the controls are hard to manage too. And the zombies never die. They just lay in a curled up position. Next thing you know they're up again chasin ya ard the premise. Really builds up the tension. And the way the zombies (AKA Shibito.) speak. Freaks the shit outta ya. All of you should check out why one of the game trailers was banned from Japan air. Freaky.


Re: scariest game ever
Link | by k|ra` on 2005-06-21 22:07:11
Hhmm .. Fatal frame is kinda scary too >.<

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~What R we fighting for ? - k|ra

Re: scariest game ever
Link | by Rekia Reium on 2005-06-25 12:29:17
I haven't played many 'scary' games, sadly. ^_^' One that I actually did play that was rather creepy though is Eternal Darkness. Man...that game was weird, but pretty good nonetheless. XD

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