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Shin Radio ??? song
Link | by Arosen on 2009-03-04 09:48:41 (edited 2009-03-04 09:51:17)
I was listening to Shin Radio and a song by "Younha (feat. ??)" was played with a "??? (Rap mix)" title. I know the song. It's Memory(feat. Tablo)Rap Mix. Tablo is from Epik High. I wasn't sure if it was known or not so I thought I'd let you'll know. Later.

Re: Shin Radio ??? song
Link | by on 2009-03-04 10:50:25
LOL thanks xD

Re: Shin Radio ??? song
Link | by on 2009-03-05 04:08:51
Oooohh that's awesome! /edits tag...

Many thanks! XD

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