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Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-15 00:05:08 (edited 2009-03-29 21:29:07)
Well, considering the last budges of Turn based RPs have gone... asunder I suppose it would be about time to release another. Though, I DO PROMISE to keep random battles to a minimum. So, if you have the time and courage to look into this, then let it be and allow me to do introduce you to this RP that's been in the works for some time now!

This could be long, and character creation could take some time and calculating (Unless you choose the new and easy Auto-Creation method!) Making a profile here will take a bit more thought and time then others. Despite the lack of pictures everything else needed is here! If you want to see how battles happen, or have general questions about how everything is done, the Battle Tutorials and FAQ should answer most questions. If not, as always, I am open to any questions via PM!

The Dawn of Departure - Motoi Sakuraba, Hibiki Aoyama


It was the 4th Year of the Third Millennium of Time, when a great war broke out amongst the countries of the world. The Samoa Alliance sought to take control of as much of the world as possible, and embarked on a long and cunning military campaign to take land from other countries. Six years into the war several of the remaining powerful kingdoms of the world allied with one another to form the United Helios Empire in order to combat the Samoans as a single military and political entity. The war dragged on, until, on the tenth year of the conflict the Helios Empire detonated a high yield explosive RADIATION BURST ordinance over the capital city of the Samoan Alliance, virtually annihilating the entire city, shortly thereafter, the terrible Ten Years Conflict ended.

Despite the horrors of the conflict, the victory not bring a newfound age of lasting peace to the world as many expected, rather other countries outside of the Helios Alliance formed their own political entity, which today is known as the Lunario Alliance; a band of countries chained together by political bonds, but not nearly as homogenized as the Helios Empire. Differences arose, and some countries belonging to Lunario wished to also gain the power of the RAD BURST weapon.

The Era was defined by the political scandals, backstabbing, and conspiracies. The fate of a young priestess who holds the secret to the most devastating weapon known to mankind, and trials, conflicts, and tribulations of all those involved.

"To Peacefully Be with You."

To Peacefully Be With You RP-RPG


This is an Turn Based/FREECHOICE RP. At the start of the RP characters all belong to a certain faction that they choose from. Each faction has specific goals. At the head of each faction, there's a leader, who assigns missions to the faction's members. Once the mission is assigned, it is up to the characters to do as required in order to achieve the goals. Oftentimes, goals of other factions will certainly bump into others, how each faction handles this, and who is and isn't able to achieve their goals will determine the movement of the plot. in short, your leader tells you what to do and you have the choice of how to do it. Go ahead surprise me: I DARE YOU >:o

The RP also has a turn based combat aspect. A portion of the battles in this RP may very well be PVP matches so be mindful of the competition! If you win a battle you earn AP points which are used to customizing your character. Though customization options start off small as your character learns more skills new classes and options become open to them. There too, is also a skill creation system that allows one to create every aspect of a characters' special attack. Random battles will be VERY SPARSE only happening in certain events or to give AP to more unfortunate factions.


The RP Master Guide!
Dont Spam Status Effects!
Dont let me be the only one to move this RP forward!
Be a Leader (Or Good Follower)
Participating a lot would be nice.
Make Sure to be clear as to where your characters are, since there may be lots of parallel conversations going on.
Dont be afraid to fill in details I miss or even make up some new ones.


Basic Character Sheet:

You can have as many characters as you like. As long as you'll participate and not have like one in every faction. ^^'
In addition, you can also request to be a second in command of a Faction. Which means you're the one who'll generally direct the party when an assignment is given. Just OCC a request, and be sure you'll participate!

Name: (Yeah.)
Faction: (Where your loyalty lies. Determines the people you fight with, your mission, and who you're fighting against)
Age: (^)
Appearance: (Can be text, piccys are encouraged though!)
Weapon: (What ya fight with, Piccy's are nice, but text is OK)
Bio: (About your character, referring to the "World of Genisia" section at the bottom can help.)

Class: (pick from the 4. Dont worry, your character WILL develop into that uber Magical Ninja if you stay in the RP)
AP: (Ability Points: these go towards upgrading your character. Spend wisely!) (If you do the "Preselected" Chara creation, this is automatically 0.)

(Here is where you're character's special attacks go)

Stats: (Stats are broken down to these select pieces. So each one is important. Also, be sure to list out the total AP that has been spent behind the Stat value)

HP: (Amount of damage that can be taken before being incapacitated)
SU: (Points that go towards skill utilization)

ATK: (Amount of physical hurt your character can dish out)
MAG: (Amount of magical hurt your character can dish out (Mahou, anyone?))
DEF: (Amount of damage that is nullified before it gets to your HP)
SPD: (Determines the order you go in the attack order, can also be used in certain attack calculations)


Perks: (Perks! These are little bonuses your character has that can make them more versatile in battle. The list is right after the Stat Upgrade cost chart.

End of char profile


So you haven't slapped me off yet, have you? So, would you like to try this RP out? If yes, GREAT!

First, I advise that you copy the character profile to a notepad, The character setup is generally the hardest part, but from there things are a bit more easier. If you've want to make a character using the easier "Preselected" method, look at the next paragraph. Just note that you'll often refer back to here when you make skills, add perks, and upgrade stats. Prices can also change from time to time.

Below Is the beginning of information you'll need to make a character

Table of Contents for Character Info
1: Factions
2: Classes
3: Character Making (Making a character by the easy or hard way)
-A Stat Upgrades
-B Making Skills
-C Choosing Perks

4: Preselect Menu
-A Preselect Stats
-B Preselect Skills

~1: Factions~

Keckz's Gang: A group of rabble teenagers in the lesser neighborhoods of the Heliotian Capital of
Hydrogaea. One fateful day, the group comes to the aid of a young girl. The series of events
to unfold afterward would have earthshaking consequences in the days to come.
(Represents the generic Ragtag band of heroes in any videogame)

Church of Harmonia: A religious order dedicated to peace and the helping of people hurt or devastated
in the 10 years war. The order has a many dedicated elite Papal Guardsmen who protect the populace
and radiate chivalry. The recent kidnapping of one of the Cardinals has had many of the Papal Knights
deployed in order to search for her.
(Represents the Papal Guard and officials of the Church of Harmonia)

Federal Investigations Administration [FIA]: A governmental agency of the Helios Empire meant to keep
order and handle covert and more tenacious duties of the government. Whether it be by espionage or by
force. They are believed to be actively involved in protecting the secret to RAD Burst technology.
(Represents the special government forces and officials of the Empire of Helios)

Minister Hatonne's Escort: A groups of expert soldiers and officials accompanying an important official
representing the Lunario Government. Though they come in peace, many believe they come with more
malicious intents. Stationed in the Lunario Embassy in Hydrogaea, they knowingly are under watch by
the Heliotian FIA.
(Represents the guard forces and officials belonging to the Lunario Government)

~2: Classes~

Blade - Close Range Melee Specialists

Ranger - Long Range Specialists

Healer - Healing, and buffing Specialists

Mage - Offensive Spell Specialists

~3: Character Making~

Making a Character by auto (Preselect) method:

Simply choose a class. The "preselect mode" section of this post'll have the preselected stats for the class.
Then, choose a preselected skill, what is available is also limited by the class you've chosen.
After that, simply choose a perk, then you're done with character creation!

I patched this character together using the Presel Method in 10 Minutes!
This is how a character'll look when it's PM'd to me. (This and everything else below are spoilers *Click!*)

Making a character by the manual method:
Manual method allows for the character to be attuned to what you want. It also allows for you to make a skill you want.
Note that in total, you have 500 AP to spend. AP are points that go toward purchasing any and all aspects of upgrades to your character, so remember, you have 500 AP to spend now. All tho costs for all the upgrades are right beside the said upgrade. The only requirement is that you have at least 1 Skill, aside from that, you're free to spend AP as you please!

Steps To Making A character
Step 1
Create your Stats: Refer to the "Character Stat Cost" Chart Below, and create your stats.
Step 2
Choose A Perk: Simply choose a perk from the list below. These enhance your character with specials and other abilities.
Step 3
Create A Skill: Make a skill using the chart below. Please note that skill creation differs according to the class you choose to start out with.
Step 4
Calculate: That you didn't overspend your AP. Though you're allowed to post your profile and stats when you're done, you're also required to PM them to me for checking, and finishing touches. Also, if you have certain attack ideas and such, make sure to PM them to me too before applying them.

~3-A Character Stats Costs~

For Stats: (These are added in certain increments. Such as + 20 or + 15.)

HP + 20 (25 AP)
SU + 15 (30 AP)

ATK + 5 (15 AP)
MAG + 5 (15 AP)
DEF + 5 (15 AP)
SPD + 5 (20 AP)

~3-B Skill Creation~

Skill Creation Tutorial (Read or you WILL be confused!!)

Blade Skill Options

Ranger Skill Options

Healer Skill Options

Mage Skill Options

~3-C Perks~
(ones that have "Mail" by them mean that I'll pm you detailing other aspects of the skill and info you'll need to know.)
Also note, more powerful perks may have prerequisite to other Perks.

Cost for 1: (20 AP)

General Perks

~4 Preselect Menu~

-4-A Preselect Classes

Stats for Blade

Stats for Ranger

Stats for Healer

Stats for Mage

-4-B Preselect Skills

Cost for 1: (15 AP)

Blade Presel Skills

Ranger Presel Skills

Healer Presel Skills

Mage Presel Skills

Index of Other Information

1: Character Listing (By Faction)

2: Character Speed Rankings

3: Extras + Wiki Article Link

1 Character Listing:

Aside from Klien, and other people's characters listed here, all the other characters listed here are more or less classed off as bosses. Their stats are hidden, and consequently are higher than an average character. Though their actual participation in battle is supposed be rare.

~Keckz's Gang~

Klien Buregart (The guy on the right)
Look: Photobucket
Age: 18
Weapon: Longsword
Blade - One aspiring to be skilled in the use of a melee weapon.
Hydrogea Resident - A resident of the Republic Capital Hydrogea.
Third in Command - A rank belonging to one who takes the place of someone who takes the place of the leader when they need their
place taken.

Class: Blade
AP: 0/500

Bio: A young man whose lived his entire life in Hydrogea. Klien has an seemingly passive attitude which completely disintegrates
when he feels inclined towards something. Much of his life has been spent trouping around with Keckz's gang, because of this
he knows the ups and downs Hydrogaea like the back of his hand. Though tries to keep out of any kinds of conflict with the
authorities his passive attitude and loyalty to Keckz tends to say otherwise.


Slag Assault
SU Cost: 8.5
Attack Calculation: 1 ATk + .5 MAG
Description: Strike one's blade into the ground and send rock into the enemy.
Element: Earth
Special Effects/Notes: Flat Edge: Small Chance Enemy Will be stunned.
(90 AP)


HP: 100/100 (125 AP)
SU: 45/45 (90 AP)

ATK: 30 (90 AP)
MAG: 5 (15 AP)
DEF: 10 (30 AP)
SPD: 5 (20 AP)



Double Striker
Special: Allows character to execute a Unison attack with another character.
(20 AP)

Su Recovery
Special: Each hit in a normal attack returns the same amount of SU to the attacker with this perk. (Doesn't include any hits in Skills) (1 hit -> 1 Su recovered)
(20 AP)

Keckz Irling
Look: Photobucket
Age: 22
Class: Blade
Weapon: Dual Sabers
Double Blade - One who is skilled enough to handle a bladed weapon in both hands.
Boss - A title belonging to one who commands a group for whatever uniting purpouse.

Bio: An enthusiastic man whose lived his life in Hydrogaea seeking fame and glory for his rabble of friends. Though his group
is regarded small Keckz has big ambitions. Though momentarily clueless about how to achieve them, it worries Klien to think
of what means he may go to achieve them.

~Non Ugo Controlled~

Kotaro Inugami
Fistfighter: One whose sword is their very fists. Train in mind and body to defeat the enemy.
2nd in Command: A title to those who take the place of the leader when needed.
Hothead: "Out of my way! Who do you think I am!?"
Current AP: 10

Ciel von kitsberg
Gun and Dagger: Those who combat with the past and the present. Akin to ranged combat.
Caring Tactician: Whether it be a squad of three or a legion of thousands, it's up to someone they can care about to govern them.
Current AP: 5

Shiki Nanaya
Silent Blade: A title to those who can strike as quickly as an arrow, whether in war or from the shadows.
Heir: A person who has legitimate claims to wealth and prosperity, yet chooses to lead a life of their own.
Current AP: 0

Thousand Faces: One who can disguise as whoever one wants to...say izzat President Lincoln?
AAA: One who's real name is unknown
Current AP: 65

Kyle Rowell
Arrow Ranger: One who fights with the bow and arrow, not to be mistaken for those guys in skin tight suits!
Recruited Wanderer: A boy who decided to join ranks of the gang. His skills are polished by time and a harsh existence as a wanderer.
Current AP: 5

~Church of Harmonia~

Look: Photobucket
Age: 18
Class: Healer
Weapon: Self-Formed Mana Disks
Healer - One who is capable of the most important skill of healing wounds.
Cardinal - A high ranking title to those who are wholly devoted to their faith.

Bio: A young woman who lost her family and home in the 10 Years conflict. She was taken in by the Church, where she found a love in
the lord and the idea of "Harmony" for the entirety of the world. By amazing odds she was elected to become a high ranking Cardinal
at the criminally young age of 17. She feels strongly for her beliefs, but is has an occasionally weak will.

~Non Ugo Controlled(NEW!)~

Vita Eisen
Hammer Knight: Vita is known as the only Knight who uses a hammer class weapon
Golthic Lolita of Doom: her loyalty level is too much that even in brink of impossible she can pawn her enemies and win
Hikari ni nare: A mime of her specially when she uses one of her move that includes a shoutout that can freeze her enemies in fear.... of being killed or squashed
Remaining AP: 30

Sexy Librarian: The only Librarian who wears a sexy outfit
Sexy Mage: The only Mage who wears a sexy outfit
Magical Clothing Owner: The hat and cloak is actually a product of magic by accident, it blinks, talks and the cloak can transform into wings
Magic of Mass Destruction: She loves to utilize highly destructive spells that produces a large scale destruction
Magical Girl: This title was given by the children who sees her
Demonic Cannon Girl: This tile was given to her by the enemies who fought her
Light Bearer: The one who illuminates the darkness [literally and figuratively]
Remaining AP: 20

Kyuusei Shin
Odd job specialist: Excelling at odd jobs and household chores, your ideal husband
"I'm not using my full power": "I have a good news for you, or maybe not... *drops weapon* Actually, I'm a flipping barehand brawler."
Crouching Moron Hidden Badass: "Ahahahah! Alright, that was really fun. Now if you don't clear out.... there'll be real trouble. I mean it."
Current AP: 115

~Federal Investigations Administration (Helios Government)~

Siiya Hayate
Look: Photobucket
Age: 17
Class: Blade
Weapon: Long Katana
Tactical Blade - One who wields their weapon as an extension of themselves. Executing moves with precision and accuracy.
FIA Officer - A commanding rank held by those who are a part of the Federal Investigations Administration.

Bio: A highly talented young woman who was once a part of Keckz's Gang, and trained alongside Klien as a child. Through her
hard work and determination she rose through ranks and became a FIA officer at a young age. Dutifully determined, she hopes to
see herself raise to a rank where she can properly enforce the chaotic section of Hydrogaea where she and Klien came from. It's
also believed she has a childhood crush on the same boy.

~Non-Ugo Controlled~

Klaus Schezar
Ex-Blader: One who has quit the way of the sword
Two=Hands: One who is skilled with the gun.
Current AP: 80

~Minister Hatonne's Escort (Lunario Government)~

Minister Hatonne Linkobrusk
Look: Photobucket
Age: 57
Class: Magic Fencer
Weapon: Ceremonial Sabre
Magical Blade - One who has skill in both the sword and magic.
Lunario Minister - A honorable title belonging to those who deal in matters between superpowers.

Bio: A man who had seen the horrors of the 10 Years conflict with his own eyes when Heliotian troops bombed his hometown as
they retreated from advancing Samoan Soldiers. Today he is a man of peace in charge of preventing another war breaking out
between the present superpowers of the Heliotian Empire and Lunario Alliance. Despite his age he has a joking attitude, though
not everyone laughs at his remarks.

~2: Character Speed Rankings:~(NEW!)
(From Fastest to Slowest)


~3: Extras~

Memories of Harmonia Wiki Article

The World of Harmonia

Combat Basic Tutorial

Vanguard and Support Tutorial

Magical Damage Defense Nullification

Status Ailiments

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-15 22:23:42
seems like your at it again ugo... anyway i'll pm you my manual char sometime soon... got final exams to take care of... maybe around wensday or tommorow if I have time...

hope this doesn't end up like mana drive...

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-16 11:05:04
I hope it doesn't end up like mana drive either. Hopefully, by make the story a bit more free moving'll keep people from losing interest. Also throwing in extra aspects in character creation, and giving an easy auto method for character creation.

Battle Tutorials are also already posted as spoilers in the extras section, FAQ's and other related things to keep things simple! Good luck with those final exams Xero.

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-17 17:40:49 (edited 2009-08-19 10:14:50)
Name: Kotaro Inugami
Fraction: Keckz's Gang
Age: 18
Gender: male

(ignore the dog ears)
Weapon: Wolf fang(a claw gauntlet)

Fistfighter: One whose sword is their very fists. Train in mind and body to defeat the enemy.
2nd in Command: A title to those who take the place of the leader when needed.
Hothead: "Out of my way! Who do you think I am!?"

Bio: A guy who sosen't know much about his past excepet he was abbandoned by both his parent's when he was 10 in Hydrogaea. lived thur life by doing almost everything. He met Keckz and joined his gang after helping him get out of a thight situation and has been loyal to him ever since and became his 2nd in command. he met ciel and Shiki and the three formed a tight bond of frendship with one another after a series of events that was caused by kotaro. considered as a close rival and friend by shiki. he's the hot headed charge first ask questions later figther of the group
Class: Blade(of sorts)
AP: 10

HP 60 (75 Ap)
SU 30 (60 Ap)

Atk 35 (105 Ap)
Mag 10 (30 Ap)
Def 20 (60 Ap)
Spd 25 (100 Ap)


Wolf fang
Su consumption: 4.5
attack calculation: X3 atk
Description: dashes to an opponent and strikes him twice in the stomach then follows up with a double open palm strike to the chest
other effects: none
30 Ap


Berserk (20 AP)
Special: Allows Berserk when HP is 20% is lower, raising ATK and MAG by 1.5. Alternative Prerequisite for Burst Artes. (Mail)


Name: Ciel von kitsberg
Fraction: keckz's gang
age: 19
gender: Female

Weapon: Black Keys(throwing daggers she's holding in the pic) and a the 7th scripture(gun she's holding below)

Gun and Dagger: Those who combat with the past and the present. Akin to ranged combat.
Caring Tactician: Whether it be a squad of three or a legion of thousands, it's up to someone they can care about to govern them.

bio: daugther of a rich merchant, she was leading a happy life until the war which destroyed her house and killed both her parents. left at the orphange by his uncle after taking his family's fortune. she was close to the caretaker who taught her how to fight with throwing daggers and guns. when the caretaker died she took her place until the orphanaged got ransacked by bandits and killed almost everyone save the few kids she managed to protect. she met kotaro and joined up with him shortly after and joined up with ketcz's gang due to circumstases that was caused by kotaro. The teamwork specialist of their group
Class: Ranger(of sorts)
Ap: 5

HP 40 (50 Ap)
SU 30 (60 Ap)

Atk 25 (75 Ap)
Mag 20 (60 Ap)
Def 20 (60 Ap)
spd 20 (80 Ap)


Exploding Key
Su cunsumprion: 5 Su
Atk Calculation: 1 atk + 1 mag
description: focuses fire magic at a black key and throws it at one enemy that explodes on impact
Element: Fire
Ap cost: 60 ap

triple throw
Su cunsumption: 3 Su
atk calculation: 3x atk
Descriptin: throws 3 black keys at one enemy
Other effects: none
Ap cost: 30 ap


Double Striker
Special: Allows character to execute a Unison attack with another character. (Mail)
20 Ap


Name: Shiki Nanaya
Fraction: keckz's Gang
Age: 18
gender: male

Weapon: Nanatsuya(a knife)

Silent Blade: A title to those who can strike as quickly as an arrow, whether in war or from the shadows.
Heir: A person who has legitimate claims to wealth an prosperity, yet chooses to lead a life of their own.

Bio: adopted son of a whealthy influencial family. both his parent's got murderred at the end of the war by unknown asailants. he then grew up under the care of his uncle but left his care when he tured 18. he met kotaro and ciel and got into trouble because of kotaro. he agreed to join with ketcz's gang after seeing kotaro fight and considers him a close rival and friend. he's the calm, composed and efficient figther of the group
class Blade
Ap: 0

Hp 40 (50 Ap)
Su 30 (60 Ap)

atk 25 (75 Ap)
mag 15 (45 Ap)
def 20 (60 Ap)
spd 30 (120 ap)


Sensena: Hassen
Su consumption: 3
Description: dashes quickly to one enemy, slashing him as he passes by. Then dashes back stoping just in front of his oponent, slashing him again as he passes by.
Atk calculation: x2 atk
Ap cost: 20

Joudan Sukui
Su cunsumption: 1.5
Description: Slashes One enemy upward, launching them in the air and reducing their defences
atk calculation: 1 atk
other effects: critical strike
Ap cost: 50

Special: Able to chain special attacks with each other. (Mail)
20 Ap

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2009-03-17 22:48:15 (edited 2009-08-25 15:55:48)
Finally done(?). Well, take a look at it first

Name: Observer
Faction: Keckz's Gang
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Weapon: Divine Storm and Heaven's Feel (dagger)
Bio: A girl with a shady background, and a thousand faces. One minute she's the daughter of a rich trader or a traveling dancer in the next. She never told anyone her real name and calls herself 'Observer' even though she rather join in the fun than to observe. She has a unique talent of perfect mimicry and disguise. No wonder the gang can see the leader of FIA eating lunch with them...
Thousand Faces -One who can disguise as whoever one wants to...say izzat President Lincoln?
AAA -One who's real name is unknown
Phantom Knight -A title given to one of the best swordsman in Lunario

Class: Blade
AP Total: 500
AP Remaining: 65


SU Cost: 7.5
Attack Calculation: 2 Atk + 1 Atk/Effect
Description: Attacks with sword followed by dagger. User than jumps and attacks with both weapon at the same time for a critical strike
Element: nil
Special Effects/Notes: Critical Strike -Cuts enemy def by 1/4
AP: 60


HP: 60 (75AP)
SU: 30 (60AP)

ATK: 15 (45AP)
MAG: 15 (45AP)
DEF: 10 (30AP)
SPD: 25 (100AP)


Berserk (20AP)
"Wanna See How Strong I Really Am!?"
Special: Allows Berserk when HP is 20% is lower, raising ATK and MAG by 1.5. Alternative Prerequisite for Burst Artes. (Mail)

Name: Klaus "Two=Hands" Schezar
Faction: Federal Investigations Administration [FIA]
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Weapon: D.D
Bio: An untalented gunman, who's only notable for being an extremely hardworker. He used to be a blader until a fateful incident happened 2 years ago where he strike down his sister.He joined the FIA after that. Despite being bad with a gun initially, his persistence had refined his skills with his twin weapon, the D.D, getting him to be one of the best gunman despite being blind in one eye. His mates calls him 'Two=Hands'
Ex-Blader -One who has quit the way of the sword
Two=Hands -One who is skilled with the gun.
Heaven's Blade -A title given to one of the best swordsman in Lunario
Ex Minister Hatonne's right hand man - One who is no longer Hatonne's right hand man

Class: Ranger
AP Total: 500
AP Remaining: 80


Piercing Line
SU Cost: 2 SU
Attack Calculation: 1 ATK
Element: Light
Special Effects/Notes: Strike Both Single Enemy and Support. Cut enemy def in half (during calculation)
Description: A single shot that can pass through an enemy.
AP: 15

HP: 60/60 (75 AP)
SU: 45/45 (90 AP)

ATK: 30 (90 AP)
MAG: 20 (60 AP)
DEF: 10 (30 AP)
SPD: 15 (60 AP)


"More is better than one!"
Special: Able to chain special attacks with each other.

Name: Sera Rubenfeld
Faction: Minister Hatonne's Escort
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Weapon: Blazing HeartPhotobucket
Bio: Abandoned as a child, Sera has been following (stalking to be precise) Hatonne eversince he gave her some food. After weeks of being followed he decided to let her stay with him as a disciple. Sera learned most of her skills from Minister Hatonne but she still can't handle a sword no matter how much he taught her...
Minister Hatonne's right hand man: Just as what the title said...but I'm a woman...
Blunt Sword: One who is unable to wield a matter how much practice they put in it...then again...
Heal and destroy: Lemme heal myself before hitting you with my deadly magic!

Class: Healer & Mage
AP Total: 500
AP Remaining: 10

Orange Glow
SU Cost: 10
Recover Calculation: .5 Mag
Element: Light
Special Effects/Notes: Recover yours and all allied vanguards' HP.
Description: A recovery spell with a curious name.
AP: 15

First Aid
SU Cost: 6
Recover Calculation: 1 Mag
Element: Light
Special Effects/Notes: 1 Mag is the amount of HP an ally recovers. Can only be used on oneself or one other character.
AP: 15

SU Cost: 3
Attack Calculation: N/A
Element: Light
Special Effects/Notes: Remove a status aliment from oneself or an ally.
Description: A spell that removes aliments.
AP: 15

Staff Wind Blast
SU Cost: 3 SU
Attack Calculation: 1 Atk + 1 Mag
Element: Wind
Special Effects/Notes: Switch Vanguard. Attacking Player may choose to switch the attacked enemy vanguard with another enemy support. (if availible)
Description: Swipe the enemy with your weapon, then blow them away with a summoned gust of wind.
AP: 15

SU Cost: 15
Attack Calculation: Mag x 6
Element: Earth
Special Effects/Notes: Casting (A single turn must pass before the actual strike occurs.)
Description: Summon several large stone spikes from under the enemy.
AP: 15


HP: 60/60 (75AP)
SU: 60/60 (120AP)

ATK: 5 (15AP)
MAG: 40 (120AP)
DEF: 15 (45AP)
SPD: 5 (20AP)


Mahou Lover
"Lets Fight With Magic!"
Special: A normal attack is changed to a magic projectile. (Normal attack is 1 Mag instead of 1 ATK)
AP: 20


Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by karuzo on 2009-03-18 00:07:01 (edited 2009-03-31 22:10:15)
edit later

Name: Vita Eisen
Faction: Church of Harmonia
Age: 10

Weapon: Graf Eisen
Bio: Inasaneably the youngest knight ever exists in the world of Harmonia, She is the daughter of the Blacksmith that created weapons for the Empire and the Church that died in war 10 years ago. Vita's loyalty is unquestionable that made her enemies fear her even she does a first move
No knows how she became a knight of her very young age
Class: Blade [erm it should be Hammer right? ^_^]
Hammer Knight- Vita is known as the only Knight who uses a hammer class weapon
Golthic Lolita of Doom- her loyalty level is too much that even in brink of impossible she can pawn her enemies and win
Hikari ni nare- A mime of her specially when she uses one of her move that includes a shoutout that can freeze her enemies in fear.... of being killed or squashed
AP: 30/500


Skill Name: Raketen Rush
SU Cost: 15
AP Cost: 15
Attack Calculation: ATK X 3 + .5 MAG
Element: Fire
Special Effects/Notes: Hard Hit- The first attack is painful that can flinch, Push Back- the enemy will be thrown backwards
Description: A attack that attacks the enemy twice, ending it with a strong elemental bash that sends the enemy backwards


HP 100 (100)
SU 45 (90)

ATK 20 (60)
MAG 20 (60)
DEF 20 (60)
SPD 20 (80)


"I Wont Lose!!!"
Special: Allows Overlimit when HP is 20% or lower, making you immune to aliments, and removes all negative status effects, and increase DEF by 1.5. Prerequisite for Burst Artes.

Name: "Lilith"
Age: 15

Weapon: Selentina [the whip that was on the picture above]
Bio: A Care- free and High spirited Mage turned Librarian that served the Magical Library for 5 years during this time she gained knowledge about different kinds of magics from Item Creation up to Elemental and Dimensional Attacks

But beneath this innocent facade lies a sorrow and painful past that she wished that never happened that made her hopeless and suffer

Class: Librarian Sorceress [Mage]
AP: 20
Sexy Librarian: The only Librarian who wears a sexy outfit
Sexy Mage: The only Mage who wears a sexy outfit
Magical Clothing Owner: The hat and cloak is actually a product of magic by accident, it blinks, talks and the cloak can transform into wings
Magic of Mass Destruction: She loves to utilize highly destructive spells that produces a large scale destruction
Magical Girl: This title was given by the children who sees her
Demonic Cannon Girl: This tile was given to her by the enemies who fought her
Light Bearer: The one who illuminates the darkness [literally and figuratively]


Skill Name: [Crimson] Blood Spear
SU Cost: 10
AP Cost: 120 AP
Attack Calculation:(Mag x1)-(Mag x1)-(Heavy Spell)-(Area Attack)-(Dark)
Special Effects/Notes: Heavy Spell, Area Attack,
Description: Creates a Crimson red spear and trows it at the enemy and explodes upon impact

Skill Name: Diabolic Emission
SU Cost:
AP Cost:
Attack Calculation: (Mag x2 )-( Mag x2 )-(Charge time)-(AoE)-(Dark)
Element: Dark
Special Effects/Notes: Area of Effect, Charge Time
Description: creates a large dark sphere that covers the enemy and emits a powerful gravitational and electromagnetic force inside that can hurt the enemies then ending with a powerful implosion


HP: 40 (50 AP)
SU: 75 (150 AP)

ATK: 10 (30 AP)
MAG: 120 (40 AP)
DEF: 10 (30 AP)
SPD: 10 (40 AP)



Cast Guard 1
"I can endure..."
Special: When casting a spell that requires time to cast, character can take an attack before the spell cast is interrupted.

AP Cost: 20 AP
"Wanna See How Strong I Really Am!?"
Special: Allows Berserk when HP is 20% is lower, raising ATK and MAG by 1.5. Alternative Prerequisite for Burst Artes. (Mail)

Burst Artes
"Take This!"
Special: Allows execution of a powerful burst arte when in Overlimit or Berserk mode. Prerequisite for Mystic Artes (Mail)


Karuzo Zweihander
Age: 15
Weapon: Guns

Bio: A calm and silent person, one of only few persons who wields three different projector like weapons in battles, currently he does not have any permanent faction but rumors that he aligns himself neither Lunario Alliance although his reasons were unclear

He lives at Hydrogea but moved when he was 11 yrs old but he returned as an escort of the Minister Hatonne's Escort

The Psycho Grenade User - "No matter what enemy weather its a cadet or Geraral blast them with ultimate destructive power!! The Psycho Grenade User of Hydrogea"
Zero Distance Shooter- Karuzo loves to get close to enemy and shoot them without any mercy
Kung Fu Gunner- A title that was given to him when he was badly pissed off he beats their crap out of their faces
Meister - Karuzo is calm, silent and somewhat sarcastic, but when uncontrolled circumstances arises, the thinks and acts differently that can turn the tide of battles

Class: Gunner [Ranger]
AP: 35

Name: Stinger Move- Blast Out
Parts: (Strike)-(Strike)-(1 Atk)-(Pierce Shot )-(Knockover Strike)-(Fire)
Requirement: Shotgun/Grenade Launcher
Description: The user will ruse towards an enemy and fires at close point blank
AP: 110
SU: 6


HP: 60/60 (75 AP)
SU: 45/45 (90 AP)
ATK: 20 (60 AP)
MAG: 20 (60 AP)
DEF: 10 (30 AP)
SPD: 10 (40 AP)



End of char profile


Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-22 21:12:34
Hehe, well never would've guessed it would've been the same people again. ^^'

@ Kay: Ah, for one skill It looks like I made a typo. In actuality, for "Piercing Line":

Piercing Line
SU Cost: 2 SU
Attack Calculation: 1 ATK
Element: Light
Special Effects/Notes: Strike Both Single Enemy and Support. Cut enemy def in half (during calculation)
Description: A single shot that can pass through an enemy.
AP: 15

The special effect was actually supposed be that a single vanguard and support character could be hit.

@ Karuzo: Well, hopefully you'll get that profile done. Deadline for finishing will be Monday, but considering the shortage of people, I'll let you join in even after the beginning.

@ All: Ugh... characters are real short on. If you guys want to make a couple extra or two is completely fine by me. There are one or two tutorials I need to finish on and post up.

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-23 00:16:55
this looks interesting...i wanna join, though it's my 1st time trying this sorta that ok? if so i'll send you a PM.

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-23 00:39:04
@ Kira: Sure! There's turorials on basics of the turn based system at the bottom of the first post.

As long as you're willing, I'll guide you through every step of character creation if needed!

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-23 00:57:17
thanks! i'll send you a PM later regarding the temporary profile, questions and stuffs xD

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-23 01:26:00
Yay new player... welcome kira... don't hesitate to ask any questions and stuff... we are all willing to help you...

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2009-03-23 03:32:49 (edited 2009-03-23 03:33:32)
@Ugo, knew there was something wrong with the skill, but at least I still understood beforehand that the skill was for a single vanguard and support ^^'
My guess is that the rest of my characters are fine then

Anyways, want me to wiki this RP as well? I could link up the stuff and then you (Ugo) could modify the things as necessary. With that we could keep track of things such as items and all (if any)

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-23 10:36:43
@ Kay: I'd really appreciate that, and would probably be a lot more efficient if I just edited and added what needed to be on my own. If I can edit it without having to bother you or Karuzo to do it then I'm all for it.

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2009-03-23 14:24:29
@Ugo, okay then...gimme a couple of days to get the basic stuff set up. Should be up and running before Monday

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by karuzo on 2009-03-23 17:59:10 (edited 2009-03-23 18:07:30)
@Ugo one of my charcters is done... please rate it

Well I dont mind edit the site though... i eed activity


Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-23 21:08:36
@ KM: Ahhaha... while I'll always appreciate your enthusiasim for my RP's it seems we got a bit ahead of ourselves.

There's a couple things the first character'll need edits on. Firstly, you havent chosen a faction to join yet. (though I understand if you're planning to choose once you're done.

Secondly, there's a slight problem with the skill you made. I dont know if it's the spaces or not, but I cant seem to understand how the skill works entirely. I'm asking that you reconfigure the skill to the standard skill sheet form (Like the format Key and Xero used for their skills.) Reconfigure it, and PM your edited chara profile to me. Then we'll clear up any more confusion and make necessary edits from there.

@ All: Uh, in light of current circumstances I'll put the RP's start on hold until either Karuzo or Kira get their profiles done, pausing for their sake.

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by karuzo on 2009-03-24 00:15:23
@All- my internet connection is acting weird.. iam having hard time to edit and connect to the sites that I wanted to go

@Ugo- ok i will edit them as soon as possible


Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-24 21:35:07
@all sorry for the delay...not feeling so good >_<

@Xero thanks! yoroshiku onegaishimasu! xD

Character Profile:

Name: Kyle Rowell
Faction: Keckz's Gang
Age: 15

Berserk Bow
Appearance: Thick yellow bow with a strange design.
Description: A sturdy bow used to defeat the berserkers who once ravaged the continent. Given by his "father".

Bio: A young but skilled archer who was one of the victims of the conflict that happened in Harmonia. He was raised and trained by a retired warrior who claimed to be one of the strongest archers in Harmonia, but who knows...
After his "father" died, he became a wanderer until he arrived in the lesser neighborhoods of the Heliotian Capital of Hydrogaea. He asked if he could join the gang...

Class: Ranger
AP: 5/500

Thunder Blitz
SU Cost: 8 SU
Attack Calculation: 1 ATK + 1 MAG
Element: Wind
Special Effects/Notes: Sniper Shot: Damage to enemy multiplied by "2" after calculation
Description: Multiple lightning strikes hitting the target after the shot.

AP: 110

(1 Atk)-(1 Mag)-(Strike)-(Sniper Shot)-(Strike/Effect)-(Wind)


HP: 80 (100 AP)
SU: 30 (60 AP)
ATK: 25 (75 AP)
MAG: 20 (60 AP)
DEF: 10 (30 AP)
SPD: 10 (40 AP)


Berserk (20 AP)
"Wanna See How Strong I Really Am!?"
Special: Is a special skill activated when HP is 20% or lower, raising ATK and MAG by 1.5 for 4 Turns. You can activate Berserk and also execute an attack or other move within the same turn of activation. Berserk can be activated again in the same battle if Kyle somehow recovers in the battle then falls below 20% again (Provided that the 1st Berserk is already over). Alternative Prerequisite for Burst Artes.not yet xD

Arrow Ranger: One who fights with the bow and arrow, not to be mistaken for those guys in skin tight suits!
Recruited Wanderer: A boy who decided to join ranks of the gang. His skills are polished by time and a harsh existence as a wanderer.

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by on 2009-03-24 22:01:38 (edited 2009-03-24 22:55:38)
@ All: Hah, I'll have to give a bit more time for Karuzo's profile editing. I'm so very sorry about the delays... *bows, touching forehead to the ground*

Well, at least this gives more a bit more time to work out initial plot beginnings, and the mock opening. I'll say that it'll be useful to look at the new tutorials on magic and stat effects, since they have some important things to note. There isnt going to be any introductory battles in the RP, so if you have the time could be be a good idea to look at the tuts...

@ People who've played in previous Turn Based RP's

Hmmm, well considering a shortage of other characters, there might be a say Cameo Character battle or sub-event here or there, and even earlier than ya think. Just FYI :)

EDIT: Heck, I'll even let you transmigrate them to participate in the RP with the same skills and stats + whatnot after the first encounter. If you want that to happen then PM me about it. It's just that I'm keeping the chara limit to 4.

@ Kay: Huh, looks like that Wiki article is more needed than I thought. Adding stuff to the 1st post now cuts off parts of the FAQ section.

Re: Ties of Blood: Memories of Harmonia (Go!)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2009-03-25 03:44:32 (edited 2009-03-25 05:04:07)
@Ugo, ooh...I'm still in the middle of a few things for the page, gimme a day or two; actually I'm just classifying the pages so that it'll be user friendly. Should be done by then

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