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um, hi?
Link | by nimraeth on 2009-04-22 03:50:29
Wooow, I registered to gendou so long ago and never noticed that there's such a forum community D:
So, hi there, i'm 20yr anime fan and a polish fag xD
well, to be honest, i don't think i'll post a lot of... posts/messages? xD but just felt like introducing xd

p.s. sorry for my broken english >:

Re: um, hi?
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-04-22 03:56:20
Welcome to the forums.


Re: um, hi?
Link | by on 2009-04-22 04:21:16
Nice to meet you~ ^^

Re: um, hi?
Link | by on 2009-04-22 04:29:52
welcome to the forums~
at least you're introducing yourself XD

Re: um, hi?
Link | by FAIZ! on 2009-04-22 04:41:46
It's okay nim your introduction is well accepted.
Welcome to the Forum!

yotsuba is claimed 0-0 My AVy

Re: um, hi?
Link | by on 2009-04-22 05:23:08
Thanks for introducing yourself!! ^^

Re: um, hi?
Link | by garcher on 2009-04-22 05:31:57
Hello and welcome to the forums~ :]
Hopefully We'll see you posting in future~
Nice to meet you and enjoy your stay~

Re: um, hi?
Link | by on 2009-04-22 05:44:32
Hi!! Nice to meet ya!!
Have fun~~~

Re: um, hi?
Link | by Thanks DFly~ on 2009-04-22 07:23:46
Hope you enjoy it~
try to enter the chat room too^^

and yes...please read the rules&faqs 1st~ =D

Gawd!! DFly work is so...Beautiful~

Re: um, hi?
Link | by fracielle on 2009-04-22 07:54:38
Hello there.
Welcome and nice to meet ya.
Hope u can post more and enjoy Gendou!

Re: um, hi?
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-04-22 14:53:00

Re: um, hi?
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2009-04-22 15:43:35


Hello. I hope you have tons of fun here, nice avvie by the way!! Have fun if you do decide to keep posting.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: um, hi?
Link | by on 2009-04-22 20:56:08
hi there,welcome...nice to meet you...

Re: um, hi?
Link | by forest on 2009-04-24 22:48:16
Hey there welcome. Lol you're not the only one. xD

Hope you enjoy your stay, and don't be scared to post something in the forums either. xD

Re: um, hi?
Link | by on 2009-04-25 01:39:03
hye,welcome to gendou..XD
owh if i remember it correctly..
i dint introduce myself when i 1st came in..n like two years oledi.x.x
at least u did..
hope to see u around ;D

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