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hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by sebbie on 2009-04-25 23:32:46
minah,yoroshiku =D extremely new here...
this site is so awesome hence especially for otaku..
so i decide to gv a little donation but the prob is any more easier method?
coz i am still a kid n dint noe much bout paypal n amazon etc furthermore its using credit card...kinda hard for me - -lll

Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by on 2009-04-25 23:35:52
Uhm, those 3 choices only the easiest method.
Also, don't worry about donate just do so when you can and know how.

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-04-25 23:39:55

Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by FAIZ! on 2009-04-26 00:51:23
Uh... Sebbie~san... I didn't know that you could do money transfer on internet without credit card.... so... Without any credit card... I guess you couldn't donate for a while...

But don't worry! You didn't have to... right? this thread is for anyone and free ^~^

SO, enjoy your seat!^~^

yotsuba is claimed 0-0 My AVy

Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by on 2009-04-26 01:28:01
well, like miko said XD

just enjoy yourself here ^^

Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by on 2009-04-26 04:46:37
Hi! Welcome!

Enjoy and dont be boring. :D


Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by on 2009-04-26 06:16:47
Enjoy the site^^

Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by fracielle on 2009-04-26 07:39:16
Hi htere.
Welcome and enjoy.

Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by Thanks DFly~ on 2009-04-26 08:25:31

Gawd!! DFly work is so...Beautiful~

Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by sebbie on 2009-04-26 09:11:11 (edited 2009-04-26 09:12:35)
hai!,arigatou gozaimasu!really thx for the warm welcome =D once again..a very nice to meet you all!happy in dis site ^^v

whever i finish the anime i wan to hav the theme song n i can find it easily here...hapii!!

Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by on 2009-04-26 23:11:47
hi there,welcome...nice to meet you

Re: hi ther new user here,need a bit guide on donate
Link | by on 2009-04-27 03:44:13
Hey there! Don't stress yourself too much on it... glad you like this site too!

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