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which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by midori hakkai on 2005-06-06 23:48:58
For all Saiyuki fans: Which do you think is the best among the three? I'd have to say Gensomaden Saiyuki, but Reload is fine. And I have just finished watching the first ep of Gunlock so I can't really judge it right now.

"Even if you destroy this world, the world you wish for will never come..." ~Cho Hakkai~

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by gantz_psycho on 2005-06-07 00:24:38
in my opinion, i have to say Gensomaden Saiyuki because the last 2 series, the art wasn't as great as the 1st one and Saiyuki Gunlock was better in art than Saiyuki Reload. Maybe it's because when i watched the first one, I anticipated too much on the sequels and it was really a deal breaker. :(

I really prefer the manga :)


Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by september_rain on 2005-06-07 05:15:56 (edited 2005-06-07 05:17:10)
Saiyuki Reload! But all of them are great, as long as the bishounens are there!!!

The more you learn, the more you know,the more you know,the more you WHY LEARN AT ALL???...P.S. Am I banned? Wah.

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by war_prince on 2005-06-07 12:26:29
saiyuki reload cause the opening song wild rock and ending song fukisusabu kaze no naka de and gunlock cause the opening song don't look back again and ending song mitsumeteitai

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by mirutt on 2005-06-08 01:49:12
i like reload the best cause i think there's a better plot to it. :)

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by Chippy on 2005-06-08 15:26:22
I like Gensomaden, but since I've only seen that and the first four eps. of RELOAD, I might be biased.. And the fact that I HATE the new dubbing.. -Click sub button-

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by kara-chan on 2005-06-08 20:04:15
Well, Gensomaden is more...deeper and goes into their psyche, unlike Reload. I recommend watching the Gensomaden series and picking up the Reload manga (the manga is better than the series and for Gensomaden, the series is better than the manga)

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by Ayumi on 2005-06-08 21:54:44
I haven't watched gunlock, but I think the series is better. For Reload and Gunlock I think the manga is better.

Are miracles worth believing? We'll just have to see, don't we? What you see, that is reality. What you remember, that is illusion. Ps: Why are you looking here? Coversation above!

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by sumeragi sei on 2005-06-09 04:41:56
Storywise, I don't think I can choose since all three are very much important. But artwise, I think I like Sayuki Reload Gunlock's art better than the other two... although I've seen up to the fourth episode only. But if the great art will be maintained all through-out the series, then it's definitely GUNLOCK! ^^ Man! I couldn't stop going all sparkly-eyed at Hakkai at the 4th episode of Gunlock. *lol*

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Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by K-1 on 2005-06-09 05:19:19
currently watching gunlock, but i vote for gensomaden since it had better art style. also seems to me that reload and gunlock where made in a rush as the art where a bit, erhm, simpler.....

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by gantz_psycho on 2005-06-09 09:13:52
i couldn't agree more...
i was really surprised about the sudden change in art in both RELOAD & GUNLOCK... it has a big effect on me to the point that i don't want to watch it... :(


Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by Heaven'sCloud† on 2005-06-10 19:17:30
I agree with baka-yarou and K-1, Reload's art looks childish to me and they pose and showoff a lot.

Even in the deepest darkness lies a shining light within. Even if you destroy this world, the world you wish for won't come - Hakkai

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by shinosen on 2005-06-11 03:06:50
I'd still go for Gensoumaden Saiyuki because there were a lot of different stories in most of the episodes while in the Reload and Reload Gunlock, 3 or even more episodes were just of the same event. But I love them all!!!!

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by auel on 2005-06-11 03:25:23
Lol...i think my choice would be gensomaden. No offence but in reload, the characters look a bit distorted compared to gensomaden. But i really don't mind the storyline though.

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by midori hakkai on 2005-06-11 22:48:32
I agree. The characters in Reload and Gunlock aren't done neatly most of the time. I love all of them but I really prefer Gensomaden.

"Even if you destroy this world, the world you wish for will never come..." ~Cho Hakkai~

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by K-1 on 2005-06-12 06:23:48
oh one more thing i noticed about the series. you know how the art becomes "manga-like" back in gensomaden (how should i explain this one......), you know, wherein the characters and background besomes like a page out of manga (now thats kinda stupid... ^_^`).

anyways, i miss that kind of animation style since that was one of the things that attracted me to saiyuki in the first place

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by Rose on 2005-06-12 15:40:45
Saiyuki is the best. and i haven't seen any of the other two so i wouldn't know.


Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by on 2005-06-13 15:35:45
Gensomaden is my favorite, and they do look a tad distorted in Reload..

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by sanzo-chan on 2005-06-18 01:08:38


THEYRE ALL GREAT!!! all i can say is Saiyuki is the BEST!! all the series ROCK!! dont you all agree..? the plot of each series is really awesome! i like em all! so i say ALL of them are equal cuz each series is unique.. but it totally rocks!! and its really hard to choose cuz theyre all just absolutely cool!!


~*//_sanzo-chan ^-^ _\\*~

"Do you seriously think that blood is the only thing in this world that is colored red?"

-Genjo Sanzo

Re: which is the best: gensomaden, reload, or gunlock?
Link | by PsYChO rOoKiE on 2005-06-22 20:19:38
I really don't want to say this.....but I like Gensomaden Saiyuki more than Saiyuki Reload & Saiyuki Reload Gunlock

..............uh-uh <~~ I've said let's go on........

I think the story is okay for all of the series....Only the graphic in Gensomaden Saiyuki is better than the Reload & Reload Gunlock series.....

And I've been wondering........When will Genjo Sanzo & the gang reach Togenkyou?!!! Is Hiryu [the Flying Dragon Kougaiji used ] any faster than a jet plane?!!!

"She who turns the PAIN into a BOND, the HARDSHIP into a HOPE. I'm as a woman, will not lose to her," Megumi (Samurai X; Reflection)

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