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Link | by lamely46 on 2009-04-22 18:55:13
hi. My name is lamely46, or agent, or lamely46, or Agent, whichever you prefer. I am a BIG music lover. I hope to meet new friends and I hope I'll have a blast here! :D


Re: hello
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-04-22 19:06:52

Re: hello
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2009-04-22 19:10:50
HI! Welcome to Gendou. Always nice to see new people. Follow the rules, Pm me if you need anything! Have tons of fun!

Make sure to read:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: hello
Link | by on 2009-04-22 19:15:52
oh yeah I just saw you in chat, I think.
Nice avatar there =3
Welcome, please be sure to read the rules and FAQ, and have fun here!! ;D

Re: hello
Link | by lamely46 on 2009-04-22 19:15:57
thankies :3


Re: hello
Link | by on 2009-04-22 19:42:43 (edited 2009-04-22 22:50:42)
enjoy urself..
hope to see u around..XD

Re: hello
Link | by Thanks DFly~ on 2009-04-22 20:39:20
Hi Lanmely~
Nice to meet you^^
Welcome to the forum~ Hope you'll enjoy it~

Gawd!! DFly work is so...Beautiful~

Re: hello
Link | by on 2009-04-22 20:52:33
hi there,welcome...nice to meet you...

Re: hello
Link | by on 2009-04-22 20:56:11
Hi!! Nice to meet ya!!^^

Re: hello
Link | by fracielle on 2009-04-22 21:26:32
Hello there.
Welcome and have fun!

Re: hello
Link | by on 2009-04-22 22:43:02
welcome to! can i call you lamely? lol
hope you enjoy being here~ and cya around!

Re: hello
Link | by lamely46 on 2009-05-16 01:33:14
thanks for the welcomes anyone. :D

@Kira> sure. XD


Re: hello
Link | by Settsuosettsuo on 2009-05-16 02:15:52
Welcome to Gendou! I hope you have a blast here XD

Settsuo, the divine wind!!

Re: hello
Link | by on 2009-05-16 03:42:38
Hi Lamely, Agent, Lamely, Agent xDD, nice to meet you!

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